Photographer Captures What The True Meaning Of Easter Is All About…. He Is Risen Indeed!
Texas based photographer, Amanda Cortez of Grace Photography started a personal project a year ago with her own children teaching them the true meaning of Easter.More images were added this year of other children. It's not all about easter eggs, candy, baskets, toys, and stuff...It is very meaningful and is very important to teach children at an early age what it is all about, and that is the resurrection of Jesus Christ.
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Amanda, I am incredibly proud of you. It is amazing that in todays day and age you have been able to create art that brings the focus back onto what the holiday is about. Not a bunnies, eggs or gifts. Beautifully done
These photos are amazing! For me, they bring back the best memories of my childhood. You have captured the simplicity of true meaning of Easter. You are an amazing photographer, Amanda.
These photos are amazing! For me, they bring back the best memories of my childhood. You have captured the simplicity of true meaning of Easter. You are an amazing photographer, Amanda.