It’s 2019 and 182 years have passed since the first publication of The Little Mermaid. However, some people appear to be stuck in 1837. Or the middle ages. You see, Disney has announced that Halle Bailey will star as Ariel in The Little Mermaid remake, and they’re pointing out her skin color. As most of their arguments have been quickly exhausted and proven invalid for multiple reasons, the most persistent protesters have turned to “science” to support their claims. But their newest attempts to ignite racial tensions have failed just as miserably as the initial ones.


    Recently, Disney announced that singer Halle Bailey will star as Ariel in The Little Mermaid remake

    Image credits: chloexhalle

    Not everyone was happy with the decision

    Some people are trying really hard to find a reason why Ariel cant be black, and they even turned to “science”

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    Image credits: mekurrr

    Image credits: 0430alexu


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    However, they were instantly shut down

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    Image credits: HughHoult

    Image credits: HughHoult

    People simply aren’t buying their “theories”

    Image credits: MouthyOldBat

    Image credits: __CBeezy

    Image credits: MadamnSJ

    Image credits: writerTQB

    Image credits: korcariwilds


    Image credits: Necrophidian

    Image credits: Jpnesler

    Image credits: lookatmyora

    Image credits: kcizzlemyhizzle

    Image credits: MarkCC