“What’s The Most Memorable Comeback You’ve Heard In Your Life?”: 50 People Share Witty Stories
Think of a comeback as a holy grail of enviable wit, ultrasonic reaction and perfect timing combined at once. If it’s good, it sizzles the person like a Sunday barbecue, stripping them down to the bone where all their initial coolness has evaporated.
But it’s easier said than done. You see, making a clapback is somewhat of a form of art and we'd better learn from the best ones. So when someone asked “What’s the most memorable comeback you’ve heard in your life?” on r/AskReddit, we knew it was time to take the notebooks out.
2.6k comments later, we have some of the best responses from people who were lucky to witness a master comeback. Oh, that sweet feeling knowing you weren’t the target...
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Saw this one on a medical sub awhile back:
This woman has just given birth and tore a bit, and the father was in the delivery room while the nurse stitched her up.
The father “jokingly” said, “Be sure and stitch her up nice and tight for me down there m lol”
Without missing a beat the nurse said, “Just how small do you need it to be, sir?!”
She was a legend on the floor for that lol
A guy told a female coworker she was so ugly that the only thing she could turn on was a hose. Without missing a beat, she replied that at least when she turned something on it got wet. The guy was speechless, and I laughed till I had tears.
My dad and I were at a farming expo. I have a bunch of chickens. This presenter, a chicken-owning expert, is droning on about how stupid chickens are, and I'm getting annoyed. I know they're not clever, but you can teach them basic tricks. And even if they are stupid, okay, fine, but I came here to learn something, please.
My dad, without missing a beat, after this woman says they're dumb for the fourth time: "I think chickens take on the personalities of their owners."
Was standing behind these two older adults and this teen girl at the gas station last year. She was on her phone and the guy snapped at her for “not knowing how to live without technology” and without looking up she went “don’t you have a pacemaker?”.
My friend got pantsed, underwear and all at a party. Instead of pulling his underwear and pants up, immediately, he just kept going about his business, while hanging dong. Those of us that knew him already thought it was hilarious. The people at the party that didn't know him, looked really uncomfortable due to this dude having his pants and underwear around his ankles, with his wiener hanging freely. Our friend/the host said "dude, why don't you pull your pants up?" Pantsed guy said "I didn't pull them down." Then took his turn in beer pong. The host then found the guy that did pull them down and made him pull our friend's pants back up.
Young pregnant co-worker had a stranger stare disapproving at her in a restaurant, then walk up and say "pregnancy isn't very becoming on you." She replied "well, being a nosey rude b**ch isn't becoming on you, but here we are."
Someone yelled out in a Walmart , “I’m not ashamed of who I am”. Another voice echoed back, “that’s your parents job”.
My son and his newlywed wife were poor college students living out of state. When I went to visit them I took them to the grocery store and let them fill up a couple of grocery carts that I paid for. As we were leaving the store I said, "Now, when your kids are poor married college students trying to get by, don't forget this". My new daughter-in-law piped up and said, "Oh we won't forget. We're going to tell them to go get grandpa!" Haa haaa haaa...I love that gal.
I overheard a toddler crying at the store. Mom, annoyed, said to him “stop crying! You sound like a little girl!”… sibling (girl) told mom: “He’s not crying like a little girl. He’s crying like a kid.”
My mom screaming at my brother that he’s a son of a b*tch, and him calmly saying back to her “yeah, I am.”
My uncle to my husband. "When are you guys having a kid?"
My husband. "Please don't ask me about my sex life with your niece"
I don't care if it's self-congratulatory, I'm proud of this one:
Having dinner with my dad and older sister. I got straight As in school or something, and she's doing the older sibling thing.
Sister: You may have gotten the book smarts in this family, but *I* got the street smarts.
Me: The corner doesn't count.
Dad: *chokes whiles laughing*
Random guy: “Kiss my a*s!”
My mom: “If it looks anything like your face, forget it!”
I like the one from Aliens where the male private asks the somewhat butch woman “have you ever been mistaken for a man?” And she answers “no. Have you?”
My brothers were fighting and one said the other had a thick skull, he responded by saying “ that’s because I actually have something worth protecting”
Whilst training in the British army we went out for a few drinks and every unit has that one Bell-end that thinks he's god's gift to women. Ours spots a really good looking girl at the bar, he announces to us all watch the master at work.
He proceeds over to the bar next to the girl and says " I've got the biggest d*ck you'll ever see and will give you the time of your life." The girl responds as quick as a flash " is it really big?" He says yeah
She asks if it reaches his a*s?
Him being the as**ole that he is responds "of course it does"
She comes back with "great you can go and f*ck yourself then."
He ran off like his a*s was on fire and we all bought the girls drinks for the rest of the night and told her she was our hero.
Someone asked a friend of mine if they were gay.
He said, "If you'll excuse my rudeness in not answering your question, I'll excuse your rudeness for asking it."
I thought it was perfect.
My most memorable comeback actually came from my own mouth (which is why I was memorable...)
My wife (then GF) was trying out perfumes in a store and I was trying to help, so I smelled one and presented it to my GF:
ME: 'i like this one'
HER: 'No, it's too sweet, I'll get tired of it quickly'
ME: 'you're very sweet and I'm not getting tired of tou'
Old lady passing by: 'honey, marry this one'
My best friend was being made fun of by a (straight) dude for being a lesbian and having a girlfriend, and I (a very protective friend) looked him dead in the eyes and said, "At least she can get a girl."
i don't know why ppl must be THAT homophobic, sure you can disagree but hate is wrong (editing due to the fact that ppl didn't get what i meant, i'm saying that you can feel heterosexuality is better but don't hate, and i did not specify that you should spread your disagreements to the homosexual couple, butseriously though)
One of my favorites is one I told my sister.
Her: If I had a nickel for every time you swore, I would be a millionaire.
Me: If I had a nickel for every time you pissed me off I would put them in a bag and hit you with it.
My mom spit out her drink from laughing.
5th-grader on the playground, to a kindergartener: "Santa's not real!"
Kindergartner to 5th grader: "Santa's real, he brings me presents every year. If he doesnt bring you presents, maybe you should think about why."
At the Scottish games, dude asked a performer in a kilt “what do you wear under that skirt?” The guy did not skip a beat and said “your mother’s lip stick.” I f**king laughed and so did the guys buddies. He was so shook.
This one came from me. I was 7 months pregnant and HUGE. While heading to my car some random dude stopped me and rubbed my stomach while asking when I was due.
I rubbed his stomach and asked him when he was due.
I just don't understand what possesses someone to go up to a stranger and start touching them. I just find it creepy and bizarre.
My 3 year old niece came over with her dad, and, as little kids do, just randomly interrupted our adult conversation to say emphatically: I’m THREE!
Me: Wow, sweetie! How did you get so old??
Niece, gently but matter-of-factly correcting me like I am a simpleton who needs help: Actually, I’m kind of new.
It’s been months and I laugh every time I think of this story.
I can explain it to you but I can't understand it for you.
You can lead a person to knowledge, but you can't make 'em think.
I used the line from the movie Iron Eagle once on a bully at school that actually seemed to help. Using the kids name when he shoved me against some lockers I said so everyone in the hallway could hear:
“What’s your problem, Rory? Can’t you get through a single day without proving what an as**ole you are?”
He stammered and shrugged and walked always and never really bothered me again.
Had this done to me, but as I fell my leg came up got him square in the balls. There i said you can call me NUT CRUSHER from now on thank you. Crawled away never bothered me again either.
My boyfriend was in the grocery store. Our twin daughters were in the shopping cart, maybe five years old. Twins get you a lot of attention from random strangers, especially when they're little, and it's a pain in the ass for everyone, including the kids. They don't always want the attention.
Some random lady had stopped and was chatting with the girls. One of the girls is very much a people person, and was happy to chat, but her sister wasn't up for that, so she wasn't really participating.
This lady got ticked about that and told our introvert kid "Your sister is so much prettier than you are." Without missing a beat, my tiny little badass looked that b*tch dead in the eyes and said "And you're so much fatter than my sister is, too."
My boyfriend managed to get the cart on to the next aisle before laughing his ass off.
I used to work with a very conservative, very angry older man who would get triggered if you did not agree with him. Like red face angry. He would always equate my age to being less intelligent than him. I forget what we were talking about . But he went on about how he was wiser given his age. I simply said if you’re so smart then why the hell are we both doing the same job? He did not have an answer for me. And then I felt bad afterwards for having said it.
The old guy deserved it so there's no reason to feel bad. Being older doesn't necessarily mean that you're wiser or more skilled in your job.
Regrettably, a secondhand telling. One of my favorite bars in Chicago (Galway Bay) has several Irish bartenders, and gets its fair share of tourists. At the earliest hint of an Irish accent, this particular tourist can't resist... "I've been to Ireland. Amazing place. What part of Ireland are you from?"
Bartender - "I'm from (wherever), but I've moved around a bit"
Tourist - "My great grandfather was from (somewhere place unrelated to bartender's hometown). He was a farrier. Do you know what a farrier is?"
B - "Aye, they shoe horses" [a bit agitated at the dull conversation]
T - "Have you ever shoed a horse?"
B - "Never shooed a horse, but I've told a donkey to f**k off once."
This will get buried, but after 2 weeks of a blockhead coming in late in high school, the teacher openly warns him in front of the class “I’m going to mark you truant if you’re late again.” So he goes “what does that mean?” And my quiet ass pops up and says “it means you’re late and also need a dictionary” and I had the whole class going, teacher popped a smirk. I am still proud.
And as a now-retired teacher, I've said "thank you, I couldn't say it, but you sure can".
I asked my mum out of curiosity what she would do if she found a used condom in my brother's room.
Her response: "I would remind him that you can't get HIV from your own hand"
For context, I live in South Africa where HIV is very common
I worked with an older gentleman who was from Chicago. He had a story or an opinion on everything and he was very proud of his smack talking talents.
The entire department was walking off to a meeting and, as it was summer and many of us were wearing shorts, somehow the topic shifted to the lack of hair on somebody's legs. Mr Smack Talker spouted out the comment that "hair don't grow on dead things." All I had to do was look at his head and arch an eyebrow. He had let the fact that he was quite bald escape his memory.
Somewhere on this planet, there is a tree that has spent it's entire life creating the oxygen you breathe. You should find that tree and apologize.
"Your mom's a wh*re!"
Funniest s**t I've ever heard.
A kid in high school tried to insult me by pointing out my long hair. "Yo guy, you have long-a*s hair". I proceeded to follow him around asking him how he knew about my long ass hairs. He quickly started backtracking and saying he was not gay.
We were having a debate about something during history class in high school. Kid who had a reputation for being a jerk told this girl who had a reputation for sleeping around to shut her mouth. She retorted, “At least people like when I open my mouth!” Entire class lost their s**t including the teacher.
Bully: You're a piece of s**t
Kid that was get bullied: and you're the rest of it
Ps: No one really liked this kid but after this he got mad respect.
Old mans response to Hipster calling him a 'Boomer ars*hole'........
'If it weren't for ar*eholes like me, sh*t like you wouldn't exist'.
“What are you even doing?”
“Minding my own f**king business, you should try it sometime.”
It was one of those moments where everyone around heard it and went, “ooooohhhh…” at the same time, and it has always stuck with me.
In my head, I heard that collective “Oooooohhh”, and it sounded like the crowd at a fireworks display (but without the follow up “Aaaahhhh”).
Worked in a preschool years ago. Had this one kid who could be a real booger sometimes. Giving the other kids thumbs down, saying he didn't like them, absolutely devastating to the other kids. I was constantly hearing "Miss Bells, Isaac said he didn't like me!"
Then, Isaac made a fatal mistake. He tried it on a three year old girl.
Isaac: I don't like you!
Three Year Old: Well, my mommy LIKES me!
Shut him right up.
It was absolutely gorgeous and a little vicarious victory. The three year old was super sassy.
Maybe not as snappy as the other responses here, but I still chuckle at it to this day.
My BIL made a joke about paying a doctor a couple bucks to add the “husband stitch.”
My SIL said “too bad we couldn’t afford to pay him to add the extra inches you need.”
I had a co-worker who was a bit of a bully. He was an alumnus of William and Mary and wouldn't shut up about it. (We worked with plenty of people who went to better colleges than that, but nobody else was as obnoxious as this guy.) His daughter got into UVA, and I congratulated him because "it's every parent's dream that their kid does just a little bit better than they did."
It's also great when the person doesn't realize they've been insulted!
Load More Replies...for any non americans or people unfamiliar with these universities: william and mary and university of virginia are two public schools in the us in the same relative location. uva is slightly more competitive than william and mary, although they are both good schools
Nice try, but William & Mary is actually harder to get into than UVA - it's a lot smaller and is also a state school.
while william and mary arguably has more prestige (its older than any american university other than harvard), it's much easier to get into. the william and mary acceptance rate is almost 40% while uva's is 24%. they are both public virginia state schools :)
Load More Replies...For some background, I’m gay. I decided to wear nail polish to school a while back and in my foods class I was washing dishes when another (straight, kind of a jerk) guy walks up to me and says “Oh… I’m sure you’ll have all the guys fawning of you” so I responded “I wish” and his expression was priceless. After the fact I told this to my friends and my best friend (who is lesbian) says that I should have said “Why, are you interested?”
My own. A much shorter co-worker walked up to the desk, with two cute women, one on each arm, smiling at me, and said, "Jealous?".
I replied, "No, I never wanted to be short'. His face dropped, and the girls snickered.
When I was working as a bartender one Halloween, I came dressed as an old Western style bartender (complete with mustache and accent). We had the evening split up into a little costume party for kids and families in the earlier hours, and then an adults only costume piss up later on.
One of the regulars laughed at my costume and said I looked stupid, so I told him
"You should probably come back after the kids have gone because you've come dressed as a c*nt".
He didn't talk to me for weeks after that. It was blissful.
This was my mom. (My mom is a very sweet woman who loves all of us kids but also loves to joke around with us so this might sound mean but it's not and was a joke so please no rude comments about it. We were all old enough to know it was a joke. She the kind of woman who will be brought to tears from someone hitting her car then blaming her instead of standing up for herself.)
Now, I have two younger siblings, a sister and the youngest, a brother. Anyway, when we were younger my brother, who was in the annoying, no filter I'm going to say what I want, teen phase would tease my sister. (He too is not a bad guy now, but was a little brat at that age and will admit it. He would be the first, even at that age to knock a kid down for teasing any of his older sisters. Only he is allowed to lol).
This time they were going at it and he was teasing her about how she was the 'mistake' child and wasn't planned, etc. And she would retort that FedEx dropped him off. It was actually very funny to watch. My brother though was taking things a little too far and it was no longer funny but annoying to my sister when my mom came down, already over the constant fighting with them, and with a completely straight face pointed at me first, then my sister, than him, while saying about each of us.
"No, she was a surprise, she was unplanned, you were the mistake." and then calmly walked off to the kitchen to get a drink. My dad poked his head around the corned from the computer just stunned with his mouth open and about to laugh, my sister just died, my brother who couldn't help but smile also had to try and save himself from that savage burn but it was too late.
Best. Burn. Ever.
My mom always said that my sister was planned, I was a surprise, and my brother was a shock.
I observed this walking to the men’s room at a bar in Nashville.
A legitimately cross-eyed man exiting the bathroom while someone else was walking in and they bumped into each other. It wasn’t anything serious. But it still lead to this exchange:
Cross-eyed man: Watch where you’re going! Non-Cross-eyed man: Go where you’re watching!
"I wouldn't go out with you if you were the last man on Earth!"
"B**ch, if I was the last man on Earth, you wouldn't even be allowed in line!"
My ex-husband and I were eating at a bar one night. It’s important to note that I was morbidly obese at the time. I was in the middle of eating a hamburger when an extremely drunk guy stumbles up to our table and yells “look everyone! We’ve got a cannibal over here!” Everyone stops and looks at each other like “wtf is he talking about?” He then leans in and whispers, “you know? You are what you eat? You’re a cow. You’re eating your kind.” Without missing a beat my husband deadpans, “Wow. You must eat a lot of d**k and ass.”
There was a girl in my class who always had a boyfriend, sometimes more than one at a time. She was making fun of me one day for not having one at all and bragging how she always had one. "It must be always frustrating to know that boys will always go for me and not you" was one of her remarks". To which I replied " that's because boys always prefer the cheaper and easier option."! Even our old English teacher laughed at that one.
This kind of behavior usually pinpoint to some poroblems somebody has. Probably the girl was grieving for love and acceptance. Well, well, teenage years...
Load More Replies...At college I wandered into another class to speak to a friend of mine. The class hadn't started yet. So we were talking when the lecturer came in. I started heading out and the teacher turned to me and said all sarcastically, 'I'm sorry, are you in this class?' I looked around the room and then replied, also perhaps a tad sarcastically, ' At the moment, yes.' I got into a lot of trouble for that. :(
I have a bad habit of opening my mouth before thinking and occasionally it works. I was driving when this convertable car top down cut me up from a side road only just missed him. We both ended up stopping next to each other in two lane traffic when I yelled " I wish your dad pulled out as fast as that" my pre teen daughter didnt stop laughing for miles
I used to be pretty overweight and would have people rub my belly like I was pregnant (Im a guy with guy parts for reference) and ask when it was due. I'd look at them and say" I dunno but its gotta be soon, and I think its a baby elephant, cuz its trunk is already hangin out. Wanna give it a kiss?"
I always have good comebacks, about 4 days after the incident, while I'm trying to go to sleep.
I saw a tiktok and it was this mom telling this story: Backstory: teenage girl and (? Age) boy arguing about something. Boy: *Brings up the size of his dong* Boy: "Don't believe me? Ask your mom" Teen Girl: "Ha jokes on you, my moms a lesbian, don't believe me? Ask YOUR mom!"
I was wearing a hat I really liked. Class bully pointed to my hat and said "What the F**k is that Piece of Sh*t?" My response? "Not yours, you jealous D**chebag!" Got the whole class laughing.
Neighbor's daughter had a boyfriend who was kind of a jerk to her. I didn't like him much. Everything was always about him. So when he rushed up to me one day, took off his shirt and turned around saying "Look at my new tattoo. It's my last name across my shoulders!" I replied "Oh good. Now it will be easier for the police to identify the body." His shoulders dropped and he put his shirt back on with his head hanging down. I thought her sister was going to need medical attention she was laughing so hard.
I actually had a guy hit on me with the line: "So what floats your boat?" I replied, "it weighs less than the water it displaces"!
I was trying to explain something to supposedly intelligent person, he just could not understand the explanation I was trying to get him to understand. I was really getting frustrated when a co-worker said trying to explain something to him was like trying to pick up s**t by the clean end. Loved it!
lol someone at school told my friend she was adopted and she replied with "Well at least my family wanted me" (She's not adopted)
My husband was at work and his boss spotted a dog across the street licking it's crotch. His boss said wistfully "I wish I could do that". My husband replied "Ask him, I'm sure he'll let you ".
Long ago, in Trafalgar Square a punk rocker with a 5' pink mohawk asked "Oy! Wut you lookin' at?!" The reply: "I remember I was in the area about 17 years ago, took a bunch of LSD, and boinked a parrot. I was just thinkin' you might be my kid...."
This jerk called me stupid once and I said, "I may be stupid but at least I didn't fall out of the ugly tree and hit every branch on the way down."
Once when I was in (I think) preschool, I really hated the color indigo. It was because I always accidentally used an indigo crayon instead of a normal blue one and messed up my drawings. I got into an argument with my teacher, who was telling me indigo was in the rainbow. She was mad, so she said I had to write a letter of apology to her. And tiny me said “I’m sorry you don’t know your colors.”
Roy G. Biv: red orange yellow green blue indigo violet. That’s how it’s taught at school in the US
Load More Replies...I once had some douchebag of a guy use the worn out line of “what’s a girl like you doing in a place like this?” while I was out with friends at a goth club. I was wondering what someone like him was doing there as it didn’t look like somewhere he’d usually be, so I straight up looked him in the eye and said “Laughing at someone like you” and walked away.
Many years ago, I was in a stationers/bookshop reading a movie magazine. Beside me, stood a small boy of maybe 8 or 9 years old. He was reading Playboy. A female store assistant took exception to this, strode over, tapped him on the shoulder, and said "You shouldn't be reading that." Without batting an eyelash, he replied, "I'm not reading it, I'm just looking at the pictures."
I was at the zoo. Now, let it be said that I'm a Goth. I was wearing this big hat with black roses and a veil, along with cobra earrings, a spiked choker, and a green and black dress I made myself (important to the story, I promise). So, we were in front of the sea lion exhibit, taking a break before we left. There were these kids that walked through and went to the glass to watch the creatures. As kids who don't know how to behave are wont to do, they started tapping the glass to get a seal or sea lion to go over to them. I walked up to them, saying "Please don't tap on the glass, you'll scare them." This old lady who was watching the kids glanced over to me, saying "I'm pretty sure your look will scare them more." I looked over at her. "Pardon?" She raised her eyebrows. "You heard me. Your look will scare them more." I looked away. "Good. That's the point." Huffy old lady and the kids walked away, and I just kinda sat on the bleachers. I gotta admit, for a minute I was stung.
That’s HORRIFIC. I’m SO sorry you had to experience that. My 14 year old is goth and she always thinks everyone is staring at her. Breaks my heart but so far she’s been able to stick to her style and not back down. It’s what’s on the inside that counts.
Load More Replies...Are those supposed to be good comebacks? They're average (and predictable) at best.
My husband's coworker was running late for work and was speeding. He got pulled over and the officer asked him, "do you know why I pulled you over?" Coworker, "probably speeding but I'm late for work so can you put this on my tab?" Coworker was arrested but it it is still one of the best comebacks I ever heard. I have one even better but it is a little risqué so I'm not sure i can write it on this site.
A kid I knew who is a jerk was talking to me at the bus stop. He started a story with "I was a fat baby" and I said, "You still are." He punched me in the stomach after that though.
My husband and I work together. On a day he was taking PTO, one of his work buddies came over and asked if he was off with another woman. I told him, “Yeah, your wife!” He just stood there for a sec with his mouth open and was like, “I’m not messing with you no more!” He later told my husband he was impressed, haha This is soo memorable to me cuz I’m often the type that will think of a good comeback after the exchange happens lol. I like to call myself an introvert that forces herself to act extroverted. Inside I’m under a lot of pressure and not very comfy during social situations.
oh yes, and once a very cool social studies teacher I had asked me to read a paragraph. I started the passage with “y’all” to get everyone’s attention, and my teacher said “what are you, from Arkansas?” Without thinking, I sniped “yeah arkansaw-a-lot-of-your-mom-last-night.” Luckily, he took it well, and advised me to watch the age of the person I was saying that retort to, since the older they are, the more likely it is that their mother is deceased.
I often play wits with my son, it's something I did with my dad. It helps teach him boundaries between bullying/rudeness versus wit. However it's a fine line apparently: my mum told me, after she took him to the museum recently with several of her friends that my son knows, that he piped up as they were leaving "they might not let you leave granny, you should stay in that section" and pointed towards some fossils 😶😂 omg I didn't know what to say at first! Luckily she took it well, but we talked again about people's feelings
My parents sometimes had the jokingly "you know what your kid did" " oh now it is my kid" thing going, but one day, just exasperated with our antics that day (4 teenagers not being bad but just being teenagers bickering and teasing) and she told one of my brothers "you, you're adopted" to which he broadly smiled and replied "hah, at least you wanted ME". Mum gave up and we were in stitches and no, he is not adopted and yes, we are and were fully aware. Didn't stop him bringing it up once in a while that he was the one they picked and wanted...
My son at high school had a smart mouth (don't all teenagers?) Was getting picked on by some older boys and they were using the current local slang while insulting him. He looks at them and said "if your going to insult me, at least do it in the Queens english" I split myself laughing when I was told it. Needless to say he's now a lawyer
I'm an immigrant in a country known for its xenophobia. Some guy blurts out "I don't know why they let all these foreigners into our country". My retort was " without us there would be no children in your country".
It was today..me and youngest sister got dessert my other sister let's call her "L" so L says "I want some ice cream" I say "hey you want some don't you?" L says"YEAH" is walk towards her spoon in hand and say "should have behaved" and ate the ice cream in the spoon
I was in line at a grocery and a young 20-nothing woman was on her phone and when the cashier tried to get her attention to stop talking and pay she lit into him and when the people behind me murmured their agreement she snapped at them too. It was then that a sweet looking old lady right behind me leans forward and says, sotto voce, "Sweetie, hush, you should never be a b!tch by accident."
Following ANY insult whatsoever, "coming from you, that's a compliment"
When my mom was in high school, there was a teacher that was a family friend and known for being super strict and mean. He was also bald. My mom had died her hair the summer before in red and green stripes because the instructions in the dye said that it would come out in a couple months time. She walks into the class and the teacher says, "Nice hair," and she says, "At least I have hair." The kids in the class were horrified.
i got a bunch of f*****g downvotes due to the fact i didn't specify my s**t correctly lol, like the comment by itself is alr conceivable on its own so why don't ppl understand it
"If I'd have known I was playing a cathedral...I'd have brought a bigger organ"
My ex-husband and I were eating at a bar one night. It’s important to note that I was morbidly obese at the time. I was in the middle of eating a hamburger when an extremely drunk guy stumbles up to our table and yells “look everyone! We’ve got a cannibal over here!” Everyone stops and looks at each other like “wtf is he talking about?” He then leans in and whispers, “you know? You are what you eat? You’re a cow. You’re eating your kind.” Without missing a beat my husband deadpans, “Wow. You must eat a lot of d**k and ass.”
There was a girl in my class who always had a boyfriend, sometimes more than one at a time. She was making fun of me one day for not having one at all and bragging how she always had one. "It must be always frustrating to know that boys will always go for me and not you" was one of her remarks". To which I replied " that's because boys always prefer the cheaper and easier option."! Even our old English teacher laughed at that one.
This kind of behavior usually pinpoint to some poroblems somebody has. Probably the girl was grieving for love and acceptance. Well, well, teenage years...
Load More Replies...At college I wandered into another class to speak to a friend of mine. The class hadn't started yet. So we were talking when the lecturer came in. I started heading out and the teacher turned to me and said all sarcastically, 'I'm sorry, are you in this class?' I looked around the room and then replied, also perhaps a tad sarcastically, ' At the moment, yes.' I got into a lot of trouble for that. :(
I have a bad habit of opening my mouth before thinking and occasionally it works. I was driving when this convertable car top down cut me up from a side road only just missed him. We both ended up stopping next to each other in two lane traffic when I yelled " I wish your dad pulled out as fast as that" my pre teen daughter didnt stop laughing for miles
I used to be pretty overweight and would have people rub my belly like I was pregnant (Im a guy with guy parts for reference) and ask when it was due. I'd look at them and say" I dunno but its gotta be soon, and I think its a baby elephant, cuz its trunk is already hangin out. Wanna give it a kiss?"
I always have good comebacks, about 4 days after the incident, while I'm trying to go to sleep.
I saw a tiktok and it was this mom telling this story: Backstory: teenage girl and (? Age) boy arguing about something. Boy: *Brings up the size of his dong* Boy: "Don't believe me? Ask your mom" Teen Girl: "Ha jokes on you, my moms a lesbian, don't believe me? Ask YOUR mom!"
I was wearing a hat I really liked. Class bully pointed to my hat and said "What the F**k is that Piece of Sh*t?" My response? "Not yours, you jealous D**chebag!" Got the whole class laughing.
Neighbor's daughter had a boyfriend who was kind of a jerk to her. I didn't like him much. Everything was always about him. So when he rushed up to me one day, took off his shirt and turned around saying "Look at my new tattoo. It's my last name across my shoulders!" I replied "Oh good. Now it will be easier for the police to identify the body." His shoulders dropped and he put his shirt back on with his head hanging down. I thought her sister was going to need medical attention she was laughing so hard.
I actually had a guy hit on me with the line: "So what floats your boat?" I replied, "it weighs less than the water it displaces"!
I was trying to explain something to supposedly intelligent person, he just could not understand the explanation I was trying to get him to understand. I was really getting frustrated when a co-worker said trying to explain something to him was like trying to pick up s**t by the clean end. Loved it!
lol someone at school told my friend she was adopted and she replied with "Well at least my family wanted me" (She's not adopted)
My husband was at work and his boss spotted a dog across the street licking it's crotch. His boss said wistfully "I wish I could do that". My husband replied "Ask him, I'm sure he'll let you ".
Long ago, in Trafalgar Square a punk rocker with a 5' pink mohawk asked "Oy! Wut you lookin' at?!" The reply: "I remember I was in the area about 17 years ago, took a bunch of LSD, and boinked a parrot. I was just thinkin' you might be my kid...."
This jerk called me stupid once and I said, "I may be stupid but at least I didn't fall out of the ugly tree and hit every branch on the way down."
Once when I was in (I think) preschool, I really hated the color indigo. It was because I always accidentally used an indigo crayon instead of a normal blue one and messed up my drawings. I got into an argument with my teacher, who was telling me indigo was in the rainbow. She was mad, so she said I had to write a letter of apology to her. And tiny me said “I’m sorry you don’t know your colors.”
Roy G. Biv: red orange yellow green blue indigo violet. That’s how it’s taught at school in the US
Load More Replies...I once had some douchebag of a guy use the worn out line of “what’s a girl like you doing in a place like this?” while I was out with friends at a goth club. I was wondering what someone like him was doing there as it didn’t look like somewhere he’d usually be, so I straight up looked him in the eye and said “Laughing at someone like you” and walked away.
Many years ago, I was in a stationers/bookshop reading a movie magazine. Beside me, stood a small boy of maybe 8 or 9 years old. He was reading Playboy. A female store assistant took exception to this, strode over, tapped him on the shoulder, and said "You shouldn't be reading that." Without batting an eyelash, he replied, "I'm not reading it, I'm just looking at the pictures."
I was at the zoo. Now, let it be said that I'm a Goth. I was wearing this big hat with black roses and a veil, along with cobra earrings, a spiked choker, and a green and black dress I made myself (important to the story, I promise). So, we were in front of the sea lion exhibit, taking a break before we left. There were these kids that walked through and went to the glass to watch the creatures. As kids who don't know how to behave are wont to do, they started tapping the glass to get a seal or sea lion to go over to them. I walked up to them, saying "Please don't tap on the glass, you'll scare them." This old lady who was watching the kids glanced over to me, saying "I'm pretty sure your look will scare them more." I looked over at her. "Pardon?" She raised her eyebrows. "You heard me. Your look will scare them more." I looked away. "Good. That's the point." Huffy old lady and the kids walked away, and I just kinda sat on the bleachers. I gotta admit, for a minute I was stung.
That’s HORRIFIC. I’m SO sorry you had to experience that. My 14 year old is goth and she always thinks everyone is staring at her. Breaks my heart but so far she’s been able to stick to her style and not back down. It’s what’s on the inside that counts.
Load More Replies...Are those supposed to be good comebacks? They're average (and predictable) at best.
My husband's coworker was running late for work and was speeding. He got pulled over and the officer asked him, "do you know why I pulled you over?" Coworker, "probably speeding but I'm late for work so can you put this on my tab?" Coworker was arrested but it it is still one of the best comebacks I ever heard. I have one even better but it is a little risqué so I'm not sure i can write it on this site.
A kid I knew who is a jerk was talking to me at the bus stop. He started a story with "I was a fat baby" and I said, "You still are." He punched me in the stomach after that though.
My husband and I work together. On a day he was taking PTO, one of his work buddies came over and asked if he was off with another woman. I told him, “Yeah, your wife!” He just stood there for a sec with his mouth open and was like, “I’m not messing with you no more!” He later told my husband he was impressed, haha This is soo memorable to me cuz I’m often the type that will think of a good comeback after the exchange happens lol. I like to call myself an introvert that forces herself to act extroverted. Inside I’m under a lot of pressure and not very comfy during social situations.
oh yes, and once a very cool social studies teacher I had asked me to read a paragraph. I started the passage with “y’all” to get everyone’s attention, and my teacher said “what are you, from Arkansas?” Without thinking, I sniped “yeah arkansaw-a-lot-of-your-mom-last-night.” Luckily, he took it well, and advised me to watch the age of the person I was saying that retort to, since the older they are, the more likely it is that their mother is deceased.
I often play wits with my son, it's something I did with my dad. It helps teach him boundaries between bullying/rudeness versus wit. However it's a fine line apparently: my mum told me, after she took him to the museum recently with several of her friends that my son knows, that he piped up as they were leaving "they might not let you leave granny, you should stay in that section" and pointed towards some fossils 😶😂 omg I didn't know what to say at first! Luckily she took it well, but we talked again about people's feelings
My parents sometimes had the jokingly "you know what your kid did" " oh now it is my kid" thing going, but one day, just exasperated with our antics that day (4 teenagers not being bad but just being teenagers bickering and teasing) and she told one of my brothers "you, you're adopted" to which he broadly smiled and replied "hah, at least you wanted ME". Mum gave up and we were in stitches and no, he is not adopted and yes, we are and were fully aware. Didn't stop him bringing it up once in a while that he was the one they picked and wanted...
My son at high school had a smart mouth (don't all teenagers?) Was getting picked on by some older boys and they were using the current local slang while insulting him. He looks at them and said "if your going to insult me, at least do it in the Queens english" I split myself laughing when I was told it. Needless to say he's now a lawyer
I'm an immigrant in a country known for its xenophobia. Some guy blurts out "I don't know why they let all these foreigners into our country". My retort was " without us there would be no children in your country".
It was today..me and youngest sister got dessert my other sister let's call her "L" so L says "I want some ice cream" I say "hey you want some don't you?" L says"YEAH" is walk towards her spoon in hand and say "should have behaved" and ate the ice cream in the spoon
I was in line at a grocery and a young 20-nothing woman was on her phone and when the cashier tried to get her attention to stop talking and pay she lit into him and when the people behind me murmured their agreement she snapped at them too. It was then that a sweet looking old lady right behind me leans forward and says, sotto voce, "Sweetie, hush, you should never be a b!tch by accident."
Following ANY insult whatsoever, "coming from you, that's a compliment"
When my mom was in high school, there was a teacher that was a family friend and known for being super strict and mean. He was also bald. My mom had died her hair the summer before in red and green stripes because the instructions in the dye said that it would come out in a couple months time. She walks into the class and the teacher says, "Nice hair," and she says, "At least I have hair." The kids in the class were horrified.
i got a bunch of f*****g downvotes due to the fact i didn't specify my s**t correctly lol, like the comment by itself is alr conceivable on its own so why don't ppl understand it
"If I'd have known I was playing a cathedral...I'd have brought a bigger organ"