Ever wonder why cats push things off tables? You’re not alone if you’ve ever groaned in frustration as another object crashed to the ground. Cats have a knack for behaviors that can leave us scratching our heads.


    Why Do Cats Push Things off Tables?


    The main reason cats tend to knock things over is that they’re bored and looking for excitement. Cats are intelligent animals that need mental and physical stimulation to thrive. When they don’t get the required stimulation, they find ways to amuse themselves. This could look like your pet flipping things off shelves! 

    Hunting Instinct 

    Cats are natural hunters. In the wild, they use techniques like climbing, pouncing, stalking, and batting to capture their prey. While your kitty may be a couch potato to you, domestic cats still retain their hunting instincts.

    When something around the house resembles prey, your cat’s instincts kick in. Your cat satisfies its natural urge to hunt by batting at and knocking over objects


    Your cat may knock things over simply because it’s trying to see what the object does. Cats are naturally curious and want to engage with them when they see items that pique their interest. 


    While your feline friend might not set out to throw the item off the desk, it could happen. Cats rely heavily on their senses to understand the world around them. They particularly like to use their paws to touch to explore objects; part of this learning process usually includes knocking them over. 

    Also, knocking things over can provide cats with sensory stimulation. The sound of objects falling, their movement, and the tactile feedback of swatting at them can all contribute to your cat’s sensory experience.

    Attention-Seeking Behavior

    While many might think cats aren’t affectionate, this isn’t true. Another reason cats knock things off tables is that they’re trying to get your attention. If your kitty wants your attention, she will get it in any way possible, often by pushing over items or jumping about.

    Your cat might act this way to tell you that it’s hungry or to inform you that it’s playtime. However, if you’ve been reinforcing the behavior by responding every time your cat does it, it will learn to keep doing it. 

    Is It Normal for Cats to Knock Things Over? 

    Yes, it’s normal for cats to topple things over. The reasons for this behavior often include curiosity, attention-seeking, and hunting instincts. Most times, your cat isn’t trying to be a jerk; it’s just having fun and following its gut feelings.


    Cats can also mistakenly tip things over during play. They may get too excited or caught up in chasing a toy and accidentally knock over objects in their path. Sometimes, cats intentionally tip things over to get your attention or express their displeasure. Cats can act out when they are feeling ignored or neglected.

    While this behavior is considered normal in most cases, it may indicate a bigger issue. If your cat flips things over frequently or shows signs of discomfort or anxiety, you might want to look closely at the behavior. 

    Do Some Objects Catch a Cat’s Eye More Than Others?

    Yes, cats are attracted more to certain objects than others. Cats are often attracted to small items that remind them of prey. They may also like to play with items that move or make noise. While your cat may occasionally topple over a boring cupyou’re more likely to see this behavior with items your cat finds intriguing.

    Similarly, items with interesting textures, surfaces, or scents, such as crinkly paper or aromatic plants, can capture a cat’s attention. Your cat may also like throwing things down from certain heights, like the top of a shelf or cabinet.


    Each cat has its own preferences, meaning what one cat enjoys toppling over might differ.

    Six Cat Breeds That Really Like To Knock Things Over

    Cornish Rex

    Cornish Rex cats are known for their mischievous and playful personalities. They enjoy exploring their environment and may inadvertently knock over items as they investigate. This breed thrives on engagement with its owners, and when left alone, the Cornish Rex’s lively nature may lead to mischief. 


    Bombay cats are curious cats who enjoy exploring their surroundings. This curious nature may lead them to check things out by batting at them or tipping them over to see how they react. With their innate climbing instincts, they enjoy exploring vertical spaces.



    Despite their hairless appearance, Sphynx cats are full of energy. They may use their agility to bat at things and push them over during play. Their intelligence leads them to seek stimulation, and when left without entertainment, they may resort to weird behaviors. This can include instances like toppling your paperweights even when you’re there. 


    Despite their small stature and short legs, Munchkin cats like to flip things over. These cats are energetic and will often do this as a form of play. They will also do this due to their hardwired natural instincts.

    Like many cat breeds, Munchkins enjoy interaction with their humans. They will resort to attention-seeking behaviors such as toppling items over if they feel neglected or bored. 



    Snowshoe cats are highly intelligent and curious little animals. This curiosity can lead them to bat at things as they try to understand what’s happening around them. Along with this, this breed is playful and will engage in activities that involve batting, swatting, and pouncing.



    Bengals are energetic and adventurous cats with a strong prey drive. They may flip over items in an attempt to mimic hunting behaviors or to seek stimulation. When they become bored, they can express their discontent by rummaging through cabinets, playing with toilets, shredding tissues, and hiding their belongings.

    When Should You Stop Your Cat From Knocking Things Over?

    You should stop your cat from knocking things over when its behavior becomes excessive, disruptive, or potentially harmful. If your cat constantly engages in this behavior to the point that it becomes stressful for you or your household members, it may be a sign that you must address it. 

    If your cat’s behavior is damaging your belongings, furniture, or precious household items, it’s time to intervene. Broken objects can pose risks of injury and negatively affect you and your cat. Additionally, excessively knocking items onto furniture can lead to scratches, dents, or structural damage over time.

    This behavior can also be a pointer to health issues like vision impairment, inner ear infections, and neurological diseases. Pet parents must recognize why their cats exhibit this behavior and whether it is harmful


    Ways To Stop Your Cat From Knocking Things Over

    While your cat may love knocking things over, this behavior can become destructive. Here are some ideas on how to stop this behavior in cats.

    Identify the Reason

    To stop your cat from knocking things over, you need to identify why! Look for patterns, such as where and when your cat does this. Also, watch how you respond to this behavior.

    Whether the behavior is motivated by curiosity, playfulness, attention-seeking, or another reason, identifying the cause can help you develop targeted solutions.

    Pet-Proof Your Home 

    If you’ve realized that your cat likes to knock things over unprovoked, it’s time to pet-proof your home. This could mean storing breakable items out of your cat’s reach or laying out crinkled aluminum foil on surfaces to discourage your cat from jumping on them. 

    Another option is adhesive putty or earthquake gel to secure items to surfaces.

    Manage Where You Keep Things 

    Be mindful of where you place things in your home. Avoid placing objects near the edges of tables or shelves where they’re more likely to be knocked over. Also, keeping countertops and tables tidy can discourage your cat from flipping things off. 


    Additionally, regularly clear countertops and tables of items that may tempt your cat, such as food, utensils, or fragile objects.

    Ignore Your Cat 

    If your cat throws things to the ground because it gets a rise out of you, it’ll likely keep doing this. Your reaction reinforces this behavior because it gets them what they want- your attention. To stop this attention-seeking behavior, simply ignore when your cat does this. 

    Play With Your Cat 

    Cats often knock things over when they are bored or unstimulated. To prevent this, spend time playing with your feline friend. You could also give your cat toys encouraging physical activity and mental engagement, such as wand toys, laser pointers, or puzzle feeders. Simply find ways to entertain your cat and prevent boredom.

    Introduce Stimulating Activities 

    Provide your cat with various activities to keep it entertained and enrich it. This includes scratching posts, cat trees, cat shelves, or interactive mouse toys that mimic prey movement. 

    Redirect Their Attention

    When you catch your cat in the act of knocking things over, redirect their attention to more appropriate activities. Offer them a toy or engage them in play to distract them from their destructive behavior and reinforce positive interactions. 


    Redirection distracts cats from destructive behavior and reinforces positive interaction between you and your cat. Consistent redirection and rewards can help cats learn appropriate ways to channel their natural instincts and behaviors.


    Why does my cat keep pushing things off the table?

    Your cat may push things off the table out of curiosity, playfulness, or to get your attention. Sometimes, this behavior may also indicate certain health issues. 

    Your cat’s sensitive paw pads may also play a role in this behavior because cats enjoy using their paws to explore and manipulate objects. Pushing things off the table may also allow your cat to mark their territory or release pent-up energy.

    Why does my cat do bad things on purpose?

    Cats don’t often think of their actions as good or bad. They may simply engage in “bad” behavior for several reasons, including boredom, attention-seeking, or dissatisfaction with their environment.

    They may also be acting out due to stress, anxiety, or health issues. Understanding the cause of this behavior can help modify their behavior positively.

    How to get a cat to stop knocking things off the counter?

    To prevent your cat from knocking things off the counter, provide them with elevated spots, use deterrents like double-sided tape or foil on surfaces, offer distractions like toys, and consistently reward good behavior.