If you want to find the cutest, cuddliest feline friend, we have some good news. We’ve done in-depth research and found 25 cutest cat breeds perfect for cozy evening snuggling. Our list of affectionate kittens is so long that you’ll have trouble deciding which one to pick.
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Maine Coon
Weight: 9 to 20 pounds
Lifespan: 9-15 years
Coat: 64 different color varieties of gold and copper
Maine Coons are a breed of cat known for their massive size and muscular body, which is unusual for most cats. They are easily recognizable by their large, pointy ears and fluffy tails. These cats can grow up to 20 pounds, making them one of the largest domesticated cat breeds. Despite their size, they make great pets, especially for beginners, thanks to their intelligence.
Russian Blue
Weight: 7 to 12 pounds
Lifespan: 10-15 years
Coat: Medium silvery-blue shade without any markings
The Russian Blue cat is a stunning feline that's sure to capture your heart with its unique appearance. With green eyes and a bluish-gray coat, this breed is often identified by its unique body type, similar to that of a Siamese cat. The thick and dense blue coat of the Russian Blue makes it an ideal snuggle buddy for cozy nights. It’s worth noting that this breed also has rare Russian White and Russian Black varieties.
British Shorthair
Weight: 7 to 17 pounds
Lifespan: 12-17 years
Coat: Solid color (with or without markings)
Inexperienced cat parents often mistake British shorthair for the Russian blue, but they are quite different. This breed is one of the oldest cats in England. They love to receive attention from their owners and are perfect for long cuddle sessions. It’s hard to resist their adorable round faces and big eyes.
Fun fact: Despite their name, “Siamese” cats were brought to Europe from Thailand in the late 19th century.
American Bobtail
Weight: 7 to 11 pounds (females); 12 to 16 pounds (males)
Lifespan: 13-15 years
Coat: Come in a variety of patterns and colors
American bobtail may look like a wild feline at first glance, but it’s anything but. American Bobtails have striking, tiger-like patterns that catch the eye, yet their temperament is more akin to that of a Golden Retriever. These cats love spending time with their humans and enjoy games like fetch. They’re also quite low-maintenance since they don't shed much, so grooming isn't a frequent requirement.
Scottish Fold
Weight: 5 to 11 pounds (females); 12 to 16 pounds (males)
Lifespan: 11-15 years
Coat: Come in a variety of coat types, colors, and patterns
Scottish fold cats can be easily spotted thanks to their small, folded ears that might remind you of an owl. It’s not just you—many people see the resemblance. Despite their distinctive look, these felines have a gentle and amiable temperament that makes them great companions.
Fun fact: Breeders have differing opinions on the ears of their breeds, which are a natural mutation. Some professionals suggest that this is linked to problems with their cartilage.
"Legal bans on the breeding and sometimes sale of Folds have been enacted in several countries, including Australia, Austria, Belgium, Netherlands, Norway, and Scotland, due to the breed's health issues, especially deformities and pain caused by osteochondrodysplasia, which results in abnormalities in bone and cartilage throughout the body. Some of the major cat registries, such as the GCCF and FIFe, do not recognize, nor allow for the registry and competition showing of, Scottish folds." Do not buy a Fold or encourage their breeding! They literally are ALL born with deformities (osteochondrodysplasia) that cause severe pain and joint deformities!
Weight: 7 to 12 pounds
Lifespan: 10-12 years
Coat: Come in six separate colors: black, cream, cameo, blue, blue-cream smoke, and smoke tortoiseshell
Despite their grumpy-looking face and round eyes, Persian cats are quite friendly and easygoing. These furry felines are independent of their owners, but with proper training and socialization, they will enjoy snuggling up with you. We are confident that you will find them to be a sweet and affectionate companion once you get to know them.
Weight: 8 to 20 pounds
Lifespan: 12-17 years
Coat: Come in a variety of colors, markings, and patterns
Ragamuffin cats are the ultimate attention-seekers and can get along with people of all ages. With their silky coats, they make the perfect cuddle buddies. These felines have a dog-like nature and enjoy playing games and even going for walks on a leash. One of the best things about these fluffy cats is that they don't fully mature until they reach four years of age. This means you get to enjoy a “kitten” for an extended period.
British Longhair
Weight: 7 to 17 pounds
Lifespan: 12-17 years
Coat: Solid, tabby, and parti-color
British longhair is a medium-sized, muscular cat with a broad chest and a weatherproof, fluffy coat. Also known as British Blue, this breed is among the most popular worldwide. They love to take their sweet time to relax; some people even liken them to the famous cartoon character Garfield. By spending more time with your furry pal, you can make the most of your time together.
Manx Cat
Weight: 8 to 12 pounds
Lifespan: 8-14 years
Coat: Available in different combinations of colors and patterns
Manx cats stands out from the crowd since it lacks a tail. However, their charmingly round face and affectionate demeanor make them hard not to love! They enjoy being around humans and are quite sociable. Some even compare them to dogs in terms of their personality. The Cymric is the long-haired variation of this breed.
Munchkin Cat
Weight: 6 to 9 pounds
Lifespan: 12-15 years
Coat: Come in a variety of colors and patterns
Munchkins are a cat breed with a medium-sized body and a thick, plush coat. Their most recognizable feature is their short legs, which make them appear low to the ground. Despite their small stature, they are very active and love to play. Their personality is similar to any other domestic cat; they are curious and intelligent.
Weight: up to 20 pounds (males); 10-15 pounds (females)
Lifespan: 12-17 years
Coat: Silk coat with patterns in different colors
Their laid-back nature makes Ragdolls a favorite among many families and individuals. They love nothing more than spending time with their cat parents, so don't be surprised if they are the ones that initiate contact with you.
Weight: 10-20 pounds
Lifespan: 12-16 years
Coat: White-dark coat
Birman breed has a striking resemblance to the long-haired Siamese variety. They are known for their charming white-pawed appearance and their captivating blue eyes. Additionally, they have dark masks, legs, ears, and tails that make them even more striking and unique. Not only are they adorable, but they are also gentle, charming, and loveable companions.
Weight: 8-15 pounds
Lifespan: 10-16 years
Coat: Spotted marble coat with brown, silver, and snow white
Bengals are often considered the closest relatives of wild felines, originating from a hybrid cross between an Asian leopard cat and a domestic house cat. Despite being domesticated, Bengals still have a distinct wild appearance, which adds to their charm and appeal. Known for their high energy levels, Bengals are incredibly active and playful, making them an excellent choice for families with children.
Egyptian Mau
Weight: 6-14 pounds
Lifespan: 12-15 years
Coat: Spotted coat in silver, bronze, black, caramel, blue/pewter, or smoke
The Egyptian Mau breed is known for enjoying "dog games" and fondness for playing in the water. They are a very friendly feline and love nothing more than snuggling up to their human companions. Although there is still some uncertainty surrounding their origins, it is believed that this particular cat breed may have descended from the ancient Egyptian cat.
Selkirk Rex
Weight: up to 16 pounds
Lifespan: 13-15 years
Coat: Furry coat in any color combination
Selkirk Rex is widely adored for its signature curly fur and distinctively round face. However, if you adopt one of these furry friends, it's important to give their coat extra attention to keep it from tangling. Known for their affectionate disposition, these cats are particularly fond of children and thrive in their company.
Norwegian Forest Cat
Weight: 13-16 pounds
Lifespan: 12-15 years
Coat: Most colors, excluding chocolate, lilac, or Siamese patterns
Our next contender is a spectacular feline with an enchanting disposition. Skogkatts are remarkably serene and can quickly acclimate to any surroundings. Contrary to popular belief, this breed is friendly and loves making new acquaintances.
Interestingly, this breed hails from Norway, which goes by the name Skogkatt and is even featured in Norse mythology. This adorable breed was rescued from extinction during the early 20th century thanks to the breeders.
American Curl
Weight: 7-10 pounds
Lifespan: up to 18 years
Coat: Any color and various patterns
American Curl is a prime example of why adopting abandoned animals is a great idea. This adorable breed has an interesting backstory—her original owners bred her, and some of the first kittens born had curled ears. One of the many things that make American Curls so delightful is the kitten-like personality that they retain throughout their lives. These affectionate felines are adaptable and can easily make friends with other pets and children.
Weight: 6-10 pounds
Lifespan: 10-15 years
Coat: All colors and different pattern combinations
LaPerm is a lovely cat breed with a unique coat type known as “rex.” Interestingly, this breed’s origins were not planned or intentional. It all began when a farmer noticed that his cat’s kittens were born without hair. After eight weeks, the cat grew a soft, curly coat, and people have been in love with this breed ever since. LaPerms are known for their friendly and easy-going personalities, and they love nothing more than snuggling up on their favorite human’s lap.
Weight: up to 15 pounds
Lifespan: 12-20 years
Coat: Jet-black glossy coat
If you’re looking for a way to challenge the superstition that black cats bring bad luck, consider a Bombay cat. These felines are known for their outgoing and friendly personalities, making them great companions for families with children. They are also quite playful, so your Bombay cat will find ways to keep themselves entertained even if you’re busy with work. They are a joy to have around and will undoubtedly “disturb you” in the best way possible.
Turkish Angora
Weight: up to 9 pounds
Lifespan: up to 15 years
Coat: White long fur
According to the CFA Turkish Angora Breed Council, the Turkish Angora cat breed is considered a national treasure in Turkey. In fact, a unique breeding program was established for them. These feline beauties are often called “ballerinas” due to their graceful nature. They are friendly with other pets but do need to be in charge. Overall, they get along well with other animals.
Weight: 5-8 pounds
Lifespan: up to 15 years
Coat: Short brownish fur with darker ends
Singapura cats are known for their love of spending maximum time with their owners and having a paw in every household chore. If you decide to adopt one, get ready to snuggle up with them frequently, as they adore cuddles.
Devon Rex
Weight: 6-9 pounds
Lifespan: 9-15 years
Coat: Wavy hair in a combination of colors.
Devon rex cats are sometimes called “Poodle cats” by feline enthusiasts because of their distinctive curly hair. These cats are known for their playful and sociable personalities and love engaging in various activities with their owners.
American Wirehair
Weight: 12-15 pounds (males); 8-12 pounds (females)
Lifespan: Up to 20 years
Coat: Wiry, coarse in multiple colors
This furry creature possesses an amiable disposition and is an ideal option for households with children and other animals. It is remarkably curious about its environment and derives immense pleasure from being in the company of its owners.
Weight: 12-15 pounds (males); 8-12 pounds (females)
Lifespan: 10-15 years
Coat: Thick with a light-colored undercoat and darker-colored hair at the tips
A single unintended union between a Chinchilla Persian male and a Burmese queen created one of the most adorable cat breeds—Burmilla. This breed is unique in preserving its youthful traits while being an independent feline.
Weight: 6-12 pounds
Lifespan: 12-15 years
Coat: Ruddy, red, blue, or fawn
This feline could easily be mistaken for a fox, with its ruddy, red, blue, and fawn hues giving it a distinctly wild look. However, don't be fooled by its name—despite being called a Somali cat, it is a longhaired Abyssinian that has resulted from a recessive gene. Despite its exotic appearance, this breed is known for its affectionate nature.
What is the cutest, cuddliest cat?
It depends on your preferences. All of the feline breeds from our list are cute and cuddly. The final result will also depend on your training effort.
What is the friendliest cat breed?
All of the feline breeds on this list possess friendly qualities to some extent. However, if we were to single one out, it would have to be the Maine Coon as the most amiable of them all.
Why not just get a cat from a shelter? A lot of them look like these and they're just as cute. Save a life.
And, bonus, they're less likely to be hideously inbred!
Load More Replies...Why not just get a cat from a shelter? A lot of them look like these and they're just as cute. Save a life.
And, bonus, they're less likely to be hideously inbred!
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