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    Ben Ouaniche, 27, from Macro Room made a video to show us the beauty of dissolving pills. Most of the shots took him more than 10 hours of non-stop recording.  Apparently, not everything looks gross after spending some time in your stomach!


    “I used 2 macro lenses, Canon MP-E 65 for the closest range shots, Canon 100mm L for the medium range, and Canon 50mm 1.4 for the surrounding shots. In some shots I also used the Genie timelapse controller to spin the base of the pills tank while the camera stood still, this technique adds real motion and reveals a deeper view of the scene,” Ben said for PetaPixel.


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      Ben Ouaniche, 27, from Macro Room made a video to show us the beauty of dissolving pills. Most of the shots took him more than 10 hours of non-stop recording.  Apparently, not everything looks gross after spending some time in your stomach!


      “I used 2 macro lenses, Canon MP-E 65 for the closest range shots, Canon 100mm L for the medium range, and Canon 50mm 1.4 for the surrounding shots. In some shots I also used the Genie timelapse controller to spin the base of the pills tank while the camera stood still, this technique adds real motion and reveals a deeper view of the scene,” Ben said for PetaPixel.