‘Neckbeards’: 35 Times People Shared Their Opinions Without Realizing How Hateful They Are
"Neckbeard" is a pejorative online term to describe a person who exhibits social awkwardness, underachievement, and pretentiousness.
It's a reference to the poor grooming and hygiene standards associated with these folks, and their facial hair in particular, which, according to the stereotype, is unkempt and extends down their neck.
This doesn't mean that every guy with man fur under his chin automatically becomes one. Plus, people's personalities are so nuanced that it's often impossible to make an accurate assessment of them from something they say on the internet.
However, it it does mean that if you are hateful towards others just because you need to mask your personal insecurity and a lack of self-confidence, you might end up on the subreddit 'Neckbeard' as punishment. Here are the ones who did.
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Sorry Ladies
Too funny - I actually said that out loud before I scrolled down to the text.
Stop Kissing M’ladys Hand
Dr. Lauren Rosewarne, author of 'Cyberbullies, Cyberactivists, Cyberpredators: Film, TV, and Internet Stereotypes' and Associate Professor in the School of Social and Political Sciences at the University of Melbourne, Australia, said a good example of a neckbeard in popular culture is Jeff Albertson from The Simpsons.
"The fat, pony-tailed and bearded sarcastic misanthrope [is] more commonly known as the Comic Book Guy," she said. "In the Bart the Fink episode, Albertson wheels a barrow full of tacos through town commenting 'Yes, this should provide adequate sustenance for the Doctor Who marathon.'
Then there's Plague from The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo (2011). "Surrounded by junk food packaging, this greasy hacker has the gracelessness to use the toilet – door agape – with [the] company still in his apartment."
Neckbeard Found A “Girlfriend”
Don't Know If This Has Been Posted Here
"Stop Telling Me To Get A Job"
"At a cursory glance, the neckbeard is an easy figure to both loathe and laugh at: he’s the fat guy whose whole pathetic life plays out exclusively in cyberspace," Dr. Rosewarne said.
"This screen stereotype, however, has other interesting elements to it."
Neckbeard Gets Pissed Because Unlike His Expectations, The Us Army Is Not All 80s Sylvester Stallon Clones
Oh S**t, He’s Gonna Take Legal Action!
Can we please find out who he is and forward this message to his mum?
Is That So Much To Ask??
At its inception, virtually every new technology had been associated with fears of addiction and the internet certainly hadn't avoided this, either.
As Dr. Rosewarne pointed out, by the mid-1990s, the online world was said to be ruining relationships and socially isolating teenagers.
"The screen’s neckbeard is a product of this: he's not just a user of the technology, the technology is his life."
I Just Can’t
I. What. This is entry #2 currently and I'm too angry for this side of humanity rn. I can't even.
Local Weaboo Upset About Japan Not Being Their Fantasyland
Dude, You Stink
The answer is there. Why not just wash? Is this 'I'm right and smarter" or is it depression?
In this context, the neckbeard is a physical incarnation of modern gluttony – too much sedentariness, too much darkness, too much isolation, too much computing.
"He is what happens to the body – to society – when we become too reliant on machines: we go soft, we go to fat," Dr. Rosewarne added.
Found On Twitter, Where Neckbeards Still Prey On Ukrainian Refugees
This Is What Comes To Your Head?
Men and women can be friends and have no romantic feelings for each other
Now That's True Love
"The neckbeard is unkempt, of course, because heft and dishevelment are regularly coupled on screen in a culture loathing of fatness," she continued. "But he’s unkempt because of his computing. He’s not leaving his basement, he’s not socializing; the machine has made him reclusive and facilitated his isolation."
But as you can see from these pictures, as well as our previous publications on the subreddit People On This Group Are Shaming ‘Neckbeards’, And Here Are 30 Of Their Best Posts and 30 Entitled ‘Neckbeards’ Who Showed Their True Colors, As Shared By This Online Group (New Pics), the neckbeard is often also a jerk. Be it a misogynist, or just another troll, this character amuses himself by being a bastard online.
Just Saw This And Figured It Belonged Here. Yikes. Comments Are Currently Ripping Him Apart
I would go turn myself in as a psychopath to the nearest policeman I can find. Let her cry her eyes out after you her whole life while you're in prison becaues she is missing out on so much.
Check Those Drives
Most Likely A Neccbeard
Who Hurt This Guy?
Dr. Rosewarne said the repulsive exteriors of this stereotype "function as an insight into their filthy psychology."
"These men are socially isolated, and behind their monitors (and invariably in the bravery of mom’s basement), they get to stand up to their tormentors – to the women, for example, who ignored them – and feel a modicum of (digital) power," she said.
No wonder we love to hate these characters.
Broski She Just Said She Had A Boyfriend
This Neckbeard Wants Kawaii Sharia Law
This guy is one of the reasons why forensic psychiatric hospitals exist
How Dare You Be Sad About People Making Deepfake Porn Of Yourself? Like, Grow Up!
Think About It
“Accidentally” Dressed In The Fully Identical Costume Of An Anime Character
The Last Thing His Enemies See Before Filing A Police Report
Saw This On Askmen Today… Yikes
"Basically I'm Looking For Me, But A Girl"
Which Circle Of The Infernal Spiral Does This Person Come From
Hot Tub Offer
Neckbeard Movie Review
Local Man Fetishizes Students
A stalker taking photos. So these guys go to this site to normalise such behaviour?
For Neckbeards Too
He Only Watches The Most Cultured Anime
I don’t understand a single word of this and I’d like to keep it that way.
Even Married Folks Can Give Off Neckbeard-Vibes
I like how so many think only men have testosterone. Fun fact! When a person is mensturating, testosterone production levels are at their highest in that person's system.This increase in testosterone is directly correlated to a marked spike in emotional disregulation and "irrational behavior"
This is why women are more stable than men. We have two X chromosomes all nice and sturdy. Men have that Y chromosome that has to balance on one leg. 😁
Load More Replies...Friend of my husband's (He's in his early 40s) was prescribed testosterone (topical or injections, I don't know the specifics) by his doctor due to low testosterone level. He flipped out, refuses to go back to the doctor because, in his own (paraphrased) words that doctor told him he was turning gay, and that the doctor doesn't know how testosterone works because the only way to raise your testosterone levels is to "get angry." "Like if somebody started hitting on my wife in front of me, thrn your testosterone levels raise!" It hurt my brain so much to hear this manchild try to scientifically explain his reasoning.
I heard of this couple! They ‘procreate for the intellectual gains of society’ or something like that. They consider themselves genetically superior.
They both look like the people l strategically avoid at the company's Xmas party
Load More Replies...Aren't these those eugenicist dorks that want to breed a society of computer touchers and ~deep thinkers~ or whatever out of Silicon Valley's dregs?
The internet doesn't have enough bandwidth to fully describe the myriad ways these clowns are f****d up.
Load More Replies...They’re like the couple from Parks and Rec, the Langman’s, that are always getting in Leslie’s way. You know the ones that protest the gay penguin wedding, teaching seniors about safe sex, and, insisting Centaur Leslie art be destroyed.
Fun fact: men experience a natural drop in testosterone in their 40s/50s. This shift caused them to suddenly start noticing and prioritizing their various relationships. Which is why you get a lot of men suddenly regretting and trying to repair their relationships with their kids around that age, rekindle things with their wives, or, terribly, starting second families, whom they treat better than their first.
I wonder why baby's faces are scrambled. It's not as if they are generally recognized anyway. Or am I the only one that could never recognize them if I wanted to?
You stand for very little, Bored Wankas. Go ahead and take all my points and relegate me into the negative. I am astounded that I have followed this website for several years believing they espoused common values, only to learn they are happy to financially capitalise on the denigration of whole swathes of marginalised populations. F**K YOU BORED PANDA - you are yet another irrelevant piece of s**t flung on the walls of yesteryear.
I Don't Think I've Ever Seen An Actual "Funny Meme" On That Shithole
Incels On Twitter
If all you are attracted to are children and young teenagers, 22 IS a definite wall . . . .
Upvoting anything in this post feels wrong despite it’s just changing the orders on BP.
same... It feels as if you are "liking" what is said while it's actually scary. Psychological thriller...imagine if this train of thought is gaining momentum and in 10 years more and more will think like this. It's why I never watched the Handmaids tale, I read the synopsis and it was too horrible for me. It's not just a "distopian" novel, it's a thriller, horror. A very very scary tale.
Load More Replies...I had a difficult time reading through these. I am still hoping someone will tell me these are joke posts and not real.
Unfortunately no, they are very real. For the most part these are men who were raised to be dependents, unable to function in society without someone else to be their minder.
Load More Replies...I have nothing to offer, I hate everything and everyone, and I only watch the correct kind of anime. Why aren’t the hottest women fighting over the chance to be with me? Must be beta cuck liberal feminism’s fault. It’s not fair!
To people who think humans are “innately good,” these are but a few examples of the horrid things some humans think, want and act upon. Some of these people are misguided and can change but many are beyond hope. While we shouldn’t assume people are bad or will do bad things, we must be on guard for people like this.
Education is everything. Most of these creeps seem very ignorant, and completely lacking any empathy.
Load More Replies...Whelp, regret my decision to read this article. I'm gonna go quietly hate people in a corner now.
Wow, that was eye-opening. I never see this irl. What is wrong with these people? Is it so hard to talk to women? It doesn't matter, these troglodytes would be sunk the moment they opened their mouths.
Yeah, because guys like this are often too cowardly to be this openly misogynistic in person, or if they do, only within their own circles. (Gentle criticism, but calling us 'females' is commonly associated with guys like these; it's an adjective that treats girls/women like we're a different species. I'd be very grateful if you could start calling us girls, women, ladies, etc.)
Load More Replies...The fact that men like this exist by the thousands is proof enough that sexuality is not a choice; no woman would voluntarily be attracted to this.
sometimes I don't understand why a serial killer would just kill strangers but after reading this post it kinda makes sense
These guys need to get AI girlfriends. It's their best hope of a simulated relationship. Usually I'm not a fan of AI "relationships" but given that these guys don't seem to view women as actual people, the lack of authentic intimacy and personhood is probrably not an issue for them.
This post is making me lose faith in humanity. Why are they like this?
Oh look. The downvote fairies back again… prepare the satanic rituals
Does anyone else think these are about 90% trolls just having fun by making people rage?
Every time I don't want to shave, I think of neckbeards and shave my neck anyway.
I hope you people have the skills to build a society like you want. I doubt it. I don't have many years left, so hopefully I will not be here to watch it's collapse.
Upvoting anything in this post feels wrong despite it’s just changing the orders on BP.
same... It feels as if you are "liking" what is said while it's actually scary. Psychological thriller...imagine if this train of thought is gaining momentum and in 10 years more and more will think like this. It's why I never watched the Handmaids tale, I read the synopsis and it was too horrible for me. It's not just a "distopian" novel, it's a thriller, horror. A very very scary tale.
Load More Replies...I had a difficult time reading through these. I am still hoping someone will tell me these are joke posts and not real.
Unfortunately no, they are very real. For the most part these are men who were raised to be dependents, unable to function in society without someone else to be their minder.
Load More Replies...I have nothing to offer, I hate everything and everyone, and I only watch the correct kind of anime. Why aren’t the hottest women fighting over the chance to be with me? Must be beta cuck liberal feminism’s fault. It’s not fair!
To people who think humans are “innately good,” these are but a few examples of the horrid things some humans think, want and act upon. Some of these people are misguided and can change but many are beyond hope. While we shouldn’t assume people are bad or will do bad things, we must be on guard for people like this.
Education is everything. Most of these creeps seem very ignorant, and completely lacking any empathy.
Load More Replies...Whelp, regret my decision to read this article. I'm gonna go quietly hate people in a corner now.
Wow, that was eye-opening. I never see this irl. What is wrong with these people? Is it so hard to talk to women? It doesn't matter, these troglodytes would be sunk the moment they opened their mouths.
Yeah, because guys like this are often too cowardly to be this openly misogynistic in person, or if they do, only within their own circles. (Gentle criticism, but calling us 'females' is commonly associated with guys like these; it's an adjective that treats girls/women like we're a different species. I'd be very grateful if you could start calling us girls, women, ladies, etc.)
Load More Replies...The fact that men like this exist by the thousands is proof enough that sexuality is not a choice; no woman would voluntarily be attracted to this.
sometimes I don't understand why a serial killer would just kill strangers but after reading this post it kinda makes sense
These guys need to get AI girlfriends. It's their best hope of a simulated relationship. Usually I'm not a fan of AI "relationships" but given that these guys don't seem to view women as actual people, the lack of authentic intimacy and personhood is probrably not an issue for them.
This post is making me lose faith in humanity. Why are they like this?
Oh look. The downvote fairies back again… prepare the satanic rituals
Does anyone else think these are about 90% trolls just having fun by making people rage?
Every time I don't want to shave, I think of neckbeards and shave my neck anyway.
I hope you people have the skills to build a society like you want. I doubt it. I don't have many years left, so hopefully I will not be here to watch it's collapse.