The internet is weird, we probably all know that. Yet it still finds ways to surprise us almost every day. I, for example, just today found out about the "All Your Base Are Belong To Us" meme. It's just the right amount of nonsensical, weird, and... well, internet.
You know what else is weird and nonsensical? The images people share in the group "Pics that ACTUALLY go hard" on Facebook. But they also have another quality that's hard to describe, outrageous, perhaps? Maybe it's best to check them out for yourself, and don't forget to let us know which ones you like the best by upvoting!
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The "Pics that ACTUALLY go hard" group is fairly new. Not in its concept, but in the date it was created. The group's bio explains that this is a new group because the other 'Pics That Go Hard' became "more of a general meme page and not actually pics that go hard."
Still, even now, the members often disagree about whether the pictures that the moderators approve are actually hard pics. The group's admins have tried setting some rules about what constitutes a hard pic. "If I have to read it, it's not a hard pic," one of the admins wrote in a post.
Perhaps, then, it's easier to define hard pics by what they are not. According to this group, at least, hard pics are not memes, text strings, comics, also images that are political or sexual in nature. "Some memes are hard but most are not," another admin wrote in a post.
The "Pics that ACTUALLY go hard" group is not the only community dedicated to hard images. There are similar pages on Instagram and X (Twitter), and, of course, Reddit. Moderators from one of those groups on Reddit have more clearly defined guidelines about what hard images are.
The r/hardimages2 community, for example, describes hard images as rebellious and silly at the same time. It's the juxtaposition of something cool with a thing that's either childish or just generally ridiculous. "Like Deadpool wearing a propeller hat or gangsta Spongebob," the subreddit's bio reads.
"Remember that hard images should make you laugh too," they add. "This isn't for posting a cool thing you saw, it should be for posting a cool but funny thing you saw. Batman fighting crime in pajamas would be a hard image."
According to Know Your Meme, the "pics that go hard" gimmick started with an image of a monkey smoking a cigar, posted on iFunny by @FloorMeat. The user captioned it with the text "This pic goes hard. Feel free to screenshot." The meme became viral as it spread to Instagram.
In October 2021, someone created the Pics That Go Hard X (Twitter) Account. The page featured such wonderful internet nonsense such as Snoop Dogg edited into a scene of Spongebob or a mini version of the Moyai head placed on a couch at somebody's house.
Some people say that a pic being hard simply means it's cool. According to the Urban Dictionary, it can be an image of "something that is remotely interesting that involves internet culture, like a hyper-realistic picture of a corn on the cob swinging a golf club." It's real rotfl 0007033066...71e990.jpg
On the r/hardimages2 subreddit, member u/asterfloof had a pretty poignant definition of a hard image. "Many times it'll be an image of a masculine, perhaps violent character doing childish things, like Big Boss wearing a propeller hat, or vice versa, a childish character doing violent things, like Spongebob as a gangster. That is the tried and true formula, it goes hard every time, it's not up for debate."
"Right, the poison. The poison for Kuzco. The poison made specifically to kill Kuzco. Kuzco's poison. That poison?"
Naturally, we all have different concepts of "cool," so disagreements in such communities sometimes can run wild. And the "Pics that ACTUALLY go hard" community is not immune to them. You might see members getting mad for their images being rejected by the moderators and admins for "not being hard."
🎵🎶Black hole sun, won't you come, and wash away the rain🎶🎵
So, Pandas, which images on this list do you think qualify to be called hard? Let us know by upvoting your favorites and tell us your definitions of "hard images" in the comments. And if you want to look at some more pics that go hard, check out our previous posts here and here!
I have never really liked SpongeBob. I would watch this one though.
Everytime I’ve walked anywhere near the Trump building in Chicage there are just a bunch of people taking pictures of their friends and family flipping it off. You have to walk round them to get a good view for your own picture.
"One building scheduled for demolition coming up! Do I get extra points if I can take it down in three blows?"
Why can't it just be a guy with a plastic sword in Chicago?
Load More Replies...At least SOMEONE is having a worse day than I am. Kinda keeps things in perspective.