If you’re a pet parent, you know how dramatic your little animal babies can be. They might push you off the couch just to stretch their legs, cry when you won’t share your pizza or pee on the floor just because you refuse to let them attack the vacuum.
But when you have multiple children of the animal variety, they might not only have beef with you, but also with each other. One curious Reddit user recently asked pet owners to detail the drama that’s been going on between their furry, fluffy and feathery babies, and it turns out that pets are just as petty as us. Enjoy reading these juicy stories about animal siblings, and be sure to upvote the ones you'd like to see re-enacted on a soap opera!
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My flock of chickens is very dedicated to my rooster and obeys his every command—with the exception of one hen named Vicky. She doesn’t give a f**k about him and only wants to hang out with us humans. She follows us around and is just super friendly and cute and chatty, and of course, we spoil her with delicious treats all day. When I weed the garden she’s right behind me, scratching up the soil like she’s helping me lol and eating all the newly exposed bugs. She’ll walk up to us, look up, and say “hmm-hmm?” like she’s asking, “What’s goin’ on?” The other hens are always by the rooster’s side, but she comes and goes as she pleases.
Rooster can’t stand it. He does everything he can to get her attention, like making the “I found food” call and picking up a random pebble to pretend it’s a treat he found. She figured out this ruse very quickly.
If she starts to run toward us he’ll run ahead of her, stand in her way, and stomp his little rooster feet. She just runs past him, lol.
He gets especially mad when she’s late coming back to the coop at the end of the day because she’s hanging out with us, and he tries to herd her back over to it. She doesn’t give a F**K and just sits on the porch with us, and we all watch him run around screaming and having a fit because she doesn’t want to go to bed yet. It’s hilarious.
Somehow she’s still like #2 in the pecking order tho, she’s an alpha chicken
Edit: here is [Vicky](https://i.imgur.com/uzuSsau.jpg)
And [here’s](https://i.imgur.com/Fk77pwa.jpg) a blurry picture of the rooster puffing up in rage because I gave some corn to his wife
No drama; but my cat was sick a few weeks ago and my wiener dog started to bring him mouthfuls of cat food and leave them in a little pile next to the cat.
We have two donkeys, Geriatric donkey and Chonky donkey. Chonky has separation anxiety and freaks if she can't see Geriatric donkey. Geriatric donkey is too skinny and on a special high-protein diet. Chonky donkey is, well, chonky, and is on a diet, which she hates (but is looking much better).To keep Chonky donkey out of Geriatric donkeys food, I have to separate them. Now Chonky donkey is upset to be separated from Geriatric AND upset she can't steal Geriatric's much yummier food.
Upset donkeys are LOUD.
All I can imagine right now is a cranky donkey crying on the floor like a toddler
My ducks are so dramatic about sharing their pools. I have three ducks and two pools, one green, one pink. All three have decided the pink pool is their favorite and fight over who gets to be in it. They all three can fit comfortably in one pool, but they chase each other out and “fight” about who gets to be the only one in there. It’s hilarious to watch. This spring, I’m buying new pools. Three all pink ones lol.
They also bully the wild birds and squirrels. And when they hear the neighborhood dogs start barking, they run to the back fence and start quacking really loud.
The cat continues to give zero f***s the dog even exists. Dog finds this unacceptable.
I have the opposite problem. The dog wants to be left alone but the male cat watches her from around corners and such and the baby slaps her
We have a new foster dog who is terrified of the world and everything in it. She's been cowering in the corner of the kitchen for days, but she's just now getting brave enough to start coming out to solicit attention. Our resident dog is jealous so she keeps coming over to try to steal the attention. The foster dog loves the resident dog, and seems to get braver when she's around, so that makes her more willing to come out. So resident dog's jealous is accidentally feeding the bravery and socialization of the foster. (She doesn't realize it, but that's exactly what we were hoping would happen.)
I have a girl cat that doesn't get along with her two younger brothers (who are peas in a pod). They chase her and she runs and hisses, absolutely terrified.. We were at our wits end because they aren't violent kitties except to her.
Then we started watching her behavior more closely and noticed how she would play with them when she didn't think we were watching. Sit by them, show her belly, even groom them. As soon as she noticed we were in the room she'd act like they attacked her, even if they hadn't done anything. Eye opening for sure.
Yes, I have a cat like this. Her name is Trudy and she’s almost 6. When she was 2 I bought a pair of kittens home and she was not happy. Even now, 4 years later she hisses at them regularly but every so often, when she thinks I’m not looking she’ll wash them. Cats only wash other cats that they consider family so when she starts hissing I just tell her to stop being so overly dramatic 🙂
Two cats and a hedgehog. The cats are in disbelief that the hedgehog not only eats dry cat food as her diet (the audacity!) but also that she gets a heat lamp and they don't.
They are likely plotting a revolt.
Frank (mostly Rottweiler), Oscar (probably yellow Lab/Corgi mix), Finn (one eyed Yorkie/Shi-Tzu mix) and Polly (Finn's two eyed sister) all MUST go out the back door at EXACTLY the same time. They inevitably get stuck in the doorway Three Stooges style and start fighting.
I'd love to see the tall Rottie and the three little doggos all stuck in the door. Hilarious!
My horses who are bffs got a new buddy. Buddy likes both horses. Horse 1 likes buddy, horse 2 does not, so now original two horses are in a rough patch in their friendship. Feels like a cliche issue between highschool girls.
The 3 dogs are literally arguing at each other to see who can sit by my feet while I'm working. There is plenty of room all around me for all 3 of them. But all I'm hearing is grumbling and groaning. My idiots, my loveable, adorable idiots.
i have a cat & chickens. one of my chickens chased my cat yesterday and now she’s hiding in my room
My orange cat alternates between seeing my Xolo as his best friend and tasty prey. I’ve seen them cuddle happily and play with toys together. I have also seen the cat wake up, stretch, walk over to the sleeping Xolo just to smack him and calmly go back to his sleeping spot. My German shepherd has figured out how to take a bite of her water and hold it in her mouth. She will then find the sleeping cat and dump the water on the cat. The cat understandably hates this. My German shepherd takes endless delight in this. I recently bought an air tag for my keys because my Xolo has always been a kleptomaniac and he has a new hiding spot I have yet to find.
My cat has discovered my dogs bed, that he rarely uses, is bigger than hers. My dog has discovered she is using his neglected bed and has now decided he MUST use it immediately when he sees her on it. He barks at her and boops her with his nose, she just gets even more comfortable and looks at him as if to say "ya right kiddo, you know who's boss around here!"
She is an 8 year old hairless cat named Mew, and he is an almost 2 year old Dogue de Bordeaux named Wilfred. 🥰
Little cats always seem to overpower the giant dogs....we had a little rescue many years ago, didn't think she would survive as she was pulled from her mother at about 3/4 weeks....within a week, totally bossed our floofy spaniel and giant rescue dog (we had no idea of his genetics, but he was similar to a doberman in size and shape, but was brindle with a huge long tail)
My dog stole the blueberry my conure was eating so she fluffed up and head down charged at him and chased him around the room
We have just one chonky cat, but he creates enough drama to qualify for this post. He was recently adopted and we’re now discovering that he’s terrified of socks, sports bras, tangerines and the sight of snowflakes outside. He often tries to fight the air that comes out of the hair-dryer and the vacuum cleaner.
Oh, he is also in deep denial about his chonkiness and often gets stuck, then meows all outraged as if it was our fault that his fat butt can’t move 😂❤️
Two cats. Our older one likes to lay directly beside the automatic water fountain, guarding the "watering hole" like a predator lying in wait. Then our other cat comes up and wants to drink, but she won't let him. So he just licks the top of her head until she moves enough for him to get water.
Yup, high drama, will be selling the movie rights later this year.
Only one cat, but I put a heating pad on his bed since we keep the house cold, and now he comes in and glares at me until I turn it on.
Not mine, but my sister has 2 huskies and her oldest has a cat. The huskies love all living creatures and have the brains of huskies. Therefore they are constantly excited trying to get the cat to play.
You know what kind of creatures don't like clumsy ever-caffeinated goofballs 20 times their size, cats. The huskies simply don't understand why the cat doesn't play and it breaks their derpy little hearts. This has been going on for 2 years.
The oldest husky has its own cat?? That would sure be an interesting dynamic
One of my cats wanted a piece of premium canned tuna, and then his sister came and b***h slapped him, presumably because he wouldn’t stop yelling. Now he is sulking on his own in the corner and wouldn’t even look at us.
Omg, so, I have a dramatic animal story- so, I have SIX Jack Russells, and one of them absolutely adores me. Literally- when he sees me, he tries to lay all over me and won't leave my side for anything, unless I tell him "you can go!". Well, when momma (lovee) had her first litter (only one survived) we had her and her pup, Chub Rock (or, Chub Chub), down to introduce them to the others (I think Chubs was about a month old at that point) and I see that Charlie, Lovees litter mate brother, was pouting in the corner, and looking over his shoulder at me and whining. I guess he thought he was being replaced or just jealous of the new pup. In any case, I went over and cuddled him, told him he was my favorite little pup and that I love him. The look on his face; it was like he understood what I said. He gave me lots of kisses and then went to the new pup and started trying to play with him and lick him. He's so funny- they all are. Wildly different personalities
My parents have several cats. One was very old and ill and she was confined to their bedroom ( I say confined but she had luxury heated cat beds, a wall mounted cat climbing frame, 1000 toys and my parents spent a lot of time with her so she wasn't lonely.) They also have several other cats who roam the house freely. Well sadly the old kitty passed away a few weeks ago- broke everyone's hearts. But now that room is open and the other cats are all jockeying for posession of said room- and who gets to sleep on my parents bed with them now. My poor parents- they are so exhausted from the all night cat wars raging on top of them.
There’s a prime comfy spot that one of my cats loves to sleep in and the other sits there just so she can’t. I swear she even has a smug look on her face while doing it.
It is very cold here, so the chickens have been brought inside into a luxury set up in the basement. The cats are most upset that they cannot go in the coop with the chickens. The herding dog is thrilled her flock is contained in the house, and she is annoyed that the cats keep waking her up.
Not really between pets. But my wife’s cat died. Cat slept on her chest every night. After about a month of grieving, she wanted a new cat to cuddle. Got a tiny little female kitten. The kitten wants absolutely nothing to do with my wife, but is head-over-heels in love with my male cat, they literally eat together, sleep in a ball together, and play together. My wife is ultra jealous
I feel this. I adopted a kitten in 2021 to keep my older cat company (she was 6 at the time) and also because I wanted a second cat XD I'm a through-and-through animal person. My boyfriend, who has allergies to both dogs and cats, isn't an animal person. At all. So.... the younger cat, Preacher, is a menace to his big sister Kohl; he pokes her in the butt with his paw constantly and chases her, jumps on her, and overall harasses her 24/7. She loathes him and hisses whenever he gets near her. And Preacher couldn't care less about me, who is ostensibly his owner - but he sleeps in my boyfriend's bed at night, jumps onto his lap, cuddles with him, etc XD I admit I was sad and frustrated at first, but now I love it. It's beautiful. Boyfriend carries younger cat around and talks to him about economics. The man who was not overly fond of animals (and was afraid of dogs) is now 100% Cat Dad and Dog Dad (we have a doggo too.)
I have a 6.5 foot couch. This is not adequate for my two cats to be on at the same time because they are too close to each other.
Two of our cats have an odd situation with their allogrooming.
One cat, the elder, has a normal cat tongue. Not smooth, but not painful. She'll groom the younger cat whenever they're feeling affectionate enough to not fight each other for space on a bed, window, etc.
The younger cat has a set of small, freshly sharpened knives for a tongue. Once the elder cat is finished grooming her, she'll get up and try to reciprocate. Except, if we let her groom the older cat for more than a minute, she ends up with one of the elder cat's claws sticking out of her forehead.
The younger cat, of course, has no idea why this keeps happening, and thus keeps trying to offer return-grooming services, to the same results, every time.
So we'll be watching TV or going to sleep, and all of a sudden we'll hear the *Schliiip, schliip* of the younger cat's ridiculously sharp tongue grating against the older cat. We have to rush into whatever room they're in (and it is loud enough to be heard in other rooms) and separate them before it goes on too long.
I have a six pound calico b***h of a cat. She will chase my 80 pound gs/Rottweiler mix and my 85 pound mix on her back legs like a freaky ninja cat. She won't let them down the stairs... it's humiliating.
I have an Airedale terrier, 4 ducks, 50 chickens, and 6 goats. The chickens should have their own soap opera. One of the most interesting conflicts is with Tim Allen, who is one of my hens who was born with a deformity called scissor beak. Basically it's harder for her to eat, preen, etc, because her beak isn't lined up correctly, but she still manages. She's become my little buddy because of the help she needs, and she has her own section of the chicken run to eat without being bothered.
Tim has the biggest balls out of all of my hens. If another hen so much as looks through the fence at her (and remember, I have 50 birds, so it happens all the time), she'll charge it and act all tough. Because she's behind a fence. When I put her back in the run after she is done eating, she tries to be best friends with everyone and most of the birds walk away. She'll try to share a dust bath: rejected. Group preening happening? Rejected. It's like she's two different birds depending on which section of the run she's in. That or she's come up with different "rules" in her head based off of where she is at the time. Either way, it's hilarious.
Don't worry, she isn't lonely. She spends more than enough time with her human, and she also has a rag-tag group of misfits that tend to accept her, even when she's being a d**k. Chickens are so funny and can be very affectionate. If you have the room in your yard and in your heart, get some! Plus, fresh eggs are the bomb.
Edit: Formatting and here's a picture of [Tim Allen](https://imgur.com/a/PWqlKWO) in all of her beauty and wisdom. This beauty brings a smile to my face every day!
Totally shoulda named her Wilson since she doesn't like to be seen when she's behind her fence 😀
I have a snake and a cat. They get along, and I swear they are always plotting her escape from her terrium. Every time I walk in the room, they look guilty and are shoving their faces against the glass toward each other, sharing secrets.
I would love to see a comic strip about the adventures of a cat and snake.
We have a Pigeon thats half blind and can't fly that started using our tortoise's terrarium as its house in winter.
Problems began when we started letting our tortoises outside in summer since they would randomly meet inside of it and the pigeon would panic.
Now he has learned that the tortoises are harmless so now they just chill
Edit: Okay this got way too much attention I was expecting, I will look around to see if I have some pictures around, despite the pigeon being with us for almost like 2 years, he's still scared of us so taking close pictures of him or him inside the terrarium makes it go buckwild so we really don't try to take pics at all but I will have to check my archives.
As for the whole social animal issues, don't worry, we have an enclosed 4-walled yard so the pigeon goes out and chills with other pigeons and birds throughout the day so it gets to do socials without a worry.
Edit 2: Didn't find a pic of the whole family together but a pic of the pigeon inside the terrarium chilling https://i.imgur.com/mISAePZ.png just to prove it's real. It's a bit low for a pigeon but keep in mind it can't fly, goes in on its own will and is free for the rest of the day except the night.
My rabbit and hamster had a brief feud going on. The rabbit would stomp and wake the hamster up, then the hamster would chew the bars, which in turn irritated the rabbit who would stomp even more.
The constant drama at our place is our fat cat is always trying to steal the little cat’s food. He won’t even finish his own food before he’s trying to nab hers, even though they’re fed in separate rooms. Someone needs to be on constant watch while they’re eating, or else she won’t get anything, poor thing.
I had a client once with 5 cats of various ages. Some were like this, others on special vet diets. So each cat got covered with a laundry basket at meal time, so they couldn't steal the others' food. They got so used to it that when they came to the clinic and had to be hospitalized, we had to cover with a laundry basket to get them to eat!
My one cat knows how to open the pantry while the other cat waits behind to get the goods.
My cat and dog used to team up. The cat would knock the food off the counter so my dog could eat it.
My cat wasnear a vent and meowed when I picked her up.
Now the neighbors dog is going nuts and they scream at each other through it
We recently got a kitten (juvenile now). He and the dog (a Brittany) wrestle and it sounds awful but they both love it. Then they‘ll snuggle on the couch and the cat will proceed to suckle on the dog’s teat, which she is totally fine with. It creeps my husband out. So I guess the drama is with him lol
We had a Yorkie that came from the pound (picked up as a stray & not claimed). We were going to get her fixed, but she went into heat and we had to wait. Yadda, yadda. A couple months later we got a kitten. The dog loved the kitten. The kitten loved the dog. The kitten refused to eat the cat food, but was getting fat.... The dog had a false pregnancy after her heat (that we knew nothing about), and when the kitten showed up, the dog adopted it as her baby and produced milk to feed it.
My runt Jack Russell (Lil Bit; 5 lbs) stole my miniature pinscher's (Barli; 15 lbs) favorite toy and refuses to give it back. She won't play with it unless Barli is looking directly at her but gets super spiteful if Barli tries to snatch it back. I've given it back to Barli a few times but Lil Bit finds a way to get it again.
Note: Lil Bit has an almost identical toy just in a different color.
Three cats. The two ginger boys hate each other and the female just hates everything except belly rubs
It's ongoing drama. Got my dog in January of last year & anytime she does zoomies, my cat runs up on her to yell & bap her, usually on her side. She just stops, because she's so confused. I have a pet ramp that has a hidey hole on the side, sometime my cat will chase my dog in there if her zoomies are too zoomy.
The mystery fight. I have four cats. Two are older males, two are five-year-old females. In general, everyone gets along swimmingly. Last weekend, I hear about bunch of thumping and a couple of growls upstairs, and I go up, and there are blood spatters on the hallway floor. I start checking everyone. Bear is under the bed growling. He's a big fluffy cream-colored boy, and I check him thoroughly; no blood to be seen. I check the girl cat most likely to start some s**t: no blood anywhere. I check the other two, who are pacifists--nada. I have no idea who made anyone bleed, but there was some. That's a first. Nothing since.
My 2 tiny old lady dogs terrorize my younger, large dog. One is just old and cranky. One of them is playful and likes to scare him and watch him scramble. I swear she knows he is nervous and can't grip the kitchen floor. She waits in a doorway, then scares him with a bark in his face when he walks in, and I swear she is standing there, laughing at him, falling all over himself. I also have a cat that will smack the big dog if he barks too much. He is such a big dumb baby that every animal pushes him around.
My dad use to have a cat called Jack, a nonchalant in/outdoor tabby. My dad use to take him out on a lead until he went out by himself. First time out by himself he quite literally flew off our 2 meter high veranda and beat the s**t out of our 2 Maremma guard dogs, they were s**t scared of him and wouldn't even look at him when he was out. After they passed we had 2 more Maremmas and a Border Collie, he beat the s**t out of them too. He only beat them all up once to get his message out that he was the boss and they all worshipped the ground he walked on. Absolute character of a cat.
My brother's dog (Shih Tzu cross) was chasing their new kitten (Siamese) regularly and his family were worried the dog might eat the kitten. However, if you observed carefully, you would see the dog lying peacefully on the floor and the kitten would go and swat the dog on its nose, so it would chase the kitten. When the dog "caught" the kitten, if you put your hand between them, it turned out that the dog was licking the kittens belly.
I have two idiot felines. Snafu outweighed Fubar by a pound when they were tiny, so he'd naturally beat the hell out of him. Fubar recently (as in...two years later) realized he's now bigger than Snafu. Payback's a b***h, Snaffy.
I used to have a sheep who thought he was a dog and was terrified of sheep. When he tried to run away from them, they'd follow (because sheep). We put goats in his paddock and they would maliciously trail him around the fence line. It's amazing how a sheep can express disgruntlement in his gait.
When I was a kid my mom had a Shih Tzu named Gizmo and I was given a Border Collie I named Mac. Mac had this ugly green stuffed animal toy he loved to cuddle and play with. Gizmo did not like Mac. One time Gizmo got a hold of Mac's toy and chewed open a seam. He started pulling out mouthfuls of the stuffing, looking at Mac with the stuffing in his mouth, and then spitting it out before repeating the process. Poor Mac just started whining, which is when we went to see what was happening in the other room. I rescued the toy, fixed it, and returned it to Mac. Mac would never leave that toy alone in a room again.
Within 15 minutes of each other tonight, one cat got inside of my chest of drawers and couldn't get out. Took out a drawer to get her. The other cat figure out how to jump on said chest then to the top of my bathroom door. Proceeded to be up there for about 10 minutes, then started to freak out when she couldn't get down. Never a dull moment. https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTREXsSNH/
I once had two Jack Russell Terriers; one happy-go-lucky, the other more reserved. There was a time when we kept coming home and finding the trash can tipped over and food wrappers shredded. They both knew it was a no-no, so they would sit side by side in the far corner of the room when we came home. Every time we asked the pair, "ok, who did it?" The happy-go-lucky pup would lower his head and look away, while the reserved one would look all chill and then directly glare at his guilty looking brother... this happened several times. Finally, we decided to set a camera to record what was happening. Wouldn't it just figure that it was the reserved dog the whole time, while Mr. Happy-go-lucky remained seated on the couch, happily chewing on his toy. The acting skills of my lil' trash-can-raider were phenomenal 🤣
We've had dogs and cats for many years and there have always been stories about their antics. When our ginger cat, Artie, came here as a kitten, he made a beeline for our dog Shiner and snuggled right in. Shiner was surprised at first, but got used to the idea of having a personal cat. Of course, Artie thought he had his own personal dog! Shiner then passed, and so did our oldest cat, Betsy. Artie lost his personal dog and his cat friend in one month. He tried sucking up to the other dog, Blinkie , but she's not having it. We thought maybe Artie needed a kitten to take care of, so we got one, Freyae. She thinks she is the top cat, a position that Artie has held for years. The growling, spitting, and fighting is still going on. I can't help but feel sorry for Artie, he has lost so much. There's nothing we can do except let it play itself out.
My cat scares my dog away from places where he's been lying down on. Not sure if its the warm spot the dog made or simply a dominance thing. All that cat has to do now is approach and the dog scrambles to get up and get away. I've tried the stay command but apparently the cat is scary then me.
I have a Rat Terror, I mean, Terrier. She is super cute with me, but hates the universe and everyone in it.
I was living at an aunt's when I got my first 2 kittens. Auntie had a big Collie. Sweet dog, but she hated cats. I knew the intros had to be careful, so we kept them apart & if I wasn't home, the cats were in a spare room. We feared it would take years, because as the cats grew, they learned to pry the window open (don't ask) & run around the house to get back in through the den. Everyone panicked each time & we all ran to stop bloody murder. Until the day we didn't notice the escape & found the dog asleep w/the cats using her tail & belly as pillows. That was it for fights. Fakers!
We recently added a pocket pittie rescue to our utter menagerie here at the farm. We also have a potbelly pig who doesn't know how to pig so she just hangs out in the people yard instead of the pig yard. The pit bull loves every living creature and can't understand why this pig won't play with her. The pig is clearly plotting multiple ways to murder this sweet, derpy dog and said derp is completely oblivious. I watch them closely when they're together to make sure nothing escalates, but I can't help laughing while I do.
I used to have two mini-foxie/maltese/shitzhu cross dogs Ringo and Mischief. Mischief lives up to her name and was a couple years younger. She'd get super excited when I was preparing their food, jumping up on me and generally being a nuisance. Ringo would bark and chase her away then come back and sit there with a satisfied look on his face. I swear if he could talk he'd have been saying "Don't worry boss, I sorted out that little nuisance."
My aunt used to own this big, fluffy and fat orange cat. Well, he was an older kitty so he had issues with the litter box; he couldn't aim and would often poop right over the edge of the litter box and onto the floor. Well, my sister and I lived with my aunt at the time and one day my sister started complaining about the cat pooping on the floor. Well, the litter box had been moved into a corner while the floor was being cleaned. This dramatic little furball walked over to the litter box and climbed in, then walked all the way over to the corner and pushed his whole face into it while he went to the bathroom. I swear that he understood what my sister had said and he was sulking because of it.
My dad use to have a cat called Jack, a nonchalant in/outdoor tabby. My dad use to take him out on a lead until he went out by himself. First time out by himself he quite literally flew off our 2 meter high veranda and beat the s**t out of our 2 Maremma guard dogs, they were s**t scared of him and wouldn't even look at him when he was out. After they passed we had 2 more Maremmas and a Border Collie, he beat the s**t out of them too. He only beat them all up once to get his message out that he was the boss and they all worshipped the ground he walked on. Absolute character of a cat.
My brother's dog (Shih Tzu cross) was chasing their new kitten (Siamese) regularly and his family were worried the dog might eat the kitten. However, if you observed carefully, you would see the dog lying peacefully on the floor and the kitten would go and swat the dog on its nose, so it would chase the kitten. When the dog "caught" the kitten, if you put your hand between them, it turned out that the dog was licking the kittens belly.
I have two idiot felines. Snafu outweighed Fubar by a pound when they were tiny, so he'd naturally beat the hell out of him. Fubar recently (as in...two years later) realized he's now bigger than Snafu. Payback's a b***h, Snaffy.
I used to have a sheep who thought he was a dog and was terrified of sheep. When he tried to run away from them, they'd follow (because sheep). We put goats in his paddock and they would maliciously trail him around the fence line. It's amazing how a sheep can express disgruntlement in his gait.
When I was a kid my mom had a Shih Tzu named Gizmo and I was given a Border Collie I named Mac. Mac had this ugly green stuffed animal toy he loved to cuddle and play with. Gizmo did not like Mac. One time Gizmo got a hold of Mac's toy and chewed open a seam. He started pulling out mouthfuls of the stuffing, looking at Mac with the stuffing in his mouth, and then spitting it out before repeating the process. Poor Mac just started whining, which is when we went to see what was happening in the other room. I rescued the toy, fixed it, and returned it to Mac. Mac would never leave that toy alone in a room again.
Within 15 minutes of each other tonight, one cat got inside of my chest of drawers and couldn't get out. Took out a drawer to get her. The other cat figure out how to jump on said chest then to the top of my bathroom door. Proceeded to be up there for about 10 minutes, then started to freak out when she couldn't get down. Never a dull moment. https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTREXsSNH/
I once had two Jack Russell Terriers; one happy-go-lucky, the other more reserved. There was a time when we kept coming home and finding the trash can tipped over and food wrappers shredded. They both knew it was a no-no, so they would sit side by side in the far corner of the room when we came home. Every time we asked the pair, "ok, who did it?" The happy-go-lucky pup would lower his head and look away, while the reserved one would look all chill and then directly glare at his guilty looking brother... this happened several times. Finally, we decided to set a camera to record what was happening. Wouldn't it just figure that it was the reserved dog the whole time, while Mr. Happy-go-lucky remained seated on the couch, happily chewing on his toy. The acting skills of my lil' trash-can-raider were phenomenal 🤣
We've had dogs and cats for many years and there have always been stories about their antics. When our ginger cat, Artie, came here as a kitten, he made a beeline for our dog Shiner and snuggled right in. Shiner was surprised at first, but got used to the idea of having a personal cat. Of course, Artie thought he had his own personal dog! Shiner then passed, and so did our oldest cat, Betsy. Artie lost his personal dog and his cat friend in one month. He tried sucking up to the other dog, Blinkie , but she's not having it. We thought maybe Artie needed a kitten to take care of, so we got one, Freyae. She thinks she is the top cat, a position that Artie has held for years. The growling, spitting, and fighting is still going on. I can't help but feel sorry for Artie, he has lost so much. There's nothing we can do except let it play itself out.
My cat scares my dog away from places where he's been lying down on. Not sure if its the warm spot the dog made or simply a dominance thing. All that cat has to do now is approach and the dog scrambles to get up and get away. I've tried the stay command but apparently the cat is scary then me.
I have a Rat Terror, I mean, Terrier. She is super cute with me, but hates the universe and everyone in it.
I was living at an aunt's when I got my first 2 kittens. Auntie had a big Collie. Sweet dog, but she hated cats. I knew the intros had to be careful, so we kept them apart & if I wasn't home, the cats were in a spare room. We feared it would take years, because as the cats grew, they learned to pry the window open (don't ask) & run around the house to get back in through the den. Everyone panicked each time & we all ran to stop bloody murder. Until the day we didn't notice the escape & found the dog asleep w/the cats using her tail & belly as pillows. That was it for fights. Fakers!
We recently added a pocket pittie rescue to our utter menagerie here at the farm. We also have a potbelly pig who doesn't know how to pig so she just hangs out in the people yard instead of the pig yard. The pit bull loves every living creature and can't understand why this pig won't play with her. The pig is clearly plotting multiple ways to murder this sweet, derpy dog and said derp is completely oblivious. I watch them closely when they're together to make sure nothing escalates, but I can't help laughing while I do.
I used to have two mini-foxie/maltese/shitzhu cross dogs Ringo and Mischief. Mischief lives up to her name and was a couple years younger. She'd get super excited when I was preparing their food, jumping up on me and generally being a nuisance. Ringo would bark and chase her away then come back and sit there with a satisfied look on his face. I swear if he could talk he'd have been saying "Don't worry boss, I sorted out that little nuisance."
My aunt used to own this big, fluffy and fat orange cat. Well, he was an older kitty so he had issues with the litter box; he couldn't aim and would often poop right over the edge of the litter box and onto the floor. Well, my sister and I lived with my aunt at the time and one day my sister started complaining about the cat pooping on the floor. Well, the litter box had been moved into a corner while the floor was being cleaned. This dramatic little furball walked over to the litter box and climbed in, then walked all the way over to the corner and pushed his whole face into it while he went to the bathroom. I swear that he understood what my sister had said and he was sulking because of it.