“Nailed It”: 50 Hilarious Times People Tried To Make Something Themselves But It Didn’t Go As Expected
“It’s going to look amazing,” you think in your mind, as you start your latest creative project. But soon enough, you realize that your plans and reality barely overlap, and you’re left with something totally weird. The results are hilarious, even 'bad,' but it’d be a shame not to share them with everyone on the internet. Though in some cases, a few major 'mistakes' ironically lead to something even more soulful than what was supposed to be the outcome.
Welcome to r/nailedit, a subreddit that documents the funniest, most bizarre results that people got when trying to do something with their hands. Whether it’s baking, cooking, crocheting, or anything else that you like to do, you won’t always get it perfect. And when you (inevitably, at some point) get it disastrously wrong, it’s wonderful to share it with like-minded crafters online. Hey, at least you made someone laugh and brightened up your day with your monstrosity of a cake, right?
Scroll down for the best of r/nailedit, curated by us for all of you lovely Pandas. Don’t forget to upvote the pics that you enjoyed the most, and be sure to share them with your friends to help them start the week off with a smile: however tough things get, at least you’re having fun when it goes wrong. Oh, and if you’ve got some disaster crafts to share with us, you can tell us all about it or share a pic in the comment section.
Talented pie artist, baking expert, and the author of 'Pies Are Awesome,' Jessica Leigh Clark-Bojin was kind enough to share her thoughts about how to get the results that we want, whatever we might be working on with our hands. In her opinion, baking and all sorts of crafting are like small performances. "You gotta prepare a bit in advance and get mentally in the zone before you dive in," she told Bored Panda.
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Tried Making A Felt Shark
According to pie artist Jessica, mental preparation before tackling whatever crafting project you tackle is vital. The process can be as simple or as complicated as you prefer. There's no one-size-fits-all approach.
"This can mean something as simple as making sure all your tools, ingredients, instructions, recipes, and cleaning supplies are available and to hand before you get started, all the way to actually sitting down and visualizing yourself going through the complete process of making the dish or craft," Jessica told Bored Panda.
Visualizing is a powerful tool in any crafter or baker's arsenal, and Jessica's a proponent of it. "I’m personally a big fan of taking 5 minutes to picture all the steps I’m about to take before I start baking a new work of Pie Art," she revealed to us.
Saw This And Felt Like It Belongs Here
I’m Not Even Mad… It’s Too Funny To Be Mad
"I can’t tell you how many times I’ve realized that I’ve forgotten a key ingredient or step in watching myself in my mind go through the motions! And it’s kind of meditative too," she explained that the added benefit is that it puts you into a calm, centered space. That way, you're far less likely to rush about and make mistakes. The odds of you getting hurt are also reduced because you know what you need to do, and what's going to happen.
However, visualizing might not be up everyone's alley. Worry not, Pandas, for there are other ways to get in the 'zone' before you start your next project.
"If you’re not into visualizing, you can get a similar effect by writing out lists of every little step you will be taking in your project, and even making a list of things that could go wrong and what you’ll do about it if it occurs," pie artist Jessica explained that this way you're aware of the solutions to problems way in advance.
'veiled Virgin' By Giovanni Strazza
The First Cake I’ve Made In Years May Have Been A Bit Ambitious
My Friends And I Held Our First Monthly #nailedit Competition. We All Tried To Replicate The Middle Cake!
There's always room for experimentation and a 'jazz'-like approach when it comes to making food. But if you're pressed for time and results, then you need to rely on getting everything in order.
"Winging it and diving in can be great fun when it comes to creative projects, and you can learn a lot through experimentation and failure… but sometimes the stakes are a bit higher and you just have to get it right the first time. For example, baking your best friend’s wedding dessert, or completing an expensive commission for a client. That’s when that bit of extra effort upfront will pay off big time!"
The r/nailedit subreddit is practically ancient. Founded all the way back in the late November of 2010, it’s been around for nearly 12 years. There’s only one moderator running the place, but they do use the Auto Moderator for help.
These Panda Cookies I Made For My Niece’s Birthday Have Seen Some S**t
For My Sons Fourth Birthday I Carved A Watermelon Dinosaur Head! It Didn’t Come Out That Bad (Mine Is On The Bottom)
Nailed It! On The Second Try
We firmly believe that the r/nailedit online community deserves a lot more attention than it’s getting because the content the members share is top-notch. At the time of writing, there were 54.2k dedicated r/nailedit fans. Hopefully, the community will expand in the future. The subreddit is too good for it to remain a niche group.
Here at Bored Panda, we’re mega fans of crafting and creativity of all kinds. We love it when people turn their dreams into reality and use their imagination powers for Good. However, crafting of any kind demands patience, precision, dedication, and a willingness to fail over and over again till you get good.
I Actually Did Try. That’s The Saddest Part
For a first try, this is fine, you will get there eventually.
When Your Husband Insists On Attempting A Portrait Of You
I Think I Did Something Wrong
At times, that can be slightly demotivating. Especially if you feel like you’re giving it all you’ve got and the results still end up frightening your neighbors and the internet. That’s when an outside perspective might help reignite your motivation and help you develop your totally rad skills.
On a positive note, the net’s chock full of friendly folks who can’t wait to help anyone still green with their crafting troubles.
One such community is r/crochet, an incredibly bubbly and brilliant online community. Bored Panda spoke to one of the moderators during an earlier interview. In short, if you want to try something with your hands and don’t want to go for cooking, it’s best to start off with a crocheting project. It’s very beginner-friendly (and it’ll give you the chance to make a tiny Baby Yoda doll.)
Oh God. What Have I Done?
Cookie Monster Cupcakes
Melania Trump Statue In Slovenia. Nailed It!
This statue got burnt down a few months later. Then.. They built a bronze one. Just as ugly as the first one.. https://www.24ur.com/novice/slovenija/ozgani-leseni-kip-melanie-trump-zamenjali-z-bronastim.html
Oh wow that is AWFUL. It looks like what you'd get it Gumby mutated.
Load More Replies...The one on the right has more personality and definitely more integrity...
Does the one on the right speak more than 5 foreign languages?...because the one on the left does. BUT please keep devaluing women because you don't like their spouse. It's really "tolerant" of you.
Load More Replies...I love the one on the right more than the one on the left, that’s for sure
Malaria deserves nothing. She is a disgrace to First Lady's and a disgrace to humanity. "I don't care! Do u?"
In trying to insult someone else, you inadvertently showed the world how unintelligent you yourself are. The plural of lady is "ladies". Not lady's. Lady's is possessive. "All the First Ladies." "The First Lady's shoes." We won't get into plural possessives, today. You've already defeated your own purpose, and rendered your own insult pointless. That's good enough as it is. Maybe just remember, the next time you decide to point out someone else's flaws, that you should first take a good long look at yourself in the mirror. Because nobody's perfect. And, anytime you point a finger at someone, there are always four other fingers pointed back at you.
Load More Replies...Ah... the face (L) of someone who sold their soul for material wealth and comfort.
So that was genuinely meant to be her? I thought she might have just chosen to dress in a way that imitates the statue!
The statue literally looks like someone tried to sculpt a Picasso painting, lol.
I love that so many people that advocated for tolerance towards immigrants but are xenophobic towards Melania Trump making you just as shitty as the people that don't want illegal immigrants crossing the boarder Illegally. It's not hypocritical at all. 🙄
They aren't at all hypocritical because it has nothing to do with her race/gender/country of origin. She's hated that she and her parents took advantage of immigration policies while supporting her husband attempts to remove those same policies. She has pushed her husband's Obama birther lie and the voter fraud lies. She's reported to have supported the attack on the Capitol.
Load More Replies...Why so much hate for one of the most beautiful First Ladies ever. Make fun of Pelosi or Kamala; they're destroying our country.
"Crochet is definitely the most beginner-friendly between crochet, knitting, and sewing. This is because, in part, it’s the easiest to rip apart (called frogging) and go back to fix a mistake," the r/crochet moderator explained.
Thinking My Early Wake Up To Do This Nails It
How To Upcycle A Meat Grinder
Accidentally Made A Vagina Cake For My Friend's Birthday. (It Was Supposed To Be A Geod)
"Most beginners often find difficulty in knowing where to place the hook in each stitch and figuring out how to coordinate holding the yarn, hook, and work all at the same time!" they explained that crocheting isn’t without its challenges, despite being quite easy to get into. Though what craft doesn’t have a learning curve? Anything worth doing requires at least some patience.
This Epic Bob Ross Chia Pet
Superimposing Elsa Onto A Horses Head? Nailed It!!
Nailed It
Crocheting and knitting are quite similar, but sewing is a whole other ball game entirely. "They’re both yarn crafts that create fabric. Other similarities include knowing how to count stitches and read written patterns. There is no real crossover with sewing, except perhaps that advanced sewers may have an advantage in understanding how garments drape and fit," the expert told Bored Panda.
I Shouldn't Be Allowed To Try
Stuffed Snake Pizza. Nailed It!
I Need Smaller Piping Tips
“Learning to crochet, like everything else, has a learning curve! Luckily, it’s pretty easy to get started—all you really need is a hook and a skein of yarn," they said that it’s easy to pick up. There’s a lot of info out there on how to start crafting, and it’s all very easily accessible.
My Daughter And I Made Baby Yoda Macarons
I Have A Baking Competition Today. This Is My First Time Ever Baking A Cake. I Think I’m Going To Win
Tried To Make A Cake To Immortalize My Cat, I Have Not Stopped Laughing
"Most people find it easiest to learn from YouTube videos, and they are a fantastic resource for learning new stitches and patterns. There are also some wonderful books out there that can teach every conceivable stitch—you want to look for something called a 'crochet stitch dictionary' or similar. Other than that, have fun and don’t be afraid to experiment!”
Birthday Cake Attempt This Weekend
Uncanny Resemblance
My Wife Started Painting Ornaments For Christmas, And Only Realized After She Finished This Bird That She Did It Upside Down
Remember, Pandas, there are no mistakes. Not really. Just happy accidents that can brighten up someone's day regardless of how (un)masterfully you did something. Don't be shy, share some of your own funny fails in the comments. And remember: we've all been there. Nobody's born a crafting pro.
Poodle Cut. Nailed It
I Wanted To Make Mrs. Potts And Chip. I Nailed It
My 5-Year-Old Nephew Knocked This One Out Of The Park!
I Didn't Follow The Pattern
This Figurine Of Hermione Granger At Universal Studios
Good Lord
Failed Af
This "Up-Cycled" Hot Water Bottle Necklace
West Elm Mistro Tray That Was Just Delivered After A 6 Month Backorder
I Tried To Do This Thing I Saw On Instagram Where You Dehydrate Strawberries In The Oven And They 'Taste Like Twizzlers" ... Nailed It
I Tried To Make My Daughter A Mickey Mouse Cake
Dropped An Egg #nailedit
Thought My Play Dough Skills Were Better Than I Anticipated...
Should I Show My Girlfriend To Her Portrait ?
From The Ice Cream Truck
If you put a sea sponge in a blender and then leave the resulting gloop alone, the cells will eventually reorganise themselves back into a sponge. This one is half way there.
Donald Duck Birthday Cake
I Made An Interesting Ring From An Old National Geographic Article
Well... I Tried
This is true. For some who are like me, with no patience, more than half of these wouldn't even have been attempted xD So I do give alot of kudos to these people for making the effort
Load More Replies...Have you guys seen the show "Nailed It!" where hardly experienced bakers try to make complicated stuff and it goes terribly wrong? It's really funny! And pretty wholesome! I highly recommend it if you haven't seen it!
I was utterly terrified by some of these but s9me of these I could give them a thumbs in the middle but still…A+ for effort
This is true. For some who are like me, with no patience, more than half of these wouldn't even have been attempted xD So I do give alot of kudos to these people for making the effort
Load More Replies...Have you guys seen the show "Nailed It!" where hardly experienced bakers try to make complicated stuff and it goes terribly wrong? It's really funny! And pretty wholesome! I highly recommend it if you haven't seen it!
I was utterly terrified by some of these but s9me of these I could give them a thumbs in the middle but still…A+ for effort