The centralized sanitation infrastructure in the U.S. consists of 1.2 million miles of sewers, including both sanitary sewers and combined sewers, in which, unfortunately, many animals are trapped each year.

On the 26th of September, the Huron Police Department in Huron, California, announced on their social media about a recent dog rescue. The little puppy accidentally fell into in a sidewalk sewage drain, yet, thanks to the quick thinking and teamwork of Commander Fuentes, Sergeant Paul Lopez, and Officer Gonzalez from the Huron Police Department, the animal was saved and is expected to make a full recovery.

More info: Huron Police Department

Commander Fuentes, Sergeant Paul Lopez, and Officer Gonzalez from the Huron Police Department in California pulled the little dog out of the sewage drain

Image credits: Huron Police Department

Image credits: Huron Police Department

Image credits: Huron Police Department

According to the Huron Police Department, a puppy fell into a sewage drain and couldn’t get out of the smelly situation alone, therefore the police department was called to help the canine.


As can be seen in shared photos, one of the officers wrapped his legs in plastic and jumped into the sewage drain to pull out the puppy, who was heavily covered from head to toe in sticky grey muck.

“Thanks to the quick thinking and teamwork of Commander Fuentes, Sergeant Paul Lopez, and Officer Gonzalez, a puppy that had fallen into a sewage drain was rescued and is expected to make a full recovery!” was written on Huron Police Department’s Facebook account.

“We’re proud to have such dedicated officers on our team, always ready to serve – even our four-legged community members. Great job, team!” the announcement continued.

Looking into the last shared picture, it’s hard to believe that it’s the same puppy, since now, after having the dark stinky muck washed off, the canine is finally revealing the colors of its fur and looking so cute taking a well-earned nap.

Thanks to quick thinking and teamwork, the little puppy is feeling fresh and clean again

Image credits: Huron Police Department


The majority of us probably do not hear about sewer systems very often, yet sometimes, really strange things can be found stuck in there.

For example, back in 2014, Thames Water came across half of a Mini car discarded in a London sewer, or in 2017, everyone was shocked when a 130-ton fatberg was found underneath London’s Whitechapel area. The “rock-solid” mass was mainly composed of cooking fat and wet wipes.

“It’s a total monster and taking a lot of manpower and machinery to remove as it’s set hard,” shared Matt Rimmer, the head of waste networks for Thames Water, at the time.

New York and Paris have legends about alligators supposedly being found in drainpipes, while stories of snakes navigating domestic plumbing are quite common in Australia.

In Sri Lanka, back in 2016, a baby elephant fell into the drainage system. It took several people, including a wildlife rescue team, to pull this poor injured baby out while in Canada, in 2013, people came across the bones of a dinosaur known as a Hypacrosaura from the Cretaceous period around 65-99 million years ago.

It is estimated that in the sewers in America, there might be over $13 million of gold and jewelry, since wedding rings are quite common to lose in the plumbing, as well as watches.


Image credits: Elephant Zone

There’s a very nice quote by T. Harv Eker which tells: “It’s not enough to be in the right place at the right time. You have to be the right person in the right place at the right time.” Luckily enough, the officers from the Huron Police Department matched this all.

The helpless and deeply scared puppy was not only rescued but, according to some comments next to the police announcement, also found a loving and caring forever home.

People on the internet were overwhelmed by the police officers’ nice gesture