I don’t know about you, but there are a couple of things people do that drive me crazy. For example, when somebody breathes down my neck when I stand at the ATM, or when somebody sitting next to me on the bus hogs my seat. In the grand picture of life, these are relatively minor things, but boy, can they annoy the living daylights out of you!
Each of us has at least one pet peeve, meaning something not very big or particularly bad that greatly irritates us, even though someone else might find it okay. Hey, no need to feel awkward about it! We are all humans and we all have our own opinions and preferences. And also, let’s be honest, people can be pretty annoying at times. However, be sure to discuss this issue with your loved ones. Knowing your partner’s pet peeves in a relationship in advance can save you a lot of unpleasant moments, and even the relationship itself.
Alongside common pet peeves that are a nuisance for so many of us, some people also have pretty funny pet peeves. Again, no judging, you know better what makes you uncomfortable. Even if no one around you shares your pet peeve, it’s absolutely normal if you get annoyed by it.
We have collected some examples of pet peeves for this article. Do you find these things irritating? Share your biggest pet peeve with us in the comments.
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Chronic Lateness
People Who Have To One-Up Every Story
we reached the moon! but lost in space i think we got there all too soon!
People Who Don't Wash Their Hands After Using The Bathroom
Slow Internet
If I can do so safely, I pull over and let them go by before they hit me. If I can't, I aim for every single pothole on the road, then swerve at the last second. They usually get the message after bottoming out 2-3 times.
Loud Chewing
My breathing issues make it very difficult to chew with my mouth shut. I do the best I can.
People Who Explain Your Own Point Back To You
Pushy Vegans
People Who Seriously Think They're Kind Of A Big Deal
I am a big deal! I am Bouche's litterbox scooper and food-giver. You can't get any more of a big deal than that!
The Feeling Of Chalk
I'd feel up every stick of chalk in the universe if it meant I wouldn't have to hear the sound of fingernails on a blackboard.
Having A Big Job Dropped In Your Lap At The End Of The Day (Or Week)
Heating Up Smelly Food In A Public Kitchen
Personal Grooming In A Public Place
Unprotected Sneezes
It's easy to teach a child this. It's almost impossible to teach an adult this.
Loud Phone Games
Nose Picking
Not Replacing The Toilet Paper
Sudden Stops In Pedestrian Traffic
Kids Incapable Of Not Being Entertained For Every Second Of Every Minute
Leaving Drawers And Cabinets Open
How else is the kitten supposed to get in them?" she asked innocently.
Spitting On The Sidewalk
I am guilty of this. I just can't stand to swallow my own spit/snot. I try to be discreet. Sorry guys.
Guys Who Bring Their Guitar To A Party
The guilty party usually has a man bun and doesn't wear deodorant because he's au natural
Slow Drivers In The Passing Lane
People who think they have the right of way when coming onto a highway and, worse, think it's ok to do so at 40kph when the highway traffic is at 100kph.
Backhanded Compliments
When You Lose Something And A Person Says, "Well, Where Was The Last Place You Had It?"
Food Stealers
Saying "You Look Tired"
Misspelling Your Name When It's Right There In Your Email Address
Clapping When The Plane Lands
What an odd thing to do. You're clapping because someone did their job properly? I didn't clap because the people who arrested me did it right. I don't clap if the restaurant gets my order right. I don't clap if the electric works. Why would I clap because the plane landed?
Overactive Group Chats
Talking To Someone With Headphones In
Sidewalk Hogs
Groups who walk slowly covering the whole sidewalk so you can’t go past
Delivery Food That Spills In The Bag
Trying To Find Things In Someone Else's Kitchen
Lending Something To Someone And Never Getting It Back
I stopped lending long ago. I generally just give and replace. If it gets returned, bonus!
Line Drifters
Not Picking Up Your Missed Basketball Garbage Shot
People Who Order Something Else And Then Want Your Food Or Drink
Asking Questions During A Movie
Aggressive Interrupters
Other People Staring At Their Phones
Single Socks
People Who Recline Their Airplane Seats Without Warning
Non-Apology Apologies
Confusing Memes With Having A Personality
Using Internet Shorthand In Face-To-Face Conversation
Grammar Correctors
I usually try to ignore it, but my older brother knows how much I hate when adults say pasgetti when they are trying to be cute or whatever. He'll work into conservations on the phone, because he knows I'll punch him if he does it to my face.
Oversharing Medical Conditions
Being Gluten-Free Just For Kicks
Makes legit allergy sufferers look bad. I am not allergic, I put extra gluten on everything. I usually carry my own supply. In a gluten shaker.
Gum Smackers
Especially since I have misophonia. Everyday is hell because of it. People always just think I'm overreacting or just want attention. Someone recently told me just to deal with it, brave words for someone who is already on my last nerve and in punching range.
People Who Overstay Their Welcome
Parties That Are Just Requests For Presents
Scraping Silverware
People Who Adopt The Interests/Habits Of Every New Significant Other
Leaving Dishes In The Sink
Leaving The Cap Off Of The Toothpaste
Unsolicited Recommendations
People Who Say "No Offense"
People Who Hold Up TSA Security
Formal Social Media Departure Announcements
Bringing Up Politics Just To Irritate Someone
This site is notorious about this. I get it, most people here are liberal. Trump did not invent cancer or whatever ridiculous junk people comment or post.
Dog Owners Who Look The Other Way
A Lack Of Outlets
Hair In The Sink/Drain/Shower
Phone Alarms Going Off At Work
Spoilers (And People Who Get Upset About Spoilers)
The Sound Of Styrofoam Rubbing Against Styrofoam
Those People Who Push The Button Again Even Though It's Already Been Pushed
Passengers Who Fiddle With A Car Driver's Radio
People Who Won't Stop Telling You That You Have To Watch Their Favorite Show
Cracking Knuckles
Bad Tippers
Always tip well. You will get better service. If you can't afford to tip, don't go to places that tipping is expected. Workers rely on that money.
Slurping Coffee/Tea
Chewing On Ice
AHHGGGGG I HATE IT SO MUCH! Its crunchy and slurpy at the same time. *sCreAmS*
Redundant Hashtagging
The Word "Literally"
In moderation or in if its being overused? I get where you are coming from if someone is using it all the time.
Unprepared Coffee Customers
Loud Arguers
People Who Constantly Talk About Their Diet
Crowding The Airport Gate
People Who Call You "Buddy" Or "Sweetheart" Because They Forgot Your Name
An elderly gentleman was telling his guest about a new restaurant. The guest asked the name of the place. After a long silence, the elderly man admitted he couldn't remember. He asked the guest, "What's the name of that flower, the one with the thorns?" .... "A rose?" the guest asked..... "That's it!" The elderly man shouted into the kitchen, "Hey, Rose, what was that restaurant we ate at the other night?"
People Who Stand On The Left
Non-Karaoke Karaoke
Does clanging, scraping, or biting silverware cripple anyone else? Just the thought makes me shudder...
Does clanging, scraping, or biting silverware cripple anyone else? Just the thought makes me shudder...