50 People Who Were Not Messing Around When Preparing For Severe Weather
Interview With ExpertFor many of us, summer is all about reading books on the beach, eating juicy watermelon, enjoying barbecues with friends and spending some much needed time away from screens and out in nature. But as wonderful as the weather might be in your country during June, July and August, there’s a good chance that there are some storms brewing too.
People that live in regions that attract serious storms know the struggles of trying to prepare for extreme weather all too well. But when you don’t have a storm shelter to hide in or a garage to protect your car, you might have to get creative when it comes to preparing for nature to strike. Bored Panda has scoured the internet for the most amusing photos of people getting ready for extreme weather, so you’ll find some hilarious and brilliant tactics below. And keep reading to find conversations with Jacquelyn Fitzpatrick, Senior Brand Manager at Nielsen-Kellerman, and Jonathan Erdman, senior meteorologist for The Weather Company's Weather.com!
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My Mom Has 5 Sets Of China (Don't Ask) And Put Them In Her Pool Prior To Being Evacuated From Fires In Northern California. The Dishware Survived
You should know that a fire crew will use a pool as a water source. A P250 pump would chew and spit out almost everything
Pool Noodle Hail Protection
No only clever and effective, but visually appealing as well. I appreciate the creator having the wherewithal to include an element of visual appeal with precise noodle placement revealing a lovely blue, green, orange pattern. That little extra attention to detail is very satisfying and appreciated.
Trash Bags Filled With Water
I'm impressed. Where I live (some minor floods region, nothing drastic but enough to ruin your basement &1st floor if unprepared) town council hands out "Sandsäcke" (bags for putting sand in it) for free, then you can fill it with sand. But for both you need a car and strength but a lot of elderly people around...well, it's nice for the mobile people in their prime but all the others? Yes, neighbours help here but sometimes it's just so fast.... Whereas *this* is a solution even a granny could manage , they just had to buy some quality bags before. 👏🏻*Slow impressed clapping from the background* ... scurrying off to tell my neighbourhood avuelas about this...
Personally, I love a good storm. As long as I’m in the comfort and safety of my own home, I am more than happy to listen to thunder roar and watch lightning flashes through the window all evening long. The smell of rain is so refreshing, and seeing lightning strike is absolutely mesmerizing. But as much fun as being a spectator of a strong summer storm is, the sad reality is that extreme storms can take and destroy people’s lives.
According to CISA, there have been 186 severe storms in the United States since 1980 that have each caused over $1 billion in damage. Over 100,000 thunderstorms hit the U.S. every year, and about one in ten reaches a severe level. This means that the storm includes winds of 58 miles per hour or more, pieces of hail one inch in diameter or larger and/or tornadic activity.
The Hurricane Chicken Hotel Is Ready For Business
They Are Going To End Up There Anyway
A Bike For Rainy Weather
It’s no surprise that these severe storms can have a huge impact on the environment and residents’ lives. Sadly, climate disasters and extreme weather killed over 5,000 Americans between 2016 and 2022, Climate.gov reports. And it appears that severe weather and climate disasters are only becoming more and more common.
The Office for Coastal Management notes on their site that 2022 was a particularly devastating year, as the United States was hit with 18 climate disasters that each cost the country over a billion dollars. 2023 also managed to set multiple weather and climate records as well, with the sea surface temperature reaching +1.78°F or +0.99°C for the first time in the 174 years that NOAA has been recording its temperature.
A Hailstorm Ripped Through This Tropical Fruit Farm On The Sunshine Coast Late Yesterday Afternoon
A Jeep Owner In Dallas Covered Their Wrangler With Air Mattresses Before A Hail Storm
To learn more about how to prepare for extreme weather, we reached out to Jacquelyn Fitzpatrick, Senior Brand Manager at Nielsen-Kellerman, who was kind enough to have a chat with Bored Panda.
"Using an Ambient Weather® station is one of the most effective ways to prepare for severe weather because it provides real-time data right from your own backyard," Jacquelyn shared. "Unlike generalized weather reports, your Ambient Weather station monitors the exact conditions at your home, allowing you to detect critical changes in temperature, humidity, barometric pressure, wind speed, and more as storms approach."
Excuse The Mulch, There Was An Incoming Hail Storm A While Back
"Pairing your station with the free Ambient Weather Network™ (AWN) app enhances this by giving you instant access to customized weather alerts and detailed forecasts," the expert continued. "Regularly monitoring this hyper-localized data gives you the crucial insight needed to make timely decisions that protect your home and family."
Prepared And Ready For The Hurricane Season
Hail Protection For Starlink Disk
Yesterday the weather forecast predicted hail, so I wanted to protect the dish in the event of hail. I used a piece of foam and the dish installation bag I got with my post-installation kit. I just covered it and left it in place for the night.
It did slow down performance, but I was able to remove it easily the next day, without issue. Cheap and effective.
“Buckle Up, A Hurricane Is Coming”
We also asked Jacquelyn if there are any common mistakes people often make when prepping for severe weather. She noted that relying solely on generalized weather reports can be a mistake, as they often come from airports miles away from your location.
"These reports may not accurately reflect the conditions in your immediate area, leading to underestimating the severity of an approaching storm," she explained. "Using an Ambient Weather® station with the AWN app can help you monitor hyper-localized conditions in your exact location. This ensures you have the most accurate and relevant data, allowing you to make better-informed decisions for storm preparation."
Hailstorm Expected In Istanbul
Hailstorm Was Expected In Istanbul. We Got A Cute Cat Instead
When There’s Baseball-Sized Hail And You Park Outside
I admire (snort) his confidence bout would it not be a better plan to park under that tree?
And if you don't have a weather station, Jacquelyn says you can still rely on the free and ad-free Ambient Weather Network™ app to access real-time weather data from nearby stations.
"AWN is an open-source website and app that allows you to access hundreds of thousands of public PWS weather stations, including government stations. When you open the app, you will encounter an interactive map of weather stations, weather cameras, and map layers that provide an incredibly detailed and hyper-local view of current conditions," she told Bored Panda.
"With this data, you can easily find information about localized temperature, humidity, pressure, wind speed, and precipitation levels at critical points like your home, neighborhood, or evacuation route, allowing you to better prepare for the storm's impact. Download the app on iOS and Android or visit www.ambientweather.net."
Prepping For Tropical Storm Colin: Placed The Chairs At The Bottom Of The Pool
"In addition to the steps mentioned, we recommend regular maintenance of your personal weather station to ensure it's always ready when you need it most," Jacquelyn added. "Keeping your sensors clean and well-calibrated and checking the station's connectivity can provide you with the most accurate and timely information."
"Being prepared isn't just about having the right tools; it's about ensuring those tools are in top working order," the expert says. "Stay safe, stay informed, and trust in your Ambient Weather station to help you navigate through any storm."
How Did They Lift The Car High Enough To Slide The Trampoline Under It?
My Family’s Hurricane Preparation
We were also lucky enough to get in touch with Jonathan Erdman, senior meteorologist for The Weather Company's Weather.com, to hear his thoughts on this topic.
When prepping for severe weather, Jonathan says to first figure out where you’re going to take shelter if necessary. "If you live in a mobile home, figure out where either a designated storm shelter or the nearest sturdy building is that you can get to quickly," he shared. "Then, be aware of the threat of severe weather. Check your forecast every day. If it mentions severe thunderstorms possible, know that you may have to take shelter later in the day if severe weather moves into your area."
A Secret Technique To Protect Your Car Against Flooding
"Have multiple ways of receiving watches and warnings from the National Weather Service. That includes a NOAA weather radio and a smartphone app with alerts turned on that can wake you up if you’re sleeping," the meteorologist added.
Another Hailstorm Hit Us Yesterday. I Was Grateful For The Hail Protection Netting
Courier's Hail Prevention
My Neighbor Has A Big Inflatable Thing To Protect His Car From Hail
"A good excuse to keep your garage clean is the ability to park your vehicle in the garage when either a hailstorm or damaging thunderstorm winds approach," Jonathan added. "Don’t neglect maintaining trees near your home. If any are leaning toward your house, have sagging branches or have died, have that tree work done as soon as possible. It’s much less hassle and less dangerous than having a tree fall on your home and dealing with your insurer."
Fun Way To Protect Your Car
Hurricane Prep
I See Your Noodle Hail Protection And Raise You... I Don't Even Know
"By the way, this threat of falling trees is dangerous. It doesn’t take severe weather, either. Strong winds, heavy, wet snow or ice accumulation can down limbs or trees," Jonathan told Bored Panda.
"When I receive a severe thunderstorm warning on my smartphone that mentions strong wind gusts, I head to my basement for that very reason. It almost goes without saying, but try not to drive in severe thunderstorms," the expert added. "Falling trees or large limbs can crush some vehicles."
Possibly There's No Better Way To Use Your Inflatable Mattress
No Carport No Problem Filled Garbage Bags With Leaves And Rolled Them Up In The Windows To Keep Them In Place
Hail Protector On And I’m Ready For Tonight
Got caught in some pea-sized hail earlier, but luckily there was no damage. But for tonight, I’m not taking chances. This thing has paid for itself three times already! It ain’t cheap, but it's better than an insurance deductible.
We hope you’re enjoying the creative photos on this list, pandas. But hopefully you won’t be hit with any serious storms any time soon! Keep upvoting the pics you find most amusing, and let us know your best storm-prep tips in the comments below. Then, if you’d like to check out even more photos of wild weather, we recommend reading this Bored Panda article next!
Well, That's One Way To Protect Your Home From Floods
Preparing For Hurricane Dorian In Hialeah
How To Prepare For A Hailstorm 101
Or... That's a photo of their collapsed blanket shed after the storm rolled through.
It’s That Time Of The Year! Portable Shade Cloth Up
I've learned this the hard way. Summer 2019 our village was hit by a thunderstorm no weather app had seen coming. It flooded our cellar (through the house connections!) and shredded ALL my vegetables and fruit: tomatoes, cucumbers, salad, courgettes, pears, berries, bell peppers. Everything. My entire produce. It was my second year of gardening and the vegetables looked fabulous before. I remember breaking down crying when I saw this after spending hours drying our cellar while my husband was at a festival. Since then I use those nets above.
Preparing For The Hailstorm Tonight
Before someone else says it: It's possible that OP lives with multiple people, all of whom have their own cars and park in the garage. OP may have drawn the short straw and have to be the one who parks outside.
My Neighbor's Hail Deterrent
"But there's a garage right ther-" (Clawed to death by bored pandas.)
This Joke Works
Building Some Shade Cloth-Covered Protectors For My Plants This Year, As I Don't Want A Repeat Of Last Year's Hail Damage
Look out! A submarine periscope is coming up through your patio!
It's More Cost-Effective To Wrap And Tape Than To Pay For Repairs After A Severe Hailstorm
It would be great if there was a pair of underwear taped on there somewhere.
Approaching Hail Storm. Can't Fit 2 Cars In A One-Car Garage
Just Texans, Who Are Preparing For A Hail Storm
Used Bags Of Potting Soil To Shield The Vehicle’s Sunroof In A Recent Storm
Next time tape some blankets on top to protect that potting soil.
I Keep Hail/Shade Fabric Over My Tomatoes All Season. Even Small Hail Can Devastate The Leaves Of A Young Tomato Plant
Small hail can damage a tomato like a 50 cal bullet going through those Japanese glass fish net floats that wash up on the beach sometimes.
Hail Protection
So many garages that don't get used for the very thing they were built for.
Ready For Hail Storm. I Hope My Garden Survives
Hail Prepping
Bring On The Hail (Not Really Though - I Don’t Want To Replace All My Other Stuff)
PSA to those who are about to type "why not park in garage?": Some people aren't able to fit the cars they happen to own into the garages of their homes. Additionally, sometimes multiple people live in one home. Sometimes, those other people even have their own cars and park in the garage. OP could just be the family member/house member who doesn't get to park inside because there's no room. That's why companies MAKE these "hail shield" things for cars - because not everyone can park in their garage, even when their house HAS a garage.
Hail Storm At Pahalgam
When The Garage Is Full And You Live In Texas, And They Say There Is A Possible Softball-Sized Hail
There Has Got To Be A Better Way Than This To Protect My Garden From Hailstorms
Hurricane Preparation
Would it have been more wise to tie the kayak down in an inverted position so it can't fill up with water?
How To Protect Your Car From Hurricane Irma
I guess the guy with the baseball glove might make it though.
Load More Replies...Will need to bear this in mind if a warning is issued for hailstorms here in the UK... Never bothered before. Step one: clear the garage! 😂
Hailstorms here are no joke. I've seen them take out buildings and those overhangs over gas pumps, windshields, windows, car panels
Load More Replies...One time a hail storm started when I was at home. I quickly grabbed all my blankets and ran outside to throw them on the car to prevent the windows from getting broken. While doing this, a hailstone hit my finger so hard that I thought my finger was broken. I wasn't worried about getting hit on the head. That probably would have just shattered that hailstone.
After the second "But there's a garage just there!" and the next twenty comments explaining Why the garage might not be useful I started to lose the will.... To give a damn 🤦🏻♀️🤣🤣
so many people have clearly never been one of 5 roommates renting a house with a one car garage.
Where I am, maybe 9 ish a year. Maybe 1-3 with softball size hail
Load More Replies...I'm now wondering exactly how many people who kept saying - "Park in your garage, park in your garage!!!!"... Actually do park in their garages themselves... That got a bit repetitive to say the least.
I guess people don't realize that hail can damage the sides of your car too.
Or they don't have additional items to protect the whole car so they go with what they have.
Load More Replies...I got so bored of the same ideas over and over, I just skipped here to the end to moan about it.
I guess the guy with the baseball glove might make it though.
Load More Replies...Will need to bear this in mind if a warning is issued for hailstorms here in the UK... Never bothered before. Step one: clear the garage! 😂
Hailstorms here are no joke. I've seen them take out buildings and those overhangs over gas pumps, windshields, windows, car panels
Load More Replies...One time a hail storm started when I was at home. I quickly grabbed all my blankets and ran outside to throw them on the car to prevent the windows from getting broken. While doing this, a hailstone hit my finger so hard that I thought my finger was broken. I wasn't worried about getting hit on the head. That probably would have just shattered that hailstone.
After the second "But there's a garage just there!" and the next twenty comments explaining Why the garage might not be useful I started to lose the will.... To give a damn 🤦🏻♀️🤣🤣
so many people have clearly never been one of 5 roommates renting a house with a one car garage.
Where I am, maybe 9 ish a year. Maybe 1-3 with softball size hail
Load More Replies...I'm now wondering exactly how many people who kept saying - "Park in your garage, park in your garage!!!!"... Actually do park in their garages themselves... That got a bit repetitive to say the least.
I guess people don't realize that hail can damage the sides of your car too.
Or they don't have additional items to protect the whole car so they go with what they have.
Load More Replies...I got so bored of the same ideas over and over, I just skipped here to the end to moan about it.