They say revenge is a dish best served cold, but I like to think of it as more of a nice, versatile chocolate. It can be delicious in many forms: melted into a warm, comforting drink, or freezing cold in a thick and decadent ice cream.
And if you’re a fellow panda who prefers not to turn the other cheek when you’ve been wronged, we’ve got some perfect pics of epic revenge for you down below. Enjoy viewing these photos from people who served up heaping plates of sweet revenge, and be sure to upvote the ones that have inspired you to be a better person!
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Grandma's Revenge
Well Deserved Dump
Yeah, You're An A**hole. Unfortunately For You, So Am I
Many of us were taught in our youth that it’s best to always choose the high road. Be the bigger person, turn the other cheek. Don’t retaliate when someone wrongs you. And while that’s all great advice, sometimes, people deserve to learn a lesson. There’s a fine line between choosing not to get back at someone and enabling their inappropriate behavior, so every once in a while, it’s worth it to get that sweet, delicious revenge. If someone litters on your lawn, scratches up your car, cheats on you or harms someone you love, it’s only natural to feel the impulse to get back at them. And even if you know it might not be the wisest idea, you can still appreciate all of the people who have brilliantly enacted revenge in their own lives!
I certainly don’t condone violence, and I would never encourage you pandas to go out there and seek justice by harming another person. But if you are looking to get a taste of that tempting revenge, it might be important to understand what you’re getting yourself into first. As many people believe, revenge is best served cold, meaning that you should wait before immediately getting back at someone. This period of waiting can give you time to plot and scheme, or it might allow you to cool down and realize that getting revenge isn’t actually necessary! Why waste your energy on someone who doesn’t deserve it?
Man Finds Over 100 Ways To Use His Ex-Wife's Wedding Dress
Stray Dog Kicked By Driver Returns With A Pack Of Friends To Trash His Car
Hope you "accidentally" go just a bit further and knock the potty over xD
And if you imagine yourself feeling much better after enacting your brilliant revenge scheme, you might be surprised to learn that it might not actually make you feel as great as you’d hoped. In fact, one Harvard study found that people who engage in acts of revenge tend to feel much worse after seeking justice. By trying to make another person feel guilty for their actions, we might end up feeling bad about our own choices. Two wrongs don’t make a right, right? Another study reported that revenge is “bittersweet,” with the capability to trigger positive and negative emotions, including tension, uncertainty and a sense of dread.
It’s also important to consider the long-term effects of how our devious revenge plots may make us feel, Geoff Beattie, Professor of Psychology at Edge Hill University, writes for The Conversation. Over time, we may begin to empathize with the perpetrator who upset us initially, and we may realize that they could have grown and matured since hurting us. Did getting back at them teach them a lesson, or did it cause even more damage to our relationship with them? It can be hard to predict the impacts of revenge, so deciding to act can always come with some risks.
Revenge Of The Nerd
I Put This On My Homophobic Dads Work Truck After He Yelled At Me, And Mainly My Girlfriend, For Being Gay
Terrible Parker Receives Sweet Sweet Karma Via A Herd Of Busses
One alternative to revenge is its famous foil: forgiveness. It can be much harder to choose this path, especially when a wound is fresh. But is it more rewarding? One study published by the American Psychological Association found that choosing revenge over forgiveness can actually cause victims to remain in a dehumanized state that their perpetrators put them in. When individuals go the route of forgiveness, on the other hand, they are likely to feel just as human as if no one had ever harmed them.
“The research suggests that forgiveness is a transformative process that involves releasing negativity toward the transgressor and possibly increasing positivity and feelings of benevolence towards them,” Mark Travers at Forbes explains. “It is considered a moral response rooted in the virtues of mercy, unconditional love, and generosity. And, because of its prosocial nature, it is treated as morally superior to a strict adherence to justice.”
Meanest Mother In Wyoming
That isn't mean, that's just good sense. He's clearly not mature enough to drive. That's good parenting.
Asked My Girlfriend To Pick Up A Card From Us For My Mom's Birthday... Girlfriend: 1 Me: 0
Smart Car Isn't Having It
As tempting as revenge can be, many of us believe that morally, it’s not the best choice. So choosing forgiveness instead allows us to act in line with our ethics and feel like we are better than the person who has done us wrong. Other benefits that those who go the route of forgiveness might see are “feeling a stronger sense of belonging to a human community, indicating that their morality was more central to who they are, and experiencing a lower propensity toward self-harm,” according to the same study. Like choosing between a greasy fast food meal and a fresh, nourishing homemade dinner full of veggies, revenge may be the easier, more tempting option, but we have to consider what will keep us feeling satisfied and healthy in the long run.
Found Out The Girl I Slept With Has A Boyfriend The Next Day. Left This Note Under The Toilet Seat Where Hopefully Only He'll See It
Called My Wife A Sandwich Maker
This Comeback
According to Dr. David Chester, associate professor of social psychology at Virginia Commonwealth University, revenge feels great in the moment because it triggers the reward circuitry in our brains, providing us with a pleasurable dose of dopamine and endogenous opioids. However, as with anything that gives us a rush of pleasurable feelings, we tend to experience a less enjoyable crash immediately afterwards. “There’s a hangover that kicks in quickly,” Dr. Chester told Well + Good. “Your nice little buzz or heightened positive affect fades fast, but the negative emotions, which were also heightened when you were hurting the person, will stick around and are quite durable.”
That's What You Get From Leaving Dog In A Car
Karma's Funny
Revenge For Braids
My horses did that to me but with gravel. Let’s say it was a short trip to the hospital after
It’s understandable that we feel the urge to get back at people, as Dr. Chester notes it’s a desire we have to ensure our own protection. “Vengeance is born out of a functional desire to keep others from taking advantage of us,” he says. “If we didn’t ever retaliate against people who hurt us, then people could theoretically hurt us all the time.” Unfortunately, nobody wants to run the risk of being a doormat, so sometimes, we would rather bite back than simply accept that we’ve been wounded.
Colleague Revenge
Revenge Of The Garbage Men
Someone Wasn't Happy About This Double-Parked Car
While revenge might seem like a perfectly healthy and reasonable response in the moment, it’s important to consider how it may make you feel in the future. Perhaps there’s a healthier way to get back at someone than keying their car or writing their business a terrible Yelp review. Vanessa Van Edwards wrote a piece for Science of People exploring revenge, and she noted that “healthy revenge” might be the best course of action you can take. Rather than actively harming another person, this might include going on to be perfectly happy and unaffected by the harm they’ve done, working even harder to become even more successful than them, focusing on the positives and choosing not to stoop to their level and eliminating any thoughts about them at all. After all, the great Frank Sinatra once said, “The best revenge is massive success.”
Tattoo Revenge
Another Use For A Zip Tie
Stay Away From The Coffee Creamer At Work
Revenge has inspired countless films, novels, TV shows and even true crime stories detailing gruesome crimes that have taken place in real life. However, it’s not always as glamorous as it seems on the screen. If you believe in karma, it might be best to allow it to take its own course. And if you believe in choosing the high road, you’ll likely feel more satisfied by simply choosing forgiveness and knowing that you didn’t waste your energy on someone who might not have learned their lesson anyway.
Slow Burn
I would slash one tire AND the spare. Then when he goes to change it….womp womp
So Generous
Popcorn Revenge
We hope you’re enjoying these epic photos of beautifully enacted revenge, pandas. Whether or not you choose to take revenge when you’re wronged, you can still be entertained by all of these individuals who did decide to bite back. Feel free to keep any ideas you get from them in your back pocket for the future, and keep upvoting the pics that remind you not to be a jerk. Then, if you’re interested in checking out another Bored Panda article featuring brilliantly enacted revenge schemes, we think you’ll enjoy this story!
Instant Revenge
Pretty Little Liar
Well Deserved Revenge
Savage Boyfriend
Ex Fiancé And Ex Best Man Are Now Dating. He Left His Wii At My Place. I Made Sure To Get It Back To Him
Wife Revenge
This Comeback
Educated Ex
Hopefully they miscalculate and scratch something of the car themselves xD
Street Art Revenge
My Friend Caught Her Husband Cheating On Her With A Girl He Met Through Online Gaming. She Cleaned All Of Her Belongings Out Of The House Today While He Was At Work And Left The Shirt He Wore To His Bachelor Party On His Favorite Gaming Chair
Sweet Revenge
My Friends Parents Force Her And Her Siblings To Have A Picture With Santa Every Year. This Year They Got Revenge And Took This Beauty Home
Yikes, what is up with all these disturbing and negative posts on BoredPanda? It is pretty sad that it took four people to copy-and-paste this content from Reddit and 45 people still upvote it. I truly don't understand how this site is run anymore. You censor the words "kill", "die", and "urine" in a cute webcomic yet you run posts about people committing really disturbing revenge. This used to be a site that promoted funny stories from around the web and new artwork, but now I see more and more Karen posts and AITA posts. More animal posts and less negativity, BoredPanda.
Most of these are definitely false, and some are definitely illegal if they're true.
Yikes, what is up with all these disturbing and negative posts on BoredPanda? It is pretty sad that it took four people to copy-and-paste this content from Reddit and 45 people still upvote it. I truly don't understand how this site is run anymore. You censor the words "kill", "die", and "urine" in a cute webcomic yet you run posts about people committing really disturbing revenge. This used to be a site that promoted funny stories from around the web and new artwork, but now I see more and more Karen posts and AITA posts. More animal posts and less negativity, BoredPanda.
Most of these are definitely false, and some are definitely illegal if they're true.