When you just start dating someone, there is this honeymoon period where they seem so nice and wonderful, but time has a way of revealing that some folks don’t actually have that much going on up there.
Someone asked “What was your "I'm dating an idiot" moment?” and people share their dumbest experiences. From a basic lack of understanding of how temperatures work, to the inability to comprehend satire, get comfortable as you read through, upvote your favorites and be sure to share your own thoughts and experiences in the comments below.
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They put shrimp in my food to see if I am really allergic to seafood or just being
" dramatic."
Anaphylaxis occurred, epi-pen deployed, ambulance trip. The hospital suggested I press charges.
They never admitted it was the wrong thing to do. They never apologized.
This should be classified as attempted murder, if it isn't already. Or at least assault/battery.
This was way back when (in the 90s), but a dude invited me back to his place for dinner, said he'd make scallops. I love seafood, so heck yeah!
That boy made Betty Crocker Scalloped Potatoes. Yeah, from a box.
He didn't even make them well, either. They were still funky and crunchy in the middle!
I met his roommate that day, and he and I've been married for almost 30 years, so it wasn't a total loss.
She said that the temperature in her house never changed, so she couldn't understand why she was always hot/cold.
She had never taken the packaging off of the digital thermometer, so she was just looking at a sticker that said 72 degrees.
He kept littering. I really hate littering. The day he spit his gum out on the sidewalk of a zoo I called him out on it. He says "It will evaporate". I laughed and said "Thats funny but no seriously you should just use the trash can.". He gave me a confused look. Thats when I realized he was serious. He was so convinced that trash evaporates in the sun we had a full on debate about it.
Edit: The f*****g idiot was me because I stayed with him for 3 years after that.
good on you for taking accountability of your own stupidity. it takes an intelligent person to do that.
Had a boy try to convince me that he didn't need to use a condom because I couldn't get pregnant while he was taking antibiotics. (Would have been the first time we got physical, I noped out when he would not tell me why he was taking them- I still think I dodged a bullet).
In my early 20’s, I started living with my boyfriend at the time. I got my period and he demanded to know what I had done with the egg.
Folks, this 21-year-old man, whose mother was a nurse, who had a sister that had just given birth to twins, thought that human women LAID AN EGG when they had their period.
I... I mean, we SHED an egg (ovum) with our endometrial lining... does that count as "laying" an egg? XD
I took her out to dinner, gave her two options: an Italian restaurant or just like a regular restaurant where they served all kinds of stuff. She said she really hated Italian food, so we went to the regular restaurant. Where she ordered a lasagna.
I have an Ex-wife who pretends to be allergic to chocolate (spoiler alert, she isn't), and one year for my birthday we went out to eat with all my friends and family.
I offered her some of my coconut shrimp, which she gladly accepted. 4 seconds later, she made a terrible "RRRUuUgggGgHHhhH!" sound and spat the chewed shrimp onto the table. As loud as she could, she said "Was that COCONUT SHRIMP?!?"
"Yes" I replied.
"Coconut??? COCONUT???..." She shouted, and was met with blank stares. "COCOA-Nut?!?" She hollered, trying very hard to embarrass me in front of everyone I know.
Once the laughter died down, I asked her if she really thought there was Cocoa in Coconut. We're divorced now, thankfully. .
We had a heated debate about whether or not dinosaurs were alive during the American Revolution. Her stance was ‘there’s really no way to know’.
We were in the forest discussing a possible pregnancy scare. She wanted to 'knock on wood'.
She walked up to a tree and asked me "This is made of wood, right?"
Bless her heart,
(Thank God she wasn't pregnant....).
Nope, trees are 3d printed so the government can hide the tracking software inside
In college, I dated this guy who was nice but kind of dumb. And he had some bizarre personal habits around the house, the worst of which was the fact that he only owned one towel and he rarely washed it, like once every couple months. It hung in his bathroom as stiff as sheet metal and as a rough as a cats tongue.
So, for Christmas, I bought him two more bath towels, a hand towel, and several washcloths. When he opened it, he looked quietly at it for a second, like a goat looking at a new fence, and said, “but I already *have* a towel…”
he was genuinely puzzled as to why anyone would own more than one towel since “it gets cleaner every time you use it.”.
Got in a big fight with my girlfriend at the time because I saw a bear crossing sign and thought it was worth pointing out. She called me an idiot because there was no way there were possibly bears in Michigan. I reminded her that we were going to the Sleeping *Bear* Dunes. That made us discuss if there were bears in our hometown (also in MI). I said yes. She said there couldn't possibly be bears in our hometown and I'm stupid for thinking that. We got in some ridiculous fight about how she can't date an idiot. A week later, a car accident happened less than a mile from her house where the car hit a bear. I sent her the news article, and that's when another fight started.
We watched Shrek and she didn't believe that the guy who voiced Shrek was the same guy who played Austin Powers because "their accents aren't the same."
I explained that it was the same actor doing different voices. She couldn't fathom it.
When I told her that Austin Powers' voice wasn't the actor's real voice either, that was too much for her to handle.
To be fair, I had a moment of disbelief when I first learned the actor Hugh Laurie ("House") is English. His American accent is flawless. However, I was able to use my one remaining braincell to actually believe the fact once I was shown video evidence (and wikipedia, lol.) It's one thing to have disbelief at how well some actors can speak in different accents... it's another thing entirely to completely not believe it even after being shown the truth. XD
After almost 6 months I finally decided I could introduce him to my extremely judgy friend group. Sitting at the bar having a great time. My friend whispers “he’s a keeper” I’m thrilled they get along.
Not even a minute later while talking he states out of no where “well the earth is flat” and that he knows because “YouTube “
I sailed the globe in the Navy, my friend is a long haul pilot and he just kept referring to YouTube.
Thought he was being funny, he was serious. Took him home, dropped him off and never saw him again.
So. Still single!
My Hispanic date said she would never marry a black guy because she didn’t want to have Puerto Rican kids. Edit: she wasn’t joking.
My period arrived when we were at dinner and he asked me to ‘hold it’.
I've seen this before where some men (stupid, stupid men) think a period is like urination; that it can just be "held" until a convenient time.
College girlfriend who was not a fully-functioning adult. Zero life skills. Got a flat tire while driving alone, stood by the car acting helpless until a guy stopped and offered to help. He changed it, but unbeknownst to her had set the parking brake. She gets in her car and it won't go anywhere because the parking brake was set. She runs out of the car and asks the guy, "my car won't go, did you put the wheel on backwards?" No s**t, she actually told everybody about it.
She thought i didnt actually have a gluten sensitivity and was just being a picky eater so she told me she had ordered a gluten sensitive alternative to a food i wanted but actually didnt and watched me eat it to catch me lying. i ended up in the hospital, in a foreign country on the other side of the world.
three weeks later i got diagnosed with celiac and she lost a girlfriend.
Why the heck do people keep trying to challenge food allergies/sensitivities? If you have a wheat allergy or are celiac, then you go straight to the hospital if you eat it. If you have gluten sensitivity, then you get the fun of lots of pain, plus hours/days of quality time in the bathroom, depending on how much you ate.
I came home and she was upset about a news story she watched earlier about a new method of execution being approved in... I forget where, like Ohio or something.
She proceeded to explain the process, where one a person sits on the seat it automatically activates a grabber arm, which has a topical anesthetic applied to each prong to "numb the area to make it totally painless" before it twists their head off. There was more to it, but we got about 30 seconds in to her explanation when it was clear this isn't a thing.
I tried to reassure her of that, which led to an argument and her eventually sending me the video in question.
This was a video from The Onion. This was clearly not real, and not even clever satire, it was just dumb.
Even then I tried laughing it off and showing her where it was from and what they do, and she still persisted. It's the news, and they can't just make things up.
I left her that week.
"Where's the harm in posting stupid $hit like that? It's not as if anyone was dumb enough to believe it!" Some people will believe anything - and on the other side of the spectrum people will believe nothing because it's all lies anyway. I swear: one of the most important skills to learn (and teach!) now more than EVER with so much info around is source evaluation, as in "Who said that? Are they reliable? Who else says that? How do they know?"
When my ex decided to dine and dash but was stupid enough to leave his car in the parking lot of the place i picked him up from.....
drove him back took his wallet and made him pay the full tab and tipped the poor girl who was crying in the back $30.
Google had an April Fool's joke one year where if you lick your phone screen, you can actually taste the object of what's being displayed on the screen. Needless to say, she did it several times and said it didn't work.
Met a cute girl and asked her for a date. This was pre-cell phone or GPS so I asked her for directions. She state: "Go past the train track, take the second left, the third right, the second right then the second left and my house is the white one." Started at the train tracks, took her directions, and ended up in the middle of nowhere. Did this three times. So, just for sh**s, I started at the train tracks, everywhere she said 'left' I turned right and where she had said 'right' I turned left. Found her place on the first try. During the date she also told me she wanted to be a 'veteran' because she loved working with animals.
All the lefts and right she gave the OP were correct - if he was starting at her house and going to where they had their conversation.
We were watching the movie Se7en, where each murder is tied to one of the seven deadly sins. The first victim was found murdered after being force fed to death, with the big reveal being when they found the sin written on the wall behind a fridge or something I think. I will never forget the sound of this man’s voice as they moved the fridge aside to reveal his sin and he slowly started to realize which one it was… “Ooooooooohhhhhh. Gluten.”
Ah yes, Pride, Sloth, Anger, Lust, and Gluten (I forgot two of them. Greed maybe?) Edit: Greed and envy! Thanks guys!
Ex of my best friend: thought that a (online-) cloud is located in the actual clouds and was really concerned about his data getting lost when it started raining. Dude was 19 and working in trades.
We were talking about my dog who was about to be spayed and the after care (how she will have a stitches on her abdomen). He was incredibly confused as to why she would have stitches there… I asked him to explain to me how he thought a female dog was spayed. His response “don’t they just …. sew it closed?” ….
Dated a woman who was sweet and sassy, but not terribly bright.
One weekend we went out for an afternoon walk and I made a casual observation about the moon (it was visible that day).
She stopped and just kinda stared at it. Told me "that can't be the moon!"
After some light interrogation I found out that she believed:
- the sun and moon cannot be out at the same time
- she thought the sun and moon were the same thing
- she thought that the moon is just the sun when it "runs out of fuel."
This kinda lead to whole rabbit hole of other things (misconceptions, light conspiracy theories, etc). We did enjoy ribbing each other a bit, but I felt genuine pity for her the more I learned and started to hold back.
Kept insisting that it's disgusting to not have a period/ regular period bc that how "the cooch gets clean", and I was nasty for not having one for a long time due to the birth control I was on FOR HIM.
When they tried to argue with me about whether babies can breathe underwater or not.
Protip: they can't.
Mammalian diving reflex. Mammal babies hold their breath briefly when water hits their faces.
I’m embarrassed to even share this. But my ex truly believed that black and Asian people could not have babies because “they are too genetically different”. I wish I was joking.
My ex would find a recipe online, not follow it, and blame the recipe for being s**t. Things like subbing breadcrumbs with flour, adding pepper flakes in dishes that are not spicy. Those were the most disgusting swedish meatballs I've ever had.
My first hint was when he insisted that girls on the beach were "cladly dressed." I could not convince him the term he was going for was "scantily clad." Nope, they were cladly dressed and that was the end of it.
Later he would watch those reality shows like Survivorman (I may be mixing up titles, it's whatever one would be dropped off with a backpack and camera crew) because he was confident the guy was going to die on camera at some point and he was going to see it.
I would point out, this isn't airing live, he's not actually alone (camera crew at minimum), and if he did die during filming not only would it not be aired but you'd probably hear about it before it could have aired anyway. Nope, I'm wrong, the guy is completely alone and if he dies we'll see it happen.
Also insisted Kriss Angel actually has a pact with the devil because otherwise how could he make things as big as construction vehicles and buildings magically disappear? He definitely really does, it's on camera and there's a live audience.
I gave up at that point.
An ex dropped me off the first day at a job. He was late picking me up and when I called 30 min after my closing shift to see what was up, he said it was because the car was stolen. I called to find another ride so a friend came to get me instead.
Homeboy drove across the street to get a soda AND WALKED HOME. HE FORGOT THE CAR. We saw it on the way back to the apartment.
He drove across the street? Wouldn't that be more effort than the walk?
Explained to her that Mules were sterile.
She then asked " If they are sterile ..how do they urinate?".
She had received an email from what appeared to be a spam Best Buy account. I told her over the phone to ignore it. Got annoyed and hung up on me. Deal with it yourself I said. Bad move.
Said she was charged $400 for a software she got when she bought her Mac. Ended up calling the number and downloaded a software to give the scammers access to her laptop to “delete the software”.
Somehow they managed to get into her bank account and transferred money from one account to the other. They said while trying to refund her the $400, they accidentally refunded $9000, instantly. They told her if she didn’t want to go to jail she had to go to Walmart and buy $9000 worth of gift cards.
I arrived home to her hysterically crying while still on the phone with the scammers. I jumped on the phone and knew she’d got got. When I hung up on them she gasped and thought she was going to jail.
We were walking together in a park when an older lady with a small dog passed by, and she, inquiring about the dog, asked the owner, "is that a Belgian Waffle?" I laughed my a*s off and thought it was the funniest joke I had ever heard until I realized she was entirely straight faced. .
I'm married to someone who still asks, "what make is that dog?" Not breed or species... make. So I just always reply Tesla or Ford.
We had stopped by a gas station as I was taking her home from our first date. As we got done in line she uses both hands to scoop out all of the change from the give a penny take a penny tray. She then dumped it in her purse and told the cashier, "Thanks for patronizing me."
I was honestly struck silent with surprise until asking her outside why she'd done that. She then explained to me that she saw someone do it one time and thought, "Wow, that's what that's for?" Apparently the cashier had said to her, "Thanks for patronizing me," after the guy nabbing the tray had left and now she thought it was some kind of hack to get that change. She was very earnest, she really believed this.
Then on our second date she said some terrible things to our waitress and that was when I learned that you can still learn lessons from people who have life figured out even less than you do.
She didn't know dinosaurs were real animals. She thought they were made up, mythical creatures like a Pegasus.
He had this PIN number written ON THE CARD THAT THE PIN WAS FOR.
My MIL would do this. But she would.'disguise' it as $12.34 and think no body would see through it.
Had an argument with a girl I was seriously considering dating until the moment.
She told me she was scared to hold her breath because she would pass out and die.
I told her that her body would continue to breathe, even unconscious, just like when you’re asleep.
We got in an intense argument about it. And we did not end up dating.
When I mentioned that a particular restaurant made their own pickles and he firmly corrected me, informing me that "pickles grow on bushes.".
He thought the national anthem started 'Jose can you see'.
I have a copper bracelet I wear on occasion. It was hot out and I was getting sweaty so after several hours I had some green tarnish marks on my wrist. She freaked out thinking it was an allergic reaction. I tried explaining it was just from the salt and the same reaction is what made the statue of liberty green. Nope, still couldn’t grasp it and thought I was dying.
Oooh, this one reminds me of a naughty joke. A woman goes to the doctor and says "I've got these weird green marks on the insides of both thighs. See?" Doctor says "Hmm... are you a lesbian?" "Yes?" "Then tell your girlfriend her earrings aren't real gold."
Not sure if she's the idiot or her friend. She got a tattoo from her friend with the word Angle on it.
Obviously it was supposed to say Angel.
She and I climbed a small mountain about ten miles from the ocean. When we got to the top, she sees a small lake at the base of the mountain and asks me if it was the ocean. I started to laugh but caught myself when I realized she was serious.
Lots of people haven't seen the ocean, if you grow up poor you may not get to travel until you grow up!
It's not so much about never having seen the ocean. It's that she has zero concept of how high they climbed and the size of the ocean.
Load More Replies...I once asked my husband why all the boats at the beach had rocket launchers on them. Turns out they are fishing pole holders. Yes, I was serious. Yes I think I had heat stroke also. We still laugh about it to this day. Sometimes people just do stupid s**t.
Before digital cameras I was vacationing in some islands off of Africa, While there I took a day trip to another island & took a trip to the top of a 12,000 foot mountain. There were adults in my family who thought the clouds below were the ocean. They knew the ocean well but had not flown enough to know that one could be above the clouds. I'm sure that they ocean was indeed out there but obscured by the clouds.
In HS I was dating a girl, that when we watched the movie “300”, she asked me if all those people were real. I thought she meant live actors vs CGI. I told her a lot is real actors. She then asked me, “all of those people had to die to make this movie?” We stayed together for awhile after that, she had a great a*s.
Really does point out the shocking level of education of certain places. And what happens when several generations of idiots reproduce to make these people.
You are SO right! What's wrong with the education systems in these places?
Load More Replies...I think we all could do a better job differentiating between stupidity and ignorance. People have many many varied paths through life and what is "common" knowledge to one person is totally unknown to another. We can all do a better job of coexisting if we come at situations like these with kindness and offer education/information. Those that are open to learning have the chance to grow and those that willfully refuse to learn will have rightly earned your scorn.
I was trying to think how to say this and looked down and saw your post. Yeah, that's what I wanted to say. I mean, honestly, what I actually know and understand is pretty insignificant stacked up to all the things I don't know and don't understand.
Load More Replies...There’s a lot of teacher blaming in the comments. One of these days society will realize the problem is “students “ and only then will we see real change.
I think it's a combo of students and how hamstrung teachers are in their district in what they can say and teach and the inaccurate textbooks they're required to use. The appalling lack of sexual understanding, e.g., about periods and birth control, in millennials may be due to GW Bush's policy drastically curtailing what could be taught and basing a school's federal funding on whether they followed the policy. Around 1995 in Georgia (USA), my public high school science teacher was discussing the scientific theories of the creation of the earth and evolution of animals. She was required to discuss the word "theory" at length and required to teach the Bible's literal 7 day creation on Genesis 1 (even though Gen 2 contradicts it).
Load More Replies...Some of these are kinda hypocritical, dating a hot person just for their looks and then complain about them being stupid? I mean come on.
On second thoughts; maybe it's not that these people are stupid, it's that they have never been told facts about all sorts of things like geography and history and biology and science and -- well, life, the universe and everything. (Please forgive my awful grammar; I got rather carried away. )
This post reminds me why we are in the shape we are in as a country. SO many really ignorant people. A shame.
Really does point out the shocking level of education of certain places. And what happens when several generations of idiots reproduce to make these people.
You are SO right! What's wrong with the education systems in these places?
Load More Replies...I think we all could do a better job differentiating between stupidity and ignorance. People have many many varied paths through life and what is "common" knowledge to one person is totally unknown to another. We can all do a better job of coexisting if we come at situations like these with kindness and offer education/information. Those that are open to learning have the chance to grow and those that willfully refuse to learn will have rightly earned your scorn.
I was trying to think how to say this and looked down and saw your post. Yeah, that's what I wanted to say. I mean, honestly, what I actually know and understand is pretty insignificant stacked up to all the things I don't know and don't understand.
Load More Replies...There’s a lot of teacher blaming in the comments. One of these days society will realize the problem is “students “ and only then will we see real change.
I think it's a combo of students and how hamstrung teachers are in their district in what they can say and teach and the inaccurate textbooks they're required to use. The appalling lack of sexual understanding, e.g., about periods and birth control, in millennials may be due to GW Bush's policy drastically curtailing what could be taught and basing a school's federal funding on whether they followed the policy. Around 1995 in Georgia (USA), my public high school science teacher was discussing the scientific theories of the creation of the earth and evolution of animals. She was required to discuss the word "theory" at length and required to teach the Bible's literal 7 day creation on Genesis 1 (even though Gen 2 contradicts it).
Load More Replies...Some of these are kinda hypocritical, dating a hot person just for their looks and then complain about them being stupid? I mean come on.
On second thoughts; maybe it's not that these people are stupid, it's that they have never been told facts about all sorts of things like geography and history and biology and science and -- well, life, the universe and everything. (Please forgive my awful grammar; I got rather carried away. )
This post reminds me why we are in the shape we are in as a country. SO many really ignorant people. A shame.