Tired Of Seeing Prejudice Against Plus-Sized Women This Artist Reimagined Superheroes As Plus-Size
Brazilian artist Eduardo Santos (aka Edull) believes that everyone can be as strong as any Marvel or DC character. To show this, Edull has illustrated a series depicting plus-size women rocking everyday versions of our favorite superhero outfits.
“I have been working on this theme for almost 6 years now,” Edull told Bored Panda. “I want to show the world that all women are beautiful. They can be different from a social or visual point of view, but they all are beautiful.”
“Some people say I’m glorifying obesity and that it’s not healthy. But who am I to tell someone what they can and can’t to do with their bodies? I don’t know them… I don’t know why they’re fat, and it doesn’t matter to me.”
“What I can do is help them feel great in their bodies,” the artist added. “I can help them to be more confident and happier the way they are. And this is tremendously healthy. I’m glorifying the diversity of life.”
More info: heyedull.com | Facebook | Instagram (h/t geekgirls)
Image credits: Edull
Wonder woman
Image credits: Edull
Image credits: Edull
Image credits: Edull
Image credits: Edull
Captain America
Image credits: Edull
Image credits: Edull
Image credits: Edull
Image credits: Edull
Iron woman
Image credits: Edull
Image credits: Edull
Image credits: Edull
Image credits: Edull
Share on FacebookIt’s sad that as a society we’ve become so scared of potentially hurting someone’s feelings that we feel normalizing obesity is acceptable.
Obviously this is an unpopular opinion, but as someone who has been there, and also as someone who lost and regained a few times before finally making long-term changes - the ONLY way you get back from there is by dealing first with your mental demons. Therefore normalizing obesity to SOME degree is actually extremely important. Yes, it's our duty to make sure people know it's unhealthy for them but also our duty not to make it a constant message of inadequacy.
Load More Replies...And another. Obesity isn;t something to be praised... Stop doing that, please.
It's not about normalizing obesity. There are plenty of heavier wemon that are seen as plus sized regardless of the fact that they aren't obese. My sister, my ex girlfriend, my moms sister, coworkers, ect. Plus sized doesn't automatically mean obese. If you wear a size 14, you're considered plus sized by societal standards. This doesn't take into consideration hip width or the size of your a*s. Just as well, whether or not someone is obese is designated by their BMI. If your BMI exceeds a certain amount, you're obese. I doesn't take into account muscle mass, breast weight, or anything like that. While no, we shouldn't normalize unhealthy behaviors; art like this isn't about normalizing something that has so many restrictions per person that it can't accurately be used half the time, it's about helping people feel beautiful.
Load More Replies...This is really cute but realistically if they were doing the superhero work they wouldn't be plus sized anyway...muscular maybe but not fat.
The pictures are cute, but this is still an idealized body type, with boobs and hips much larger than waistline, and with no variety at all... The only difference from "usual" is that the waist and limbs are a little bit larger. And they're not wearing superhero costumes, they're wearing fancy outfits with superhero themes. Sorry, but this hardly feels like it's actually about discrimination at all...
The other feature that sticks out to me is the very large head. It makes the other large features seem more proportional, but IRL that's not how most bodies work. Unless you're an infant.
Load More Replies...The lunatics have taken over the asylum. Remember when smoking was made to look cool? This new trend of promoting an unhealthy lifestyle as attractive or something to be desired is absurd. Tobacco causes 450,00 deaths/year in the U.S. Obesity is not far behind at 300,000
those images look really nice but thats stupid- if you're not physically fit how can you do all that impossible stunts ;p
You can be plus size and physically fit, those things can coexist
Load More Replies...I'm going to win a lot of downvotes because hey...that's the nature of this site... but most superhéroes are constantly training and exercising, some powers are inherently an improvement of self biology so...very few can be out of shape because of this... I don't think this reimagining of something as plus sized women helps in any way. Sorry for the broken english, I'm not native speaker.
Since they're imaginary, they don't train or exercise. EVER.
Load More Replies...I'm sorry to say, but obesity isn't cool. Aside from the health issues, it's also a huge waste of natural resources. Imagine if the whole world would double their daily caloric intake, do we really want to cut down last rainforest in Indonesia, so we can replace it with palm oil plantations?
No matter if skinny or curved, still every "reimagined" female super hero, princess or whatever looks the same everywhere. Big eyes, super small nose, full lips, high cheekbones. I'm really sick of that stereotype. No matter what size, women are only considered as beautiful if they look like a child with make up on. Stop that. I'm sick of seeing these fake same looking Kardashian-influencer-instagram-star like faces everywhere. Women are no beautiful super heroes or princesses, they come in every shape, size and look. As do men. Why wouldn't anyone draw a female doctor, a male kindergarten teacher or whatever? Just don't have to be pretty or have super powers to be a real hero and a beautiful person. That is what we should teach our kids.
Unhealthy body types are different for everyone. My ex girlfriend is considered over weight, but she's tiny in the waist; she carries weight in her a*s and hip area because that's how her moms family is (also due to medications). I don't have an unhealthy life style. I work overnight freight with a second job that has me moving for hours on end, I don't eat out a whole lot, and if I had to choose between candy and oranges; I'd choose oranges. I gained weight (and a lot of it) because I was a respiratory steroid for breathing problems. Obesity often isn't a choice, neither is being over weight. Thyroid problems, steroid medications, other medical conditions. Things like this aren't trying to normalize unhealthy bodies (overweight people can be in perfect health), they're made so that people of any body type can feel beautiful.
Load More Replies...Notice how all these women have the idealized fat body? Thick thighs, big booty, smaller waist, big titties? How is this any different? It's the same proportions, only bigger. The real world women who have these shapes still get chased around the clubs. I don't see any egg shaped, flat girls without makeup on the list.
Agreed. It is sexualized, imagined as a fetish, rather than women as they are.
Load More Replies...Listen, I'm all for not shaming people's body types, but superheroes wouldn't be plus-sized, realistically: think of all the running around they do. Maybe a Disney princess or something, but not a superhero. Also, these aren't just different body types, this looks like obesity, which is not something we should celebrate.
Actually Disney princesses wouldn't be either, judging from the time periods they're from.
Load More Replies...Well isn't this stupid. No need to idolize being overweight, there's nothing normal about that. And how about actually reinventing female characters by actually making realistic-looking ones, like small eyes, large noses, small lips, thin hair, flat chest, etc.???
Reading comprehension isn't your strong suit, is it Ben? Let me put it into smaller words so your tiny closed mind can understand... I said we should do two things: encourage healthy choices and accept people for who they are. Do you know what opposites are, Ben? I'll give you an example ... "encourage healthy choices" is pretty much the opposite of "accepting an unhealthy lifestyle". And an unhealthy lifestyle is exactly what grows when society makes people feel judged, inferior and unlovable just because they are "different". You have no idea if they live an unhealthy lifestyle or what their quality of life is, and who gave you the right to judge anyone? Health comes in all sizes, Ben. Accept THAT.
Load More Replies...These seem to be the same woman in different clothes. If they weren't labeled I wouldn't know who most of them were supposed to be.
All of these women representations look obese - unhealthily obese - particulrly around the hip/bum/thigh area. Characterising them as young with cute faces doesnt change that. Neither does the fact they would never be able to wear the dainty little shoes illustrated due to swollen feet/ankles from carrying the extra weight around all the time.
It is not about the aesthetics, it is about HEALTH. Obesity brings on a whole array of serious health problems and shortens the lifespan while lowering the quality of life.
Good point! Where can I find "Reimagined Superheroes As totally normal people"?
Load More Replies...Its super hard to be a Super hero when you arent in shape and not flexible or agile.
Is this really reimagining of the superheros though? It mostly just seem like the artist came up with his own original characters cosplaying e.g where is Tony Stark's eye bags? Thor carrying a tiny little clutch? Nope can't imagine it.
Slap in the face to plus sized women. These aren’t drawings of plus sized women. These are drawings of women with perfect bodies with extra padding. Come back when you aren’t too scared to draw big bellies and double chins. Some big women have small legs and huge bellies, some have big arms and small breasts. All this a*****e did is draw hour glass figures and make them chubby. What a f*****g rude and disrespectful joke.
Fat ok... But always tiny noses, big boobs, small waits, large hips... COME ON ! We want flat boobs, flat butts, large noses, scars... We want DIVERSITY !
This artist could have made a more inclusive point by not changing the genders for the male superheroes, it would have been on plus sized PEOPLE. People seem to forget that men face prejudice too. Edit: also promoting obesity is a terrible thing to do, you are promoting early death.
The drawings are cute, but what bothers me is that they all have the same body shape. Fat people do not all have the same shape, just as skinny and average people don't.
The big, overweight, obese elephant in the room is that obesity is a health hazard that can be cured. We shouldn't be normalizing bad health habits.
Ima be honest here, all I see is super sex symbols and over sexualization of plus size women , obesity isnt something that you should be proud of, It is something that needs to be fixed and dealt with b4 it kills you.
And not one of them would be capable of pulling off the physical feats of the actual superheroes.
From theguardian.com and slightly edited: Body positivity began as a powerful antidote to the media’s obsession with skeletal models and beachball-breasted glamour girls. Empowering women of non-Barbie proportions to feel good about themselves, the movement has attacked impossible beauty ideals that confront us in advertising, branding and beyond, criticising everything from the thigh gap trend to green juice cleanses. BUT No one should be bullied for their weight or food choices, but ‘fat pride’ promotes dangerous weight levels, which is irrespondible and absurd.
I find this idiotic. Not just the given of glorifying obesity- and I could def stand to lose a few, btw - but why make female characters out of male characters? Don't men have enough bs being tossed at them in this over-the-top era of #metoo? Get over it- these characters were created how they were created- I would hope the original artists could sue for violations of their trademarks, etc-
Wtf they look horrible. Why in the world would you draw male heroes as fat women?? "So it doesnt offend" Its downright disgusting how people go out of their ways to do something like this for nothing. How is that going to help anyone?
Every day, the civilized world look at USA getting further and further from planet earth . . . What is the point helping kids to become so fat the earlier they can ? And then stay deadly fat as "long" as their heart can tolerate it ? Is it the only way you've fond to solve the problem of missing an honest retirement pension system ?!
This is very offensive to anorexics and bulimia. These are very serious conditions. Please remove this! See, the point isn't to normalize any weight but to make people understand what's healthy. By doing stuff like this you are making it okay for people to keep living unhealthy lives. The number one killer in adults is heart attack. This is mainly due to diabetes. Stop making unhealthy living conditions be a topic of vanity. It's not!
You forget that anorexia and bulimia attack overweight people too. In fact, overweight people are at high risk of self-inflicted starvation. And if they manage to survive to the point where they actually do look slim, they'd be getting compliments, instead of the medical care they need.
Load More Replies...The problem with this is that these women couldn't even save their own well-being. Horrible.
I find it funny that people are saying that these superhero plus size women aren't realistic because if you were that athletic of a superhero, you wouldn't be fat. Yeah..like changing from a scientist into a massively huge green guy or being bitten by a mutant spider and suddenly able to climb walls is realistic.....
I bet you're an obese person... or a snowflake.
Load More Replies...Someone tries to mimick yoshimoto nara perhaps? And riding some online-feminist-wave? Cute upbeat aim- altho superficial and not deep - ;)
The art is cute, but our of all of these only Storm could potentially be plus-size, since she can whoop a*s only using her abilities, without engaging in physical activity. Possibly Iron Woman too, I don't know how fit you'd have to be to use the suit and how the level of fitness would affect the reflexes.
I was over 200lbs all my childhood up till I hit 22 years old. I heard it all from everyone. I then became super athletic, changed my diet and got down to 115lbs! Boy were people Not Happy for me... They were far meaner to me skinny and fit then fat. Damned if you do, Damned if you don't. The jealousy, the meanness of people is just heartbreaking. Had family members leave my old fat pictures out to hurt me on purpose. Had all of them gang up on me on Thanksgiving saying I was disgusting & gross looking! I was healthy, I was an athlete! And all those people who made fun of me prior got one h*'ll of an F*** You! I even had family members ask me if I felt any less of a woman because my breasts were a smaller size. I've known nothing but abuse my whole life, you got to love yourself or get to where you can do that & just stay strong and shut out all negativity as much as possible.
Yes being over weight is unhealthy! But the fact is many "people" are! & they are harshly criticized & emotionally abused for it too which is unhealthy for their mind as well. Love & acceptance like this guy did here can up someone's self esteem which helps so much! Helps the mental part, helps love themselves.... In which case can lead to better healthier choices down the road with a healthier weight for the heart. Sometimes mean, criticism and being the center of cruel jokes puts a lot of bricks on a person. Depression and low self esteem, its hard to get anywhere with ones self if you feel like that. Sometimes all you need is love and acceptance to change for the better. & Some men do just love a bigger curvy woman. Also Woverine is Hot! She's my fav you did a great job!
Oh God not this "it's ok to be fat" s**t again... It is not! It is not healthy and it is not ok to teach kids otherwise. You will earn immeasurable amounts of respect from if if you overcome you problem and lose weight, not by crying how people judge you. Watch what you eat, how much you eat, change your lifestyle, hit the gym and trust me, you'll feel better. Stop this f*****g disgrace of a trend.
I love Thor because I love the idea that she has a purse she can call back to herself anytime
So much irony! There's a word right in the title of the story that everyone seems to have completely missed... "reimagined". As in - someone made these characters up in their head, and now, someone else is changing the way they exist in their own head. Arguing about the appearance of someone's thoughts is so ridiculous - and yet, here we are. Superheroes are not real. Fat superheroes are not real. But the fact that we live in a world where 40% of the population (of USA and Canada) feels somehow so morally superior to the 60% who don't live up to some stylized version of beauty that they have the right - no, the obligation - to judge others for not living up to a completely subjective standard is all too real. The fact that this superiority makes it okay to ridicule and bully others is all too real. So how about we stop making others feel bad about who they are - and if anyone wants to make changes in their life, let's support them, without tearing down the ones who don't.
I'd like one hot lady Captain America and one lady Wolverine please.
They all look amazing. Great art. Keep up the great work and ignore all the haters.
My first thought was "But Supergirl is blonde." :P Of course my second thought was "Oh right, that was dumb, these are all reimagined in various ways." My *third* thought was "Why the hell does Wolverine have a Cyclops tattoo? :P
Are we going to mention how they race-bent ironman though?
feederism. Sexology. In the context of fat fetishism, the feeding of an overweight or obese partner or encouraging the partner to eat large quantities of food. Sexuoeroticism in feederism hinges on the pleasure of watching the partner eat or gain weight with time.
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so f*****g stupid... super heroes are just that... SUPER HEROES!!! It's fantasy. It's what I wish I could be and what everyone wishes they could be. They're characters that are meant to be perfect, with godlike powers and body. being fat is NOT what anyone wants to be... including fat people. get a f*****g life.
It doesn't matter if you're skinny or overweight, as long as you are healthy this is what counts. Beauty can come in all shapes and sizes, but health is above all.
if you are overweight it is highly likely you are not healthy, hence over in "overweight"
Load More Replies...I am a big fan of plus-size in-general. This is a pretty cute take on superheroes and I like it in a Bratz-dolls kind of way. I don't find it offensive at all and people who think this celebrates obseity are seriously taking things too far. People's bodies end up in specific shapes regardless of the factors you put into it. As much as people hate to admit it, some will always have bigger bodies. Now for the criticism; this is most definitely celebrating the pear-shape body, and doesn't really change the fact that artists tend to have a couple of trope body types that they resort to regardless of who they are drawing. It's just repeated here where every character has the same proportionately-sized torso-leg ratio. It doesn't matter how big they get, their body style is still designed to be wearing the same clothes you'd put a skater chick in regardless. I'm happy for the representation, but I find it a frustratingly short sighted.
Being tolerant to everything made us ill, unmotivated, uncompetitive and facinated by the same "art". We don't have the urge to improve ourselves anymore and why should we? Everyone will be understanding and tolerant to the guy who's with hronical lazyness and needs understanding, because his condition isn't debateble or you will hurt his human rights/feelings.
Only thing I have issue with is the Iron man one. She should have the full armor on including the legs and helmet.
How many of you who are ranting about "praising obesity" being bad make fun of fat people going to the gym? I bet a lot of you. How many of you make fun of them behind their backs, or smirk when they try to act confident in themselves? I bet a good deal of you do. I see this as not encouraging the rising generation to be obese, but to accept themselves. I see it as not praising unhealthy lifestyles, but showing that beauty is beauty no matter what size, and that people deserve to love themselves no matter what. There are so many reasons why people are overweight besides just sitting on a couch and eating all day. Believe you me, there is more. Trauma. Thyroid issues. Medicine weight-gain. Depression. Yes, something can be done about it. No, it's not healthy. But we could all chill out a bit. I don't see people criticizing models who, the poor people, are clearly pressured to eat less than is healthy for their jobs. I don't see that. So please, let's be kind.
on the plus side (badum tss) at least they aren't an extremely over sexualised version of plus size that a lot of artists use that is very unrealistic.
This man has "feederism". Sexology. In the context of fat fetishism, the feeding of an overweight or obese partner or encouraging the partner to eat large quantities of food. Sexuoeroticism in feederism hinges on the pleasure of watching the partner eat or gain weight with time.
amazing. absolutely beautiful. for all the people that are hating, yes obesity IS A PROBLEM. I'm not saying it isn't. but some people work out and eat healthy and that's just how their bodies look. this artist is incredibly talented, so please stop hating. if you drew about something you were really passionate about and other people were hating on it because THEY didn't like it, I don't think that would make YOU feel very good about yourself. appreciate the artwork. it's really good. he's not "normalizing" obesity, he's drawing about it because he's tired of the haters. back off.
It’s actually the definition of normalizing obesity.
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It’s sad that as a society we’ve become so scared of potentially hurting someone’s feelings that we feel normalizing obesity is acceptable.
Obviously this is an unpopular opinion, but as someone who has been there, and also as someone who lost and regained a few times before finally making long-term changes - the ONLY way you get back from there is by dealing first with your mental demons. Therefore normalizing obesity to SOME degree is actually extremely important. Yes, it's our duty to make sure people know it's unhealthy for them but also our duty not to make it a constant message of inadequacy.
Load More Replies...And another. Obesity isn;t something to be praised... Stop doing that, please.
It's not about normalizing obesity. There are plenty of heavier wemon that are seen as plus sized regardless of the fact that they aren't obese. My sister, my ex girlfriend, my moms sister, coworkers, ect. Plus sized doesn't automatically mean obese. If you wear a size 14, you're considered plus sized by societal standards. This doesn't take into consideration hip width or the size of your a*s. Just as well, whether or not someone is obese is designated by their BMI. If your BMI exceeds a certain amount, you're obese. I doesn't take into account muscle mass, breast weight, or anything like that. While no, we shouldn't normalize unhealthy behaviors; art like this isn't about normalizing something that has so many restrictions per person that it can't accurately be used half the time, it's about helping people feel beautiful.
Load More Replies...This is really cute but realistically if they were doing the superhero work they wouldn't be plus sized anyway...muscular maybe but not fat.
The pictures are cute, but this is still an idealized body type, with boobs and hips much larger than waistline, and with no variety at all... The only difference from "usual" is that the waist and limbs are a little bit larger. And they're not wearing superhero costumes, they're wearing fancy outfits with superhero themes. Sorry, but this hardly feels like it's actually about discrimination at all...
The other feature that sticks out to me is the very large head. It makes the other large features seem more proportional, but IRL that's not how most bodies work. Unless you're an infant.
Load More Replies...The lunatics have taken over the asylum. Remember when smoking was made to look cool? This new trend of promoting an unhealthy lifestyle as attractive or something to be desired is absurd. Tobacco causes 450,00 deaths/year in the U.S. Obesity is not far behind at 300,000
those images look really nice but thats stupid- if you're not physically fit how can you do all that impossible stunts ;p
You can be plus size and physically fit, those things can coexist
Load More Replies...I'm going to win a lot of downvotes because hey...that's the nature of this site... but most superhéroes are constantly training and exercising, some powers are inherently an improvement of self biology so...very few can be out of shape because of this... I don't think this reimagining of something as plus sized women helps in any way. Sorry for the broken english, I'm not native speaker.
Since they're imaginary, they don't train or exercise. EVER.
Load More Replies...I'm sorry to say, but obesity isn't cool. Aside from the health issues, it's also a huge waste of natural resources. Imagine if the whole world would double their daily caloric intake, do we really want to cut down last rainforest in Indonesia, so we can replace it with palm oil plantations?
No matter if skinny or curved, still every "reimagined" female super hero, princess or whatever looks the same everywhere. Big eyes, super small nose, full lips, high cheekbones. I'm really sick of that stereotype. No matter what size, women are only considered as beautiful if they look like a child with make up on. Stop that. I'm sick of seeing these fake same looking Kardashian-influencer-instagram-star like faces everywhere. Women are no beautiful super heroes or princesses, they come in every shape, size and look. As do men. Why wouldn't anyone draw a female doctor, a male kindergarten teacher or whatever? Just don't have to be pretty or have super powers to be a real hero and a beautiful person. That is what we should teach our kids.
Unhealthy body types are different for everyone. My ex girlfriend is considered over weight, but she's tiny in the waist; she carries weight in her a*s and hip area because that's how her moms family is (also due to medications). I don't have an unhealthy life style. I work overnight freight with a second job that has me moving for hours on end, I don't eat out a whole lot, and if I had to choose between candy and oranges; I'd choose oranges. I gained weight (and a lot of it) because I was a respiratory steroid for breathing problems. Obesity often isn't a choice, neither is being over weight. Thyroid problems, steroid medications, other medical conditions. Things like this aren't trying to normalize unhealthy bodies (overweight people can be in perfect health), they're made so that people of any body type can feel beautiful.
Load More Replies...Notice how all these women have the idealized fat body? Thick thighs, big booty, smaller waist, big titties? How is this any different? It's the same proportions, only bigger. The real world women who have these shapes still get chased around the clubs. I don't see any egg shaped, flat girls without makeup on the list.
Agreed. It is sexualized, imagined as a fetish, rather than women as they are.
Load More Replies...Listen, I'm all for not shaming people's body types, but superheroes wouldn't be plus-sized, realistically: think of all the running around they do. Maybe a Disney princess or something, but not a superhero. Also, these aren't just different body types, this looks like obesity, which is not something we should celebrate.
Actually Disney princesses wouldn't be either, judging from the time periods they're from.
Load More Replies...Well isn't this stupid. No need to idolize being overweight, there's nothing normal about that. And how about actually reinventing female characters by actually making realistic-looking ones, like small eyes, large noses, small lips, thin hair, flat chest, etc.???
Reading comprehension isn't your strong suit, is it Ben? Let me put it into smaller words so your tiny closed mind can understand... I said we should do two things: encourage healthy choices and accept people for who they are. Do you know what opposites are, Ben? I'll give you an example ... "encourage healthy choices" is pretty much the opposite of "accepting an unhealthy lifestyle". And an unhealthy lifestyle is exactly what grows when society makes people feel judged, inferior and unlovable just because they are "different". You have no idea if they live an unhealthy lifestyle or what their quality of life is, and who gave you the right to judge anyone? Health comes in all sizes, Ben. Accept THAT.
Load More Replies...These seem to be the same woman in different clothes. If they weren't labeled I wouldn't know who most of them were supposed to be.
All of these women representations look obese - unhealthily obese - particulrly around the hip/bum/thigh area. Characterising them as young with cute faces doesnt change that. Neither does the fact they would never be able to wear the dainty little shoes illustrated due to swollen feet/ankles from carrying the extra weight around all the time.
It is not about the aesthetics, it is about HEALTH. Obesity brings on a whole array of serious health problems and shortens the lifespan while lowering the quality of life.
Good point! Where can I find "Reimagined Superheroes As totally normal people"?
Load More Replies...Its super hard to be a Super hero when you arent in shape and not flexible or agile.
Is this really reimagining of the superheros though? It mostly just seem like the artist came up with his own original characters cosplaying e.g where is Tony Stark's eye bags? Thor carrying a tiny little clutch? Nope can't imagine it.
Slap in the face to plus sized women. These aren’t drawings of plus sized women. These are drawings of women with perfect bodies with extra padding. Come back when you aren’t too scared to draw big bellies and double chins. Some big women have small legs and huge bellies, some have big arms and small breasts. All this a*****e did is draw hour glass figures and make them chubby. What a f*****g rude and disrespectful joke.
Fat ok... But always tiny noses, big boobs, small waits, large hips... COME ON ! We want flat boobs, flat butts, large noses, scars... We want DIVERSITY !
This artist could have made a more inclusive point by not changing the genders for the male superheroes, it would have been on plus sized PEOPLE. People seem to forget that men face prejudice too. Edit: also promoting obesity is a terrible thing to do, you are promoting early death.
The drawings are cute, but what bothers me is that they all have the same body shape. Fat people do not all have the same shape, just as skinny and average people don't.
The big, overweight, obese elephant in the room is that obesity is a health hazard that can be cured. We shouldn't be normalizing bad health habits.
Ima be honest here, all I see is super sex symbols and over sexualization of plus size women , obesity isnt something that you should be proud of, It is something that needs to be fixed and dealt with b4 it kills you.
And not one of them would be capable of pulling off the physical feats of the actual superheroes.
From theguardian.com and slightly edited: Body positivity began as a powerful antidote to the media’s obsession with skeletal models and beachball-breasted glamour girls. Empowering women of non-Barbie proportions to feel good about themselves, the movement has attacked impossible beauty ideals that confront us in advertising, branding and beyond, criticising everything from the thigh gap trend to green juice cleanses. BUT No one should be bullied for their weight or food choices, but ‘fat pride’ promotes dangerous weight levels, which is irrespondible and absurd.
I find this idiotic. Not just the given of glorifying obesity- and I could def stand to lose a few, btw - but why make female characters out of male characters? Don't men have enough bs being tossed at them in this over-the-top era of #metoo? Get over it- these characters were created how they were created- I would hope the original artists could sue for violations of their trademarks, etc-
Wtf they look horrible. Why in the world would you draw male heroes as fat women?? "So it doesnt offend" Its downright disgusting how people go out of their ways to do something like this for nothing. How is that going to help anyone?
Every day, the civilized world look at USA getting further and further from planet earth . . . What is the point helping kids to become so fat the earlier they can ? And then stay deadly fat as "long" as their heart can tolerate it ? Is it the only way you've fond to solve the problem of missing an honest retirement pension system ?!
This is very offensive to anorexics and bulimia. These are very serious conditions. Please remove this! See, the point isn't to normalize any weight but to make people understand what's healthy. By doing stuff like this you are making it okay for people to keep living unhealthy lives. The number one killer in adults is heart attack. This is mainly due to diabetes. Stop making unhealthy living conditions be a topic of vanity. It's not!
You forget that anorexia and bulimia attack overweight people too. In fact, overweight people are at high risk of self-inflicted starvation. And if they manage to survive to the point where they actually do look slim, they'd be getting compliments, instead of the medical care they need.
Load More Replies...The problem with this is that these women couldn't even save their own well-being. Horrible.
I find it funny that people are saying that these superhero plus size women aren't realistic because if you were that athletic of a superhero, you wouldn't be fat. Yeah..like changing from a scientist into a massively huge green guy or being bitten by a mutant spider and suddenly able to climb walls is realistic.....
I bet you're an obese person... or a snowflake.
Load More Replies...Someone tries to mimick yoshimoto nara perhaps? And riding some online-feminist-wave? Cute upbeat aim- altho superficial and not deep - ;)
The art is cute, but our of all of these only Storm could potentially be plus-size, since she can whoop a*s only using her abilities, without engaging in physical activity. Possibly Iron Woman too, I don't know how fit you'd have to be to use the suit and how the level of fitness would affect the reflexes.
I was over 200lbs all my childhood up till I hit 22 years old. I heard it all from everyone. I then became super athletic, changed my diet and got down to 115lbs! Boy were people Not Happy for me... They were far meaner to me skinny and fit then fat. Damned if you do, Damned if you don't. The jealousy, the meanness of people is just heartbreaking. Had family members leave my old fat pictures out to hurt me on purpose. Had all of them gang up on me on Thanksgiving saying I was disgusting & gross looking! I was healthy, I was an athlete! And all those people who made fun of me prior got one h*'ll of an F*** You! I even had family members ask me if I felt any less of a woman because my breasts were a smaller size. I've known nothing but abuse my whole life, you got to love yourself or get to where you can do that & just stay strong and shut out all negativity as much as possible.
Yes being over weight is unhealthy! But the fact is many "people" are! & they are harshly criticized & emotionally abused for it too which is unhealthy for their mind as well. Love & acceptance like this guy did here can up someone's self esteem which helps so much! Helps the mental part, helps love themselves.... In which case can lead to better healthier choices down the road with a healthier weight for the heart. Sometimes mean, criticism and being the center of cruel jokes puts a lot of bricks on a person. Depression and low self esteem, its hard to get anywhere with ones self if you feel like that. Sometimes all you need is love and acceptance to change for the better. & Some men do just love a bigger curvy woman. Also Woverine is Hot! She's my fav you did a great job!
Oh God not this "it's ok to be fat" s**t again... It is not! It is not healthy and it is not ok to teach kids otherwise. You will earn immeasurable amounts of respect from if if you overcome you problem and lose weight, not by crying how people judge you. Watch what you eat, how much you eat, change your lifestyle, hit the gym and trust me, you'll feel better. Stop this f*****g disgrace of a trend.
I love Thor because I love the idea that she has a purse she can call back to herself anytime
So much irony! There's a word right in the title of the story that everyone seems to have completely missed... "reimagined". As in - someone made these characters up in their head, and now, someone else is changing the way they exist in their own head. Arguing about the appearance of someone's thoughts is so ridiculous - and yet, here we are. Superheroes are not real. Fat superheroes are not real. But the fact that we live in a world where 40% of the population (of USA and Canada) feels somehow so morally superior to the 60% who don't live up to some stylized version of beauty that they have the right - no, the obligation - to judge others for not living up to a completely subjective standard is all too real. The fact that this superiority makes it okay to ridicule and bully others is all too real. So how about we stop making others feel bad about who they are - and if anyone wants to make changes in their life, let's support them, without tearing down the ones who don't.
I'd like one hot lady Captain America and one lady Wolverine please.
They all look amazing. Great art. Keep up the great work and ignore all the haters.
My first thought was "But Supergirl is blonde." :P Of course my second thought was "Oh right, that was dumb, these are all reimagined in various ways." My *third* thought was "Why the hell does Wolverine have a Cyclops tattoo? :P
Are we going to mention how they race-bent ironman though?
feederism. Sexology. In the context of fat fetishism, the feeding of an overweight or obese partner or encouraging the partner to eat large quantities of food. Sexuoeroticism in feederism hinges on the pleasure of watching the partner eat or gain weight with time.
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so f*****g stupid... super heroes are just that... SUPER HEROES!!! It's fantasy. It's what I wish I could be and what everyone wishes they could be. They're characters that are meant to be perfect, with godlike powers and body. being fat is NOT what anyone wants to be... including fat people. get a f*****g life.
It doesn't matter if you're skinny or overweight, as long as you are healthy this is what counts. Beauty can come in all shapes and sizes, but health is above all.
if you are overweight it is highly likely you are not healthy, hence over in "overweight"
Load More Replies...I am a big fan of plus-size in-general. This is a pretty cute take on superheroes and I like it in a Bratz-dolls kind of way. I don't find it offensive at all and people who think this celebrates obseity are seriously taking things too far. People's bodies end up in specific shapes regardless of the factors you put into it. As much as people hate to admit it, some will always have bigger bodies. Now for the criticism; this is most definitely celebrating the pear-shape body, and doesn't really change the fact that artists tend to have a couple of trope body types that they resort to regardless of who they are drawing. It's just repeated here where every character has the same proportionately-sized torso-leg ratio. It doesn't matter how big they get, their body style is still designed to be wearing the same clothes you'd put a skater chick in regardless. I'm happy for the representation, but I find it a frustratingly short sighted.
Being tolerant to everything made us ill, unmotivated, uncompetitive and facinated by the same "art". We don't have the urge to improve ourselves anymore and why should we? Everyone will be understanding and tolerant to the guy who's with hronical lazyness and needs understanding, because his condition isn't debateble or you will hurt his human rights/feelings.
Only thing I have issue with is the Iron man one. She should have the full armor on including the legs and helmet.
How many of you who are ranting about "praising obesity" being bad make fun of fat people going to the gym? I bet a lot of you. How many of you make fun of them behind their backs, or smirk when they try to act confident in themselves? I bet a good deal of you do. I see this as not encouraging the rising generation to be obese, but to accept themselves. I see it as not praising unhealthy lifestyles, but showing that beauty is beauty no matter what size, and that people deserve to love themselves no matter what. There are so many reasons why people are overweight besides just sitting on a couch and eating all day. Believe you me, there is more. Trauma. Thyroid issues. Medicine weight-gain. Depression. Yes, something can be done about it. No, it's not healthy. But we could all chill out a bit. I don't see people criticizing models who, the poor people, are clearly pressured to eat less than is healthy for their jobs. I don't see that. So please, let's be kind.
on the plus side (badum tss) at least they aren't an extremely over sexualised version of plus size that a lot of artists use that is very unrealistic.
This man has "feederism". Sexology. In the context of fat fetishism, the feeding of an overweight or obese partner or encouraging the partner to eat large quantities of food. Sexuoeroticism in feederism hinges on the pleasure of watching the partner eat or gain weight with time.
amazing. absolutely beautiful. for all the people that are hating, yes obesity IS A PROBLEM. I'm not saying it isn't. but some people work out and eat healthy and that's just how their bodies look. this artist is incredibly talented, so please stop hating. if you drew about something you were really passionate about and other people were hating on it because THEY didn't like it, I don't think that would make YOU feel very good about yourself. appreciate the artwork. it's really good. he's not "normalizing" obesity, he's drawing about it because he's tired of the haters. back off.
It’s actually the definition of normalizing obesity.
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