Parenting styles change with each generation. Our generation is all about gentle parenting and letting kids express their emotions freely. Our parents had a different style: some were a tad bit overprotective, others, on the contrary, only saw their kids in the morning and at night. Baby boomers, people say, were the worst. Either extremely strict or borderline neglectful.

But what exactly did they do wrong? People in these two threads shone some light on the questionable parenting practices of boomers. Gen Xers, Millennials, and even some Gen Zers chimed in to share their experiences about the most laughable and some unforgivable parenting practices they experienced as children. What parenting mistakes did you witness your folks make? Share with fellow Pandas in the comments!


“I’ll Never Do That To My Kids”: 30 Things Boomer Parents Did That Traumatized Their Kids One uppers. 'I feel...' 'Well at least [you don't have to...]' It's crushing. My kids are 21 and 18. 2020 affected their senior and freshman years, respectively. I got so much s**t from older people when I would say it made me sad they had to go through this, etc. 'KIDS THEIR AGE WERE GOING TO WAR,' blah blah. Like, yeah, and that really sucked for them. I'm not comparing the circumstances; I am just acknowledging my kids' feelings because it sucks?

TinyGreenTurtles , yerling villalobos / unsplash (not the actual photo) Report

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6 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Gatekeeping at its best. You will always find a person who has it worse. That doesn't make your feelings invalid.

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    Nitpicking. If I got a B, I was asked why wasn't it an A. When I got an A, I was asked why it wasn't it 100%. When I got 100%, I was asked why my handwriting was terrible.

    BigTuna0890 Report

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    6 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Yessss and now I never feel like anything I do is good enough even when people tell me my cooking is amazing or something I think if so.ething that I did wrong with it or just think their being nice. I almost become a perfectionist in a way with just daily stuff....clothes folded exa try how I want them, dishwasher loaded the proper way, stupid things that shouldn't take much thought I overthink am I doing this perfectly?

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    Forcing kids to eat, finish their plate, etc.... My mom had a terrible, abusive boyfriend that we lived with when I was 4 to 7. He would force me to eat all the food on my plate, and if I didn't, I was beat. The food was so disgusting, I just couldn't bring myself to eat it. I preferred his MRE's [military ready-to-eat meals] to the food he cooked. A few years later, I went to live with family friends. (They never knew about the abuse.) They ALWAYS joked and commented about what a good eater I was. I've always been severely underweight, so I've always been able to impress people with how much I can eat. ... I promised myself I would NEVER force my kids to eat, and I never did. When I cooked something new, my only rule was that everyone had to try one bite. That's it. If you don't like it, cool, but you can't turn your nose up to it without even tasting it.

    Black_Eyed_PeePees Report

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    6 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I once as a kid sat at the dinner table for 3 hours with congealing Brussel sprouts in front of me. I tried to eat them, but would gag. My mum yelled ‘Stop boking!’. Like it’s something you can control? Then I was told to bugger off to bed. Have had a very wary relationship with vegetables ever since and still get nauseous at the sight of Brussel sprouts. And I’m 60. These things stick. 🤷‍♀️

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    “I’ll Never Do That To My Kids”: 30 Things Boomer Parents Did That Traumatized Their Kids My stepmom used to record my mental breakdowns and threaten to post them on Facebook. One time she actually did…all of her friends and family commented how awful it was that she would post it, and she deleted it, but the harm was already done. Every single time I saw family for the next few months, it was just, 'Are you okay? I saw what happened; are you alright?' It was so embarrassing.

    ItzSurgeBruh , cottonbro studio / pexels (not the actual photo) Report


    “I’ll Never Do That To My Kids”: 30 Things Boomer Parents Did That Traumatized Their Kids My boomer mother thought it was hilarious to mercilessly mock anything I liked, no matter how harmless - not just to me but to anybody around. She basically embarrassed me out of liking so many things until I finally developed a "f*** you I won't let you spoil this for me" attitude about it. And no, before anyone says it, she wasn't doing me any favors. To this day I'm reticent to tell people about things I like because I'm half-expecting to be mocked.

    Roguefem-76 , tabitha turner / unsplash (not the actual photo) Report

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    Poison Ivy/Boo
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    6 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    When I was growing up, I was mocked for being a girl and loving Star Wars, Indiana Jones, The Matrix amongst other things and for also loving building houses and rooms in the Sims. I still don't discuss my interests with people as I'm not mainstream and I don't like a lot of movies/programmes/hobbies that other people like. I don't poop on your parade, don't poop on mine.

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    “I’ll Never Do That To My Kids”: 30 Things Boomer Parents Did That Traumatized Their Kids My mom was actually the previous generation (silent) but my Dad was a boomer. Both of them smoked in the house, the car, made me sit in smoking sections. I have always HATED smoking so it was extra s****y.

    TheGirlwThePinkHair , Pawel Czerwinski / unsplash (not the actual photo) Report

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    Little Wonder
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    6 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I had endless bronchitis as a kid and the doctor told Mum to not smoke in the car with me. I mentioned it when she lit up and she said "doctors don't know everything" haha, stubborn woman (still is).

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    Satanic Panic victim here. My parents let my church exorcise my cabbage patch doll in front of me, in our living room. I was 6.

    They burned Cabby in a stew pot on a stack of dictionaries with rubbing alcohol. I’m 43 and I can still smell him.

    RealLifeSuperZero Report

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    Ovata Acronicta
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    6 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    The Satanic Panic affected what I was allowed to do, even in the mid-nineties. Pokemon was definitely satanic because of the Abra line, and of course the flashing Porygon scene giving kids seizures in Japan was actually just satan. Not allowed to watch tv because most of the programming was satanic (that caused a lot of issues socially). Wore through a couple 'safe' VHS... and then there was the time that a bunch of our tapes 'had to' be destroyed so it turned into a thing where they were pulled apart and the living room floor was covered with film. Halloween was evil too of course, so we didn't trick-or-treat or otherwise engage. Dunno why all of these Halloween-decorated Pokemon and Mimikyu especially keep showing up in my space nowadays, of course. Also hail satan or something.

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    Acting like my very existence is burdening them. Both of my parents, though excellent parents for the most part, were guilty of this. I get it, life can be frustrating especially as a single parent (my parents divorced when I was 6), but your kid doesn't understand any of that. They're not gonna know why you groaned or muttered 'goddammit' when they ask to be fed or say they don't feel well, and they're just going to think it's because of them. I'm 24 now, and to this day, I still have trouble asking anyone for help or expressing my needs, whether it's a friend or a coworker or my S.O. I'd rather just sit in discomfort or put my own needs aside so as to not 'bother' the people I'm with.

    VerryMay Report

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    6 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    My parents never divorced. But they made me grow up like this, making me always feel guilty anytime I needed something (even school stuff) because they would complain about how tired they were to look after me

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    “I’ll Never Do That To My Kids”: 30 Things Boomer Parents Did That Traumatized Their Kids lucidmined: Touching me when I didn't want to be touched. Forcing hugs and kisses. Tickling me and getting mad when my body reacted and I hurt her. When my kids tell me stop, I will stop. When they say they don't want any physical touch, then we won't have physical touch (unless explicitly necessary — running in traffic or something else dangerous). She did the best with what she knew, but she didn't know much. I'll just do better when my time comes.
    half-blood-: My parents were pretty great, but I hated how we were forced to greet our extended family members with a hug and kiss 'Give aunt Huan a hug and kiss.' How about no since I don’t know aunt Huan and don’t think I've even met her before. How about you let me just say hi and not be uncomfortable as f**k? Our kids only had to say hi to be polite. No forced physical contact.

    lucidmined , Jordan Whitt / unsplash (not the actual photo) Report

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    6 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Teaching kids they have a right to say no to unwanted physical contact is extremely important. I don't care if auntie or grandma gets offended, you're teaching your kid the importance of bodily autonomy and consent.

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    “I’ll Never Do That To My Kids”: 30 Things Boomer Parents Did That Traumatized Their Kids According to my dad, I have Pepsi in my bottles in pics because they thought keeping me caffeinated all day meant I'd sleep better at night. A lot more questionable decisions followed.

    IDKHow2UseThisApp , Martin Péchy / pexels (not the actual photo) Report

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    6 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Our dinner always included a large glass of iced tea, around 5:30 or so. Years later i realized that's why I lay awake for an hour or more after bedtime. In high school I had to get up at 5:45 for JROTC. I ended up sleep deprived, which contributed to my developing depression in those years.

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    To use ‘ I will pull down your pants and spank you in front of everyone’ as a behaviour modification technique.
    It sounds soo wrong now
    Needless to say the old witch will be going into a home.

    Spoog1971 Report

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    6 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    That's an effective way to destroy every chance of respect, trust or love.

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    “I’ll Never Do That To My Kids”: 30 Things Boomer Parents Did That Traumatized Their Kids Remember how there used to be half-size cans of beer? My dad would give me a mini-Budweiser to 'settle me down.' This was ages three–four. I tell people I quit drinking when I started kindergarten and didn't begin again 'til college.

    shatterly , Timothy Dykes / unsplash (not the actual photo) Report


    “I’ll Never Do That To My Kids”: 30 Things Boomer Parents Did That Traumatized Their Kids My mom would send me to the nearby 7-11 with a hand-written note giving me permission to buy cigarettes for her…..and the clerk would accept it!

    Calvinfan69 , N509FZ / wikipedia (not the actual photo) Report


    Fighting in front of us and slamming doors, complaining about the other parent to their kids behind another parent's back. Then consistently having the gall to literally tell us this is normal behavior in a relationship.

    davidwallace Report


    Ever be really excited about something you've done, tell someone about it, and have them give a half-hearted 'That's nice' before going back to what they were doing, as if just politely acknowledging you exist is the same as being supportive? I'm going to try my hardest not to do that.

    Alcopath Report

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    Black Cat
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    6 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Yeah, like they couldn't be less interested. Strikes me parents back then were just pathologically selfish. Why did they even have kids??

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    “I’ll Never Do That To My Kids”: 30 Things Boomer Parents Did That Traumatized Their Kids She never had time for me. Now that I'm older, she wants all of my undivided attention, but when I was little, she could only take me in small doses. She acted like going to my school events was a chore. Driving me places was a chore. Anything that had to do with me was a chore. I want my kids to feel loved all the time. So I will do my best to give them my undivided attention when they need me, to happily show up to all performances and school events, and to always be there for them.

    lucidmined , Caleb Woods / unsplash (not the actual photo) Report

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    6 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    That's because those chores were about you. Your undivided attention is about her. It's always been. The same problem.

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    “I’ll Never Do That To My Kids”: 30 Things Boomer Parents Did That Traumatized Their Kids Stay married 'for the kids.' ... I never grew up knowing what a healthy normal relationship should be like and am only learning now in my mid-30s.

    LakeaShea , Alex Green / pexels (not the actual photo) Report

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    Rose the Cook
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    6 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    My parents had an arranged marriage, very unusual for Australians, hated each other and fought every day. Think two families with impossible relatives they wanted to be rid of. They didn't divorce because my mother was too lazy to work and my father was afraid of public opinion.

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    “I’ll Never Do That To My Kids”: 30 Things Boomer Parents Did That Traumatized Their Kids Telling [kids] that their dreams/hopes/aspirations are 'really f**king stupid' because 'no one makes money doing ____'... Like, sometimes fulfillment is more important that being super wealthy, ya doink.

    floofenutter , cottonbro studio / pexels (not the actual photo) Report

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    Ralph Kretschmer
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    6 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Yes, I know this. Although my father was creative himself, instead of helping me to get into a creative profession, he talked me into studying economics. Boring as hell, two wasted years and making me sick. Since I'm in design, I was happy with it.

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    “I’ll Never Do That To My Kids”: 30 Things Boomer Parents Did That Traumatized Their Kids hollyjazzy: Criticizing child’s weight.
    114631: My dad used to make a pig oink sound every time I went for seconds or went to eat bread or any sort of sweets/dessert. I am so lucky I never developed an eating disorder from that.
    Kazoua1: My parents sent me to a terrible dietitian when I was 8. I was put on a calorie counting diet as an 8-YEAR-OLD CHILD. My parents and sisters did not even support me while I was on this diet. They just kept eating all the things I couldn't eat in front of me. ... It is the reason why I keep contact with my family to a minimum.
    RunnerInterrupted: I love my mom, and we have a great relationship, but I didn’t realize how toxic her relationship with her weight was and how it affected me as a child until well into adulthood. She urged me to count calories and watch my weight before I even hit middle school. I lost 15 lbs this summer due to a relapse of my depression, and she has been showering me with compliments ever since. Does not feel great

    hollyjazzy , Ketut Subiyanto / pexels (not the actual photo) Report

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    6 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    My dad used to comment on my size, and I was maybe slightly chubby. He also made me go to a diet center, and the lady told him I didn't need to be there. I just turned 50, have been bullemic since I was 12. More then 3 decades of puking multiple times a day. He denys he did anything!

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    Found this out in therapy but my mom knew that my grandpa had been in jail before for molesting little girls…. but still left me alone with him.

    Alf-eats-cats Report

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    6 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Was it her dad? This is betrayal on a whole different level.100% child abuse, child endangerment, you name it. You could have been molested, which we all know messes kids up for life. And she didn't care.I'll say it again. You should have been removed and she should have gone to jail.I hope your pedophile grandpa didn't hurt you

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    “I’ll Never Do That To My Kids”: 30 Things Boomer Parents Did That Traumatized Their Kids After breakfast Mom would kick me outside and tell me not to come home until the street lights came on.

    Boopadoopeedo , JESSICA TICOZZELLI / pexels (not the actual photo) Report

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    6 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I work in two locales in poorer areas of a city. This still happens.

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    rowenaravenclaw0: Forcing [kids] to be a pseudo parent to younger family members. My aunt had 13 babies in 13 years, so during my childhood, she was nearly always pregnant, or post natal. Being the only girl in the family, I was expected to help her wrangle her football team of boys. From the age of 7, I was expected to spend the majority of my time doing chores for them. By 12, I was expected to miss school some days.

    imthe1nonlyD: I routinely have told my oldest daughter (7) to let me be the parent, and in turn, she gets to be the kid. Let me worry about the parent stuff; that's not your concern. Focus on being a kid.

    rowenaravenclaw0 Report

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    detective miller's hat
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    6 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I raised my little sister. When she was born, my mother put her bassinet in my bedroom so I could get up and feed her at night. When I got older, I would be grounded for literally any reason at all, or often no reason, just so I had to stay home at take care of my sister on weekends so mum could go out drinking and partying with her friends. Pretty sure this is why I decided at a very young age that I NEVER wanted children.

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    “I’ll Never Do That To My Kids”: 30 Things Boomer Parents Did That Traumatized Their Kids The silent treatment. I hated this method they both used as a form of punishment, so I swore I would never do this to my own kids, and I haven't. My kids are all grown now, and we might have disagreements, but I will always talk through and communicate with them. The worst part of my parents' silent treatment is that I would often not even know what offense I had committed. It's a great way to really sever any attempts for having a close and loving relationship.

    wise_owl68 , SHVETS production / pexels (not the actual photo) Report

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    6 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Ah, the classic Asian parent punishment. It is torturous when you don't want to talk either but you have to anyways because they are your parent and basically in charge of your life, in a sense.

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    Being jealous that [kids] have life easier than [they] did.

    AngryPlasmaCell Report


    “I’ll Never Do That To My Kids”: 30 Things Boomer Parents Did That Traumatized Their Kids I was born in 76 and saw poltergeist in the theatre (82). Who the f**k let’s that happen?

    ShoNuff3121 , Krists Luhaers / unsplash (not the actual photo) Report

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    6 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    So did I! I was born in '74. Our parents took us to pretty much every movie. If there was a lot of sex scenes, we'd have to wait in the lobby! I saw the Shining also, in 2nd or 3rd grade!

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    “I’ll Never Do That To My Kids”: 30 Things Boomer Parents Did That Traumatized Their Kids My Dad worked nights and my Mom worked days, so Dad was supposed to watch me during the day. Instead, he dragged me to his favorite bars with him to hang out with him and the creepy drunk old men where this drunk old lady would take men in the bathroom and measure their "package". I'm sure other stuff went on that as a kid didn't make sense to me, but that stood out as a life long memory. My Mom was always mad about it, but didn't stop him.

    Friendless_and_happy , ELEVATE / pexels (not the actual photo) Report


    Freedom_fam: Being 'midwest nice.'
    VagueSoul: Midwest nice is basically doing everything in your power to not 'make waves.' You don’t want to challenge anything, you don’t want to highlight anything 'bad,' and you downplay everything so that everyone gets along. 0chazz0: For example: "'Oh sweetie, let's talk about this later, we don't want to make a fuss on Thanksgiving.
    Seagyspy: This was my life! 'What will neighbors think,' and 'you'll regret trying that.' I never fit in and knew my children wouldn't either. I moved many states away to a 'live and let live' environment. ... I recently went 'home.' I picked up the newspaper and saw all the gossip, and it triggered me. Everyone plays 'nice' while gossiping and taking joy in people's pain.

    Freedom_fam: Report

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    Karl Havoc
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    6 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Ah, welcome to Nebraska where you’ll find the worst “nice” people you’ll ever meet

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    “I’ll Never Do That To My Kids”: 30 Things Boomer Parents Did That Traumatized Their Kids My mom beat the c**p out of me anytime she felt like it and my dad was too busy visiting old people in nursing homes to care.

    labtech89 , Pixabay / pexels (not the actual photo) Report


    “I’ll Never Do That To My Kids”: 30 Things Boomer Parents Did That Traumatized Their Kids Drove three kids around in a car with a hole in the floor large enough for us to fall through.

    GenXChefVeg , Anton Luzhkovsky / unsplash (not the actual photo) Report

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    6 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Yep! We had a van at one stage and it had no windows. My dad used to insist that we drive with the van door open and I would sit in the doorway with my leg holding the door open and acting as a barrier so the little kids wouldn't fall out while we were driving because there were no seatbelts in the back.

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    Guys half of these are just child abuse.

    Bad parenting is leaving me and my 10 year-old sister home alone for a few hours with 6th month old twins.

    9for9 Report


    Mother and father knew my uncle had severe untreated schizophrenia and my grandmother I believe had some sort of untreated mental disorder (maybe bipolar and severe depression) but they still sent us to stay with him and my grandparents for months at a time. It was terrifying at times. I remember crying and begging them not to take us there.

    blove135 Report

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    6 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Every "parent" in this thread should have had you guys taken away, and have to do jail time. While it's not true for everyone with schizophrenia, some who suffer with it hear voices telling them to murder someone. How were they ok with this? Not only did your sorry-a*s "parents" let you down, it sounds like your grandparents didn't help you either. Who could watch their small children cry and say they are terrified to go somewhere, and not be phased at all? They shouldn't have left you alone with your Uncle for an hour, let alone MONTHS at a time! It's not like your Uncle was depressed. Most schizophrenics are not in touch with reality, and should probably be in a psychiatric home.

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    “I’ll Never Do That To My Kids”: 30 Things Boomer Parents Did That Traumatized Their Kids jdans10:
    Ignoring the awkward conversations.

    This also includes the sex and birth control conversations. My mom to this day still gets really uncomfortable.

    jdans10 , Kindel Media / pexels (not the actual photo) Report

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    Ovata Acronicta
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    6 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I asked the "how are babies made" question around five and Mom sat me down and explained it to me. I'm also very grateful for her discussion of periods because I knew what mine was when I started just after my 12th birthday. Talk to your kids.

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    This is kind of dark. My parents would buy this hideous smelling flea poison at the vet for our Rottweiler. It had to be diluted with water, I guess. My mother whipped up a gallon of this concoction in a milk gallon. It was a white liquid. She put it in the refrigerator, in the milk gallon. She did not mark the container in any way in order to differentiate it from an ordinary gallon of milk. I ate cereal every morning for breakfast. I am guessing you can figure out easily what happened next, but unbelievably, my mother did not foresee that I would pour this flea poison on my cereal and eat it. I was told that I was pretty silly, because it has a smell! Didn’t I notice the smell? Boy, what a dumb kid! She sent my off to day camp with a box of Tic Tacs to help mellow the terrible aftertaste in my mouth. I think of this often. It always seemed very f****d up, even more so now that I am a parent.

    TrashPanda76 Report


    aroaceautistic: That s**t where you aren't allowed to be angry. If I'm gonna make you do some s**t you don't wanna do, then I'm at least gonna let you be pissed.
    PepurrPotts: My mom gave allll the lip service to 'it's okay to be angry,' but any actual display of it was immediately shut down and punished. Somehow, that left me a bit emotionally stunted in that area by the time I had grown up.

    aroaceautistic Report

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    Nick Curtis
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    6 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    oh my god I hated this, my parents would constantly fight with me and yell but any reaction from me was labeled as having anger issues and I just had to accept it.

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    Completely shutting down at the slightest display of any 'bad' emotion. ... There's people out there who think that any display of emotion is equal to 'being out of control.

    Anskin12 Report


    “I’ll Never Do That To My Kids”: 30 Things Boomer Parents Did That Traumatized Their Kids My mom would get tired of my brother and I fighting and make us go into the back yard and fist fight until she felt we had enough. We were under ten years old and this happened several times. My brother and I would both be crying and asking if we could stop but she’d make us keep going. Kids that age shouldn’t have to deal with physically hurting each other.

    BerryLanky , cottonbro studio / pexels (not the actual photo) Report

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    6 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    What the actual f**k is wrong with the "parents" in this thread? And also, what kind of "mom" wants her young kids to fight, and isn't bothered that they are crying and want to stop. Some people shouldn't be allowed to procreate.

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    jester51: Ignoring how [kids] feel because of how [they] feel.

    HeyItsNotMeIPromise: My parents did this. They had feelings, and the way I interacted with them made them have feelings. But they couldn’t comprehend that their actions informed my feelings, too. It was like I wasn’t a full person to them. If I was disappointed or upset with them for things they did, or were supposed to do and didn’t, they would get angry with me for making them have to feel guilt or regret. They literally couldn’t handle the uncomfortable feelings associated with the idea that they had parented poorly and would re-direct those uncomfortable feelings into anger at me for causing it. It was a wild ride, let me tell you. Their feelings trumped mine, all day long. I’ll never do that to my kids.

    jester51 Report

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    6 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    This is horrible for a kid, I know that. You just described my parents.

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    Making promises they know they won't keep.

    sneedle_woodz Report

    See Also on Bored Panda

    “I’ll Never Do That To My Kids”: 30 Things Boomer Parents Did That Traumatized Their Kids This might be more of a country thing, but we used to ride around on the back of a truck with the tailgate down. I mean, we’d sit ON the tailgate. If we ever got rear ended we’d have lost our legs. Was fun back in the day though.

    donstermu , Josh Applegate / unsplash (not the actual photo) Report

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    Little Wonder
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    6 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Yep did that, and sitting on bales of hay to take them down the road to the horses, precariously piled up in the back of a ute or the boot of a peugeot.

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    Alltheprettydresses: Complaining about how hard or expensive it is to be a parent. That was all I heard and grew up thinking I was a burden to everyone. Yeah, it's hard and costly, but I made the choice to bring them into the world.

    silentsaturn91: This is reminding me of when I was 17 and the crash of '08 was unfolding all over the news. I remember sitting on the top of the basement steps listening to the TV that dad was watching and hearing about how people were losing their money, their homes, everything. I knew my dad had some money invested at the time, and that’s what he was using to keep us going since he didn’t have a job. I remember asking him if our money was ok, and he said to me, 'Nope! We’re broke now.' I remember feeling myself curl up into a ball and start panicking, thinking about what I could sell of my things to help pay the bills. Thinking, 'Okay, I can forget about Christmas this year. Just ask for only the necessary things like clothes and toiletries.' We came out of the crash just fine without having to sell a single thing. I’m 32 now, and it took me YEARS to get comfortable enough to open up my own retirement plan last month. Financial abuse toward a child is fucking cruel, and I will never forgive my father for doing that to me.

    Alltheprettydresses Report

    See Also on Bored Panda

    My parents had really terrible ideas about safety.

    I broke my collarbone as a toddler because they didn't get any sort of safety gate on my twin bed so the first night I slept in it, I fell out. I thought for years that they just didn't make safety gates back then and I was like "Oh yeah, I broke my collarbone, there were no safety gates" and my mom was like "oh they made them but they were so expensive!" OK, well, hope all of those hospital bills from my fractured collarbone were cheap?

    And then we'd take big family vacations in the station wagon and I'd have to sit on the flat part in the back wedged by the suitcases. I'd spend most of the trip throwing up because there was no cushioning or seating so I'd feel every vibration and bump in the road. No seatbelt. Nothing. Just me, wedged next to a suitcase.

    Oh! I also had a weird health problem when I was little. Tiny little seizures. My mom took me to the pediatrician twice about it and he was like "Hmm, no idea!" and that was that. No further medical visits or doctors. I didn't learn what it was until I was an adult and there was a medication that could have eliminated them had it been diagnosed.

    anon Report

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    Kate Jones
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    6 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Don't get me wrong, I think sometimes parents take it too far these days. But I agree... back in the day there were almost no safety precautions. We never wore seatbelts. My parents smoked in the car with the windows up. We didn't go to doctors unless we were dying. The biggest change in then and now is the sheer amount of outside alone time I had that I don't think exists today. I'd be gone all day by the age of 7. Out playing. Doing the stupidest and most dangerous things. Used to ride my bike all day. As long as i was home by the time the street lights came on that's all that mattered. In some ways I get it- it's way more dangerous now. But kids almost never just get to play anymore. Use their imaginations. It's partly why so many jump into relationships one after another- they don't know how to just be happy with themselves.

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    My mom loved to tell the story of how, when I was an infant, they stuck me and my car seat between their golf clubs in the back of the golf cart. Me and my car seat popped out on a fairway and they didn’t notice until the next hole. If I remember correctly, this story is an extension about what a good baby I was. I guess I was just luck to have a car seat they actually buckled me into.

    qiwizzle Report

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    6 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017


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    “I’ll Never Do That To My Kids”: 30 Things Boomer Parents Did That Traumatized Their Kids When I was really little, mom would send us out the front door of our trailer to play in the yard. It didn’t have a fence. So I was three and playing in the street while she was watching General Hospital. When my parents were in the process of a divorce, my mother tried to commit s*icide and put me (six years old) to the task of calling my dad to tell him at work that mom was in the bathroom with a bottle of pills and vodka. He called for an ambulance to meet him at the house and shipped us off to the neighbors for a few days. She got her stomach pumped, and then came home about three days later, and life went on as if that never happened. And then she got custody and he got visitation. When she would send us off to Dad‘s for two weeks at the beginning of summer and two weeks at the end of summer, dad and stepmom just continued to go to work every day like they didn’t have a six-year-old and an eight-year-old at home, with HER two kids who were about the same age. Of course the older kids eventually got into the liquor. And we snuck next-door to go swimming at the neighbors house while nobody was home. We had no adult supervision 90% of our childhood.

    GrumpyBitchInBoots , Paola L / pexels (not the actual photo) Report

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    6 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    A mother who can calmly sit watching TV knowing her 3-year-old is outside by the road is the ultimate definition of evil. She should have gone to jail.

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    “I’ll Never Do That To My Kids”: 30 Things Boomer Parents Did That Traumatized Their Kids Oh s**t. We had absolutely free rein on anything on tv. They tried to say don’t watch that one! Which of course made us immediately watch it. While they went and did whatever non parenting they did.

    All the GenX born in the early 70s had this same experience. That’s why we are tv babies, and jaded. Halloween was our favorite movie. I was like 8.

    Whateveryousaydude7 , Aleks Dorohovich / unsplash (not the actual phtoo) Report

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    6 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I’m a boomer (just) and still remember, when I was in my early 20s, going around to our friends place on a Friday night to watch a video. It was Robocop. Their 4yo son was allowed to watch it with us…you know, scene where his hands get blasted off, he’s slowly turned into bits by the bad guys. Guys gets melted by acid. Etc etc No problem, apparently. Next week, we’re watching another movie together (yes it’s true…my 20s we’re not exactly wild and exciting) and the movie we were watching had two people kissing and both our friends said ‘John! Look away!’ to their son. So..violence, pain and death okey-dokey…but kissing, affection - bad and dirty. That was…sad.

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    As an undiagnosed ADHD kid with two diagnosed ADHD kids of my own, I will NEVER use boredom as a punishment. I remember getting put in my room with no stimuli, the time felt like I was in Inception, where one minute of punishment equaled an hour of IRL time. So yeah, my kids are probably a little less 'disciplined' than others, but I'm sorry, I can't inflict the same torture knowing what it felt like. That's why it's so hard for me to understand how those that are abused continue the cycle. It definitely sent me completely in the opposite direction.

    notfromsoftemployee Report

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    6 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    My mother thinks being bored is the best feeling in the world because it means you don't have to do anything. She doesn't understand why I don't feel that sentiment of hers.

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    My parents were fundie Southern Baptists who thought rules and restrictions would earn them spiritual merit badges in heaven from James Dobson Himself.

    Even their fellow church members thought they were ridiculous.

    I was in the sixth grade at a Christian school before I met kids whose parents were as strict as mine.

    They were Mennonites.

    overthoughtamus Report

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    6 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Religion causes so many problems. And deaths. And wars. It seems the most religious people are the worst kind of person.

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    Summer vacations at the cottage on the lake. The whole family would go bar hoping in a pontoon boat with us kids. They'd give us some coinage to play pinball, video games, or that bowling game with the puck while the adults drank at the bar. Then at night when grandparents, aunts, uncles, patents are all drunk from day drinking all day, us kids would drive them back in the pontoon, in the dark. Through no wake zones, several lakes, under bridges, etc. I was a designated driver at 10.

    SuspiciousMeat6696 Report

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    6 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    You've gotta be Gen X, like me. Driving a pontoon at night when you were only 10! It's funny, buy also sad and extremely s****y parenting.

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    We had to be 7 years old to get our own lighter for lighting off fireworks unsupervised for the weeks leading up to the 4th of July. (If you were younger, you only got a punk.).

    Momes2018 Report


    When I was 5 (1980), The Shining came out and was on HBO for its cable premiere. Wanting to spend time with my dad, I asked him if I could watch it with him. Arguably one of the most psychologically disturbing movies of its time and He was totally cool with it. Ended up watching 90% of it, peeking from behind his La-Z-Boy. The kicker is knowing how badly it scared me — for a few days after — my father thought it would be funny to stand at the foot of my bed, with dead eyes, waking me up asking if wanted to 'come play with him… forever.' That combo of my father and that movie scared me so bad that I slept with my Fozzie Bear doll until I was about 11 or 12.

    The_Brolander Report

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    “I’ll Never Do That To My Kids”: 30 Things Boomer Parents Did That Traumatized Their Kids My dad broke my brothers twisted sister vinyl album over his knee which was like watching life imitate art.

    anon , Jan Jablunka / flickr (not the actual photo) Report


    Not recognizing some weird s**t I was exposed to at our evangelical church when I was a teenager.

    Wendellberryfan_2022 Report

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    6 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    You mean people with religious authority did bad things to children? Unheard of! I really hope these religious morons weren't as bad as Catholic priests.

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    I always had a knack for playing guitar and I picked it up later but when I first wanted to play my dad said “your fingers are too small, you’ll never be any good”. If I had started playing at 10 instead of f*****g around in college, I feel like I would have been a great guitarist. Looking back, the fact that he would discourage me from doing anything positive for no good reason, I probably would have turned out a lot better.

    Plus, he took me to see Full Metal Jacket when it came out. I was 10.

    heffel77 Report

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    Lavendar rose
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    6 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    My 10 year old kicks a*s on his electric guitar! Tiny hands and all! He plays Metallica , heart , Black Sabbath even video game songs ! He rocks !

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    Exposed me to very unsavory characters. I had alot of "uncles" one of which held me down tickling me and then licked my face.

    AnnaFlaxxis Report


    “I’ll Never Do That To My Kids”: 30 Things Boomer Parents Did That Traumatized Their Kids OMG, I remember my dad occasionally taking me and my brother to smoky pool halls on Saturdays so he could play a few games and have a couple of beers before he did the errands he was running for my mom. I guess she never questioned why we all smelled like smoke when we came home hours later because my dad smoked with us in the truck anyway.

    Mindless-Employment , BENCE BOROS / unsplash (not the actual photo) Report

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    laura lee
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    6 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Probably just glad everyone alive and the errands got done, sometimes the bar gets lowered to the floor


    My mom would take me with her to bingo but leave me in the conversion van to read while she played a set. I must’ve been about 7 or so.

    mitsubachi88 Report

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    6 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    What is a conversion van? And was it securely locked so no one would snatch you? Why couldn't you sit where they were playing? How could she relax and enjoy the game knowing you were out there?

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    Being passive aggressive. I was in a college communications course when I learned the phrase 'passive aggressive,' and a light bulb went off in my head. I finally had a term to describe my family’s dysfunction. I thought we were a perfect family because we didn’t yell. Sometimes I think the yelling might have been preferable because at least it would’ve been honest.

    sheglows76 Report

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    robin aldrich
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    6 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Yeah yelling or passive aggressive shouldn't be the only two options in the family ....typically they seem to be though


    Its not really laughable, since it's actually quite serious and a pretty severe form of emotional abuse, but I'd have to say the worst part of their parenting -- even worse than all the drinking, drunk driving, d***s, adultery, fighting, etc. -- was all the Parentification and emotional incest. My childhood is mired in it, and I got it severely from both parents because they were both immature, dysfunctional people that had no business ever having children. And my ability to ever be carefree was stolen by it.

    RaspberryVespa Report

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    6 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Just when I thought it couldn't get worse? I'm afraid to ask what emotional incest is, but if it has the word incest in its name, it's obviously something terrible. Do they know/care how much your struggling as an adult because they failed you so miserably when you were little?

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    My Dad used to pull my sled with a rope behind the car. Same car was diesel and my Dad would drive ahead of me with about 5-10 feet of clearance while helping me train for cross country. Yep, my Dad was rolling coal on me from high school to college. Thanks 1983 Datsun 810 wagon.

    TealTemptress Report

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    robin aldrich
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    6 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Calling that rolling coal...oh my gosh, I'm sorry.. it's so inappropriate that I chuckled at that...

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    The lack of any car safety. Letting us ride in the truck bed, loading 8 people in the front of the truck, stuffing as many people as you can in any vehicle, sleeping on the back window ledge of cars. Toddlers standing on and walking back and forth on the front seat while driving, holding babies while driving. Things like that.

    raerae1991 Report

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    6 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    'First ' yeah seat belts weren't mandatory. We rode in station wagons way in the back with no seat belts or trucks. It was fun.

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    My father believed that the best way to learn to ride a horse was to fall off. He’d put me on the back of horses that were even too much for him to handle, and laugh as I was thrown around like a rag doll. I hit the dirt so often I should be an Olympic gold medalist. (Spoiler. I’m not!).

    Booboodelafalaise Report

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    6 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Holy c**p, that could've ended badly. Imagine having fallen on your head or breaking a bone!

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    Mom took me on a way out of the way & deserted beach trip with her friends, I was like 8. Lots of food, lots of beer but minimal water. First time I got drunk.

    PistolMama Report

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    6 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    You were surrounded by "adults" yet you still managed to be drunk at 8?!

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    At bedtime, my father would come into my brothers and my bedroom and make patterns in the dark with a lit cigarette. Oh, happy memories.

    dottiefred Report


    Not as much of a childhood thing, but an adult thing... Investing in kids' adult lives as well. My parents were all around good parents. But once they had an empty nest, they absolutely loaded their lives with other social obligations, and feel like distant extended family now. My wife and I are suffering from a lack of any support system. Our marriage is suffering because we get alone time, like, two weekends a year. When my kids were babies, the tone for visits was ALWAYS 'bring the boys over to see us. But you know, stick around so you can handle them, and take them with you when you leave.' They're fantastic during the couple times a year I bring the kids there. Hiking, crafts, they buried treasure in the yard and made treasure, really cool stuff to interact with them. But the day to day 'it takes a community' shit doesn't exist. I will not do that to them. I will support their adult relationships by not waiting for them to beg for help. I'm not going to be intrusive (I know some grandparents who are way too involved). But I will be available. I will insist that the kids spend overnights, weekends, summer weeks, with me. Because I know how valuable breaks, and vacations, and mental health are. And not just babysitting. I want to stay close to my boys into adulthood. Let's catch a game, have a drink, come on over, and I'll grill some steaks.

    toolatealreadyfapped Report

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    6 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    We are in a similar situation, to the point where I can actually see our kid deciding to go childfree

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    When I was ten my family traveled with another family cross country in a rented RV from Maryland to California and back. One night I woke up and everyone was asleep except my dad and the other dad who were taking turns driving. I joined them and saw that they were passing back and forth a “cigarette.” My dad handed to me when I asked why they were sharing and said take a puff. Years later I realized that it was NOT a cigarette! I was ten!

    KristenNicoleSpice Report

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    6 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I usually think pot is harmless, but not if you are TEN YEARS OLD. What the actual f**k is happening in this thread?

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    My mom, rest her soul, let me just run wild . As long as I was out of her hair so she could go party she could’ve cared less. I would literally disappear from my house on Friday evening, sometimes Thursday evening my junior and senior year if nothing interesting was going on at school on Friday , and I would party till late Sunday night then head home . Sometimes it would be Monday morning when I’d drag a*s in, oh lawd this is when my substance enjoyment kicked in. Tried a little of everything other than those oral sex inducing d***s like crack and thank goodness meth wasn’t around 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️. But long story short I was left to my own demise as long as I didn’t interfere with my moms good times.

    Phil_McGroyn72 Report

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    6 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Two things: Did she ever try to find or reach you when you were gone for days? Also, what the hell is an oral sex inducing d**g? I'm 3 years sober, used for more then 3 decades. Never heard of this before.

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    I was taught to tap a keg and pour dad a beer with “little foam” by the time I was 5. Spent weekends at the yacht club running around the bar area or playing outside. I sold kisses for a quarter so I could buy candy out of the vending machine. This was not an uptight yacht club but a gathering place to race sailboats and then drink and talk about the races that day (lawn sailing).

    Outrageous_Bird956 Report


    On the flip side there's being very enthusiastic about your interest because you could make money from it someday. So stop playing and focus because you're doing it wrong, you'll never make any money doing it that way, sit down and learn how to do it right, playtime's over.

    Slouch_Potato_ Report

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    Telling [me] they regret being a parent or lamenting when they need to be strict as a parent. While I was loved, these kinds of things are not things you should say to your children ever, even if you believe it in your heart of hearts. Like, of course, I knew what they meant by it, but the surface level interpretation still hurts, even when I know it's not true.

    unoriginalasshat Report

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    6 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I know you don't want to hear this, but parents who love their kids don't tell them they wish they weren't born, or whatever vile thing they said.

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    During a trip to Jamaica, they took me to The Playboy Club with them. 😬.

    anon Report

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    Keeping [kids] from television almost entirely. Often we had no TV — sometimes we had a TV that was purely for screening BBC programs like I, Claudius and films like the The Seventh Seal (they did have kid's films for us, just not many). That was way back in the '80s and '90s — my parents are both neurologists, and they had concerns about screen time way back then. I understand why. I hate seeing my kid watch screens; he just gapes at the screen like a stunned fish. Honestly, there is not much to be said in favor of screens when it comes to child development; screen time is not correlated with good outcomes. But pretty early on, kids start use pop culture as a means of bonding. The kids at my kid's nursery are all playing at being Spider-Man, and if I kept him away from the Lego Spider-Man videos that all the kids in his clique watch, he might miss out on this bonding opportunities. FWIW, I think my parents had good intentions. But the end result was a teen who didn't understand pop culture references, and an adult who watches screens too much to this day (which is my own fault, I admit).

    fairygodmotherfckr Report

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    6 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    My parents didn’t want a TV, but got one in 1976, when they realised my sister’s teacher was telling the class to watch some programme, and calling her a liar when she said we didn’t have television.

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    We raised beef cattle. Got a trip to the slaughterhouse around 7 or 8 years old (in fairness, I did get to wait in the truck... Visuals were minimal. Olfactory though will haunt me forever).

    GornoP Report

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    Leah Brown
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    6 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    When I was 7 or 8 I would have to help my grandmother to unalive the chickens and the hanging cattle was always visible being drained from the barn rafters. We always knew where our food came from though! 🤷‍♀️

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    We had a weapons collection at 6/7 years old that included throwing stars, swords, leather whips, firecrackers + lighters, knives etc.

    MontytheBold Report

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    6 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Wait. YOU as the child did, or your parents? It's bad enough if your parents kept them in the house with you. But if they were letting you have them ad your own,they should have lost parental rights and gone to jail.

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    I had an aunt that would stop by the Alton’s restaurant and have me run in and buy her a pack out of the cigarette vending machine — I still can’t believe they ever had those!

    Imtifflish24 Report


    My parents had really terrible ideas about safety... We'd take big family vacations in the station wagon and I'd have to sit on the flat part in the back wedged by the suitcases. I'd spend most of the trip throwing up because there was no cushioning or seating, so I'd feel every vibration and bump in the road. No seatbelt. Nothing. Just me, wedged next to a suitcase.

    Soggy_Cartographer18 Report

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    Brian Droste
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    6 months ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I read this early. Is this on here twice or did this get pushed to no. 74?

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