30 Of The Most Interesting Answers To “What Are People Stupidly Proud Of?” Posted In This Online Group
Pride is a feeling that can be both constructive and destructive. Healthy pride often inspires positive behavior, however, the unhealthy aspect of it can make one arrogant and self-centered. Appreciating one's own growth and achievement is definitely a self-esteem booster, but overindulgence and comparison may lead to unpleasant consequences.
Usually, people's upbringing and surroundings are huge factors that affect what they feel proud of. For instance, some pandas are proud of sharing their bamboo because they are taught to value kindness more, while other pandas are probably proud of cunningly acquiring bamboo because they value cleverness more.
Whatever the case is, pride is just another feeling and it can arise in the strangest scenarios for a variety of reasons! Recently, a Redditor asked a question, “What are people stupidly proud of?” The viral thread received lots of responses revealing the strangest and most ridiculous reasons why people feel proud of themselves.
Bored Panda has compiled some of the most interesting answers from the thread, scroll below to read them all, and let us know what you feel about people who just love bragging about their trivial achievements. Lastly, keep celebrating your achievements pandas, and be proud of the good things you do!
More info: Reddit
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My dad, a father of 7, brags that he's never changed a diaper. Like, congratulations on being no help?
Fake mental illnesses. Depression/anxiety/OCD are not cute and quirky, they’re debilitating af to people who actually suffer them
Yes, and I'm going to take a lot of abuse for this comment and possibly be kicked off BP, but right now being gay, trans, whatever is a lot more popular than not. As with other areas (mental health for example) those who try to fit in with the 'in group' are detrimental to those who really do belong.
Not reading books. Actually boasting about it.
Edit: So far, the most tragic comments have been those defending TV watching as "taking just as much effort as reading".
The book is always better than the movie. The book is the entire story, as seen through the eyes of the author and interpreted by your brain. A movie is the writer’s and director’s reworking of the author’s story, to make it fit in a time slot and appeal to a range of audiences by cutting whole characters and storylines, framing for the modern perspective. and adding gratuitous nudity.
Teachers being proud that their classes are hard and their students are always failing.
That their dog weighs so much but really it's an obese sausage with legs who can't even take three steps without running out of breath.
Willful ignorance. Example: pride in not knowing how to do basic math.
How sensitive people don't get along with them because they're "not afraid to openly speak their mind."
(aka they are a**holes who always have to share their questionable opinions very loudly)
People who are proud of being "brutally honest" only care about the "brutal" not the "honest". Its perfectly possible to be honest without being a jerk.
"I haven't missed a day of work in years."
This usually means you went into the office while really sick, at least a couple of times.
Skin color. You fell out of your mother like that. It's not a personal achievement.
I think for the African American community it is a little bit different. It is only recently that we have started outwardly taking pride in being black because for the longest time in society we were told we are not good enough, smart enough or capable enough just because of the color of our skin. When you get told that for 100's of years, most in the community start to internalize this. So we are basically trying to undo a lot of generational trauma by being loud and proud about being black and uplifting ourselves. We are not saying we are better than anyone per se, but we are trying to uplift ourselves because in the past no one else would. I hope that makes sense 😊
Drunk driving.
They say it like it makes them a super cooool dude. Wait until you hit and kill a child and then see how cool you think you are. Bellends.
Holding or Acquiring Believes or Opinions based on a single thing about yourself,
to say you will or won't do something because it's the (Alabama Way). Supporting everything America does because you're American. Supporting EVERYTHING a political party does because they're your political party. Supporting everything a woman does because you're a feminist.
The vroom vroom sound their car makes at red lights. Like dude. Cook it. You're in a Mazda.
Not knowing something.
I have a coworker who, whenever they saw me replacing the paper towels, would loudly and proudly declare they have never done that in the five years they worked there, and that they didn’t even know how. I certain he thought it was some amazing “look how smart I am” moment in his head, but all I could think of was, “I’d be embarrassed to not know something so basic, and certainly not proud to be that lazy.”
being cruel.
My ex actually said, "Yeah, I saw this guy in a pub yesterday who tried talking to us so I basically burned his stupid shirt for an hour lol," which is one of the main reasons I broke up with him.
Brand Loyalty,
If you're not getting paid to exclusively use Apple, Samsung, Sony, Nintendo, Nike, Adidas, Chanel then why are you going so a hard for them?
Long commute times and working hours.
Yes. You're not hard working, you're just sad, and everyone's counting down the days till your mental breakdown.
Being religious
This partially incorrect. Being religious is a bizarre thing to be proud of unless you are part of the right religion, like me, we are just trying to help all you heathens from burning in Hell for eternity.
Or a part of the REAL right religion, like me, we just want to sacrifice you to please Satan.
Load More Replies...Religions are like penises. It's ok to have a religion. It's even ok to be proud of your religion. But it's NOT ok to constantly talk about it to everyone you see. AND FOR GOD'S SAKE STOP SHOVING IT DOWN OUR CHILDREN'S THROATS
Now there's a mental image I could have done without. D:
Load More Replies...If you want to tell me about your religion, talk with your actions, not with your mouth.
That also means you have to give someone the chance to do it. As a Christian some of you will shut me down before I have a chance to act on my faith.
Load More Replies...Or being NONreligious. People can be so pushy either way. One pushes you to be more religious and the other ridicules you for being religious. Both irritate the dickens out of me!
As non-religious I agree. I have plenty of religious friends and all beliefs are valid unless you are using them to be an a*****e to those who think different.
Load More Replies...There's nothing wrong with being religious, just keep it to yourself.
and refrain from crusading and witch-hunts. Tx.
Load More Replies...Not sure why I should be ashamed of my religious beliefs. I'm proud to be a Christian - what's stupid about that?
Every religion wants me to donate, even tho' I am a non-believer. God deals in cash? ALL religions and churches should be taxed. They are taking up my time and space. Can't you just be religious alone, and give YOUR money?
I'm religious and Christian. I make a point to accept everyone like the Bible teaches. Only God can pass judgement since we're all sinners. One of my best friend's is Wiccan and I love her to death.
The bible certainly does not teach to be accepting. There is a considerable amount of raping, pillaging. And not just in the old testament either. Jesus endorses slavery and obedience and silence in women. Reread your bible if you don't believe me. You must be rusty.
Load More Replies...I am more proud of how my religion differs from my ancestors, like I don't judge people for doing what I believe is sin. I don't try to force my religion on others, this is why I am proud of what I believe and do.
Kobus if you are still talking about "sin" it doesn't sound to me like you moved far from the Nederlandse Gereformeerde Kerk. What religion have you adopted?
Load More Replies...I have no problems with religious beliefs until they negatively impact someone else's life. Example. Child is injured and needs a blood transfusion in order to live but parents religious beliefs are against it so they stand ready to watch their child die because of it. I have a real problem with this because clearly they care or they wouldn't have gone to the hospital for treatment. Why deny that life saving treatment?
I am religious. Do you see me going to every Stanist and Athiest here screaming at them to come to church with me? Some religions shove it in people’s faces, and being a Christian I know that is definitely true. It is true that I would love to have everyone become a Christian with me, but anyone from another religion (or no religion) would want the same but for everyone to be like them
U.H., for most of my life, I was a Christian. It was central to my very identity, and my entire worldview was built on that belief system. That's why even though I've changed, I *feel* what you're saying. But. Regarding the statement "anyone from another religion would want the same", I don't think that's true. Christian scripture explicitly states that the only way to God is through belief in the atoning sacrifice of Jesus Christ, hence why Christians are so pushy about converting people. That and Jesus' call to "go and make disciples". I don't think that's necessarily true of other religions, the idea that you have to be a part of the club so to speak to be right with God or have good fortune or be reincarnated or reach Nirvana or whatever the goal is. I'm sure many practitioners, of Buddhism for example, would be more than happy to let you believe and practice whatever you want, as long as you do so respectfully and don't harm others (or harass them about it).
Load More Replies...Every religion is a spiritual path. Just because it's not yours doesn't make it stupid.
Any religion that teaches shunning or moral superiority is on a stupid path. Looking at Scientology, Seventh Day, Mormons, Jehovah's Witnesses, and their like.
Load More Replies...I think this CAN be okay. But only if you're the kind of religious person who believes we're all created equal, loving their fellow man/woman, doesn't condemn people for not following THEIR religion or adhering to their religions version of what's a sin or not - which seem to be the basic tenets of most religions but are very much not how they are practised, sadly..
Oo oo, really interesting point about defining what is and isn't a sin! Serious scholars of the Bible will know it's not always so clearly defined. People are so sure about 'this behavior is okay' but 'this behavior is horrible', but if you really examine the scripture critically, you realize this is often defined more by culture, not by scripture. EDIT: Of course when the scripture said something like "sexual immorality", for example, the readers in that time and place would have understood what the author meant, but it's not so well defined to us now.
Load More Replies...Even if you are religious, isn't it God's place to pass judgement? When has God ever asked us to pass judgement on others?
If Christ died for our sins, dare we make his martyrdom worthless by not committing them ;)
I will forgive all I decided is wrong, but you must torture to death my only son. And make sure he suffers for long time.
Load More Replies...Hint: Everybody has a religion. Everybody. Not all people are fanatics, zealots, or whatever. If you were to list the actual behaviors that negatively affect you when you encounter religious people, you will find those behaviors in every demographic. Yes, even Atheists can be religious zealots. We are also seeing more secular cultism in the form of politics, business, race, & societal issues. People who hold very strong spiritual affinity for their beliefs & attachments. My daughter's high school was funny. The Atheists & their political types wanted to do an Anti-Jesus display. Christian kids were warned they would be expelled if they spoke up. The day of the event, they nearly had a riot. The ignorant Atheist & Leftist fanatics didn't realize that the Muslims hold Jesus in high regard too. The Muslim kids defended their faith against other zealots. It was a great bonding moment too for the Christian & Muslim kids.
If your beliefs make you a better person and do no harm to others, how is this a bad thing?
Don’t care if you are religious just don’t ever, ever try to cram it down my throat . Won’t end well for you.
Don't forget that it all comes down to this. My invisible friend is better than your invisible friend.
I hope Nathaniel was either being sarcastic or truly driving this point home
So according to you and other religions we are all going to hell because in each religion if you dont belong to it and believe in another religion you are goin to hell.
There are no wrong religion, it’s basically different pathways going to the same destination. The more religious a person the more judgmental and assholy they are.
Not according to Christian scripture. I'm *not* a Christian, BTW, so I'm not saying that maliciously at all, just informatively. See my reply to Unnamed Hooman above for more details.
Load More Replies...F**k religion. All of them are a plague to civilization, science and society. Nothing good ever came from them.
I'm nonreligious, but I'd argue some extremely impressive artwork came from religion.
Load More Replies...Teens who think that are gangsters.
We had a family friend who, at 15, decided she wanted to join a gang. After her 'initiation," she was so badly mangled that she had to have a closed casket funeral. Gangs are not cool or fun, kids.
1. Not reading books.
2. Not listening to experts.
Not so sure about this one. This flex could land you in a presidency.
How bad they have it. I’ve seen people borderline brag about how much trauma they’ve been through like it’s some kind of contest.
I think we've all seen that FB post where OP says that they can never make their mom's recipes the way she does, and a commenter spends 3 paragraphs wingeing about how OP's post was hurtful and offensive because their (commenter's) mother was an alchoholic and a drug addict and blah blah blah...case in point.
Their political views.
It's not just one side doing this c**p either. It's just as annoying to be berated and talked down to by a "woke" person as it is a "MAGA" person. You're both being annoying, and taking pride in it. Just stop, f**k.
I see a lot of stuff like this and I usually agree. Having grown up in the south and being surrounded by far-right beliefs as a liberal I know some very good people that are conservative. But I find it different with "MAGA" to support Trump you have to disconnect yourself from reality in some regard, be hateful, or just ignorant. Now I'm not saying that Biden is good or even most democrats. They still act with self interest, but as the alt-right seems to take over the typically conservative, it's no longer just a differing of opinion on what's best, it's actively working against LITERAL NAZIS running for office and seating in Congress.
How much of an a*****e they can be
It's amazing to me how many people wear their assholishness as a giant badge of honor.
Their "roots" in a country that their great-great-great-great-great-great-great grandfather was from.
“I’m proud of myself, I haven’t cheated in a while”
Me: “it’s been 2 months and I’m not f*****g proud of you”
Those IQ tests people share but they dont know how to read their results. Had some guy just so proud that he was in the top 90%
Unearned wealth.
Genetic assignments.
Their place of origin.
What’s so wrong about being proud of your origins? I swear most of the posts here are just insecure people.
The ability to consume stuff like alcohol
Their sexual activity (no matter if being a virgin or being sexually very active)
Lack of sleep
How much hours they get exploited/work
Addition: People (esp. Boomers) who are proud they played outside, drank from a garden hose etc. Yes of course this is better for kids than sitting in front of a cellphone at the age of 4. But your generation has embraced and used all technical improvements too (which is fine). If cellphones had been invented earlier, you surely wouldn#t have said, "no, father, I'd rather climb up this tree." You're not better because you didn't even have the choice. You were just born earlier.
From one born at the end of that generation - It is not so much bragging, but fondly remembering and maybe feeling that way has benefits "you" are missing out on. It has been proven that being outside has definite benefits in the long run. It needs to be a mixture of new and old. Unpopular opinion - the just in case clause - we need to be able to do "things" without technology because the next war will probably be cyber ( better than nuke imho).
Load More Replies...can i brag that i have the cutest and best cats ever and i love them and they are so sweet to me! that's what i'm proud of!
For me, it's people bragging about all the stupid animals they own. So you have cats; keep them at home, keep them to yourself and your cat-loving friends, and don't bother the rest of the population with the endless "cutesy" pics and videos of the ........... felines doing their normal things.
Load More Replies...People wearing bragging about how they're vegan, thinking theyre higher than you, WE GET IT
It annoys me when people are proud of the fact that they refuse to use medicine or go the doctor.
Or worse they brag about not taking their child to a doctor or getting them potentially life saving vaccines...
Load More Replies...I'd say women who are proud of not knowing how to cook or clean (which EVERY adult needs to know) and also people who are like "I never go outside if I can help it sunlight is my enemy" like no, sunlight and fresh air are good for you.
Using family time as an excuse to show up late and leave early every single day. How is your time more valuable than mine and why do I have to pick up your slack a*s when you make 50% more money then me....
Another one: being disabled. People feel the need to mention it, even when it has no bearing on the situation. "I'm disabled"...it's like a badge of honor.
Addition: People (esp. Boomers) who are proud they played outside, drank from a garden hose etc. Yes of course this is better for kids than sitting in front of a cellphone at the age of 4. But your generation has embraced and used all technical improvements too (which is fine). If cellphones had been invented earlier, you surely wouldn#t have said, "no, father, I'd rather climb up this tree." You're not better because you didn't even have the choice. You were just born earlier.
From one born at the end of that generation - It is not so much bragging, but fondly remembering and maybe feeling that way has benefits "you" are missing out on. It has been proven that being outside has definite benefits in the long run. It needs to be a mixture of new and old. Unpopular opinion - the just in case clause - we need to be able to do "things" without technology because the next war will probably be cyber ( better than nuke imho).
Load More Replies...can i brag that i have the cutest and best cats ever and i love them and they are so sweet to me! that's what i'm proud of!
For me, it's people bragging about all the stupid animals they own. So you have cats; keep them at home, keep them to yourself and your cat-loving friends, and don't bother the rest of the population with the endless "cutesy" pics and videos of the ........... felines doing their normal things.
Load More Replies...People wearing bragging about how they're vegan, thinking theyre higher than you, WE GET IT
It annoys me when people are proud of the fact that they refuse to use medicine or go the doctor.
Or worse they brag about not taking their child to a doctor or getting them potentially life saving vaccines...
Load More Replies...I'd say women who are proud of not knowing how to cook or clean (which EVERY adult needs to know) and also people who are like "I never go outside if I can help it sunlight is my enemy" like no, sunlight and fresh air are good for you.
Using family time as an excuse to show up late and leave early every single day. How is your time more valuable than mine and why do I have to pick up your slack a*s when you make 50% more money then me....
Another one: being disabled. People feel the need to mention it, even when it has no bearing on the situation. "I'm disabled"...it's like a badge of honor.