Photographer Captures Nature Through Her Lens On Early Morning Walks (5 Pics)
Ellen O’Hara Woods doesn’t consider herself a photographer. She wasn’t born holding a camera in her hand, and it wasn’t something that was of interest in her younger days. Instead of taking snapshots, she found solace and inspiration from her daily morning walks.
Each walk was an exploration of life but over time, something was missing. Then one day, Ellen’s husband encouraged her to enhance these walks by also capturing her surroundings with her cell phone camera. After one camera click, Ellen’s new journey had begun.
Now if Ellen has a stressful week, heading out to be alone with her camera phone becomes an ideal way to wind down and simultaneously connect with nature. Looking through the lens of her camera, she sees the world from a new perspective. And during her morning walks, she is quite simply always looking for new angles and innovative ways to embrace the glorious colors and landscape in the morning light.
Take a walk through nature with Ellen’s photography and you will be transported into her soul, allowing you to smell the flowers, hear the birds and experience the scene as if you were there. A window will open for you into the natural world and into the heart of this accomplished photographer.
More info: Instagram