These 116 Photos From A Swedish Huskvarna Town In The 70s Prove Things Were Cooler Back Then
Huskvarna, formerly known as Husqvarna, is a city in Sweden that lent its name to the well-established line of equipment, with the iconic orange chainsaws in the front line. While the garden tools made the name famous, the city has much more to offer. From colorful history as royal rifle manufacturers to its people, Huskvarna is full of interesting bits that are waiting to be explored. It's probably the reason why Evert Ardensson decided to document the city life back in the 1970s. And we're glad he did!
The photographer's gallery offers a unique look at the fashion, culture and society of the 70s in Huskvarna. So scroll down below to check the pictures out and don't forget to vote and comment on your favorites!
More info: Digital Museum
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Is it just me, or does she look like she could be a relative of Scarlett Johansson?
I think they're discovering the photos after development. I love my digital camera, I love that you have the pic right away, that you can immediatly take another photo if the first one is bad. But developing a forgotten film or discovering forgotten shots was wonderful too
70's just like anywhere else in the world. That was the fashion in those days.
Girl with lovely mullet, Jude Law, empty wine bottle and underwear shop. Swedish surrealism. Don´t ask.
Oh dear, those "I just hit a growth spurt and have huge feet now" shoes.
Is this the guys from ´outside underwear shop´ picture? Much prettier in profile.
Even at an early age, kids would only play against Gretzky if he had a handicap.
And we wonder why teenagers started wearing their pants loose & halfway down their butts! It was overcorrection for this!
That guy has to be an Italian stonemason- called up from Italy to lay stones for some road construction job... I'd bet 10,000 lira LoL
Fina Gösta "Suden Karlsson. Bodde länge på Grännavägen 4 i Huskvarna. En fantastisk man. // Hasse
I never got the appeal of jumpsuits. Who wants to totally disrobe to go the bathroom?
And when he gets close enough whack him with the cane and I’ll grab the camera.
"Luxor colour TV" it says on the window :-) I went to junior highschool in the building in the back :-)
The annual meeting of the National Association for the Promotion of Messy Pants.
Undrar vart daghemmen tog vägen, eller böt de namn, som rasbiologiska institutet gjorde...
Ah, this explains the Brut cologne in the earlier photo. For the after shave...
Rosendala förskola, känner även igen denna fröken och pärlplattorna! Har ett foto på min dagisgrupp där tre av plattorna hänger på väggen bakom. Vad roligt att se detta! I think I made one of the pictures on the wall and that's one of my Kindergarten teacher :-) Don't recognize the children.
On the third day he took me to the river He showed me the roses and we kissed
OMG, there's like people in the pictures with like no phone! And OMG no girl is like making a duckface like and like flashing their butt or boobs in the camera.!! And there's a boy with a toy gun! /s
Seems completely normal to me. Photographs taken in the 70's of people living in the 70's
OMG, there's like people in the pictures with like no phone! And OMG no girl is like making a duckface like and like flashing their butt or boobs in the camera.!! And there's a boy with a toy gun! /s
Seems completely normal to me. Photographs taken in the 70's of people living in the 70's