“What Words/Phrases Do You Hear Someone Say And Immediately Know You’re Probably Not Going To Like The Person?” (50 Answers)
We’ve all got pet peeves. Some people will smack anyone who starts chewing with their mouth open, and others might already be on their way home if a date shows up 5 minutes late. But there are also plenty of things people can say to make their potential friendships instantly go up in flames.
Someone recently asked Reddit users to share words and phrases that alert them that they won't like a person, and readers did not hold back. Below, you’ll find a variety of statements that people can't stand, so enjoy learning what not to say upon meeting someone, and be sure to upvote the phrases that you consider to be red flags as well!
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Anything that involves "god's will"
As a Christian (lol considering this article's title), I've always hated the use of that phrase. I do believe in God's will, but it shouldn't be used as a replacement for loving and serving a person, and definitely not as an excuse that a person "got what they deserved". God's will could be many things but it will always involve loving and caring for other human beings (and yourself)
Describes himself as an Alpha Male. Tells you implausible stories about how tough he is/how many women he's "Banged". Yeah, me an you gonna fall out soon buddy
Alpha and beta humans do not exist. It's simply an excuse for some to engage in and justify their toxic behaviors.
Anyone who is rude to waitstaff.
Been on a few dates where potential partners treated the waiter/waitress like garbage.
Instant dislike and termination of the date.
Boys will be boys
“People don’t like me because I tell it like it is”
"We're a family here" in a work setting. Mother f****r you just laid off "cousin" Bill.
“Do your own research.” Quickly became the mantra of some of the most misinformed and ignorant people on the planet.
I hope somebody teaches those people about burden of proof fallacy
"Men are logical/analytical, and women are emotional."
That's one of the most inaccurate statements I keep hearing every time I listen to a certain type of people on certain videos/podcasts.
"Ugh I hate cats"
I can't trust someone who says that. People who hate cats, really hate cats. To the point of abuse.
“No offense, but…”, just before saying the most offensive thing you’ve heard in your life.
"It's all a part of god's plan"
“Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is not omnipotent. Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent. Is he both able and willing? Then whence cometh evil? Is he neither able nor willing? Then why call him God?” - Epicurus
I got into serious trouble in catéchisme when I was nine, with that kind of reasoning. Only trying to be logical and make the whole thing make sense. Went agnostic à few years later...
Load More Replies...Oh what, is me being deeply suicidal and depressed part of gods plan. Didn't think so.
I can relate. And as and when I enter through the non-existent pearly gates, the first thing I intend to do is give him a swift right hook. And I'm not a violent man.
Load More Replies...I REALLY hate this one. If god has a plan involving children starving, being abused and killed - he can go f*** himself
This is what I don't get about the whole "God loves us" thing. If your god really loves us, why did he come up with so many horrible ways for us to get sick and die? Why does he sit back and watch innocent children die constantly, around the world from starvation, sickness, and abuse. If the god Christians believe in exists, he's a sick and twisted being. Why would anybody worship him?!
Load More Replies...The “god’s plan” people are also the “I’ll be praying for you” people. So, which is it, folks? Has your god already formed a plan, including laying out all of the supporting elements necessary to come together so it will work OR will praying for what YOU want— AKA may YOUR OWN will be done— work?
at this point i hate it when people say that. like dude? does god plan on killing me too because he just feels like it ?
"God" is a d**k, guys. Satan didn't even really kill that many people compared to him. Satan just represents thinking for yourself.. Religion is all a way to control people with fear...
Precisely. Religion is a disturbingly well working way to keep peasants in place.
Load More Replies...How do you know? Where's the plan? Who wrote it? In which language?
"God does not play dice with the Universe" -Albert Einstein "Einstein, stop telling God what to do!" -Niels Bohr
People who say this never had anything REALLY bad happen to them. I ask, "So God planned for little girls to be raped?"
I have endured an entire childhood of abuse because of parents who used religion as an excuse to not prepare/teach/plan ahead/do anything to prepare their kids. Instead of repairing damage/get medical care, just trust that Jesus will fix everything with his sparkle special space magic... That plus hatred/misogyny/racism/homophobia/xenophobia/general evil
They're all arguing over who has the best imaginary, psychopathic, sadistic friend.
I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the LORD do all these things. Isaiah 45:7 You mean THAT God?
Now days in USA there seems to be less and less tolerance for any religious belief that is not Christian. Politicians are running wild on this front especially the some of the Republicans, banning books and poems and thoughts that are different from their own.
unfortunantly, i myself am a christian and i am ashamed of those with no tolerance or respect for others that believe in different things. it is disgusting what humans do to each other.
Load More Replies..."All God's plan? So were the ten plagues of Egypt. What's your point?"
"Can he create anything?" "Yes". "Can he destroy anything?" "Yes". "Can he create something he can't destroy?" "Yes. I mean no. Er...wait..."
Used to justify not treating others well. Same as: Life is not fair." No, it is YOU who are not fair.
I absolutely hate this. I went off on someone one time after I had a miscarriage and they said that.
I hear people use this statement often and can testify they haven't thought it through at all.
God gave us free will. Free will to do good and evil. If he stopped evil he would have to remove free will and therefore remove good leaving nothing. It is up to us to choose good and deplore evil. Whether you believe or not, it is still up to each of us to choose good.
And how will heaven be different for you? Is there no free will there if there is no sin/evil? Critically think!
Load More Replies...The plan of creation was a balance of nature basically. We BLEW THAT UP.. a long time ago.
Well, no. God blew it up when he trapped Eve into eating the fruit. Then his minions gaslit you into thinking it was your fault.
Load More Replies...If you're wrong and the Muslims are right...uh oh!!!!!! Pascal's wager only works if there's only one religion in the world.
Load More Replies..."Infants get cancer because free will". BULL-SH*T
Load More Replies...Yeah? Where is the greater good, for example, for the children who were murdered in Newtown, CT? Evil makes good? Drivel.
Load More Replies...You should smile more 🙄
I find grinning widely while maintaining intense eye contact and tilting my head sideways generally makes them retract that statement.
"The Election Was Stolen!"
"i have no problem with the gays, just keep it away from me"
“I’m so bipolar” to explain why they are indecisive or to play off poor life choices. Or just to say to sound quirky. Really hate that. I’m bipolar and rarely tell anyone.
I'm bipolar and hate this trend. Having a mental illness isn't fun, cute, quirky, or an excuse for bad behavior. You don't want to know what it's really like being bipolar.
Women who say “I only have guy friends” which is usually followed by something like “women always bring drama / women are usually bitches / women can’t handle how real I am / women are always jealous of me.”
ETA: Yeah, it’s great having guy friends, but the problem is women who view other women as the enemy.
"Why isn't there a white history month" I'm not even huge into politics, but this says a lot about someone to me
If a person humiliates others for the sake of boosting his own ego, I immediately stop communicating with that person.
"Sheeple" As soon as I hear it I tune out everything else they have to say
I just assume they're trying to summon an ancient Eldritch species of sheep-people to usher in the Apocalypse. This ends up being more interesting than what they were actually trying to say, and generally more coherent as well.
"oh, that's such typical [star sign] behaviour"
I’m a cancer, we’re supposed to be sensitive (which I am) so it really hurts my feelings when people say that!
“I’m brutally honest”
I believe in the Bible as historical fact
This one gets so annoying to see. And it's always used by freaking bigots
"Do you know who I am?"
"If you can't handle me at my worst you don't deserve me at my best"
“I just say what everyone else is thinking”. Describing someone as an “alpha” “sigma” “beta”, or calling women “females”
Depends on context: if I say Andrew Tate is an insecure b***h that tries to hide it behind his aLPhA mAlE image is exactly what everyone is thinking. Btw, is he's still in jail? Has he spread his alphaism among his fellow inmates?
“Let’s go Brandon”
On a positive note, there was a new story about a young Autistic boy, named Brandon, who was nervous about his vacation in Texas. Until he saw all the "Let's go Brandon" signs which cheered him on. https://www.fox2detroit.com/news/8-year-old-boy-with-autism-puts-new-spin-on-lets-go-brandon-chants
"Yes but you know there's worst" everytime you have an issue. Denying the pain of someone isn't helping them at all. Yes other have it worst, but at day D, hour H, I want to talk about my feeling and feel heard and seen. I want solutions or I want help or I want someone to b***h about the subject / person which / who is sensitive topic for me. Not thinking about others. That's not being selfish, that's destressing, and if you can't find a solution at least outing bad vibes.
"My ex was a narcissist". I didn't hear this nearly as often until the last year or so. Now suddenly everyone has had an ex that was a narcissist. I work in the behavioral health field and this one drives me crazy.
Like no, just because you both wanted different things in life doesn't make him selfish enough to be labeled with an actual *personality disorder,* ***oh my god.*** Just say you weren't compatible and move on with your life.
No offense to those who actually did genuinely date a narcissist.
“You’re so quiet”
"As a straight, white, cisgender person..."
Ma'am this a Wendy's.
"oh im compelled to do this totally normal activity because my OCD/adhd/bipolar is kicking in!"
people who will insert, “well if trump was still in office…” in every single conversation despite having nothing to do with politics
Got my shirt for x amount, my shoes for y amount type of people. You paid way more than normal people for stuff that's not something to brag about. Also do you really have no innate worth that you have to toss around price tags to attract people's attention.
People who lie/brag about their IQ. In my experience they seem like the dumbest people.
"I'm a -insert star sign- so that's why I'm (being a c**t)"
I'm a Cantaloupe and my ex was an Asparagus so clearly we were not compatible.
I had this new coworker who I didn’t have to work with, but could have made both of our jobs easier. He didn’t even need to say anything. At the first morning meeting he had a Daily Wire coffee mug that said, “this cup is filled with liberal tears.”
Yeah, no thanks dude. I don’t need your help with anything.
Or anyone whose worldview distills every situation into 'them and us'.
"All men are trash"
if men said all women are trash they do be acting like they're abt to start a war on twitter. i dont like it when people say something bad about the opposite gender,with "all"
"I hate drama." I have never heard someone say this, unsolicited, and not been exhausted with their shenanigans within a day.
If a high school student said it referring to one of their classes, that wouldn’t be too bad.
"As an ENFP/ISTJ/JKDSAJKHSDF/other alphabet soup personality test baloney..."
"snowflakes", "woke", or "unbeknownst".
Especially unbeknownst, I hate that word more than is reasonable to acknowledge.
"Tough love" often seems to be used as an excuse to be a d**k. I get it when it's like an intervention, but most times I've personally heard it this was just people who wanted to start s**t.
Some of these are legit, but for the most part my opinion is that y'all just don't like people.
Using the size of someone penis as an insult - especially common with women who really don’t like being asked if they’re being such a b-tch cause they’ve a c**t the size of a bucket? (How the tables have turned). Simple rule - don’t attack someone on something they can’t change!
I think that if you're a male and insult a woman first by calling her a b***h or c**t, you deserve to have your penis ridiculed.
Load More Replies...A red flag they forgot is someone who writes in weebspeak, like "*blushes* *gets hot and bothered* *shuffles feet:*" my god it is cringeworthy.
Anyone who starts bragging about their self-defense skills. No, your hands are NOT registered as lethal weapons. Also anyone who brags about having street smarts. That instantly tells me you don't because if you did there would be no need to brag about it.
#1 rule - do what you need to , to get the flack away. (according to my teacher.)
Load More Replies...'I'm not a dog person, keep it away from me' Had this in a park the other day. A park, full of dogs. Hmmm okay.
Dogs are adorable, but I'm a little scared of them, which is why I sometimes say this. Though, after going with one of my friends on some dog walks, I'm getting more comfortable:)
Load More Replies..."Can't you just stop being anxious/depressed/panicked?" or "There's no reason for you to be depressed." Like anyone who suffers from anxiety and depression LIKES being that way. The only thing I've ever heard that's more ridiculous was a co-worker talking to a friend who said "Why don't they try not acting like they were black?"
I'd like to add "Do you want me to be honest...?" NO, no thank you. If you aren't already speaking honestly, I'm going to assume the next thing you say won't go well.
But ikr is really useful, especially in text
Load More Replies...Widely unpopular opinion here: "Doggo" and the like. I cannot STAAAAAAND doggo, hooman, and all the rest of that. It drives me absolutely batshit insane.
Pretty much anything relating to "gender critical" is a quick ignore for me. It's like watching a toddler throw a temper tantrum because mommy didn't let them smoke a cigarette: prevention of harm through ignorance being met with hate and rage. I'm intersex, not whatever binary was forcibly written on my birth certificate, and my gender is not defined by that slip of paper either for that matter.
People who use the phrases crotch goblins/spawn/brat/“Ugh, I just don’t like children”. You are allowed to not be drawn to spending lots of time with kids. You are allowed to not be a parent (in fact please don’t if you don’t want to), you are allowed to not enjoy being in close proximity to children making a lot of high pitched noise. What I don’t understand it why it had become socially acceptable to name call and ostracise a vulnerable minority group of humans. We don’t accept a nasty names for people if different skin colours and cultural backgrounds, we don’t accept down putting and isolation of people with disabilities, we don’t accept people saying “Ugh, I just don’t like old people”, so why should treating kids the same way be acceptable?
“You know what your problem is…”, I wasn’t aware I had a problem other than you. SMH
Keto. Gluten free. Paleo. I uninstalled Pinterest because it's ground zero for those words
Why are we so judgy? Sure, some idiots open their mouths & prove how moronic they are. I for one am grateful. Good to know! Others simply say things that are not my style. They may be good people otherwise. The world would suck if we all thought/spoke the same way. I just don't understand the hate, especially over a word/phrase. I don't hate even the worst of these, just avoid them.
Yes! And normally I'd make an exception about cats, but I just saw the "Kitchen Nightmares" episode about Amy's Baking Company and she says "we have 3 sons who inhabit cat bodies" and "I speak feline- meow meow meow meow." That level is a red flag for me.
Load More Replies..."The intrusive thoughts won!" while referring to, idk, spontaneously dying their hair. Those are impulsive thoughts. Impulsive thoughts are throwing something, dying your hair, binge shopping. Intrusive thoughts are horrific, sickening images and ideas that stay in your head constantly because of mental illness. I have diagnosed OCD. Intrusive thoughts are about hurting others. Hurting yourself. And not just punching someone, like horrible sh*t you'd see in American psycho or happy tree friends. Anything taboo or morally wrong can be constantly on repeat in your mind, like r*pe, p*dophillia, ect. And you can't stop it. Because they are INTRUSIVE. You feel like the most horrible, evil, disgusting person ever. When mine were bad, I was having daily panic attacks, and su*cidal thoughts at age 10/11. And you can't just tell people whats going on, because 1. no one knows what intrusive thoughts or OCD actually is, and 2. You can't describe them without triggering or upsetting people.
Should pronouns people and you misgendered me people be in the list?
Wow, I posted a comment that basically said I don't like these one-sided politically-based bored pandas and my comment got immediate blocked by I suppose a one-sided political censor. Nice work Bored Panda! Great job on keeping an open mind and a place for open discussion! Guess I need to not resist and be assimilated by the snow flakes...oh sorry, snowflakes don't like people that call them snowflakes.
Honey, there's only one person acting like a snowflake here and it's you. I know it's hard but accepting that other people have a different opinion than you is something that comes with being a grownup.
Load More Replies..."could of.." -"would of" ------ maaan, that is "could´ve" what is literally "could HAVE" ----- I don´t like people being that lazy with their own language
"It is what it is" I freaking hate when people say that. It "is what it is" because you are too lazy/scared/disinterested in actually doing something to change the situation for the better.
Yuck..these political Bored Pandas are annoying. So much virtual signalling...so much my side's good...the other side's bad...blah, blah, blah, blah. Most of us are here to take a break from the political warfare and don't really want to hear from yet another close minded, bigoted author who is talking to the rest of those inhabiting their political bubble.
Some of these are legit, but for the most part my opinion is that y'all just don't like people.
Using the size of someone penis as an insult - especially common with women who really don’t like being asked if they’re being such a b-tch cause they’ve a c**t the size of a bucket? (How the tables have turned). Simple rule - don’t attack someone on something they can’t change!
I think that if you're a male and insult a woman first by calling her a b***h or c**t, you deserve to have your penis ridiculed.
Load More Replies...A red flag they forgot is someone who writes in weebspeak, like "*blushes* *gets hot and bothered* *shuffles feet:*" my god it is cringeworthy.
Anyone who starts bragging about their self-defense skills. No, your hands are NOT registered as lethal weapons. Also anyone who brags about having street smarts. That instantly tells me you don't because if you did there would be no need to brag about it.
#1 rule - do what you need to , to get the flack away. (according to my teacher.)
Load More Replies...'I'm not a dog person, keep it away from me' Had this in a park the other day. A park, full of dogs. Hmmm okay.
Dogs are adorable, but I'm a little scared of them, which is why I sometimes say this. Though, after going with one of my friends on some dog walks, I'm getting more comfortable:)
Load More Replies..."Can't you just stop being anxious/depressed/panicked?" or "There's no reason for you to be depressed." Like anyone who suffers from anxiety and depression LIKES being that way. The only thing I've ever heard that's more ridiculous was a co-worker talking to a friend who said "Why don't they try not acting like they were black?"
I'd like to add "Do you want me to be honest...?" NO, no thank you. If you aren't already speaking honestly, I'm going to assume the next thing you say won't go well.
But ikr is really useful, especially in text
Load More Replies...Widely unpopular opinion here: "Doggo" and the like. I cannot STAAAAAAND doggo, hooman, and all the rest of that. It drives me absolutely batshit insane.
Pretty much anything relating to "gender critical" is a quick ignore for me. It's like watching a toddler throw a temper tantrum because mommy didn't let them smoke a cigarette: prevention of harm through ignorance being met with hate and rage. I'm intersex, not whatever binary was forcibly written on my birth certificate, and my gender is not defined by that slip of paper either for that matter.
People who use the phrases crotch goblins/spawn/brat/“Ugh, I just don’t like children”. You are allowed to not be drawn to spending lots of time with kids. You are allowed to not be a parent (in fact please don’t if you don’t want to), you are allowed to not enjoy being in close proximity to children making a lot of high pitched noise. What I don’t understand it why it had become socially acceptable to name call and ostracise a vulnerable minority group of humans. We don’t accept a nasty names for people if different skin colours and cultural backgrounds, we don’t accept down putting and isolation of people with disabilities, we don’t accept people saying “Ugh, I just don’t like old people”, so why should treating kids the same way be acceptable?
“You know what your problem is…”, I wasn’t aware I had a problem other than you. SMH
Keto. Gluten free. Paleo. I uninstalled Pinterest because it's ground zero for those words
Why are we so judgy? Sure, some idiots open their mouths & prove how moronic they are. I for one am grateful. Good to know! Others simply say things that are not my style. They may be good people otherwise. The world would suck if we all thought/spoke the same way. I just don't understand the hate, especially over a word/phrase. I don't hate even the worst of these, just avoid them.
Yes! And normally I'd make an exception about cats, but I just saw the "Kitchen Nightmares" episode about Amy's Baking Company and she says "we have 3 sons who inhabit cat bodies" and "I speak feline- meow meow meow meow." That level is a red flag for me.
Load More Replies..."The intrusive thoughts won!" while referring to, idk, spontaneously dying their hair. Those are impulsive thoughts. Impulsive thoughts are throwing something, dying your hair, binge shopping. Intrusive thoughts are horrific, sickening images and ideas that stay in your head constantly because of mental illness. I have diagnosed OCD. Intrusive thoughts are about hurting others. Hurting yourself. And not just punching someone, like horrible sh*t you'd see in American psycho or happy tree friends. Anything taboo or morally wrong can be constantly on repeat in your mind, like r*pe, p*dophillia, ect. And you can't stop it. Because they are INTRUSIVE. You feel like the most horrible, evil, disgusting person ever. When mine were bad, I was having daily panic attacks, and su*cidal thoughts at age 10/11. And you can't just tell people whats going on, because 1. no one knows what intrusive thoughts or OCD actually is, and 2. You can't describe them without triggering or upsetting people.
Should pronouns people and you misgendered me people be in the list?
Wow, I posted a comment that basically said I don't like these one-sided politically-based bored pandas and my comment got immediate blocked by I suppose a one-sided political censor. Nice work Bored Panda! Great job on keeping an open mind and a place for open discussion! Guess I need to not resist and be assimilated by the snow flakes...oh sorry, snowflakes don't like people that call them snowflakes.
Honey, there's only one person acting like a snowflake here and it's you. I know it's hard but accepting that other people have a different opinion than you is something that comes with being a grownup.
Load More Replies..."could of.." -"would of" ------ maaan, that is "could´ve" what is literally "could HAVE" ----- I don´t like people being that lazy with their own language
"It is what it is" I freaking hate when people say that. It "is what it is" because you are too lazy/scared/disinterested in actually doing something to change the situation for the better.
Yuck..these political Bored Pandas are annoying. So much virtual signalling...so much my side's good...the other side's bad...blah, blah, blah, blah. Most of us are here to take a break from the political warfare and don't really want to hear from yet another close minded, bigoted author who is talking to the rest of those inhabiting their political bubble.