Most of us consider ourselves to be good people. But given the right circumstances, anyone can do something they’re not particularly proud of. From using questionable methods to teach someone a lesson to getting back at people who wronged us, our behaviors sometimes fall into life’s gray area. Like tightrope walkers, we slowly move across the thin line between right and wrong and sometimes succumb to the temptations of our darker side.

The puzzling part is that we may not feel a drop of shame about it. "What is the darkest thing you have ever done and don’t regret?" Redditor BirdyPizza recently asked and invited fellow members of the 'Ask Reddit' community to confess about the worst and most wicked acts they ever did and somehow kept a clear conscience.

After 4.6k comments, it was clear that people wasted no time and jumped at the chance to anonymously share their tales on the platform. We at Bored Panda scoured the thread and wrapped up an entertaining collection of stories for you to enjoy down below. So sit back and get your popcorn ready, because this stuff is better than the movies. If you have any similar experiences you would like to get off your chest, we’d love to hear about them in the comments!


40 People Confess The Darkest Thing They've Ever Done That They Never Regretted I worked at a vet clinic as a tech for a long time. A lady came in to put her husband’s cat to sleep (husband had the cat prior to the marriage.) She wanted to euthanize the cat because it “slept too much and was old”. The cat was old, but she was also perfectly healthy. Lady told us that if we didn’t put the cat down she’d find someone else who would. We said okay, we agree to put the cat down, charged her for euthanasia and for cremation (she didn’t want ashes back thankfully). Lady leaves and we don’t put the cat down. We keep her as a clinic cat and she lived several more years in good health and happiness before dying of old age. The vet would joke that the euthanasia and cremation costs were “adoption fees”. Anytime the lady would come back to the clinic we’d hide the cat in a back room and snicker the whole time.

cygnus_stars , Kari Shea Report


    40 People Confess The Darkest Thing They've Ever Done That They Never Regretted When I was 13 my very abusive and extremely drunken father was swinging at my dog trying to punch him. I kicked the old bastard down a flight of stairs breaking every rib on his left side, some twice and puncturing a lung. Then I went right back to watching Dukes of Hazzard.

    About 5 hours later, my mom came home she asks where dad was, I told her he was laying on the basement floor. Why? He's drunk, of course, he must of fell. She went down there and b**ched at him for about 20 minutes. But he was mostly unconscious. Then she called my uncle to come and help me carry him upstairs. My dog wouldn't let my uncle anywhere near the old man despite their earlier altercation. So I had to carry him up by myself (I was a big kid). Anyone with even a tiny bit of first aid knowledge (me, from Scouts) would know not to do that. I had to sling him in a blanket over my shoulder Santa Claus style.

    He then spent the next 4 days getting sober enough (not sober) to go to the hospital. There he was properly diagnosed and treated and his lung drained and reinflated. While he was able to smoke, yep, smoke right there in his hospital bed! they did not provide alcohol on the hospital menu. So he went into withdrawal. Delirium Tremors and all. Kept screaming "Get that gah dam HORSE off of my bed! How did that horse get in here?" Used to (in his mind) drive the bed around his old neighborhood like a Packard Motor Car and describe the sites to people. That lasted about a week.

    Then, and I don't know how this works, the doctors refused to release him from the hospital and moved him to the psych ward. He spent two months or so in there being treated for addiction.

    During that time no children, dogs or wives were physically, mentally or emotionally abused at our house. Not once. For the first time in about 30 years.

    Eventually he was discharged and much to everyone's shock and utter disbelief...he never drank again! Or beat his wife. Or abused his children. His grandchildren absolutely worshipped him and competed for his favor. He was kind and generous and a great source of wisdom and humor for them. In time, they named their own sons after him and have his name tattooed on their flesh.

    Ultimately he died of cancer. And when he did, I held him in my arms and looked him in the eyes so he wouldn't be scared or die alone. I was his primary caregiver for the last 7 years of his life.

    And I have Zero Regrets about my actions that day.

    darkoath , Andy Li Report


    40 People Confess The Darkest Thing They've Ever Done That They Never Regretted Turned a close friend into the fish and game. He would poach mountain lions and bears. His whole family would literally shoot them and leave them. He would brag about it. I couldn’t stand it and felt that I needed to stop him. He’s in prison and so is his uncle. I know I ruined his life but he was literally killing so many mountain lions and bears.

    Donkey-Puncherr , Priscilla Du Preez Report


    40 People Confess The Darkest Thing They've Ever Done That They Never Regretted Got into a car accident and had to stay with my mom for a couple days to figure out what to do. Went back to my apartment (I had two roommates) and everything was missing from my room. Long story short one of my roommates had everything hidden in her room.

    I called and told her the things were missing from my room and she came up with a lie that a couple girls came to look at my room (I was moving out bc of the accident, long story) and that they must have taken my things.

    She had everything I owned. Including my grandmothers perfume bottles, stuffed to the back of her closet, under her bed, behind her dresser etc.

    So I packed all of my stuff up. Then took a giant black garbage bag and stuffed as much of her closet in it as I could. Took it to the middle of nowhere, dug a hole and burnt it.

    She called screaming at me that her stuff was missing. I told her the two girls must have come by and taken her stuff too.

    udntsay , Sven Brandsma Report


    40 People Confess The Darkest Thing They've Ever Done That They Never Regretted When my father was dying and in pain I was the one who told the doctors he had been through enough and we couldn't see him suffer anymore. Doctor injected him with something, I assume a morphine mega dose and he passed peacefully moments after.
    Euthanasia may not be legal in UK but compassionate doctors know what's what. I don't regret it because my pa made me promise I would have his back when he got sick or old. I'm sad he got sick and never got to get old.

    Express_Evidence_23 , Marcelo Leal Report


    40 People Confess The Darkest Thing They've Ever Done That They Never Regretted My sister and I went to the same school, she was a year older. This guy was making her life hell and she was crying a lot, which was (still is) really, really unlike her. After weeks of this, my mom told me to beat him up and I would not be in trouble at home if I got in trouble at school for doing so.

    The next day I saw my opportunity when I was in class and watched him walking in the hallway go into the guys bathroom. I immediately asked for permission to go too. I opened the door quietly and he was taking a p**s at a urinal. I Sparta kicked his a*s into the urinal and then just beat the s**t out of him, pissing on himself and all. I told him to leave my sister alone or it'd happen again.

    My sister came home happy that day and never had another problem. She didn't know this happened for about 20 years. Not a shred of regret.

    I didn't get in trouble. To his credit, he kept quiet. I did too.

    Nothing happened for those roughly 20 years, we just never told her. Up until that day, she had been telling him to stop, etc. Just let her think that worked I guess. She was happy.

    It faded in time until some family holiday party in the last couple of years where we were telling old stories. We laughed, she hugged me, and that was that. She's had my back plenty in life too.

    realpolitikcentrist , kyo azuma Report


    40 People Confess The Darkest Thing They've Ever Done That They Never Regretted I took my daughter off life support, allowing her to die.

    The alternative would have been our poor baby girl "living" until her first birthday until they could remove half of her brain. She had already been over medicated with strong anti seizure meds, against our wishes and judgment, with all of her perfect function from birth stripped from her because of it. They threatened to get an emergency order for CPS to take custody and I had to fight through a four hour plus ethics board in order to be granted the right to transition to palliative care. She hung on for 12 hours without a ventilator, but never regained consciousness.

    There are a lot of things about her life I wish I could do over, just to experience *better*. But fighting for her peaceful death? That was the best gift I could have ever given to her and was my duty as her mother.

    MrsRoo07 , Hush Naidoo Jade Photography Report


    40 People Confess The Darkest Thing They've Ever Done That They Never Regretted A neighbor like 10 years ago was neglecting their dog badly in the heat. The dog escaped often and ended up at the shelter a lot. One day she jumped the fence and got her tie-out cable stuck on the fence. (She was not in danger of choking.) Neighbor put her on a 3-foot-long cable tied to a doorknob, no water, 90 degree day. I let some kind folks steal her, watched the whole thing and said nothing to stop them.

    anon , Artem Maltsev Report


    40 People Confess The Darkest Thing They've Ever Done That They Never Regretted My big sister used to casually hookup with this Russian guy who's family was absolutely loaded. He always seemed nice and I hoped they'd become more so he could stick around.

    Well, one day my sister had a pregnancy scare. She was late on her period for a whole week, she told the guy about it and whatnot, and she was planning on getting a test later that evening. As soon as she told him he completely flipped his script and became a belligerent racist. I think racist is the right term? He basically screamed about how he couldn't taint his blood line with "filthy American blood" and called all us Americans stupid and disgusting. He went off the handle and demanded she get an abortion or he'll make sure the baby doesn't live. Yeah.

    She took a test and it came back negative thankfully, and then showed me the messages. He offered to pay for it and s**t, and she asked "Sis, would I be an a*****e if I took the money anyways?" And I said "in any other situation I'd say yes, but this dude is an absolute prick and isn't hurting for cash. Tell him its $600 not $400"

    So like 3 days later we met him in his rich a*s neighborhood, he was a cold heartless jerk and just handed her the $600 cash. We left that day for a girls trip out of state (: hooting and hollering in my sisters convertible with the top rolled down, I felt like I was on top of the world.

    F**k you, Nikkoli

    humblyhuman888 , Tima Miroshnichenko Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    A hard one. In American English "racist" probably needs races involved, but in German there wouldn't be any meaningful difference between "racist" and "xenophobe". Using the german word "Rasse", which would be the equivalent to "race" is socially unacceptable and legally problematic. This might be the case in other european countries too, so in international English "xenophobe" and "racist" might be interchangeable. But I do not know enough about the use of the word in other languages.

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Yeah, Fyck you Nikkoli! I love how he has no problem hooking up with a "filthy American " but when possible consequences of his actions happen, he gets all xenophobic and acts like the sister was beneath him (figuratively) even though she was perfectly fine to mess aroynd with. It reminds me of the religious dudes that have no problem hooking up with certain girls, but then call them "loose" or "sluts" and demand a virgin to marry.

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    2 years ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Not racist, racist is only when defferent raves are involved like for instances if your family was Black or Asian. He was a Xenophobe, doesn't like foregneirs ( nationalist or Extreme right supremacist )

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    One can be racist towards white people, towards any people, it's not just Black or Asian people. One can also be racist against their own race, there doesn't have to be different races involved. Racism involves prejudiced thoughts and being upset at 'tainted bloodlines' is definitely racist. A person can be xenophobic and racist.

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    Nadia D
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Coz of nature of wealth in Russia, people rarely to never got loaded by honest and good way unfortunately... The more sociopathic, narcissistic and aggressive got most chances to get something, leave alone one need to become a true psychopath to keep the wealth... Kids usually super spoiled and inherited some of these conditions... So, it's mostly a bunch of very miserable and presuming themselves better than everyone else in the world assholes, it's really better to keep away from... F**k you Nick indeed

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    "or either he makes sure that the baby doesn't live" - sentences like that need recording and reporting to the police.

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Wait, what? A pregnancy test is 400 dollars?? Or did she lie and say she was pregnant and had him pay for the fake-abortion?

    Bree Piper
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Just say “bigotted”, rather than racist, xenophobic, or whatever. The word itself is inclusive in direct opposition to the people it describes, which I think is entirely appropriate.

    Glen MacLeod
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    That's everyone's take away on this? Semantics? Racists or Xenophobe, they did the right thing.

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    The fact, that people like that think that their s**t genes are a prize to other nations...

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Living in the US but hating the other people who do too: its not just for white nationalists!

    Jill Rhodry
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Nikolai is a name - he may've spelt it differently or OP has not seen it written before and spelt it phonetically.

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    40 People Confess The Darkest Thing They've Ever Done That They Never Regretted I don’t know if this was “dark”, but it was definitely s**tty and I don’t regret it.

    I was in a relationship that I was too afraid to leave at the time but I knew it was abusive. My ex had been trying to alienate me from my brother, friends and parents. At this point, only my parents and one male friend still had close, uninterrupted connection to me.

    My male friend was my drummer in my band and I am a full time musician, so he was around a lot. My partner would berate me, constantly accusing me of cheating on him when I wasn’t, scream at me, try to force me to get a “real job” so I wouldn’t need to deal with my music friends anymore. I was on the verge of suicide and a little bit insane.

    And one day I said “f**k it, if I’m gonna constantly get accused of s**t that I didn’t do, I might as well actually be doing it”

    So I had sex with the drummer. Finally left the piece of s**t a few months later. The drummer and I are getting married next year. No regrets.

    LooksLikeTreble617 , Josh Sorenson Report


    40 People Confess The Darkest Thing They've Ever Done That They Never Regretted Some people were bullying the new mate at school, and one day he was crying on the floor. I asked him for the name of the boy who made him cry, and I punched the guy, his nose was bleeding.

    Now, "the new mate" is still my friend, after 10 years !

    AlecInnefable , Pixabay Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Something like that happened to me lol, i'm a big guy, and have been since my 12 or 13 ( talker than average also wider than average, with 16 years i weighed 100 kg, and yes i'm fat, but i'm not morbidly obese ), só i had a school mate on my 10 grade that was a small dude and had a rural accent, and some idiots decided to pick on him, since i was behind Said idiot when it happened i punched the back of his head with all my strengh and made him give a few steps fowards, he then turns back in shock looks at me and Said " i was just kidding i was just kidding " i was most enjoyable.

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    I stole $50 off a serious drug addict roommate because earlier in the day he was talking about how his girlfriend (inexplicably sweet gal) didn't want to do heroin but he was gonna buy some and get her with it while she was sleeping so he could have someone to get high with. He went into absolutely unnecessary detail about how if she was high he'd probably get to do some s**t to her she'd never let him do but he'd always wanted to try.

    No money, no drugs, and the rest of us talked with the girl the next day. They split up, and he's dead now (from, surprisingly, drugs).

    MegaDuckCougarBoy Report

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    Deborah B
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Glad you got that girl away from him. What a total waste of a human being. Lower than scum.

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    40 People Confess The Darkest Thing They've Ever Done That They Never Regretted Had to make the choice to take my dad off of life support after he got Covid this year. He was sedated for a couple of weeks and one of his lungs collapsed and I couldnt watch him fall apart anymore. My dad was a bulky dude. Constantly did a lot of outdoor work and to see him bone skinny and have no muscle left killed me and I knew even if he somehow got through it, he would have been so miserable and depressed in that state he was in. I don’t regret it. I think it was the right thing to do by him. I’ll never not miss him though. That was my buddy

    CarterS20884 , Martha Dominguez de Gouveia Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    OP did the most selfless act, letting their father slip away was the kindest thing a person can do.

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    40 People Confess The Darkest Thing They've Ever Done That They Never Regretted Left my ex, knowing he would be homeless when I kicked him out. Grabbed up all of his things and dumped them at the store he was working at with his friends. Told him I never wanted to see him again, and left (and blocked him on all forms of social media) and I haven't seen him since.

    Pear_Jam2 , Dids Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    there should be more context. did he cheat on you or do something wrong? was he abusive or aggressive? or did you just decide one day that you no longer want him anywhere near you? if he was a good guy and cared for you (and you initiated the breakup, which is fine), he probably deserved some kindness and you could have let him stay till he found a place of his own, or give him at least a couple of days to move out. On the other hand, if he did something and deserved it - good for you!

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    40 People Confess The Darkest Thing They've Ever Done That They Never Regretted Told my ex's probation officer about his fiancé. It was part of his license conditions to inform them of a new relationship after he spent nearly 10 years inside for what he did to me. He didn't tell them, even after 2 years together.

    Would do it again in a heartbeat.

    DiddyDM , Kindel Media Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Good, the police and courts don't hand out those conditions very often so it was obviously deserved.

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    40 People Confess The Darkest Thing They've Ever Done That They Never Regretted Five years ago my dad suffered a catastrophic stroke. Left paralyzed and robbed of his speech and ability to communicate he was a shell of the once vibrant, charismatic man he once was. He was moved into skilled nursing where he lived for nearly two years, he was miserable. On my last visit I told him it was okay if he wanted to leave us, that we would miss him but he should go. A week later I received the call that he had passed. Instead of immediate grief I felt relief. Relief that he was finally free. The grief came later and I still miss him every single day.

    theroadtoeverywhere , Andrea Piacquadio Report


    40 People Confess The Darkest Thing They've Ever Done That They Never Regretted I called animal control on my then best friend. Their dog could hardly stand up and she was losing tons of fur. Turns out she had cancer. They were given a day to get her euthanized or treated. She still thinks it was her neighbors and not me.

    prettysouthernchick , Ale Zuñiga Report


    40 People Confess The Darkest Thing They've Ever Done That They Never Regretted Being an addict. It was the darkest time of my 30 years on this earth. I don’t regret it in the sense that I was happy as an addict, but it made me the strongest, most resilient person I know. 6 years sober and counting!

    hangingonforyouu , Vincenzo Giove Report


    I was 17 and it was about 6am on a summer morning. I lived on a small farm with my parents, and my dad busted into my room yelling at me to get my lazy, worthless a*s up.

    Dad owned a dozen or so cows, and apparently they had broken a gate during the night or earlier that morning and were now out wandering around. Apparently, this was my fault somehow because I was a lazy piece of s**t and wasn't up already to fix this.

    My mom heard my dad screaming and yelling at me like a crazy person and followed us out the door. Dad had one our biggest wrenches in his hand, it was a pipe wrench about 2 feet long. To this day, I have no idea how that was supposed to help him fix the broken gate.

    Anyway, my mom just said three word to him: "Calm down, Dadsname."

    Apparently, that was enough to tip him over the edge. He screamed and threw that wrench as hard as he could at my mother, missing her head by inches. If that would have connected, I have no doubt it would have killed her.

    For a second, I just stood there shocked. Then I just felt pure rage like I have never known before or since. I tackled my father and started throwing punches. I'd like to say I beat the living s**t out of him, but I'm not a good fighter. It was probably closer to a draw, but I definitely won. He ended up with two black eyes, a bloody nose and a mouthful of blood.

    After I got off of him, I went inside and got my shotgun. Loaded it, then went back out to him, put the barrel in his face and told him that if he ever laid a hand on my mom or me again, I'd kill him. And I meant it.

    That was the last time he ever got violent. I did have to remind him once many years later, however. I visited from out of state and I walked into a situation where he was working himself up with my mother. A reminder of my promise and that I did and always would think of him as a cowardly piece of s**t with no self control shut him up. He's 83 now and has developed dementia in the last few years. We don't talk, but my sister says he's a much better person now than when he was younger.

    Anyway, that's the darkest I've ever been, and I don't regret a bit of it.

    Lahk74 Report


    I hit my uncle left right and center when he was trying to choke my father to death. I was 16 years old at that time, a very skinny girl. I beat his face, neck and every part of him that I could target with so much intensity that my knuckles turned blue the next day. I had an animalistic rage that day trying to help my father get away from his death grip. I hate my uncle even today. I got anger issues because of growing up around him. And I don't regret beating him that day at all. He was physically abusive to his wife as well. One fine day, his wife retaliated by beating him blue with a stick. And he stopped being physically violent towards her post that.

    avadakebakra Report


    My stepdad is a creep. Told my mother about it and some stuff he did. She said that I was lying and that I am mentally ill. So I cut them both out even if that is super tabu to do in my family. Hurts so much to have s**tty parents. But you really are better off without the abuse

    kossa11 Report

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    H. Daven.
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    OP. My mom didn't believe me either. Good for you standing up for yourself.

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    I attempted suicide a year ago, obviously I was unsuccessful. It was a wake up call to my alcoholism and motivated me to get a chemical dependency evaluation and go to treatment. I have a very good life now and I don't regret the attempt because I wouldn't be here if it hadn't gotten to that point.

    They say your rock bottom is where you quit digging, and I threw my shovel down on July 24th, 2021.

    Saint_Sardine Report


    40 People Confess The Darkest Thing They've Ever Done That They Never Regretted Paid £250 quid for a horse off an acquaintance that had been suffering from various ailments, been a bit neglected and couldn't even lay down to sleep any more and then moved the horse to a different yard and had her quietly put down a few days later to end her suffering.

    littlevivid , Marko Blažević Report

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    Lazy Panda (she/her/hers)
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    2 years ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    These secrets to save or prevent suffering are sad but the right thing done by good people.

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    40 People Confess The Darkest Thing They've Ever Done That They Never Regretted In middle school, there was this group of boys that would corner me in the hallway and try to scare me. I was the perfect target for these little bastards. I was short, skinny, and had (and still have) and anxiety disorder. One day I just had enough, and asked a friend if I could have an extra pencil, sharpened it as much as I could, and when I saw one of them in the hallway, I stabbed the f**k out of his leg. Sh**head got what he deserved.

    leserolith3 Report


    40 People Confess The Darkest Thing They've Ever Done That They Never Regretted There was a girl I had a crush on, but we were pretty good friends.
    She was abused by her boyfriend, I won't give up details out of respect for her, but he was a piece of s**t.
    He was older than both of us and very religious, attended the countryside church a lot, and she was 15 at the time.
    So anyways, one night she calls me and asks for help. It was around 2AM and she told me, she was sexually abused and left stranded in a middle of nowhere in the countryside.
    I drove there to pick her up and heard the whole story.
    So we got a poster or, idk, pamphlet saying the whole story and hung it up the church's news board.
    People took notice, but we haven't named the person yet. It was dumb, I know. But we were young and feeling vengeful.
    Anyways, more girls started reaching out and informed us about that guy's travesty.
    Turns out he had a thing for younger girls, too. And he also assaulted them physically and sexually.
    We gathered the info and made a wanted poster with his photo and all of the anonymous testimonies and once again, hung it on the church's board.

    The guy is found dead. Official cause: suicide.
    But there's plenty of evidence that it was a murder. Edit: Justice delivered by someone else, staged as a suicide. We don't know.

    Anyways, I might be indirectly responsible for this guy's death, but considering how terrible of a person he was, I'm not sure if I feel bad about it.

    Edit: Feel free to ask questions, I've seen people asking if it's a copy-pasta story. It's not, but stuff like that, unfortunately, happens a lot.

    Edit2: Just to clarify, there was police involved, but in my country, especially in rural areas where Church has the most power, young girls stand no chance against the fully grown church-going believer, because victim blaming is a thing and the girls risk being ostracized if they speak up. Because in Poland it's always woman's fault.

    Edit3: If you're wondering what happened afterwards, the girl I had a crush on ended up as a substance abuser with suicidal tendencies, but she's doing much better now.
    Other girls who were molested received proffessional mental aid and I've eventually moved on, when we grew more and more distant.
    We still sometimes talk with that girl, but as you can tell, she doesn't necessarily trust men now.

    Narcy_Boy , Kat Smith Report

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    Stacey Rae
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Abuse should not be hidden. Victims speak your truth (if safe to do so)

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    I come from a pretty dysfunctional family and was abused by my uncle for many years. Sadly nobody took much notice of me when I revealed everything. Aunt remained married to him and mother allowed him back into the family home several week’s later. Fast forward many years and my family turned their back on me when I was considering finally reporting it to the police. I cut my parent’s out of my life and have banned them from seeing my children (their grandchildren). Are they pissed? Yes. Do I regret my decision? No. My mental health and that of my children’s is worth far more than trying to proverbially set myself on fire to keep everyone else warm. Most of my siblings are angry at me but I no longer care and feel like I’m a better person for breaking thru such family dysfunction. Sometimes you gotta do what’s best for you and block out the noise around you. It’s a million times worse now as my beautiful grandmother passed away last night and she was one of the only normal family members left in my life. My heart hasn’t felt this heavy with grief before and I miss her so very much.

    BarefootandWild Report


    Told my stepmother how I really felt about her on her death bed. I was 22 and she was dying from years of alcohol abuse. She would beat me as a child and tell my father lies about me so he would punish me with his fist. My teen years were a constant battle with my father when he got home from work from the lies she would tell. Much of the fights came to blows and I moved out to live with my grandmother.

    I just let it all out on her. I knew she was aware and I made sure she knew how much of a piece of s**t she was and how my father was better off now that she would be burning in hell. I was gone before my father returned and she passed away 2 days later.

    Turns out I was right! My father is in a much better place and has since apologized to me and we have a great relationship. It is amazing how one person can sow so much discord and chaos.

    Kevinmajere Report


    During college, I saw a couple of guys trying to secretly photograph a female classmate. I felt intense disgust at that. After the class was over, I told some good but intimidating seniors about those guys. For the next three days, those guys were not seen in the class. The following day they were mad angry and approached me outside the college. My bum was saved that day because right across the street, the seniors showed up and waved at me. The two guys gave me a dirty look and left on their bikes. I never found out what the seniors did to them. I have never regretted it; I only hoped the seniors didn't do any crazy ragging sh*t to them, but the lesson needed to be learned.

    Minimum-Plane-6949 Report

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    Izzy Curer
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Kinda sounds likd they tied them up somewhere. Probably didn't even do anything, but I bet it scared them.

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    40 People Confess The Darkest Thing They've Ever Done That They Never Regretted I used to work with an openly racist guy in the army. He would regularly make racist jokes and statements like telling one of our black soldiers that the "Colored Bathrooms were over there."

    I reported him to EO like I was supposed to, but because he was friends with the EO rep nothing happened.

    So I went on 4chan and posted his name and social security number on a "If you hate them Post their info" threads.

    He got his identity stolen.

    No regrets.

    Known-Beach3936 , Diego González Report


    40 People Confess The Darkest Thing They've Ever Done That They Never Regretted I called the police on my mom and had her submitted to a mental hospital and left her there.

    She needed to know after everything my love WAS conditional and she needed to get her s**t together.

    She didn’t, and I’m sure she hasn’t forgiven me since.

    operachick209 , Cory Mogk Report


    40 People Confess The Darkest Thing They've Ever Done That They Never Regretted Ex-stepfather had verbally and physically abused me for 12 years before I finally left the house for good. The last day I was there, my step-piece of s**t basically admitted to having feelings for me, choked me, and screamed at me for hours. I left through my bedroom window. For five months I avoided that house until ex-stepfather got a hold of my new phone number and texted me non stop about how I’m breaking my mom’s heart by not coming to visit. So I texted back that I’ll come by one day soon after work. When I got there, he opened the door, and I cracked his face open with a baseball bat. The reason why the police weren’t called was because my step-a*****e was already wanted for trafficking substances. The pandemic started a couple months after and my mom decided to move out and let the POS stay in my childhood home. Mom and I are in contact and she goes to therapy. I also go to therapy.

    GreenChorizo , Erick Contreras Report


    40 People Confess The Darkest Thing They've Ever Done That They Never Regretted Ghosted a guy who was supposed to be my friend. The friendship had started off fine, we became close very quickly... But then the cracks started yawning into weird black abysses. His stories didn't match up to reality. He always had a new story to tell, and it was always fantastical. He would call me at 3 am and just sob about how his bones hurt and he could see "the shadow man". I was 19 and very confused, very afraid. I couldn't deal with it, and I didn't feel safe, and he never listened if I tried to help him through whatever was going on with him. So I just. Stopped picking up the phone. I stopped agreeing to meet him. I disappeared from his life. A year later, a mutual friend and an ex of mine told me he had died of bone cancer. I was f*****g devastated. It traumatized me for years thinking that he needed me and I ditched him and he died alone. It to this day crumbled how I navigate boundaries now.

    Five years after that, I was told that it was all a lie, and he had never had cancer. Or he had it and was in a coma. Or he moved away. I don't know the truth. But I do know that cutting those two liars out of my life was the right choice to make.

    kiwilapple , Craig Adderley Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I think sometimes when people lie about having big's cause they really do have big problems...just not the type they talk about.

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    I planned to kill a man. Growing up my best ever friend got molested by her step dad often but only her family knew about this. One day the whole thing got exposed on TV by one of those shows were all the tragedy is aired. I felt so much fury. I was a young silly man, I used to live in the favelas and knew a couple of not very good guys. I asked them for a favor, I would work for them if they killed the son of a b***h. We went there, the house was 100% empty
    He fled after the news on TV.
    I got lucky really, could have wasted my whole life right there.

    EmotionalMeltdown Report

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    Luke Branwen
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    My best friend's father is a (verbally) abusive drunk and if I ever found out he physically assaulted and/or molested her, I'd do the same. No regrets.

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    40 People Confess The Darkest Thing They've Ever Done That They Never Regretted Signed someone up online for home Mormon visits and added in comments to not give up if I was rude at first, I really did want to be helped deep down.

    toxic_pantaloons , Manny Becerra Report

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    jjdubs W
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    2 years ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I think this post needs a why. What did the person do to deserve this? Otherwise, it's just mean, not an apt response to someone doing something.

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    40 People Confess The Darkest Thing They've Ever Done That They Never Regretted Stabbed my own hand and blamed it on a kid I hated in kindergarten.

    He was a bully and would constantly flip over the girls' skirts as well as steal my f*****g food, so I decided he gotta go. Got him expelled from that school.

    AVGwar , La-Rel Easter Report

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    2 years ago

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    40 People Confess The Darkest Thing They've Ever Done That They Never Regretted When i was a teenager and new on the internet chatrooms in the years 2000-2004, i was a frequent visitor to a Dragonball Z RP chatroom. I was a young teen with zero concept of sex, relationships, etc. I decided i wanted to try cross-playing as a male character and didn't want to be one of the main cast, so i picked Zarbon (i know, wtf). But then a girl fell for me. Backstepping a little, through the course of RP in the main chat room, a girl RPing as a self-insert DBZ character would send me DMs asking for personal advice, telling me about herself, her life, her struggles with her parents, her friends, etc. We became friends, but i was nervous about privacy and worried that identifying myself as a girl would be seen as deceptive, so in order to keep up the façade that i was a guy, I made up a persona. I became Travis, a High school senior and member of a garage band who was emancipated from his parents and living in an apartment with a roommate. Analyzing it now, I suspect it was an effort to appear as an authority, but still in a relatable age range.

    Over months, she continued to confide in Travis and we Roleplayed in public chat, but had a private pseudo-relationship going on including cyber-sex and "pillowtalk". She confessed her love to Travis, and I knew I had to let her down, because I was actually a 14-15 year old girl, which I suspect she was as well. I continued the friendship for a few months more, but keeping a more friendly distance an she seemed to have backed off the idea that we would be a couple or together, but was telling me I was her only friend, the only one she could confide in, etc. So i encouraged her to go to school functions and meet other people because "Travis" couldn't be there for her IRL. She started to talk eventually about some new friends and joining an anime club in her neighborhood. I began to tell a story about Travis had met a girl in his real life and they were starting a relationship, etc. We continued to talk and i peppered in stories about my girlfriend in order to keep reminding her that we couldn't be together, which she took well. When I was confident that she was good to go forwards with her new relationships and i realized we'd been "friends" for like 2 years, slowly Travis stopped logging in. I would log in from time to time under another account just to see if she kept coming to the chatroom, and eventually I left for good. I think about her often, even 20 years later now, and wonder how she's doing.

    Travis became the basis for my favorite D&D character eventually and when i think about his origin, I think about that girl and i feel bad for leading her on, but i hope i gave her fond memories.

    BopBopAWayOh , Lucas Santos Report


    40 People Confess The Darkest Thing They've Ever Done That They Never Regretted My football coach and history teacher screwed over my uncle, the assistant coach really bad. After that year I stopped playing football and started f*****g with my teacher/old coach.

    The first thing I did was change words in his computer to type other words. I focused on all of the transition words first. Like the, and, it, etc. whenever he would type them it would change to some pretty gross things. This was about 14 years ago and I’ll never forget watching him freak out when the projector was up and he was trying to give a lesson.

    The next thing I did is change the directory of all of his applications to a website that had three old dudes banging in the shower. It was gross as hell and the funny thing is whenever you tried to exit the page, it would move. It was a trolling site that you couldn’t get out of unless you hard shut down your computer.

    Oh man, the good old days.

    gavion92 , Dids Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    There's either genius in this thread or sycophants. Some seem to be both. Some just trivial.

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    40 People Confess The Darkest Thing They've Ever Done That They Never Regretted Putting my ex's breast milk in her parents coffee. They were supercritical people and I was stay at home dad which was very cool and a privilege actually. Anyway, parents in law came to visit and the usual snarky comments were really pissing me off. My girls mother used to produce loads of breast milk and was always expressing off lots to bottle and keep in the fridge for later feeds... So I offered to make coffee and added the breast milk to it for the parents. It made me very happy and I suppose it is a little bit dark.

    Shot-Inspector-4656 , Sarah Elizabeth Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Most things are fair game...but I'm against tampering with peoples food and drink

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    40 People Confess The Darkest Thing They've Ever Done That They Never Regretted There was a woman in a local FB group whose entire personality was being a "combat veteran wife", and would speak over actual vets and claimed all women who claimed SA were liars.

    So I did what any female veteran would do and hired a sex worker to seduce her husband, and paid for it with my disability out of principal.

    the-Lady-Lazarus , Karolina Grabowska Report


    40 People Confess The Darkest Thing They've Ever Done That They Never Regretted Turned off the lights in the school bathroom and left while people were in the stalls.

    DespairGarden , Buchen WANG Report

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    Had some nasty roommates in university. These women were awful to me. They were so passive aggressive and b**chy. For 1 year and 4 months they constantly used my dishes, left them dirty, one time they burnt up my frying pan and left it right in front of my door. I'd overhear them talking together, or on the phone to others about how they "want to punch me in the face" and loudly talk s**t about it. It was so demoralizing and toxic. And to my knowledge, I did nothing wrong... I know they wanted their friend to have my room, but I got put in with them instead, so I guess they ganged up to make my life Hell.

    Finally I snapped.

    But it wasn't the fury kind... No. I realized that day when I get angry, I get ice cold.

    I methodically spent the next week sneakily bringing all my dishes into my bedroom, and took out all my things from the bathroom in the middle of the night. I also used up all my stuff in the fridge, so I wouldn't need it anymore. My roommates probably thought "haha yes. She's moving out, we broke her, finally!!" but no... I was just preparing for what was to come...

    Once I was 100% certain there was NOTHING they could hurt me with. Everything existed behind my locked bedroom door... I began methodically and relentlessly f*****g with their s**t.

    They brought fresh groceries? I would outright steal their s**t and bring it to school and give it to my classmates. Random cup on the counter? I'd take it to the hallway and throw it down the trash shoot. Their shoes sitting in the hallway? I will chuck those too. I would take their food out of the fridge in the middle of the night so it would go bad. I would dump their food on the counter and leave messes for them to clean up. If they came banging on my door, I would pretend I'm not home. I would get up early in the morning and cause havoc and leave before they woke up. Nothing was safe. Everything was up to being f****d with and I most certainly did. Like a ghost. They never saw me. I became unreachable. I was an island. .

    Funny thing was... I only did this for 1 week and the next week they all moved out.

    I'm not proud of what I did, but I don't regret it and would do it again. It does scare me what evil s**t I was capable of... I unlocked a new side of myself that is much more psychopathic than I am happy knowing about.

    prettyxxreckless Report


    40 People Confess The Darkest Thing They've Ever Done That They Never Regretted I used to work in an office in the US Midwest that shared a campus with a factory. The bathrooms in the office were "factory style"; very large with many stalls, urinals, and an attached locker room.

    One day, a while after lunch, I went into the men's room for my afternoon constitutional. Moments after I was seated, the tornado alarm went off. Within seconds, the men's room was filled with every person in my office, as the men's room was the designated tornado shelter.

    I sat, paralyzed, for a few minutes; sweat on my brow, my pants around my ankles, a torpedo loaded in the tube, and suddenly surrounded by a few hundred coworkers. I realized that no one knew who was in the assorted stalls.

    With that realization, I unleashed a monster s**t. The kind that stinks up entire houses. I could hear my colleagues around me, groaning and gasping in disgust. Some of them sounded like they were choking back vomit. One of them called out for Jesus. I knew they were packed in shoulder-to-shoulder, but I had plenty of room to myself.

    When I finished, I didn't flush, knowing it would give me away as the source. I let them all stew in my stink for what seemed like forever. People coughed, gasped and swore.

    Finally, the all clear was sounded, and everyone flooded out into the halls. I waited just a moment, flushed, and when I exited the stall, the bathroom was empty. I washed my hands and returned to work as if nothing had happened.

    The next day, the consensus amongst the team on the floor was that a coworker, Daryl, was the likely culprit of the stinkening. I kept my mouth shut, and years later, when Daryl retired, people were still talking about the time he took a s**t during a tornado and made us all smell it.

    Daryl was a lazy piece of s**t. I regret nothing, and I'd do it again, given the chance.

    EarhornJones , Jan Antonin Kolar Report


    I had an older cousin that repeatedly molested me. About 20 years went by before I confronted him demanding an apology. Didn't apologize, threatened to sue me, and moved out of the state. Called his bluff, and kept hounding him. When his wife found out, she divorced him. He developed a substance abuse problem, and eventually committed suicide.

    Would 100% do it all over again, and have zero regrets.

    Ringlovo Report

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    Alias Delfs
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    There are some damnable people on earth that do not deserve redemption he might’ve been one of them

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    Was at a party years ago and someone tried to inject me with a needle. I grabbed it, jammed it in his neck, drove to the hospital, and threw him out of my truck onto their front door. Went in a couple days later and told him that if I saw him in town again then he was a dead man

    delslow520 Report


    I keyed a car and left a note which read, "Learn to park your car, you selfish c**t"

    I had a left foot injury, was wearing a gigantic moon boot and they had parked so far into my spot that I was unable to open my door. I had to take off my boot and painfully get in the passenger side and get across all the car things. Was not easy.

    That's 10 years ago and I'm still.not sorry.

    Simone-Ramone Report

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    Down With Agent Hedgehog!
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Once this car kept parking right in front of our house, right across so our own car can’t get out. We have informed them about moving it, but every time it was back anyway. And we knew where the person lived in the neighborhood, and HE HAVE HIS OWN EMPTY PARKING SPACE. But he was constantly parking in front of our house because ‘it is bigger’. So one day my sister snapped, and she superglued a piece of paper onto the car roof for everyone to see that says ‘Stupid Homo Sapien’. The guy was furious, but my dad was like, we told you. And plus, the superglue went off pretty easy, so he wasn’t able to charge us for damaging his car.

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    Beat a kid up with a bag of coins.

    It was seventh grade and he was harassing my best friend and being an overall creep. He had a sizable bag of coins (pennies, quarters, nickels, and dimes), which he had with him to buy snacks from the vending machine everyday. I was waiting for the lunch monitor to step in the hallway and I seized the opportunity to grab the bag and pummel him with it until it burst open and coins flew everywhere. I immediately sat back down at my table, back to the kid, and despite his buddies telling the lunch monitor what I had done, she just looked at me and said, “no, I don’t think she could ever do something like that. Clean up your mess.”

    Him and his friends left my best friend and I alone after that, and I kinda of earned a rep as the person not to f**k with. To be honest, I don’t like beating up on people. It doesn’t make me feel good, but I’ll be damned if someone thinks they can disrespect the people I care about.

    YourAverageWorm Report

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    Izzy Curer
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Who just carries around a cartoon-robber's worth of coins big enough to beat somebody up with?

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    When I started dating, I'd sneak to her apartment and we would often spend hours on her apartment terrace(think of it as the one they had in How I Met your mother)

    We'd talk, watch movies on my laptop, drink beers, make out and what not.

    The only problem was that their was since her apartment was rented out by 3 girls and for some strange reason 2 of them were strict on not letting their respective boyfriends in, I had to face a lot of problems when I wanted to pee.

    Most of the times it used to in one corner of the terrace until this one time where we had spent a few hours there and ate/drank too much and after a while i wanted to take a s**t.

    There were girls in her apartment which meant i couldn't go there and at 2 in the morning i could not think of anything.

    Ultimately, we decided that we'll call it a night and decided that i'll go back to my place.

    Went to her apartment, kissed her good night and left and while climbing down the stairs, I noticed that the main door of an apartment was open in an almost odd manner.

    Curiously, I went there and started calling out if somebody needed any help. Got no reply and was about to mind my business and go away, when it hit me that I could take a s**t real quick if no one was there and go home peacefully.

    So i followed my heart, took a quick s**t and realized that the flush for some reason was not working.

    I tried making it work a couple of times, left it as it is and left.

    Turns out that the owners of that apartment were gone on a vacation and just that night there had been a burgulary in their home. The thieves had broken the lock on the main gate, stole jewellery and other stuff and left the scene and I was the 2nd person to go there when they left.

    Next morning, she told me about the robbery and how the a*****e thieves had the audacity to take a s**t and leave it unflushed as if trying to send in a message. The owners got it mentioned in the Police complaint as well.

    Never told anyone about it.

    NisheethChauhan Report

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    40 People Confess The Darkest Thing They've Ever Done That They Never Regretted Sneaking out in all black and going to my neighbors house in the dead of night to carefully place a nail behind his back tire

    *he was an absolute piece of s**t who had no regard for any of his neighbors or for anyone, he absolutely deserved a flat tire, I don't regret it in the slightest*

    NoticeWhenUAreHappy , Anne Nygård Report


    Years ago when I was dating a guy I found out that not only was he cheating on me, but I was the other woman. There were a lot of red flags I ignored (gaslighting, constantly pulling me back when I would walk away, intimate behind closed doors but no touching around his friends).

    When I found out I asked him to give me time to pack up my stuff, I was staying there for the weekend. While I was in his bedroom, I broke his laptop. Bent the monitor backward til it came off and placed it back on top then put it back.

    It was very out of character for me and I’ll never let myself be like that again. But I still don’t regret it. He made six figures and the laptop was about 10 years old, breaking it oddly made me feel better.

    optionalcranberry Report

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    Sleeping with men for money. I find it dark because I was there, and it isn't what media portrays sex work as. It's a crazy, and dangerous world. But, I made good money, learned some serious life lessons and have no regrets.

    lifesalotofshit Report


    I was on a jungle gym in 3rd grade running from this kid that bullied me. I let him talk c**p to me until I saw a monitor and screamed and threw myself off of it. I got minor sprains and cuts and told them he pushed me. The hall monitor backed it up from the limited interaction they had seen and the kid got expelled. I remember his dad’s face (token military man) and the pure anger on it in the office.

    I often think of how dumb I was. I could’ve been really hurt and might’ve ruined this kid's life.

    Entertainer-Budget Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    "I remember his dad’s face (token military man) and the pure anger on it in the office." This kid probably experienced the same thing at home and OP sealed the deal on another round of abuse. Idk, dad could have just been mad because his kid was a d**k - but...

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    Bullied for years due to being a 15 y old metal head in a s**t hole council estate secondary school 1 kid ringleader. Him and 6 of his buddies jumped me and two friends. Figured f**k it I'm screwed anyway so jumped on him and bit a large chunk of his cheek out. Tried to gouge his eye out but failed got the s**t beaten outta me, week in hospital, broken arm, eye socket and 3 ribs. Left me the f**k alone after, he needed plastic surgery and partially lost sight in one eye. No regrets. So glad I escaped.

    allatsea33 Report

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    Fluffy mommy panda
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Damn, kid you had every right they where gonna beat you to death. Damn that awful. This is awful. This school is awful.

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    40 People Confess The Darkest Thing They've Ever Done That They Never Regretted Smear poison ivy on an a**holes car door handle.

    Pale-Physics , Natalia Kochanska Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I smeared doggie doo on the car door handle of an idiot that kept parking in my space.

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    Told my mother she pushed my father into another woman's arms.

    She was verbally and emotionally abusing towards him. I don't blame him and I don't regret saying that.

    theflesheatingmuffin Report

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    I do regret this, but I hailed a taxi cab and one pulled over and I jumped in, but then when I told him where I was going he said it was not far away enough and told me to get out. I had a meat pie (that’s a thing here in Australia) in my hand (and was drunk) so after trying to reason with him and offer a tip, I got angry and threw the meat pie hard onto his dashboard so it splattered everywhere and ran away. I still feel guilty about it. He was being a bit of a d**k but that was too far.

    metaldetekta Report


    40 People Confess The Darkest Thing They've Ever Done That They Never Regretted Serving rude people decaf coffee when they asked for regular. I have no regrets.

    tippytoes1216 , Becca Tapert Report

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    JoJo Anisko
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I'm asking... Many food substitutions would be dangerous, and I totally agree it's wrong and dangerous. But is the absence of caffeine a hazard?

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    I told my father he was not worth the breath of even speaking about. He’s a deeply insane narcissist so this cut him deeply due to his inflated self image. I don’t regret it.

    insiderecess Report


    One time in 7th grade, me and a group of my friends set up a girl to get jumped by throwing a fake “end of the year party” for all our classmates. The girl was a major bully in our school, she wasn’t on some mean girls s**t either, I’m talking full on physical and verbal abuse she directed at a lot of boys for some reason. She also would spurt out random racist and homophobic remarks during class and even make sexually explicit remarks about the boys in our grade.(She was also quite large for a girl of her age at the time, she towered over and weighed more than half the kids in our class). This little c**t had been at the top of a lot of kids hit lists all year long but had always managed to escape punishment. This story in hindsight is f****d up on so many levels and i would hope to god none of my kids do this s**t but jesus christ when I tell you i still lose my s**t at the fact that at least 40 kids showed up that day and everyone knew what they there for except for her…priceless. We didn’t get some random kids to beat her a*s either, no ma’am, we got one of our well equipped and very experienced boxer friends to do it for us(also female).

    goawayjason623 Report

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    I had to cut out a HUGE chunk of my family when I had my daughter. They have all decided to choose my little cousin over the rest of us. He's been in prison for 6 years for getting drunk and r*ping a woman and breaking her jaw. We all believed he was innocent because the woman in question was notorious for giving kids meth then calling the police saying she was a victim in some way. However when he was released last year on parole he stole all of my grandmother's jewelry (family heirlooms we will never see again) stole my grandfather's brand new truck and had his friends help him cut his ankle monitor behind my house. (I live in the woods outside of town) They then took the truck for a joy ride and destroyed it. He had his friends beat him up so that when he got caught he said he was jumped by some people he owed money to.

    I hate him because when he cut his ankle monitor behind my house they thought I was involved in some way and I could have lost my kids. My grandparents seem to think he's innocent though. There's so much more to this, but that's most of it.

    Whit3__Bitch Report


    One of my ex best friends in high school was a real narcissistic lunatic. Had so many egotistical fantasies about what he deserved but I remained his friend because we met through my close friend (his girlfriend). As I started realizing what a terrible person he was I convinced him to go after his fantasy of a harem by asking to add a 3rd to their relationship, that led to a fight between his gf. I called her about it and asked how she felt about him adding someone to their relationship and about him sleeping with her. She said she knew nothing about that and started crying because he cheated on her. I basically helped orchestrate their brakeup and have no regrets. She is happy with her first child now and he is in a toxic af relationship with 3 kids, 2 of which aren't his and his partner is 8 years older than him.

    skijeng Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    "2 of which aren't his and his partner is 8 years older than him." ...So?


    My grandma was on hospice in her last hours. She was getting rotating shots of morphine and something else, but still agitated for days.

    When everyone was out of the room the last thing she said was my name. I shotgunned a couple huge rips off my vape for her. She finally relaxed and passed a couple hours later.

    I hated her, but f**k cancer, and f**k these arcane laws that couldn’t give her what she wanted.

    Dadaoverload Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Sorry, I don't understand this one. What did they do with grandma and the vape?

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    Blocking my ex girlfriend with bpd and never speaking to her again. I think she is a good person deep down and I felt like a cold hearted b***h for doing it. But she was emotionally manipulative, whether she meant it or not. She made me feel bad about myself. I felt there was no way to resolve the situation through talking it out, so I blocked her number and all social media and that was that. I think I absolutely blindsided her.

    Separate_Tangelo7138 Report

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    My family flew over from Australia to the UK for our grandma’s 80th, from the moment she arrived at the party we were throwing for her she put us down and acted like an a*s, I think she thought we thought too much of ourselves and needed to be put in our place for whatever reason. It bothered me (and still bothers me), and a year or two later I told her off through social media DMs.

    The whole family made it a huge drama and wanted me to write to apologize etc, and I steadfastly refused. It was the last time I saw her, and I’m glad I told her off and treated her like I would treat any other adult.

    kayjaykay87 Report

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    Charging extra bags for no reason to rude a**holes at Walmart
    zero f*****g regrets, don't be a d**k to minimum wage workers

    SomeBoredGuy77 Report


    My ex wife would verbally abuse me. Always say no one would ever love me. Degrade me. Talk s**t. Rob me blind.

    I met a woman at work. A client. She was married. We hit it off. Had sex probably 4 x a week mostly in the car. For a year. Car sex is the best. Until she moved back to her country.

    One day the ex was not home. We banged in the bed all night. The bed I had anxiety in each night sleeping next to that evil woman, I had joy. Happiness.

    Gave me the power to divorce. Best decision ever.

    No regrets.

    Pale-Physics Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    So you just aided in destroying your client's marriage... Weird flex, but okay?

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    I grow up with my grandparents and my father from my puberty till I was 18 or so. Everyone basically wanted me out of, and over the years they have tried many things to do it, but I was being patient. I looked forward to get onto a college and eventually take my own way.

    My grandma was a psycho nuts person who constantly invaded my room, search through my stuff and take things off of me, she was a very abusive person, physically / mentally, as she wouldn't waste a moment to make you suffer being in the same place with her.
    She'd always tried to make me feel bad over anything.
    Of course my father was absent from all of that, as he was leeching their pension for his own deeds.

    On my 16th birthday, I was about to get a shower and meet with my friends. While I was showering, the lights went out. On the house, it was only me and my drunk grandpa, which he was looking for a fight, by intentionally turning the lights off from the main board and came at me for using to much electricity for myself. (He also broke my laptop when I wasn't there, for the same reason). He came at me all pushing and yelling, reminding that I'm not welcome there, things got really quick, I ended hitting him (actually) with the headstock of my bass guitar. My night was ruined, I ended up with tears and regretting not getting in touch by child services for abuse, if they were any. I didn't knew how to handle all these s**t, at that age. Years gone by, I ditched college, returned to that sh**thole, I promised myself next time someone hits I'll no longer tolerate. Since no one was there for me. Now I moved on, I'm on a different country, with my gf.

    The dark stuff in all that is, you become a person you don't want to be, some people just push you to be. And it's ok. Unleash the beast in you for righteous reasons.

    Ps: life wasn't been very good for me, I've 2 times cancer survivor (testicular, thyroid), my advice is never tolerate humiliating in your life and stand up for you, and never give up. The past is the past!

    Kitsoua92 Report


    A guy I was friends with who continually took advantage of me and his other friends pissed off the wrong people. A bunch of us were outside of a bar and a dude and his crew rolled up on him. I just picked up my pint and let him get jumped and beat to s**t by 4 dudes. He had ripped the guy off so it was justified. He had taken advantage of a lot of us too and it was overdue. His girlfriend was furious we walked away, I told her to go f**k herself. He got absolutely pummeled and I have zero regrets

    PurgatoryMountain Report

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    I closed my eyes while riding a bike trying to get rid of the dust in my eyes. I crashed into my neighbor's (the Karen neighbor) bbq stand. It was like 9:00 pm in the neighborhood, so no one knew. My neighbor spent the next day shouting and swearing while trying to fix the stand. The stand ended up unusable and had to be thrown away. I was happy because that stand created so much smoke which affected everyone living next to her (including me).

    H0MARUP Report

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    Beat a man with a 12" long steel bar, stole his identity, took all his money and gave it to his now ex wife and kids and spread misinformation about him so he would lose his job and go to jail for 20 years.

    Mfer was an abuser

    dudemanlastname Report


    Back when I was 21 and a server at a Micro-Brew pub, some a*****e came in and was chatting w the bartender managing that day; I guess they were friends or at least got along.
    I had to use the POS near his seat to ring someone out, when he said something to me I can’t remember(think “you sure are moving fast around here…”)

    I responded along the lines of, “oh yeah I’m always working hard haha” or something like that, to which he replies, “Probably because you have to take care of your little brothers since you have no father right HAHAHAHA.” (For context, I’m mixed very obviously with black, so the joke was 100% racially based. I also do happen to have an absent father and little brothers for whom I have to watch out, so it struck a real nerve)

    The managing bartender laughed as well, and when I took my glasses off and told the a*****e to repeat what he just said to me, in a very much “I dare you” kind of way, bartender insisted it was just a joke and blew it off so I walked away.

    The next beer that a*****e ordered, I grabbed the ticket and glass, and went to pour for him. Before I poured it however, I hocked a raunchy a*s loogie in the glass and then let the beer pour and mix it all up.

    I watched him drink the whole thing. He didn’t look me in the eye after I told him to repeat himself so I don’t know if he had any more issues, but I don’t regret any of it. The only thing I would change now, is I wouldn’t drop it and I would make sure everyone around us knew what a tool he was. Also might have beat his a*s lol

    ethan_sims Report


    I had a step brother as a teen that was and still is a horrible person. He struggled with some severe bacne so I got the idea to start a rumor that he had contracted syphilis and it caused his girlfriend of 3 years to leave him.

    Training_Picture1153 Report


    I read a blogpost from the girl who used to bully me and my friends and saw that she posted abt a mental illness. She said how nobody wanted to be her friend bcs mental illness is so stigmatised. I replied saying that nobody wanted to be her friend bcs she’s a horrible person and a big bully. I told my friend as well abt the blogpost and she posted a comment as well.

    That girl attempted suicide but failed obviously but idk man, I never feel bad abt it bcs mental illness or not, she was a terrible person. And her being my roommate did take a toll on my mental well-being as well. So yeah, I don’t feel bad.

    Cat-and-meth Report

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    Teacher here. Another teacher spread false s**t about me and continuously tried to make fun of me in front of coworkers, especially in meetings. I took his very treasured, expensive personal agenda (that he would leave on his class’ desk) where all of his own kids pics/important personal papers/personal notes/work related stuff were and shredded it all at home. Was fun to see him look for it for months. F**k you, D.

    Sa_Sa_1988 Report

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    Fluffy mommy panda
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    This unexceptionable in a school. If teachers are getting bullied. Like wtf.

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    I was like 17 and a raging alcoholic working at McDonald’s, we had this guy that would come in at 10pm and order all night until 6am and use the free wifi not really a big deal. But then he started complaining about everything all the time and threatening to call corporate on our manager who was the only decent person even there after about 6 months of putting up with this guys b******t he comes up to the counter and says “my food isn’t fresh” which it was. I just made everything nothing sat on the over night everything had to be made after being ordered. Well I took that son of a b**ches burger went in back like “sorry sir I did just make this but let me make you another one” we had this nasty grease sludge s**t building up by the fryer so I just happened to drop the burger on the ground scoop up some of that sludge and make his burger “nice and fresh” I then microwaved that sludge burger and brought it back to the guy. He took a BIG bite and said “THATS BETTER”. And I just drunkenly smiled and said is there anything else I can get you? I’m not proud of what I did and now that I’m sober I’d never do it again but someone had to get divine justice f**k that guy lol

    NumberAccomplished93 Report


    When I was about 12 my dad needed new tires on his car really bad. We had no money and it was a huge issue because he had to get to work but the condition of his tires started making it dangerous to drive. One night my brother and I snuck out with a couple of the emergency car jacks you find in the trunk. Over the next couple of hours we swapped my father wheels and tires with another vehicle on the other side of our neighborhood. No one spoke of it. Ever. Neighbor was probably a good person who didn’t deserve that but we felt pretty good about being able “help out” as young boys.

    ramseda1 Report

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    Victor Trejo
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I'm sure OP' dad didn't feel good once he knew where those "new" tires came from.


    rickrolled about 500 people at school

    DEADSHOT14-SP Report


    In middle school, this bully would always try to f**k up classmates who were injured or wheelchair bound etc. I had enough of running interference with always being the helpful type I was. The rule of no bullying or whatever it is, just encourages it

    My parents gave me the rule of 3 in school. 1. You tell them to stop. 2. You tell them to stop and a teacher. 3. You tell them to stop, a teacher and an administrator. 4. The following 3 were met or I was in danger, take it in my own hands. 5. I also have to tell my parents every step of it, in order and to not be in trouble for let's say suspensions etc.

    So 1st time I told to bully to not try to trip the person I was helping out who just had surgery on the ACL. I knew how bad tears were and healing takes forever especially around the age of puberty. I told my parents the days it happened and I said I'm going to break his ankles. I told teachers, the assistant principal... and I was given the reigns to do what I was going to do.

    So what is the 4th day, unfortunately the elevator went out and the classes was right above the other via stair case. I set my locker earlier. He comes and tries to trip the person on the stairs, I threw him down the 1st case, bell rings, I threw him down the adjacent one as he was crawling. He was in pain but I was so sick of his s**t. My locker was there as he is clutching his ribs from the possible break, I took his ankles where my locker was and placed his ankles at the bottom, I then continuously slammed his ankles with my locker in full rage. Teacher breaks it up and I say I will go to the office now as I'm done with him. This is the same teacher who I told about him doing this and did nothing.

    So after teachers and administrators stories were confirmed I tried to do the right thing. But I got an ISS(In school suspension) for 3 days. The kid now wheelchaired as I broke both of his ankles, 4 ribs, etc as karma bit him in the a*s. My dad and mom took me out to the store for anything I wanted... I got a new game for my GameCube or ps2(can't remember which one), went out for dinner, etc.

    I regret nothing and feel 0 remorse. Idc you don't bully, abuse etc someone who's different or hurt. If today I could use the same system and not go to jail... there's a few people I would do that to today.

    Casperweasel93 Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    This sounds a bit excessive to me. I'm all for a bullies getting theirs, but it seems bizarre to me to have told teachers and family that you'll break someones ankles, then throw them down two flights of stairs, and drag them to a locker, where you continuously whack their ancles to the point where someone ends up in a wheelchair... AND NOT GET SUSPENDED OR PRESSED CHARGES AGAINST. No lawsuit, no legal troubles, no consequences??? Not only that, you say you were given premission! This sounds like a vengeance fantasy to me.

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    I had a horrible bully in high school. She would spread the most insane and disgusting rumours about me. That I was pregnant, had STDs, that I regularly s**t in my cat’s litter box because I didn’t feel like going to the bathroom, weird, gross, sex related stuff.

    I was hanging out with guys who were friends with her boyfriend and he was there. I don’t know what happened between them but they were fighting and she was out of town. I f****d him out of spite and Even though I wouldn’t do the same thing today, I don’t regret it. She had it coming.

    amyjd6 Report


    Told my mom she’s a poor excuse for a mother and grandmother, that she could go to hell, and if she shows her face around my house police will be called. To this day I fully intend to call her if my sister lets me know when she’s on her death bed, so I can remind her that her son hates her one more time before she dies. If I don’t get that chance, I’ll probably find her grave after she’s gone and buried and take a big, steaming s**t right in front of the head stone

    idrownedmyfish77 Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    But why? This just sounds like you hate her for no reason?

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    I broke the hands and legs of a bully in a fight
    I used a iron rod to do that
    It was like 10 years ago

    Nervous_Lobster_2821 Report

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    40 People Confess The Darkest Thing They've Ever Done That They Never Regretted Slashed the tires on my neighbor's Lambo because he yelled at me for riding my bike across his yard. I was 10 at the time and didn't realize Lambo tires are $1,000 each. I never got caught.

    Still don't regret it and it's well past the statute of limitations so even if he somehow finds out there's nothing he can do about it now.

    runningraleigh , Broderick Armbrister Report

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    Foxxy says goodbye.
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    YOU were riding across HIS yard. He had every right to tell you off. Slashing those tyres is not something to be proud of.

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    40 People Confess The Darkest Thing They've Ever Done That They Never Regretted When I was 16 I was in an abusive relationship with a 21 year old who lied to me about his age. He was a drug dealer and had a giant stash of a white powder drug (unsure which one) and weed. He was supposed to sell it and give his source a cut.

    When he passed out drunk, I dumped it all out in the dumpster.

    I turned his AC off even though it was summer. Then I stole his camera which had proof of his abusive nature to use as blackmail in case I needed it, handcuffed one of his hands to the bed board, and threw his phone across the room where he could visibly see it but not get to it (not sure why he had handcuffs laying around?) Then I dumped ice water on him til he woke up. I smiled and said, "you messed with the wrong girl" and let him beg me in a somewhat stupor to undo his situation for 5 minutes before I left.

    The following week he texted me and said the police were searching for him because a warrant had been put out for his arrest. Then he went to jail and I never heard from him again.

    averyyoungperson , Scott Rodgerson Report


    For context my father had died when i was 3 and i get very "out of it" whenever someone speaks badly about him and there was this one kid who started talking s**t about him. I had said f**k it and said "have you ever heard the saying "talk s**t get hit"? And then i proceeded to curbstomp the kid. I was about 9 while the kid was i think 11

    EveYuki Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Oh yes badass nine year old curbstomps a bully… I’m sure that’s true buddy

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    Not much darkness really compared to other comments but,

    Used to house sit for this 32 year old woman when I was 16, she would leave me cigarettes and told me to do whatever while she was gone to the liquor store usually and she came back and had me drink svedka with her. Ahh memories.

    TerminalReaper Report

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    My scummy ex bf stole my iPod and sold it so I slept with his best friend.

    Uokhun1994 Report


    40 People Confess The Darkest Thing They've Ever Done That They Never Regretted Rented an apartment space with a former coworker but it turned into a toxic situation. He was a legit alcoholic, lost his job, was in/out of the hospital due to his addiction, and overall just a horrible roommate. One day he took a huge s**t and didn’t flush the toilet. He was passed out after drinking all night. I took his toothbrush and scrubbed the toilet with all the s**t still in there and put it back. Next morning, I could hear him go to brush his teeth. He immediately gagged and started throwing up. Never said anything to me about it after.

    DirtyHvncho , Castorly Stock Report

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    jjdubs W
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Sounds like the roommate wasn't the only toxic person. Yikes. Get another roommate.


    Had a 4 some with my friend's mum and her husband. I was 19 at the time she was 40 old

    MJSsaywakeyourselfup Report


    A few years back, I got my violent side from stabbing my primary school bully with a rusty pair of scissors and ripped out 2 of his teeth with my bare hands, after he had kicked the ever-living s**t out of my shins every day for 3 years.

    A few hours later (on our lunch at the time), me and a few friends were watching him through the window of the nurse’s room as he was getting treated and the rust in his arm cleaned out, and I just thought to myself how good it felt seeing him suffer after I had for 3 years.

    I’ve never looked back from that moment.

    ShyCamo Report

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    George Nichols
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    So wait you ripped 2 teeth out with your bare hands? Lol I call BS on this one.

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    Back when I was in kindergarten everyone in my class had Yu-Gi-Oh cards. We were allowed to play with them only during break time, so all decks stood "safely" in our respective boxes. Now, the boxes were located just outside the classroom.

    During class I'd ask to go to the bathroom, then I'd go to the boxes, switch some of my classmates' cards from one deck into another and wait for the break. After that, it was just a matter of time before *hell* unleashed before my eyes. I'd just sit down and enjoy the drama. I was an evil kid back then.

    RandyBoe Report


    I was a kid when I adopted a street pup. Everyone loved it in our neighborhood except one pregnant lady. So one day I was playing cricket when we all heard a whimping sound followed by a thud sound. I thought bad and ran to check over my pup and my thought came to reality.

    The lady was saying that she didn't saw any pup while driving but every other kid was sure she did it on purpose. So that's when I made a plan to hurt her the same way. So, Holi (color festival of Hindus in India) came around and as expected children were playing with water balloons.

    So I threw a balloon filled with color instead of water onto her face. Joining me, my friends threw water onto her, making her lose control and tripping hard on cement road. Now as children, we didn't realize what we did, we thought that we threw color into her eyes and ran away. But she had to abort her baby as she fell right on her stomach.

    When confronted by parents and other adults, we all said she's lying and we didn't threw color at her. So we lied together that time and till today, nobody discusses this in our neighborhood. And that lady still hates us.

    BenCloudy Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    How can you not regret this? I mean, horrible what happened to the puppy but she lost her baby, that’s f****d up.

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