We like to think of ourselves as honest Pandas, but at the end of the day, each and every one of us has some secrets that we don’t share with anyone. However, the internet and the anonymity it provides allow us to share our thoughts without much fear. Especially when it comes to real events from our lives that sound very peculiar when said aloud and might even make some people scoff.

Today, we’re featuring the most mysterious and unexplained experiences that people had, as shared by internet users on r/AskReddit in this thread here and this one right over here. The stories are great and you’re bound to enjoy them if you’re into detective stories, the unknown, and just plain weirdness.

Turn off the lights, get yourself a hot cup of tea and a cozy blanket, and let’s get reading, shall we? Oh, and once you’re done upvoting your favorite posts, consider dropping by the comments and telling us about your own real-life unexplained mysteries that you still think about to this day.

Bored Panda got in touch with Bram Stoker Award-winning editor and writer Doug Murano to have a chat about mystery and creepiness. Doug accidentally went viral in September 2020 with an inspirational tweet that he's using to inspire people to this day and he has even started an Indegogo campaign based on it. He is also an expert in all things horror and has founded Bad Hand Books.


“What Is The Creepiest Or Most Unexplained Thing That’s Happened To You That You Still Think About To This Day?” (30 Stories) I was living in Boston. I woke up at three in the morning because my cat jumped on my bed and curled between my calf. My cat would do this every night since I was 5 years old. That was his spot. The thing is, my cat was living with my parents on the West Coast, so I couldn't understand what the hell I just felt, but I knew it was my cat. I just figured I was dreaming. The following morning I got a call from my parents letting me know that my cat died around midnight the previous night, which was three in the morning my time. I guess that was my cat traveling to Boston to come see me one last time.

[deleted] , Michael Sum Report

"Experiencing stories about death and evil from a safe distance is like a dress rehearsal for the inevitable grief we'll experience in life—even our own demise. Look, we all know what's coming in the end and it's a lot to handle. We need healthy ways to process the notion that we have an expiration date. Scary stories about death give us that," Doug explained to us.


In Doug's view, people are innately very curious. That means that we like diving into scary and uncomfortable stories.

"I think people are programmed with curiosity from birth. We want to open the door, push the button, taste the fruit. We want to see what happens. When we experience the truly inexplicable, it's kind of a hint that there's more to existence than what we can perceive. For a lot of us, even if the details are full of things that scare the pants off us, that's a weird kind of comfort."

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“What Is The Creepiest Or Most Unexplained Thing That’s Happened To You That You Still Think About To This Day?” (30 Stories) Maybe around age 14, early 90s. We were traveling from TX up to Tacoma, WA. We were about out of money, almost out of gas, no food, stuck in Chico California. I sat in the car while mom took my younger sisters to the restroom at a gas station. I was riddled with anxiety about our situation and looking down. The car door opened and I looked up. A lady that looked like a brown haired Brady mom sat in the seat and faced me. She said “It seems like you’re down on your luck. Take this and give it to your mom. Tell her to pay it forward some day to someone who needs it.” I looked down into my hand and there was a $100 bill. I looked up and she had disappeared. Nowhere in the parking lot, just vanished. I cried. When mom came back I told her what happened and she cried. We got gas. There was a guy selling oranges on the side of the road and we bought a bag and went to a local park that had a part of the river with a little spillway dam and went swimming and ate oranges for a couple of hours before getting back on the road. I never saw the lady again but she saved us and we did make it up to Tacoma to start our new life. Thank you stranger lady with invisible powers, we never forgot your kindness!

heatherloree76 , Andres Perez Report


“What Is The Creepiest Or Most Unexplained Thing That’s Happened To You That You Still Think About To This Day?” (30 Stories) I had a recurring nightmare of a black parasite sucking the life out of me. Sometimes it waited for me to go sleep in dark corners of the room. I was very stressed during that time, and my cats would come sleep in bed with me. I got an itch on my chest where I dreamt the parasite was sucking the life out of me, then I got sick, and felt a pea-sized lump. I went to my doctor and they ordered a biopsy. As it turned out, I had male breast cancer at the age of 28. After I recovered, the dream never came back, and my cats went back to sleeping in their usual places, not on my bed. The dream was creepy, but what made it for me was my cats protecting me.

Mechanic84 , Arseny Togulev Report

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Caro Caro
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Pets know something is wrong. I've heard stories of pets being able to smell cancer, know when something isn't right. My cat sits on my husband and purrs so loud ... I think she wants to purr the cancer away.

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Doug added that it's human nature to embellish stories as we tell them. It's how we connect with one another. "So we make our stories—even the ones about mundane events—entertaining. We ratchet up the suspense. We fill in missing details. We sex it up a little. There's nothing wrong with that," he said.


"That said, I think one giveaway of a story that has been either made up or heavily embellished is that it all makes sense. Real life is chaotic and doesn't often give us a satisfying payoff at the end of a story. I tend to gravitate toward stories that have elements that are simply never explained. They ring more true to life."


“What Is The Creepiest Or Most Unexplained Thing That’s Happened To You That You Still Think About To This Day?” (30 Stories) I was staying with my girlfriend and her mom. My girlfriend's room was built as an extension/add-on to their garage. So you had to walk through their garage to get to her room. One night, I wake up at around one in the morning and the room is just glowing red. I look up at the ceiling and I see this black figure crawling through the ceiling. It moved in such an inhuman way, like it was breaking every one of its bones to move. I start screaming which wakes my girlfriend up and she looks up at the ceiling and starts to scream as well. Instinctively, I grab my pillow and whip it at the figure. The next thing I knew, everything went black and I woke up a few hours later. My girlfriend was fast asleep, so I thought it was just some weird dream. At that point, I had to go to the washroom. So, I walked through the garage and tried to quietly open the garage door to get into the main house...
Previously, her mom had gotten annoyed with us staying up late and going through the garage door to use the washroom, because each time we would open it, the door would loudly click and wake her up. So, I’m standing at the garage door, trying to open it as quietly as possible. As I push it open, her mom starts screaming at the top of her lungs. I thought it was rage that I'd woken her up, so I immediately closed the door, went back to my girlfriend's room, and told her that her mom was screaming. She got up to deescalate the situation. About 20 minutes later, my girlfriend returned to the room completely silent. She asked me if I saw the room glowing red earlier, as well as a figure in the ceiling. I say, 'yes,' and she goes wide-eyed, because she saw it and thought it was just a dream too. She then says that her mom wasn’t screaming at me. Apparently, when I opened the door, it did wake her up — but she saw a black figure standing at the foot of her bed, slowly moving towards her. She then experienced a blackout as well, and was woken up by my girlfriend checking in on her.
The entire house slept with the lights on for a month after that.

LetsFlai , Jp Valery Report

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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

you guys need to check for carbon monoxide poisoning. hallucinations is one of the side effects.

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“What Is The Creepiest Or Most Unexplained Thing That’s Happened To You That You Still Think About To This Day?” (30 Stories) Was cruising a back road on the way to work, when I topped a hill there was a cat in the center of the road. I didn’t have time to react and tried to center the cat between the tires. I heard a loud thump as I went over it, and winced. No cat in the rear view, which I pondered the rest of the drive. When I got out of my truck I heard a meow. I searched all over as the meows kept coming. Eventually I found the cat safe and sound sitting on the spare tire underneath my truck bed. He hung in there for over 20 miles. I had that cat for almost 9 years. RIP Mr Furley.

BEJimmy , Aleksandr Nadyojin Report


A few years ago, I was at my lowest point in life. Several people close to me had passed away unexpectedly, I was being bullied every day at my job, my life was falling apart. I was past being depressed - I just couldn't imagine waking up another day. So I'd planned my s*icide - bought a one-way plane ticket, got sleeping pills, and wrote a series of s*icide notes.

On the day I was to fly out to fulfill my 'plan', there was a terrible accident on the freeway to the airport. It was shut down both ways. So I drove into a nearby pub to have a beer and wait out the traffic. The second I sat on the patio with my drink, a gentleman asked if he could sit with me. Whatever, I thought, sure, who cares. He told me that whatever I was doing next was a terrible idea and I would regret it. I thought, who is this random f**ker? But I listened.

He said that he sensed I was in pain, but that I had an incredible life ahead of me, and that this was not the way my story was supposed to end. Again, I'd never met this guy in my life, and hadn't mentioned a word to him about my 'plan'. He asked me to hand him my keys and my wallet, and he'd give them back to me after I talked and he listened.

I poured my heart out to this random guy. Told him all my traumas and pains in life and why I was heading to the airport on a one-way ticket to kill myself in a cemetery across the country where my family was buried. He just listened. And then he pulled out a lighter, asked me to pull out my s*icide letters and helped me burn them. He told me I was worth so much to the world and that after I finished my drink, I needed to head home and get some sleep. He told me I was going to be okay tomorrow, and I believed him. He then gave me my keys and wallet back.

I left that afternoon and went home, hugged my family. Got some sleep - and the next day, I started working on myself - finding a therapist, a new job. Years later, I'm in a fantastic place in life, so, so far from where I was that day. To this day, no one in my life knows how close I came to killing myself. But this random stranger just somehow understood me. And saved my life.

I never saw him again, I don't even know his name. It's the most unexplained thing that has ever happened to me. And I think about that guy every day - so, thank you, kind stranger, for saving my life that random September day on a pub patio.

Throwaway_2021_ABC Report

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Peppa Pig
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I’ve contemplated suicide many times before and the only thing that saved my was my cat.

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During an earlier interview, editor and writer Doug, the founder of Bad Hand Books, shared his opinion with Bored Panda about why we’re fascinated by scary stories.

"I suspect that most of us—regardless of our spiritual beliefs—have a longing for something beyond this life. Human beings seem to be pre-programmed with this urge," he told us.

"So much of horror and speculative fiction grapples with death and what happens after we die that I can't help but believe much of our interest in such stories is an expression of a longing for experiences and existences beyond our perceptions," the horror expert shared with Bored Panda.


“What Is The Creepiest Or Most Unexplained Thing That’s Happened To You That You Still Think About To This Day?” (30 Stories) In 2009 my wallet and BlackBerry were stolen at a gas station. I replaced my cards and moved on with my life. In 2014 I got a new-to-me truck. It had been a Comcast truck in the next state over. I drove it to my parents house and my dad and I were combing through it, finding things like the spare tire jack and stuff. We found my driver's license under the passenger seat. I figured I'd forgotten to put it away at the dealership and it fell on the floor, so I opened up my wallet to put it in. I already had a license in my wallet. The license that was under the seat was the one that was stolen in 2009. In a truck from a different state, that hadn't been built at the time of the theft, that I happened to purchase five years later.

chiliedogg , Dom J Report

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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I'm gonna hang fire on commenting on this one until Mulder and Scully have completed their investigation. You should never comment on an active case.

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“What Is The Creepiest Or Most Unexplained Thing That’s Happened To You That You Still Think About To This Day?” (30 Stories) My husband took an overnight job to help us out during Covid. One night, he left home around 8:15 p.m. Our daughter and I decided to make it a movie night. Around 11, I heard keys in our backdoor and the usual sounds my husband makes when he comes home. I crept out to the kitchen to make sure it was him, and it was. He told me he needed to grab his knee compression sleeve, he walked down the hall, he said, "Hi" to our daughter as he passed the living room, and he went upstairs. He came back down, gave me a kiss, and left again...
We finished our movie and went to bed. In the morning when he got home, I made a comment about him forgetting his knee sleeve. He was genuinely confused. Our daughter confirmed everything I said but he was still acting confused. I pulled up our security motion camera on my phone to show him when he popped in, but there was no footage of him coming home after he'd left. My daughter and I both heard him and saw him, and I even touched him. But he was never home during that time. Nothing else out of the ordinary happened that night. We seriously have no idea what happened.

worthlesscommotion , Jaye Haych Report

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K Witmer
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Suggestive dream. The mom talked her daughter into it by merely asking her to confirm.

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“What Is The Creepiest Or Most Unexplained Thing That’s Happened To You That You Still Think About To This Day?” (30 Stories) My husband was driving and I was a passenger in the front seat. I dont know what made me do this but I quickly grabbed his arm and I shouted “slow down!”which he did. Then a few seconds later a car on our left side sped past us really fast, then careened into our lane and crashed into the car in front of us. The person speeding died and the person in the car in front of us died. Had I not had told my husband to slow down we would’ve died because we would’ve been hit.

It’s inexplicable what made me do that but I’d like to believe I have a good angel watching out for me.

CA_catwhispurr , Lady Escabia Report

"Great horror stories thread a precarious needle: They maintain a sense of the truly inexplicable while creating a world and a narrative that provides enough answers to ground the story,” he said what separates a great story from the rest.

“Over-explanation kills most horror, which is why the shark is scariest when you only see the fin; the alien is most terrifying when it's lurking in the shadows; the killer is most monstrous when he's masked," he added.


According to the expert, we should value stories for the entertainment they provide us, whether they’re true or not. In other words, a good story is still good, even if it’s made up. And we need to learn to enjoy it.


“What Is The Creepiest Or Most Unexplained Thing That’s Happened To You That You Still Think About To This Day?” (30 Stories) I just wrote a response involving a car story the other night, but probably my raccoon story.

Was in a Krogers parking lot trying to figure out a car issue. Dude who had something tucked under his arm came up, and asked me if I needed help -- I knew what I was dealing with, but said yes, because I'm a computer guy, not a car guy, and you don't know what you don't know, so to speak.

He proceeded to take the tool I was using to mess with the battery terminal, and handed off the thing that was under his arm, which happened to be a raccoon pup, saying, "Don't worry, he don't bite." I'm completely stunned, holding and petting a completely calm raccoon while this guy sorts out my car. He takes it back, and goes about his day.

One of many random and unexplainable encounters in my life, but probably my favorite.

Crimsonial , Chris Ensminger Report

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2 years ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Sounds to me like the Guardians of the Galaxy just mended your car. Was there a funky mixtape playing on the stereo?

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“What Is The Creepiest Or Most Unexplained Thing That’s Happened To You That You Still Think About To This Day?” (30 Stories) My best friend passed away this past March. On the morning that she passed, right around the time that the coroner said she must have died, I woke up from a dream where she had been dying. In the dream, she thanked me for everything I had done for her. A few hours after I woke up, I sent her a text just wanting to check in. It was right after I sent that text that I got a phone call from her mother who told me she had passed that morning.

I’ll never understand why I had that dream, but I like to think that on her way out she visited me one last time.

Itsnotaduck , Lux Graves Report


“What Is The Creepiest Or Most Unexplained Thing That’s Happened To You That You Still Think About To This Day?” (30 Stories) I apologise for grammar of spelling mistakes

There was a kid in another class at my school in 6th grade that was genius. I don't mean like, oh he's really smart cause doesn't need to do the homework and still gets a 100s. Like he's was doing advanced calculus with a local college professor after school. This kid was smarter than everyone.

So one day our computer system for the entire school goes down. (I was in a poorer area at the time so this was normal). This was occured many times so normally it would effect us cause we barely used laptops and such. The only class that was affected was the computer class. This kid was in the computer class.

3 or so hours later when I'm class with him during social studies. 3 guys with FBI jackets on and our local chief escorted him out of the building. We were told nothing, the parents were told nothing. It never hit the news. To this day we have no clue what he did. Except every single teacher I've asked about this says they were also told nothing.

I haven't seen the kid since and I can't find a trace of him going to anyother school or ending up in trouble. He just fell of the face of the earth with his parents. (Yeah I forgot to mention that parents also disappeared and no one really looked for then after a month or so)

I still think about that kid.

AmericanChesse , Kobe - Report

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A.J Milne
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Maybe the FBI acknowledged his genius mind and now he works for the government.

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"My professional expertise is limited to fiction, but I'll say this: I've seen enough real magic and wonder in the world to make me think twice about whether the supernatural is real—and I think that's a healthy thing. It's perhaps less important to believe any given tale than it is to remain open to experiences while leaving room in your head and in your heart for belief."


“What Is The Creepiest Or Most Unexplained Thing That’s Happened To You That You Still Think About To This Day?” (30 Stories) I used to work in a nursing home where I cared for dementia patients. Every patient on the hall I worked on would steal spoons from dinner to give to “the kids” because “they like shiny things.” It got to the point where once a week I’d have to go through everyone’s room to take back the spoons. I asked the patients about the kids many times but never got a good answer. I’d hear things like “they just live here” or “they stand outside in the snow and look in the windows” or “they’re my friends who visit.” Wouldn’t be so weird if they all didn’t do it, but it was everyone, the ones who were still capable of speaking anyways. One time at 3am one of my patients started screaming so I ran in her room and found her laying in bed, seemingly fine. I asked what was wrong and she said “That boy is here again and won’t get out of my closet! I’m scared!” Like me too, Delores what the heck

danidoodle , Matthias Zomer Report

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Louise B
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I worked in a hospital. The building was a former workhouse. Patients often hallucinate, but I found it odd that the vast majority saw children. They all had very similar stories. I don't believe in the supernatural, but sometimes it's difficult to dismiss it.

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“What Is The Creepiest Or Most Unexplained Thing That’s Happened To You That You Still Think About To This Day?” (30 Stories) One day, I got home from work with headphones in my ears, on the phone with my mom. I went to the kitchen to grab a snack and I saw my roommate (and childhood best friend) walk out of her room and go into mine. Our rooms were right across from each other, and were very trusting, so we would freely go into each other's rooms to borrow clothes, a hair brush, perfume, etc. She looked like she just got out of the shower, hair soaking wet, wrapped in a white towel. I distinctly remember her long black hair...
I didn't think anything of it, grabbing my snack, hanging up with my mom, and going into my room to watch TV. An hour passed and I went to the kitchen to clean my plate. My roommate was in there making something to eat and I asked, "Hey, what did you grab from my room earlier?" She looked at me confused and said, "What are you talking about?"

I explained that I saw her go in my room but I was on the phone with my mom at the time, so I didn't greet her. She asked me if I was sure I saw her. I said yes, 100 percent. She told me to grab my keys and phone and go to her car ASAP because she needed to show me something. I had my phone, grabbed my keys from the kitchen counter, along with her purse, and she dragged me out of the front door to her car. Then, she told me she had spent the night at her boyfriend's house, and had only gotten home five minutes before we'd started talking. She had no idea who I saw.

I'll never forget the look on her face when she told me this — complete fear and panic. She called the cops and they came along with our apartment manager. They checked the place and found no one. Nothing was amiss, and they checked every nook and cranny. The manager had maintenance change our locks and gave us new keys, but my friend told me she'd been hearing noises from her bathroom for a week, like bottles moving, and when she would go check, she found nothing. I still have no idea who I saw going in and out of our rooms, but they looked exactly like my friend. This was in 2014 and I still freak out when I think about it.

sm1020 , Pixabay Report

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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Seen this sort of thing reported quite often. Either a homeless person or someone who used to live there has a hidden room or access to the house. Methods include a secret room behind the bathroom mirror, spare keys, a false wall in the attic, homemade hidden passage in the wall/floor. If you suspect an intruder, then set up hidden cameras. Not only will it, confirm whether you have an intruder but also there is a good chance it will reveal how they are getting in

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“What Is The Creepiest Or Most Unexplained Thing That’s Happened To You That You Still Think About To This Day?” (30 Stories) We had a rescue dog years back, terrier mix. We lived in the countryside on a wooded hillside and owned about five acres of woodland and rough fields mostly wild. This dog loved to be up there chasing rabbits but loved her home too so would never be gone for very long. One day she went missing. We took our other dogs up there and searched thoroughly but nothing. We had another friend bring his dogs, nothing. We advertised, put up posters, we did little but search high and low for six days but nothing. On the sixth day we had pretty much given up hope but I decided to go up one last time because I had a hunch, a tickle in my belly, about one particular area which had already been thoroughly searched. I took a sickle and a pair of gardening gloves and hacked my way towards the centre of a huge bramble patch. It was summer and all I could hear was birdsong and insects, but suddenly I heard a muffled yip. I called her name and then heard her again getting excited. She was deep underground in a rabbit warren. I stayed calling to her until help arrived, the local fire brigade were kind enough to come and help and advise and we got her out eventually. She ran around like a demented muddy pup and amazingly the vet said she was basically ok, had probably been getting enough moisture from eating mud to keep her alive. I am not generally a fanciful person, but I just knew in my ‘knower’ she was there. No explanation for it.

farbunny , Jose Raul Report


“What Is The Creepiest Or Most Unexplained Thing That’s Happened To You That You Still Think About To This Day?” (30 Stories) My nana (great grandma) and mom were very close, but they lived overseas apart from each other my whole life. They talked on the phone every Sunday, but since it was an international call, it was extremely expensive, so they took turns calling every Sunday at 8:00 a.m. to make the cost equal. However, due to a four-minute difference in clocks, my nana always ended up calling at 8:04 a.m... Nana died on a Tuesday. The following week, my mom and I were sitting at the table eating breakfast, and Mom noticed it was 7:50 a.m. 'Nana would have been calling any minute!' She got emotional, I comforted her. Then at 8:04 a.m., the f**king phone rings. The called ID reads 'Unknown Caller.' We look at each other like, is this some sort of sick joke? She answers and there’s nothing but static on the other end, and some garbled voice recording. The only decipherable words in it are, 'We hope you enjoy your trip to paradise!' *CLICK* The phone hang up. Absolutely no explanation for that one. Still baffles me to this day.

smittywrbermanjensen , Priscilla Du Preez Report

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“What Is The Creepiest Or Most Unexplained Thing That’s Happened To You That You Still Think About To This Day?” (30 Stories) When I was really really small, like 4 or 5 years old, a woman my mom worked with at the insulation plant, gave my mom one of those 90's fisher price dollhouses because her daughter outgrew it. I even remember the night my mom brought it home, she was so excited that she woke me up at midnight to give it to me (she worked a late second shift). An insulation factory wasn't really a safe place for a really small child, so I had never met the lady. I only knew her name was Rosella, because I thought it was such a beautiful name. I had never seen photos or anything to identify her. Fast forward about a month after mom brought home the doll house, I was walking into the general store with my mom. I have no idea what compelled me, but I ran up to a lady checking out in line and yelled out "Rosella!!" Turned out, it was her. My mom just stood stunned, and Rosella had assumed that mom pointed her out to me. Except I had yelled out her name before my mom had even seen her.

todaysmomsawyer , Ron Lach Report

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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Maybe it was the scent.. human scent lingers and has a powerful memory association.

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“What Is The Creepiest Or Most Unexplained Thing That’s Happened To You That You Still Think About To This Day?” (30 Stories) I was camping alone in a small one-person tent. All snug and secure, I went to sleep. I was woken by a clap of thunder at three in the morning to discover both the inner and outer tent doors wide open. That was freaky.

rg250871 , Josh Hild Report


“What Is The Creepiest Or Most Unexplained Thing That’s Happened To You That You Still Think About To This Day?” (30 Stories) There was a kid in my class who no one else remembers. I distinctly recall playing with this kid in kindergarten, and we were pretty much inseparable. About a month after Christmas break he disappeared. No one remembered him. Not the teachers or my classmates. No one. I even asked the school counselor if he was okay and she humored me by going through records to see if he’d transferred. She couldn’t find a thing. I think about it at least once a month.

CrippledUnironically , Gautam Arora Report

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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

It's another dimensional crossover. Either that or OP had a very realistic imaginary friend

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“What Is The Creepiest Or Most Unexplained Thing That’s Happened To You That You Still Think About To This Day?” (30 Stories) My wife had the week off work, so she offered to drive me to work. I asked her to check if she had her keys, phone, and wallet before we left. She noticed her wallet wasn't in her pocket and asked me to help look for it. I sort-of recalled her putting it on the mostly cleared kitchen island the previous evening. It wasn't there. We moved the few things off of it, but still couldn't find it. Both of us thought that she might've dropped it while she was out shopping the previous day, and to call around to the stores when they opened.

So we went about our day and she drove me to work. She was quite disappointed to have to spend one of her days off calling the bank to cancel all of her cards, going to ICBC (auto insurance provider) to get a replacement drivers license, and going to her work to get a new key card. She stopped by the two stores she visited the previous day but both had no such wallet in their lost & found. She decided to head back home so she could grab her passport/other ID incase she was asked for it.

She walked into our condo and saw the wallet, sitting alone on the kitchen island, in the exact spot that I remembered it was. We have security cameras but the footage during that hour corrupted and wasn't viewable.

Neither of us can explain what the f**k happened. No one has spare keys except my MIL, whom was out of the country. No friends stayed over. The only "logical" explanation is that one of our cats took it off of the kitchen island, hid it, and then brought it back while we were out.

We definitely had some odd situations happen in that condo.

fishymoo , Lukas Report

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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Maybe it's the same unexplained phenomenon that happens to my partner every time he loses something. "Where's my headphones", "On the shelf in the living room", "Nope, not there", "Did you look?", "Yes! I did", "Are you sure?", "Yes, it's not there. Help me find it". And then I go downstairs to check and what do you know, it's right there in plain sight exactly where I said it was. He usually says the goblins stole it and then they were so afraid of me they put it back. I think he has male blindness syndrome.

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I was putting my daughter to bed, and she was talking about her godmother, bc we were reading a book that her godmother had gotten her. Her godmother died in 2019, of breast cancer. She was my very best friend, more like a sister, and she doted on my daughter. We are reminiscing about her, and my daughters twinkle lights she has on her ceiling starts going off. They have multiple settings- and they are on the rainbow setting. Not too weird, maybe they have a short or something. I go to turn them off. They aren’t plugged in. I figure it’s my friend saying hi. She loved rainbows. I’m not superstitious, but she promised to stick around and haunt us. I find it comforting. Those lights still go off every now and then.

thin_white_dutchess Report


“What Is The Creepiest Or Most Unexplained Thing That’s Happened To You That You Still Think About To This Day?” (30 Stories) Was delivering newspapers on my paper route when a longtime customer pulled his car next to me and asked me to just give him his daily newspaper now because he was going on a long trip. I handed him his newspaper then skipped his house as I continued my route.

The next day I was collecting the weekly fees (you used to have to go collect the money back then, no internet payment yet) and I went to his house to collect my fee. His wife answers and promptly complains that I missed her house on my deliveries the day before.

I explained to her that her husband pulled up next to me, I told her what he said and that I gave him the paper. She started crying, told me that he had died a couple weeks ago and it was obviously not possible that I spoke with her husband the day before.

I know what I saw and nearly 30 years later I still think about that situation. I have no way to logically explain what happened and it still give me the creeps.

avionchef , brotiN biswaS Report

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Antony Aston
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Had a similar experience many years ago. A group of four of us were walking home from school when an elderly neighbour passed us on the lane. We said hello but he blanked us, which we thought was odd. When we got up to his house the undertakers were carrying his coffin out of the door.

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“What Is The Creepiest Or Most Unexplained Thing That’s Happened To You That You Still Think About To This Day?” (30 Stories) When I was 5y/o my mom opened the door to two cops who where telling her that her daughter, (me) was outside alone in spring with only a t-shirt and shorts at 1AM ish.

At the time I was sleeping with her every nights. So she told the cops it cannot be true I’m in her bed right now. She comes to get me and we go in the entry. The two cops said that the little girl knew where she’s living and that’s her who said she was living at my house. The two cops then look at me creep out and ask my name. I have a very unique name by the way. Then the cops took the little girl to show my mother that it wasn’t a joke of some sort. The little girl entered and ran to my mom yelling “mommy mommy it’s me lili”. My name is Livia I don’t know how the f$&@@ she knew my name and made a nickname with it to this day. I do believe she heard the cops asking me questions. Then I started to cry and eventually the cops left with the little girl.

We often tell this story with my mother to family reunions. I wish I was kidding, she had similar physical traits too, not identical but similar.

According-Car-296 , Fred Moon Report

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“What Is The Creepiest Or Most Unexplained Thing That’s Happened To You That You Still Think About To This Day?” (30 Stories) I had a schnauzer that could hear a cat stalk across a persian rug. The slightest noise could wake her from a slumber and set off her constant barking. She made a great tent companion while on backpacking trips. Bears, racoons and skunks would all get fair warning if they came within range of out campsite. One morning we woke up from a night without interruptions in the back country of SW Colorado and I found my tents central guyline was no longer staked down by the aluminum stake that I had used but instead by a piece of aspen branch that had been carved into what looked like a tiki statue. Nothing too ornate but a snarling face with teeth had been carved from the bark and it had obviously been heated in a fire to give it a brown color. My dog didn't make a sound and i apparently slept harder than I thought. I scrambled out of the tent and looked around the small alpine lake and saw no other campers nor any sign that people had been around. Cut my trip short and hauled ass the 8 miles back to my car. Not a single other car in the lot at the trailhead.

[deleted] , Ariana Suárez Report

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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I wonder if there was a hermit n the area that has developed his stealth skills to perfection that did this just to scare the stranger off his land

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“What Is The Creepiest Or Most Unexplained Thing That’s Happened To You That You Still Think About To This Day?” (30 Stories) It was just a normal Saturday night, I was home alone watching TV with my two dogs, when I heard a banging sound coming from the basement. It legit sounded like somebody was just banging something on the appliances down there. Now, there's no access into the basement from down there, only through the upstairs rooms that I was in, so I knew nobody could have come in and got past me. With this knowledge, I was not as scared as you might think — more just curious as to what the heck the noise was...
One of the two dogs is a meathead and wants to fight everybody. He also heard the noise and bolted down into the basement to investigate. I got down there and saw that it was my other dog banging his head into our dryer and chest freezer. My meathead dog just stood there watching, confused. So I approached my other dog and calmed him down, then we all went back upstairs. This freaked me out and upset me because it was such strange behavior for my dog.

Fast forward 30 minutes or so, the banging starts again. I instantly look over to my dog and he is laying down, but he's also aware of the noise downstairs. We run down into the basement and now it's Meathead banging his head in-between the appliances. I now calm Meathead down and we all go back upstairs.
It has been three years, so that rules out brain tumors, which is what I read could cause dogs to bang their heads. Nothing creepy has happened since that night.

EyeBumGaze808 , Josue Michel Report

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I was deployed to Iraq and we stayed in a former prison in Baghdad. During the night we would see and hear strange things. The base at this time only had soldiers but we would hear children playing from inside the prison. One day we decided to dig deeper to see where the kids were. When we finally found where the noise was coming from we found a room with the ceiling caved in. We didn't find any kids but found kids books, toys and kids clothes. Everything looked like it wasn't moved in weeks. We continued to hear the kids in the year we spent there.

generaltso81 Report

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Who Panda 420
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I have always wondered though once you died if you had the freedom of movement why would you linger somewhere that was so painful. Sometimes I wonder if residual energy can get trapped in certain buildings and it's not really a haunting just replaying of energy if that makes sense. Like a tape that's stuck on auto loop

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“What Is The Creepiest Or Most Unexplained Thing That’s Happened To You That You Still Think About To This Day?” (30 Stories) I was about 10, and I saw my grandmother standing at the front door looking outside. She was talking to my dad. I couldn’t see my dad's face because he was turned away from her, but he was shirtless. He had a very distinct mole in the middle of his back, so I knew it was him. He was mumbling something I couldn’t understand. My grandmother was telling him something along the lines of, 'If you love them so much, why did you go and do this?' My mom wasn’t there to see this, because she had left moments before after getting a call letting her know my dad had been driving drunk and hit a mule on the highway. He was in the hospital clinging to life.

The-Singing-Bluebird , Per Lööv Report


“What Is The Creepiest Or Most Unexplained Thing That’s Happened To You That You Still Think About To This Day?” (30 Stories) I still have a print of the photo.

Around 1996, I borrowed a new digital camera from my work and brought it to band practice at our bassist's house, who was also studying computer programming at the time. I took a bunch of "band pics" and excited about the new technology, we loaded the photos onto his computer to get a good laugh at our drunken foolishness.

In one particular shot of the bassist, we were stunned to see something bizarre. The TV screen behind him in the photo was black, except for white, cloudy "ghost writing" that said "things hurt." We had NO explanation for this. My friend printed the photo on his black and white printer, and I still have a copy to this day.

Tomegunn1 , Mustafa akın Report


“What Is The Creepiest Or Most Unexplained Thing That’s Happened To You That You Still Think About To This Day?” (30 Stories) When I was in high-school, I would always be the first to arrive home out of my family, having the entire house to myself. I've never been superstitious or someone who scared easily, and the hour I had alone was my favorite time of the entire day.

My bedroom is upstairs, and one day when I got home from school I placed my bag away and started up the stairs. About halfway I stopped because I thought I heard something coming from upstairs so I stayed at listened.

I heard a very slow rendition of the melody from ring around the rosie, crystal clear; coming from my bedroom. I was 100% sure I was the only one home, and I had absolutely no 'device' that could be playing music unprompted, especially ring around the rosie.

I froze in fear and listened for about 15 seconds to make sure I was really hearing it, which I was. I just turned back down the steps and waited around in the living room for my family to get home before I went back upstairs. I went in my room a few hours later and there was nothing out of the ordinary.

I know it's not a very climatic story, but it's something I think about every now and then. I never told anyone about it because, why would I, but that was the first time something truly strange happened to me.

[deleted] , Phil Hearing Report

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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

What OP didn't know was that every time they ran home, the ghost of a little girl would sit in the bedroom waiting for that hour when the walls between realms were weakest and would enjoy the company. That day, while waiting for the living friend to come home, she took out her music box and played with it not realizing the walls were weakest that day and OP heard it. She left that day thinking OP would be back tomorrow and she would visit then

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“What Is The Creepiest Or Most Unexplained Thing That’s Happened To You That You Still Think About To This Day?” (30 Stories) like 15 years ago while still lived with my mom we had a big backyard and had two dogs, one night i heard the dogs running back and forth not barking but they were whimpering, like scared or something, and when I went out to see I saw another white dog, like a BIG white husky dog, and it looked at me with piercing red eyes, then turned around, climbed a f**king tree and jumped to the backyard next door.

To this day I know for sure I wasn't high, and still don't know what that was.

orbit103 , Akshay Madan Report

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The Penguin Bandit
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Tbh, as a husky owner, I find this entirely plausible; I've had to fish her out of a tree before and her breed is one of the most expressive (judgemental) of any dog. Only thing I can't account for in this story is the size.

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