This Online Community Shares “Totally True Stories That Definitely 100% Happened” And Here’re 30 Of The Most Hilarious Ones
I'm fine. What are you talking about, you do not look fat in those jeans. I'll give you a call.
We lie all the time. And we get away with it quite often, too. But some folks push their made-up narrative so far, it's hard to imagine anyone actually believing them.
So they end up on the subreddit r/thatHappened. Its members share evidence of "people telling outrageous tall tales that would make Walter Mitty proud" and they have compiled quite the archive since the creation of this online community in 2012.
Here are some of its best gems.
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From Cursed Comments
Jesus Christ. What An Idiot
Sometimes people lie just to inflate their image—some think this motivation is the reason behind President Donald Trump's demonstrably false statement that his Inauguration crowd was bigger than President Barack Obama's first one. But people also lie to cover up bad behavior, as American swimmer Ryan Lochte did during the 2016 Summer Olympics by claiming to have been robbed at gunpoint at a gas station when, in fact, he and his teammates, drunk after a party, had been confronted by armed security guards after damaging property.
We can find similar examples even in fields that are dedicated to the search for eternal truth. And one doesn't have to look far, either. Take the physicist Jan Hendrik Schön, for example, whose purported breakthroughs in molecular semiconductor research proved to be fraudulent.
Imagine Getting Called Out Like That, By Harry Styles Himself
He swore to God. Imagine 'god' profile also replying: Stop using me for your lies, Mike.
Not Really Sure What Is There To Brag About Anyways
Running A 5k In 10 Minutes
Lying is something many of us are very good at. We do it while interacting with strangers, co-workers, friends, and loved ones. Turns out, our capacity for dishonesty is as fundamental to us as our need to trust others, which ironically makes us terrible at detecting lies. Being deceitful is woven into us, so much so that it would be truthful to say that to lie is human.
The ubiquity of lying was first documented systematically two decades ago by Bella DePaulo, a social psychologist at the University of California, Santa Barbara. DePaulo and her colleagues asked 147 adults to jot down for a week every instance they tried to mislead someone. The researchers discovered that the subjects lied on average one or two times a day. Most of these untruths were innocuous, intended to hide one's inadequacies or to protect the feelings of others. Some lies were excuses (one subject blamed the failure to take out the garbage on not knowing where it needed to go). Yet other lies, such as a claim of being a diplomat's son, were aimed at presenting a false image. While these were minor transgressions, a later study by DePaulo and other colleagues involving a similar sample indicated that most people have, at some point, told one or more "serious lies", like hiding an affair from a spouse, or making false claims on a college application.
How Does She Expect Anyone To Believe Her? My Mother Sent Me This From Our Neighborhood Facebook Group
What I read here is "I fantasized about committing assault on strangers to to promote my snake oil"
The Entire Sub Is Like This
And Then The Coronavirus Clapped
Researchers suggest that lying as a behavior arose pretty soon after the emergence of language. The ability to manipulate others without using physical force likely conferred an advantage in the competition for resources and mates, akin to the evolution of deceptive strategies in the animal kingdom, such as camouflage.
"Lying is so easy compared to other ways of gaining power," Sissela Bok, an ethicist at Harvard University who's one of the most prominent thinkers on the subject, told Nat Geo. "It's much easier to lie in order to get somebody's money or wealth than to hit them over the head or rob a bank.
"Experts are learning that we're prone to believe some lies even when they're easily contradicted by clear evidence. These insights suggest that our proclivity for deceiving others, and our vulnerability to being deceived, are especially consequential in the age of social media.
So in the case of r/ThatHappened, it's nice to see that we can still retain our ability to distinguish truth from fiction.
Antivax Jesus Made Me Want To Die
Lady Who Lives In Massive Fantasy Land Goes To Disneyland
Woman Finds Microchip In Her Son’s Mask!?
Of All The Things That Didn't Happen, This Didn't Happen The Most
Mhmm, Yeah Sure It Was
This one really annoys me! These self entitled, self absorbed mental midgets really think they have it that bad. It’s disrespectful and disgusting
This 2-Year-Old Must Have A Degree Already
Everyone’s Worst Nightmare
Oh Yeah. For Sure
but on the other hand she is probably still paying the hospital bills for the delivery of het son.
Brags To All Their Friends For Saving Their Life With Essential Oils
They are murderers in my eyes. They lie and naive people leave chemo to seek their bullshit oils and of course die.
Load More Replies...Soooo, she put essential oils directly into her aunts bloodstream? And the doctors okayed this in sueyourass America? Of course she did....
Not only did they okay it (sueyourass America -- I love it!) but the aunt lived after having oil put directly in her about miracles...
Load More Replies...An FYI: If you put oil into a bloodstream, if it's olive oil or essential oil or motor oil, you are essentially creating a fat embolism (technically, an "oil" emoblism.) You get lucky, it just lodges in your lung. You don't, well, CPR won't help.
Oh my, no. It won't create a fat embolism. It will poison you way before that. But if it did cause an embolous, it would kill you if it went to your lung, your brain or your heart.
Load More Replies...Bullshit- you know some people will believe this crap - you are a danger to humanity and to all who have cancer! (Essential Oils are not for internal use)
So your friend's aunt is the only person worthy of your miracle juice? Millions of people are suffering and die from this disease, better get to work Dr. Essential.
Uhm, undiluted Eucalyptus oil is poisonous to humans when ingested. Takes about 3/4 of a tsp or 3.5 mL to kill a human. I can't imagine how toxic it would be put in a drip going straight into veins....
Lethal. Utterly lethal. Leaving aside the chemistry, a fat/oil embolism is a bad bad bad bad idea.
Load More Replies...If you do I can guarantee you will never get sick again. Or anything else except a visit from an undertaker.
Load More Replies...People die because of these frauds. People become orphans and widows because of these frauds. They cause a lot of suffering misery.
soooo... scientists haven't been trying herbs and oils since 100 000 BC... and now all of a sudden, after successfully getting life expectancy averages doubled up to 80 in the 20th century, they realise, omg, we've been doing it all wrong! let's go back to oils and herbs like we did in 100 000 BC, because that totally works.
Is this an industry-wide essential oils sales campaign? Telling massive lies to potential customers?
No. Most who sell 'em sell 'em for the uses I use ----- aromas that repel pests or that soothe PTSD/anxiety. And it's only gonna work if you find a scented oil to dab on your Panic Plushie that *does* bring you out of panic attacks, flashbacks, anxiety, tec. (I've run through so many.) Scent is powerful. What they think that is wrong is that you rub these on like hand lotion and it's poof! All cured. No. If you look at practitioners following reallllly old traditions, they will put on someone the amount of oil that you can find on the end of a toothpick, or dilute it down till it's one drop oil in 1 liter other-oil. (Grapeseed, olive, whatever.) Honestly, it's fascinating and frustrating at the same time. But a couple Ponzi-scheme-like essential oil companies got big and spread the stupid and here we are. *sigh*
Load More Replies...ROFL!!! If I a legitimate doctor allow ANYTHING be added to a chemo drip, that doc’s license to practice would be revoked and massive malpractice lawsuits filed before the day was through.
Do these people think medical science has never heard of essential oils? Like they wouldn't use it if it worked?
Why?? Why would anyone tell people this knowing someone is going to believe them? This could be very dangerous to someone who has nothing but hope left in their tank. These kind of people need to have their own special place in h***
My God. The level of pathetic is increasing exponentially as I scroll down this post.
Staaawp with the commas. Those all need to be periods, you grammar illiterate oil junkie.
For reasons that I won't go into here, that bitch needs a punch to the throat. F@#$ cancer and f!@# her!
yeah because the essential oils are magic™, they only react with bad cancers and kill it, they don't react with chemo chemicals or all-natural human non-cancer cells™
Load More Replies...No. No. No, and finally, no. They would not let you anywhere near that drip. It would not happen next day. It would have because of chemo if it happened. And they would not call you to tell you it was because of the oils you put in there. They would just ask to meet you, kill you to keep it secret, and go on charging hundreds of thousands to treat the cancer. Wake the he'll up. This is America. We don't cure for one time fee when we can treat for many many expensive sessions.
Up next; "How essential oils put into a corpse's eye brought them back to life." I probably shouldn't say this stuff, might give them ideas
She killed someone. How nice. FYI, essential oils are great for some things. I use them. Peppermint oil repels mice and some insects (ditto tea tree oil on insects) and sweet orange oil repels Asian ladybugs.
TBH: Everyone who believes this nonsense deserves whatever they get out of it.
so a medical professional with years of knowledge and practice gets corrected by someone wanting internet clout with eucalyptus and lavender oil.......well f**k me how does anyone in australia have cancer with all the eucalyptus and lavender around how are we not a nation of healthy people.....oh yea cos its b******t
Right. I knew a girl who had leukemia and her mom thought holistic stuff would help her so she didn't let her get chemo. The girl died.
Right. I knew a girl who had leukemia and her mom through holistic stuff would help her so she didn't let her get chemo. The girl died.
Essential oils in your intravenous system....well done. are they both hanging out in purgatory?
So if eucalyptus and lavender oil can cure cancer, how come it cannot calm me down enough to sleep a peaceful sleep at night?
Essential oils are just chemicals with a nice smelling scent. I wonder how the smell of artificial lavender can do wonders!
Wow. The fool doesn't understand about medical protocols at all, does he?
Really??? If you are going to lie, at least make it believable! Most Essential oils can't be ingested! That and absolutely no medical staff is going to tell you that you saved their lives with oils! I believe in Essential oils, but this is just stupidity! Do they really think people believe this crap!
Give the cost of malpractice insurance, no way any doctor would allow this.
Holistic cures as well as medical cures, DON'T happen overnight. There is NO Hospital that I am aware of, that allow visitors to add ANYTHING to an IV Drip. You would have been thrown out for even suggesting it.
WOW - you are so completely full of sh*t. There is no medical professional on THE PLANET that would allow someone to add ANYTHING to a patients IV drip, let alone "essential oils". Delusional!
All these people doing their own "research' on vaccines and chemo infusions. You'd think covid and cancer would be completely eradicated by now.
My husband was in hospital with Covid,, I have been trying my essential oils and nothing, however one day I added a certain spice and BINGO he was cured,NO COVID.All the doctors and nurses clapped. I have a cure for covid. My essential oils clapped as well.
I mean essential oils can be beneficial, but in a very small non medical way. I use lavender oil to relax, tea tree oil in shampoo to prevent lice. I think that's the extent of it. It's not going to cute cancer and isn't a replacement to actual medicine
This is such BS. If she messed with a patient's IV line, she'd be in prison.
this s**t right here is dangerous, there are a lot of uneducated, dumb, broke and desperate people out there
Some people are born idiots and will stay that way until the day they die.
HIPAA violation (among other things). Should be reported immediately!
Eucalyptus oil is highly toxic. You're not even supposed to put undiluted essential oils on your skin, much less ingest it.
People are fanatics about essential oils. Look at the young living scam. They take oil for everything
first of all, i never want to go to a hospital that allows a stranger claiming to be a friend administer ANYTHING, based on any suggestion whatsoever... ahem also.. im also wondering what a literal next day it literally the next day? like literally? is unliterally an unreality day? literally? in conclusion, i literally dont want to go to a hospital that literally lets literal dumb assholes administer supposed well researched medical procedures, whilst the literal doctors literallly stand back and clap. literally.
It's ok guys- when she is in ICU on a ventilator she can totally prove her point by snorting some flowery oily concoction! I for one cannot wait to see the magic happen......
Um...RN here and there's no #&@*ing way anybody is coming anywhere near my patient's IVs with essential oils or any other substance. I like not killing my patients and I also like keeping my licence and not going to jail. Not that I believe any of this is true... just saying.
As someone who has recently lost their grandmother to cancer, F**K. OFF. God, Is it bad of me to actually wish this person gets cancer? Just to see how helpful their bullshit oils actually are. e_e
What a terrible thing to lie about, why don’t they take their crap and shove it up their a**e
The doctors allowed her to put lavender oil in the drip? The doctors did that. It should have ended with "Then the pathologist doing the autopsy remarked 'she may be dead, but do you smell the lavender?'"
Putting oils into a chemo drip...ok, sure Karen. I hate the lies these morons tell.
My grandpa died of cancer, and I hope this person does too.
Discord Users Are A Different Breed
Because we all know when the universe began, the big bang and all that, monkeys were already well established 🤦♀️ not even apes, he said monkeys. Zero effort
And All Vampires Clapped
Sure He Did Aubrey
While These Children Weren’t Oxygen Starved, The Poster Was At Birth
Found This On A “People Who Think Liking Harry Potter Is A Personality Trait” Fb Page
And Then Ben Franklin’s Image Clapped
No he offered her 100 then got a closer look and asked for a refund
Well, That Saved Me A Goog!
I Won't Remember Posting This
Her Jaw Dropped
Hate When People Underestimate The Condoms I Use In A Night Smh
This Has To Be A Joke, Right?
Anti Vaxxers Are A Gold Mine
I'm positive this is the same person who would be convinced dihydrogen monoxide is super toxic too.
Then The Toys Clapped
There are way too many pathological liars and sad attention seekers on the internet. I know this because I invented the internet and everybody clapped.
And their jaws dropped open at your awesomeness...
Load More Replies...The leprechaun tells me to BURN things. That is more realistic than this garbage. The leprechaun did say not to read it, I should have listened
I stopped after a few, I didn't want to spoil my good mood.
Load More Replies...Where are all these groups of people clapping? I'd like to find them please.
In order to have everyone clap and cheer you, your jaw must first drop.
Load More Replies...That comment needs more upvotes. I've abused the language a lot but I do believe "didn'tiest" beats the lot of them!
Load More Replies...This is real. My mask jumped off of my face and started singing "Achy Breaky Heart" knowing full well I hate that song.
It's amazing how many people's jaws dropped and how many started clapping.
Well, my jaw dropped, in the "Wow, who let the third-graders' fantasy writing assignment get on the internet!"
Load More Replies...You know when there's a BP post and you could honestly comment on every single one of the entries, then realise that a single comment at the top will suffice? Surely, it cannot be beyond the wit of humankind to make devices explode the moment these idiots submit such shite to social media? You know, a small, controlled detonation that just takes them and their single brain cell out of the gene pool, so the rest of us can get on and enjoy our lives?
Yes, a single comment would suffice. We should make a keyboard that goes bzzzzzzzt and gives you one hellova shock when you post that kind of sh!t.
Load More Replies...Monday morning I ‘fixed’ an interactive display by plugging in the power cord and everybody clapped! TWICE! (It was a class full of first grade students)
It goes along with the using of (real name) apparently...
Load More Replies...Wow... It is so cringe when people try too hard to look cool and edgy and interesting.
As the saying goes: "May your life someday be as awesome as you pretend it is on Social Media"
Load More Replies...There's an awful lot of jaw dropping going on in these posts. In fact, there's a jaw dropping amount of jaw dropping.
And to think, I thought my kids were special for knowing a few words at the age of one to three years old. These kids can cook, remember, talk politics, etc. Amazing
This is not really funny. Imagine all the crap these guys and gals believe themselves... Gullible is an understatement. These are the votes that make it possible to dismantle education even more. It's a vicious cycle, and we passed the zenith some time ago, it's only getting worse. And it's spreading to the rest of the world.. We have flat-earthers and creationists in Central Europe now, where accessible education-for-all is taken seriously and doesn't bankrupt you. American stupidity is a virus spread through social media. If only 10% of all the money these idiots donate to their con-men politicians was used to give these people psychological help, we could "save the world"...
Yes... psychological help, because they're crazy, isn't that clear? The whole world sees it. Only in America people believe the gop's position is worth debating, they are being exploited and abused by their own party, but they argue for it! And they believe every senseless crap they are fed. If that isn't crazy...
Load More i rode into a burger macdonalds king on the back of a velociraptor where john hammond was eating with Dr ellie and dr grant, so smitten with my prowess ellie jumped on the back and we had wild sex on a raptor in the middle of the grassy knoll while JFK rode by in his pope mobile. grant hammond was so impressed he took a semen sample from me and created a theme park of just me. i was given the keys to the kingdom of jade mountain. I ended up fathering humanity just by f*****g my way through school. I stopped the moon blowing up just by flicking a booger at it. i was davinci muse during the dark ages and funded the NASA space program with just sheer force of will. All the while the terracotta warriors of Antarctica all clapped
These people still think they tell convincing stories when they end with everyone clapping? I wonder which one of his 100 kills #25 doesn’t remember. #26 I can see actually happening. At least one side of that conversation, anyway. #30 seems to understand both capitalism and socialism as well as his children.
Well, that's about five minutes of my life I'll never get back. What a load of utter drivel.
OMG these are more inane than the stories my first graders wrote about aliens. I would say they're supposed to be jokes but there have been people waiting in Dallas for JFK Jr to come back to life. There is a lot of stupid and crazy out there.
I think these people need to go see an ENT specialist if their jaws are always dropping.
The depths of true human stupidity come to light on the internet....
I can't get further than four posts in. It irritates me too much to go on.
I had to stop reading these half way through. The stupidity of some people was making my eyes bleed.
The lives of the people who made these posts must be trully sad. Anything to get more likes, to get that small high from seeing that people are noticing what you say ( no matter how fake or cringy). Unfortunately most of these people are actually real, and are set in their beliefs. Disgusting.
I read all of these in the voices of the pink and blue unicorns from Charlie the unicorn. "It's a magical liopleurodon, Charlie!"
I wish people had to take classes, and pass psychiatric tests, before being allowed to breed.
I've a kid of 4 and 7 years old and it seems.these people have more fantasy than the 4 year old
There are way too many pathological liars and sad attention seekers on the internet. I know this because I invented the internet and everybody clapped.
And their jaws dropped open at your awesomeness...
Load More Replies...The leprechaun tells me to BURN things. That is more realistic than this garbage. The leprechaun did say not to read it, I should have listened
I stopped after a few, I didn't want to spoil my good mood.
Load More Replies...Where are all these groups of people clapping? I'd like to find them please.
In order to have everyone clap and cheer you, your jaw must first drop.
Load More Replies...That comment needs more upvotes. I've abused the language a lot but I do believe "didn'tiest" beats the lot of them!
Load More Replies...This is real. My mask jumped off of my face and started singing "Achy Breaky Heart" knowing full well I hate that song.
It's amazing how many people's jaws dropped and how many started clapping.
Well, my jaw dropped, in the "Wow, who let the third-graders' fantasy writing assignment get on the internet!"
Load More Replies...You know when there's a BP post and you could honestly comment on every single one of the entries, then realise that a single comment at the top will suffice? Surely, it cannot be beyond the wit of humankind to make devices explode the moment these idiots submit such shite to social media? You know, a small, controlled detonation that just takes them and their single brain cell out of the gene pool, so the rest of us can get on and enjoy our lives?
Yes, a single comment would suffice. We should make a keyboard that goes bzzzzzzzt and gives you one hellova shock when you post that kind of sh!t.
Load More Replies...Monday morning I ‘fixed’ an interactive display by plugging in the power cord and everybody clapped! TWICE! (It was a class full of first grade students)
It goes along with the using of (real name) apparently...
Load More Replies...Wow... It is so cringe when people try too hard to look cool and edgy and interesting.
As the saying goes: "May your life someday be as awesome as you pretend it is on Social Media"
Load More Replies...There's an awful lot of jaw dropping going on in these posts. In fact, there's a jaw dropping amount of jaw dropping.
And to think, I thought my kids were special for knowing a few words at the age of one to three years old. These kids can cook, remember, talk politics, etc. Amazing
This is not really funny. Imagine all the crap these guys and gals believe themselves... Gullible is an understatement. These are the votes that make it possible to dismantle education even more. It's a vicious cycle, and we passed the zenith some time ago, it's only getting worse. And it's spreading to the rest of the world.. We have flat-earthers and creationists in Central Europe now, where accessible education-for-all is taken seriously and doesn't bankrupt you. American stupidity is a virus spread through social media. If only 10% of all the money these idiots donate to their con-men politicians was used to give these people psychological help, we could "save the world"...
Yes... psychological help, because they're crazy, isn't that clear? The whole world sees it. Only in America people believe the gop's position is worth debating, they are being exploited and abused by their own party, but they argue for it! And they believe every senseless crap they are fed. If that isn't crazy...
Load More i rode into a burger macdonalds king on the back of a velociraptor where john hammond was eating with Dr ellie and dr grant, so smitten with my prowess ellie jumped on the back and we had wild sex on a raptor in the middle of the grassy knoll while JFK rode by in his pope mobile. grant hammond was so impressed he took a semen sample from me and created a theme park of just me. i was given the keys to the kingdom of jade mountain. I ended up fathering humanity just by f*****g my way through school. I stopped the moon blowing up just by flicking a booger at it. i was davinci muse during the dark ages and funded the NASA space program with just sheer force of will. All the while the terracotta warriors of Antarctica all clapped
These people still think they tell convincing stories when they end with everyone clapping? I wonder which one of his 100 kills #25 doesn’t remember. #26 I can see actually happening. At least one side of that conversation, anyway. #30 seems to understand both capitalism and socialism as well as his children.
Well, that's about five minutes of my life I'll never get back. What a load of utter drivel.
OMG these are more inane than the stories my first graders wrote about aliens. I would say they're supposed to be jokes but there have been people waiting in Dallas for JFK Jr to come back to life. There is a lot of stupid and crazy out there.
I think these people need to go see an ENT specialist if their jaws are always dropping.
The depths of true human stupidity come to light on the internet....
I can't get further than four posts in. It irritates me too much to go on.
I had to stop reading these half way through. The stupidity of some people was making my eyes bleed.
The lives of the people who made these posts must be trully sad. Anything to get more likes, to get that small high from seeing that people are noticing what you say ( no matter how fake or cringy). Unfortunately most of these people are actually real, and are set in their beliefs. Disgusting.
I read all of these in the voices of the pink and blue unicorns from Charlie the unicorn. "It's a magical liopleurodon, Charlie!"
I wish people had to take classes, and pass psychiatric tests, before being allowed to breed.
I've a kid of 4 and 7 years old and it seems.these people have more fantasy than the 4 year old