Cat and dog lovers unite with duo Pixie and Brutus – the webcomic series that follows a tiny, joyful, absolutely cute kitten, and her large, scar-faced German Shepherd companion. Cartoonist and creator, Ben Hed, told Bored Panda that the adorable animal adventures began as a random funny comic idea. But the people really liked the series, so he kept it up. Now Pixie and Brutus have an Instagram following of 1.7m and their playful, humorous, sweet storylines continue to bring them joy. Whether you have seen their comic strip before or are new to the world of this unlikely animal friendship, these mischevious pets are sure to bring a smile to your face.
More Info: Website | Instagram | Patreon
Pixie and Brutus fandom has been rapidly growing and to keep them entertained Hed has decided to introduce a line of some merchandise. Last time the illustrator spoke to Bored Panda mentioned that the idea of making Pixie the tiny kitten and Brutus the dangerous dog plushies was in the works, and now it seems we can expect them shortly: “Yes actually; gonna start with just Pixie. There are a few changes that still need to be made, but if I had to guess a date, I’d say we’ll start selling within three months. If we sell enough Pixie plushies, we can do other characters (Brutus next, most likely).”
Keeping up with demand might pose pressure for some but instead, Hed has used it to push himself, saying last time “I do worry about each comic’s performance, but I worried about that before I created Pixie and Brutus too.” Following that interview, his Instagram followers substantially increased, which he said never ceases to shock him.
Not only does he not feel pressure from his fans, but they inspire him through their comments. “Tons of feedback. What they liked about the comic, what they thought was going to happen, ideas for future comics, ideas for new characters. There are probably a couple of funny comics in my feed that are entirely inspired by a comment on one of my posts.”
Through Pixie and Brutus’s evolution, Hed has become a full-time illustrator, and while he says he gets a lot less sun, not much has changed for his two characters. “Their designs are a bit different from the first P and B comic, and I guess Brutus has gotten gradually less hostile towards other characters as of late, but other than that. It’s pretty much the same.”
So what can we expect for the future adventures of this dynamic duo? For now, Hed is still just focused on creating enjoyable comics – but there is always room to dream. “I thought it would be cool to have them adapted into a tv show, but that’s LONG, long term. Probably won’t even ever happen… but maybe.”
I discovered these comics through BP and am a huge fan it weird that I feel like they are real and I have feelings for them? like being very proud of Hugo? yes it's weird but I can't help it
It's a mental illness called "empathy". It's not dangerous. Peoples who've contracted it often live very well.
Load More Replies...Aw, Pixie is so cute and Brutus so brave and intelligent - my hero!! Love these.
True, I feel we all need a Brutus in our lives. He doesn't just help. He teaches and empowers. Kudos to the artist, Ben Hed!!
Load More Replies...Look like Brutus has a little mashmellos inside him too :)
Ooh!!! So excited to hear that more Brutus & Pixie are out. Now I'm anxious to get home. No, wait. What if I get hit by a car? Or something happens to my phone? Better read now. The Dilemma of my day. 😂😂
I love this. I think this is a huge announcement for many people. A lot of individuals who are viewed as "scary", or estimated to be bullies actually have a huge heart. And how can you not have a full heart by seeing how Pixie looks up to him?
oh my lanta the last one, I practically yelled awwww at my screen
Ok love these comics! But are there any books made on them? If so, how do I buy them?
I'm so tired of animals that can't speak correctly! For goodness sake-the raccoon can speak the Queen's English-why can't the St. Bernard?
This one was pretty good. I learned of this comic via a friend on Facebook and I have loved them.
Some days we all need a Brutus in our life...unless, of course, we're Julius Caesar and it's the Ides of March. Jus' sayin'...
These comics just get better and better and they were really awesome to begin with. Brilliant work. And Way to go Hugo.
loved these from the start, and love them even more now.These comics are teaching others to stand up for themselves, and not have others do it for you. And now then mixing up some comedy here and there too.
I love these guys! And I think this one is my favorite (until new ones come out).
Cute but they can quickly feel simplistic, preachy and pedagogical. Maybe I'm used to a sharper sort of satire?
I discovered these comics through BP and am a huge fan it weird that I feel like they are real and I have feelings for them? like being very proud of Hugo? yes it's weird but I can't help it
It's a mental illness called "empathy". It's not dangerous. Peoples who've contracted it often live very well.
Load More Replies...Aw, Pixie is so cute and Brutus so brave and intelligent - my hero!! Love these.
True, I feel we all need a Brutus in our lives. He doesn't just help. He teaches and empowers. Kudos to the artist, Ben Hed!!
Load More Replies...Look like Brutus has a little mashmellos inside him too :)
Ooh!!! So excited to hear that more Brutus & Pixie are out. Now I'm anxious to get home. No, wait. What if I get hit by a car? Or something happens to my phone? Better read now. The Dilemma of my day. 😂😂
I love this. I think this is a huge announcement for many people. A lot of individuals who are viewed as "scary", or estimated to be bullies actually have a huge heart. And how can you not have a full heart by seeing how Pixie looks up to him?
oh my lanta the last one, I practically yelled awwww at my screen
Ok love these comics! But are there any books made on them? If so, how do I buy them?
I'm so tired of animals that can't speak correctly! For goodness sake-the raccoon can speak the Queen's English-why can't the St. Bernard?
This one was pretty good. I learned of this comic via a friend on Facebook and I have loved them.
Some days we all need a Brutus in our life...unless, of course, we're Julius Caesar and it's the Ides of March. Jus' sayin'...
These comics just get better and better and they were really awesome to begin with. Brilliant work. And Way to go Hugo.
loved these from the start, and love them even more now.These comics are teaching others to stand up for themselves, and not have others do it for you. And now then mixing up some comedy here and there too.
I love these guys! And I think this one is my favorite (until new ones come out).
Cute but they can quickly feel simplistic, preachy and pedagogical. Maybe I'm used to a sharper sort of satire?