People Are Throwing Punches At Late-Stage Capitalism, And Here Are 50 Of The Best Posts
Younger generations are often criticized as being lazy and entitled, but this isn’t a new phenomenon at all. From branding Gen Z as the “snowflake generation” to accusing Millennials of prioritizing buying avocados over houses, many Boomers see them as someone who hasn't figured out life yet.
But can we blame them? With the cost of living crisis, climate change, the pandemic, and geopolitical tensions weighing heavily on their minds, it can be hard for anyone. Evidence shows that nearly half of Zoomers (46%) and four in 10 millennials (39%) feel stressed most of the time. Not to mention burnout at work, which has been at an all-time high since 2021. So it’s no surprise that these youngsters prefer to do the bare minimum.
It seems that the younger generations are simply tired of the chaos and pressures of the modern world. Fortunately, the subreddit “Anti Work” is a place where they can vent their frustrations and blow off at least some of the accumulated steam.
We’ve compiled a list of screenshots that prove the struggles of Millennials and Gen Z and why we should consider cutting them some slack for not showing up as their best selves every day.
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Couldn't Have Said It Any Better 👏 💯
The Free Market Works Both Ways
That’s Pretty Much Every Major American Uni…
The youngest employees are already feeling stressed and exhausted, even in the earliest stages of their careers. Psychotherapist Kim Hollingdale believes that the younger generations have “the worst collection of stressors” among workers right now - from a lack of power at work to the hustle culture and inability to relax. Although all generations might face a lot of professional challenges, the youth have the least authority to set boundaries and say no to tasks. Many feel pressure to perform and take on a big workload that leaves them exhausted.
No Teacher Shortage
Lack of support from school administrators doesn’t help either. It’s one of the reasons my husband quit teaching.
Maybe You Are Right
No One Wants To Work. Our Turnover Is Terrible
Another big stressor for Gen Z and Millennials is money, with about 40% reporting worries about their finances. Of course, many workers have also encountered similar problems, but it’s more severe now as the cost of living is rising much faster than salaries. For example, in the US, home prices increased by 121% in the last 56 years, while income rose only by 29%. This makes it more difficult to reach milestones like marriage and homeownership.
I Want To Watch This Show!
Better idea. TELL her there’s a show, pretend to film it, don’t bother, film her at the end when she’s nothing to show for a year in work.
Why Indeed
Could Not Agree More
Retirement Age
Additionally, people who feel like they are unprepared or have failed to reach big goals might suffer from milestone anxiety. It may seem that everyone else is graduating, buying a house, getting married, being promoted, or starting a successful business, and you’re running slightly behind to take these steps. New research suggests that the pressure to hit such milestones is affecting younger people more than previous generations. Shockingly, even 83% of 16 to 24-year-olds feel forced to reach them. In retrospect, that’s way too young to be worrying about not being good enough just because you don’t have a house and all your friends do.
When You’re So Antiwork You End Up Working
This is brilliant! Hurt the company but not the many people that depend on the service
It's So Simple, Yet So Hard For People To Grasp
Nevertheless, in order to reach these aims faster, Gen Z and Millennials pick up additional work or start side hustles to get extra money. Freelance content creation, graphic design, small online businesses, and tutoring are just a few popular options among younger people that are flexible enough to combine with a full-time job and provide added income.
This 👍👍
Who’s The Boss Now?
My Dad died from cancer in August just gone. My work told me to go & be with him in his last few days before he passed. Then gave me a week after he had gone to grieve. I didn't expect it, but they paid me my full wage.
Telling Them Not To Throw A Party, Throwing A Party, Then Getting Fired For Your Reaction
These pursuits help to unleash creativity and make them more financially stable, all while creating a passion project or a brand that belongs solely to them. However, long additional working hours have been linked to exhaustion and burnout, which Zoomers and Millennials are strongly connected to.
It’s Not That People Don’t Want To Work Anymore, Even If I Was Rich I’d Still Work Because I’d Be Bored, But Our Futures Are F**ked Right Now With These Living Wages
Over The Two Years, Can't Afford To Give A Living Wage Either
They take more and more of the collective wealth every year. Tax them before they take everything ffs, or change the system.
We Had To Take An "Anonymous" Survey At Work Today. This Is My Somewhat Strongly Worded Response
Contrary to older generations’ beliefs, their successors aren’t work-shy; they’re just not that fond of hustle culture. Today, many focus less on working to the point of extreme fatigue for an employer in order to move up the corporate ladder and more on building their dream careers by themselves. It also acts as a security blanket in case a company fires them. All that’s left is to move forward or take on your passion project full-time. After you start working for yourself, you can’t really get fired.
Self Care On Your Free Time Is Priority Above All Else
I'd Show Up Every Day Like Spongebob «im Ready Im Ready Im Ready»
As It Should Be
While searching for a healthy work-life balance, some younger employees are “quiet quitting” their jobs. It’s a phenomenon when workers are fulfilling their responsibilities and working hours without going above and beyond for a company that just doesn’t seem to care about them. They’re merely starting to work for what they’re paid for. This is a response to many things in work culture - unreasonable expectations, a toxic work environment, a heavy workload, and micromanagement. If these issues aren't addressed, the employee may have no choice but to dial back on their efforts.
Can't We Just Troll Sue Them Into Oblivion?
I need context here. To the googles! Ahhh! So they were growing the potatoes for FOOD and this variety of potato is licenced by Pepsi. So it's similar to the Round Up Ready suit back around 20 years ago in the USA.
Undercover Bum
F**k You Pepsi
Of course, there are areas where they could improve, for example, by changing the ways they choose to unwind after work. Gen Z is more likely to use social media to relax, with some spending 4.5 hours on it daily. This makes it more difficult to ignore work notifications that are a persistent reminder of all the haunting tasks waiting for you, which doesn’t sound calming at all. Also, if you’re always on the phone, it’s more compelling to answer a work text than if you’re taking a stroll outside or having dinner with your family.
Teen Vogue’s Out There Educating
Oh Hell Yes!
I’m Probably Going To Be Fired For This… But I Don’t Care
Gen Z and Millennials desire a more balanced and purpose-driven approach to work. They encourage companies to adapt to new values centered around their employees and focus on their mental health and overall well-being. As a result, employers are changing to attract and maintain this young workforce.
For example, some jobs provide their workers with unplanned mental health days a year, and the team is regularly reminded to take breaks and prohibited from doing any work on their days off.
The ones calling Gen Z and Millennials lazy aren’t really seeing the full picture here. Young people aren’t slacking right now but bringing a much-needed whiff of fresh air into the rigid work culture.
Pay Our Teachers More!
Just Gonna Leave This Here
Well This Is The Most Realistic I’ve Been Towards This
Most Truthful Reply
Tear It All Down
Please Come Save Us Alien Invaders
!!! This
My project management office went without a manager for almost a year - no issues. So our higher-ups decided to get rid of the office and move us to other units. My current supervisor told me to just stop working on projects, as our leadership clearly didn’t believe that the project managers were important. I am the only one left from the original office, everyone else has quit. Projects are not moving forward, we are out of legislative compliance, and my supervisor told leadership I was too busy with my new assignments to work on any projects. My supervisor told me it serves them right for being so shortsighted and not appreciating their employees. I love my supervisor!!
Saving Money By Eating At Home
The American Dream Is To Move Out
The American Dream is dead and buried. Welcome to the American Nightmare!
Just Get A Job
And some people don’t believe you should be able to afford that on minimum wage. “Get a better job” they say, while forgetting the fact that humans actually need to run the important gas stations and grocery stores and restaurants and they deserve to be able to pay their bills (and more) while serving the rest of us!
Screw You Guys, I'm Going Home
There's Not A Teacher Shortage. There's A Teacher Pay Shortage
There are lot of contributing factors, but a lot of it is misuse of funds/power. California had a state teachers union walkout a few years ago because a raise was not even budgeted for teachers, but the people determining where the money went all got fat raises. The education system is so corrupt.
McDonald's Can Pay. Join The Mcboycott
But you still find people insisting that raising the minimum wage in the US will raise fast food burger prices. Maybe we need to stop prioritizing huge faceless corporations’ record profits year-over-year and start prioritizing the lives and happiness of the humans that work to make that corporation possible. What’s the point of having a job if you can’t survive off it?
*cries In Millennial/Zoomer*
This Showed Up On My Newsfeed Today And I Couldn’t Agree More
Pretty much sums up every financial argument I’ve had with my dad for the last 20ish years.
Absolutely Removed From Reality
This Is Not The Sick Own They Think It Is
Yes, Hahaha- Yes!
Asking The Real Questions
The Gift That Keeps On Giving
Lost my job managing a taproom at a brewery as it was 'slow season' turns out they do this to all the previous managers, a few weeks after they contacted me as they couldn't find the files I had for staff, events, rotas, basically everything to run the bar. In their eagerness they had wiped my laptop with ALL the files. gone. HA.
Entitled Bricks
yes but what are the solutions? unionise. Vote capitalists out. Create a new social democrat party. Bernie for president. There, I fixed it for you.
it really isn't easy to be young in these times. everything got more expensive, i won't get a pension that i could live of. BUT (ogod i gonna get hate for this) at least i live in an european country with universal health care and employment rights... i have 5 weeks of vacation every year that i HAVE to take! when i'm sick i can stay at home and don't have to worry about my salary (if i'm sick for more than 8 months, i get a pay cut by 20%). USA what are you doing?
We have to be vigilant we don’t go the US way though. Many of us already lost livable pensions and the ability to afford a home, more and more Europeans are also living below the poverty line, even if we still have universal health care and employment rights.
Load More Replies...My step dad died earlier this year, my mum lives in a remote area, she's had to get rid of the car, she struggles to maintain contact as phone reception isn't good, the internet connection had been removed and she struggles to keep warm now, when the weather is colder I don't know how she will manage. She walks miles to get any groceries.....not all boomers can afford to live, some struggle to even exist
The "generation war" is just another manufactured controversy to distract the populace from the real, solvable issues.
Load More Replies...yes but what are the solutions? unionise. Vote capitalists out. Create a new social democrat party. Bernie for president. There, I fixed it for you.
it really isn't easy to be young in these times. everything got more expensive, i won't get a pension that i could live of. BUT (ogod i gonna get hate for this) at least i live in an european country with universal health care and employment rights... i have 5 weeks of vacation every year that i HAVE to take! when i'm sick i can stay at home and don't have to worry about my salary (if i'm sick for more than 8 months, i get a pay cut by 20%). USA what are you doing?
We have to be vigilant we don’t go the US way though. Many of us already lost livable pensions and the ability to afford a home, more and more Europeans are also living below the poverty line, even if we still have universal health care and employment rights.
Load More Replies...My step dad died earlier this year, my mum lives in a remote area, she's had to get rid of the car, she struggles to maintain contact as phone reception isn't good, the internet connection had been removed and she struggles to keep warm now, when the weather is colder I don't know how she will manage. She walks miles to get any groceries.....not all boomers can afford to live, some struggle to even exist
The "generation war" is just another manufactured controversy to distract the populace from the real, solvable issues.
Load More Replies...