If your first day at a new job is a disaster, the place might not be worth a second chance and you better find the nearest exit. Whether it’s the new boss that ruined your day, work conditions that couldn’t have been further from what’s been agreed, or something else completely.

The AskReddit community discussed both of the above and other reasons for leaving a new job nearly instantaneously, which you might find interesting. Here at Bored Panda, we have gathered examples ranging from bizarre to even infuriating, but all ending in the same outcome.

To better understand the importance of proper onboarding procedures, we discussed it with the award-winning human resources specialist and growth coach for start-ups, Daneal Charney. Scroll down for our interview with her.


“I Started At Noon. Quit At 8:30 PM”: 30 People Who Didn’t Give Their New Job A Second Chance They forced us to pray together every morning and recite the pledge of allegiance. The only thing I have allegiance to is my 14 year old arthritic dog Bisco. Haha let me know if you guys want to see photos.

pjlo1234 , ijeab Report

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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Yessir, photos of doggo, please. And we will pray for him/her too.

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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

It's gonna get a lot of hate but I'll say what most of the world thinks: it. The dog is it

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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

i love my old doggo. he’s going to sleep next week :( but i got 17 wonderful years with him!

The Other Guest
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

It's unfair that we live so long and our pets do not. Give him an extra snuggle from this internet stranger.

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Kate Jones
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I feel like this should be illegal to require. I mean... I'm not praying and it's kind of insulting to even ask nevermind force me to.

Bethy Sullivan
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1 year ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

But there's so called Christian owners who do not care and if people need a job bad enough they'll do just about anything. I work with a lot of Christians they all know I'm not a Christian. When they pray together they don't force me into it and I don't get rude when they do it. I just stand to the side and let them do their thing. It's so easy to just respect each other.

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Bad Alchemy
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Nope. Don't need money bad enough to put up with that, especially if I have a pupper to go home to. Hooray for Bisco.

Josh Lindberg
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

No law expert but id be surprised if that didn't violate at least one employment law

Linda Ellis
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1 year ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I had an interview at a place like that in 84, PA. I was not interested. This was during the Tea Party days. I'm 100% sure they became MAGAtts after that.

Riley Quinn
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Nope! I'd've turned on my heel so fast, I would've created turbulence.

John Rallison
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

It seems pretty likely that this was a clear expectation before this person started the job. I don't know about the pledge, but morning devotions at Christian organizations is pretty common.

Janet Pattison
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Wow. That was really nice of you to sit through that religious meeting. Little do people know that prayer is actually a form of magic. And usually doesn't have anything to do with God. God has a lot better things to do than concern itself with our pithy problems or desires.

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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

In 1959-1963 (U.S.), I did this at the start of the school day grades 1 thru 4. Just a random sharing, not significant.

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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Your all fvcked up for hating on Christians constantly, you express being open minded but not towards Christians you fvcking hypocrites. No religion was ever named here

Heather Mattingly
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

It’s hard to judge because we don’t know where he was working. If he was working at a church, yeah he might be expected to pray. Shouldn’t be a shock.

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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

That's unfortunate. You may have learned some valuable wisdom and gotten encouragement from the scriptures. Patriotism is a good thing although, as a disciple of Jesus, my citizenship is elsewhere. I am still grateful for where I live.

Maksim Tribiani
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1 year ago

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The praying part is wrong but the pledge of allegiance? You have a problem pledging your allegiance to the country you live in? If that is a problem for you then leave.

Vix Spiderthrust
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1 year ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

You've missed the point. They aren't pledging allegiance to their country; the country didn't ask. They're being required by their employer to recite the pledge. It is not the place of a private company to enforce political behaviour, no matter how 'patriotic', on its employees. This is a fundamental democratic principle: your employer may not influrnce your vote.

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    “I Started At Noon. Quit At 8:30 PM”: 30 People Who Didn’t Give Their New Job A Second Chance They wanted us to make our first sales to friends and family members.

    F**k that. If your first option is for me to make money off the people I care about most, there's really nowhere to go but down (morally).

    Mxysptlik , GeorgeRudy Report


    “I Started At Noon. Quit At 8:30 PM”: 30 People Who Didn’t Give Their New Job A Second Chance I had been at a job for more than 4 years, and was desperate to get out. I was doing interviews multiple places, but the one I REALLY wanted hadn't given me an offer. So I picked from the other 3 offers I had. Of course, on my first day, I got the offer from the company I wanted, and it was 25k more than the job I had started that day.

    I sat down with my manager and let her know. She was shocked at first, but understood. There were no hard feelings, and she said that if it didn't work out, she would love to have me back. I actually gave her a name of someone to replace me, and that person was hired and is being groomed to be her successor when she retires.

    I took the job at the company I wanted, and not 2 hours after signing the offer letter, got a 5th offer offering even more money. Had an Internal crisis, and stayed with the one that I had initially wanted. 17 months later I just got promoted, and I am wildly happy about it.

    schroedingersnewcat , thananit_s Report


    Certain companies are not off to a great start with the very first steps. A study carried out by Zippia revealed that nearly 90% of employees think the onboarding process at their workplace could be better. It also uncovered that proper practices can increase the organization’s new employee retention by 82%. 


    “I Started At Noon. Quit At 8:30 PM”: 30 People Who Didn’t Give Their New Job A Second Chance 20$ for parking wasn't included in for being an employee. This was when min wage was you work 2 hour and pay your employer. F**k That.

    Another place I worked open kitchen caught fire. All the customers could see this. They didn't make anyone leave. They kept putting food out! They expected me to clean up their now burnt kitchen. Nope nope nope.

    Another place had defrosted chicken by leaving it outside of the fridge over night. On the floor. During the summer. Rats scurried away from it when we turned on the light. Called the safety department on that one.

    Elfere , YuriArcursPeopleimages Report

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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    why would you put the chicken on the floor? why? i can understand putting it outside for defrosting but why on the floor? even without the rats, why would you do that??

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    When I was 17 or 18 I started a new job at a popular pet groomer in the area. The girl training me hit a dog twice because she was very roughly brushing him and he was just trying to move away from her. He was tied to the table, so all he could do was try to rotate himself. I said something to her and she said that it was his fault, he wasn’t behaving. When I left, I called the owner and explained what I saw because I was horrified. His response was “Well, if the dog needed to be corrected, then it needed to be corrected”. I thought he must not have understood what I meant and explained again that the dog didn’t become aggressive in any way, he just moved away from the brush. He told me he understood me the first time and meant what he said. I never showed up for my second day. I wish I’d known who the dog belonged to. That would’ve been my next call. This was almost 20 years ago and I’ll never forget it.

    Randon0115 Report


    When discussing the most important factors for smooth onboarding, the HR expert Daneal Charney named three key components: a) setting an employee up for success, b) basic know-how/mastery to do the job, and c) creating a sense of belonging and connection to the company and people.

    “Setting the employee up for success means giving them the tools, technology, and process they need plus being clear about their accountability and outcomes. In order to ramp them up to productivity, they need to master the basic know-how to do their job, as well as understand your customer, product and industry.”

    “Lastly, those manager one-on-ones as well as team get-to-know will build relationships and a sense of belonging. If you’ve done your job right, you’ll be able to retain your employee for at least a year and they will be ready to refer other employees,” Daneal added.


    The moment it looked like I was about to score a sale on my very first day, my supervisor swept in and took it, then claimed the commission.

    Walked out on the spot.

    DS_killakanz Report


    “I Started At Noon. Quit At 8:30 PM”: 30 People Who Didn’t Give Their New Job A Second Chance Cost of parking was more than the wage. They told me to move my car from the back of the store to an expensive parking deck. I drove home.

    Snarleey Report


    “I Started At Noon. Quit At 8:30 PM”: 30 People Who Didn’t Give Their New Job A Second Chance I'm a fish hobbyist and I got a job in the fish department at PetCo. On my first day they wanted me to take out all the rocks (substrate) from each tank, scrub them and put them back in the tanks, one tank at a time. Moving substrate releases bad bacteria and can get the fish sick or [take them out]. I explained this to them and said that it was best to just do a water change for 20% of each tank. They said, basically, sorry this is what corporate says and you have to do it. I was like, "Okay, I'll do it after lunch." I never came back from lunch.

    adura_grounded , lenade Report


    Day one at a new job is usually an exciting time, showing that the first steps have been completed successfully and marking the beginning of a new chapter. Yet you can never really know how it’s going to go (and these Reddit stories are here to prove it).


    If the company hopes for it to be a long-lasting affair, it is important to ensure the new addition to the team feels appreciated. “The first day or first impression is critical to signaling to the employee that they matter. A warm welcome is critical. Making sure they have everything they need and it’s set up. This means that you’ve taken the time to think about their success,” the HR specialist told Bored Panda.


    “I Started At Noon. Quit At 8:30 PM”: 30 People Who Didn’t Give Their New Job A Second Chance They lowered the rate from what was agreed upon and became upset when I spoke up about it.

    Wonderful-Job3514 , YuriArcursPeopleimages Report

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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Happened with me. Significantly reduced salary from what was agreed upon. Thanks to cruel job market, I had to join until I got another offer. Then to retain me they gave 65% raise within 6 months.

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    This was in the 80s and I was on my first day working at this mall food court place called Au Bon Pain. As soon as I walked in, like an hour before opening, the manager handed me a cardboard box of sliced deli meats and told me to run tap water over all of them until they didn't feel sticky, rebag them, and put a new expiration sticker on them for another 3 days. Then he pointed at like 4 crates of basically rotten oranges, some had a greenish/blue coat of mold on them, and he told me to use them to make the orange juice. I said ok and I was going to go grab some gloves from the stock room and just walked out the back delivery door and never returned.

    gamrgrl Report


    “I Started At Noon. Quit At 8:30 PM”: 30 People Who Didn’t Give Their New Job A Second Chance It wasn't quite the first day. During the interview I informed them that I would not work on Sunday. The interviewer told me that would be acceptable. During my two week training, I did not have to work on Sundays. My first week after the training, I was scheduled to work that Sunday. I protested and reminded my manager about the agreement during the interview. He informed me that they couldn't always honor it and that I would sometimes be expected to work my fair share of Sundays. I quit on the spot and walked out.

    happyapy , TrendsetterImages Report


    I started working in a retail shop and hadn't been trained on anything such as tills etc. The only thing I had been told is to great every customer that entered the store within 10 seconds of them entering and ask if they needed any help.

    A customer came to me, asked for help and wanted to pay for the item I helped with. As I hadn't been shown how to use the tills yet, I asked the store manager to show me what to do. The manager, in front of said customer, started calling me out for not "knowing how to do my job". It was my first day, I had been there 1.5 hours and hadn't been shown how to do anything in the store.

    I met my dad at my lunch, burst into tears and asked him to go to the store and quit for me. I was young, I'd never worked in retail before and I absolutely hated how that manager made me feel.

    I started with 4 people on the same day. We had kept in touch and every single one of them left within a couple of weeks of starting. If there's a toxic environment, a bad manager (which can often take longer to figure out) or your gut is screaming at you to leave, do. Don't waste your time being miserable.

    sunmoonstars89 Report

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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Took me 2 years to learn this lesson at one of my last jobs

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    “I Started At Noon. Quit At 8:30 PM”: 30 People Who Didn’t Give Their New Job A Second Chance I was specifically told to park in a certain lot to pick up my parking sticker on the first day. My *almost* manager met me at the front of the building to walk me to security and get my sticker and show me around, but was a complete a*****e for about 3 hours. I was asking questions about what's expected/priority (you know, the usual first day stuff) and he just shot down every question so condescendingly. Lunch time comes around, so I walk out to vape real quick / put the f*****g sticker on and guess what? My goddamn car is GONE. Why? They towed my car because I didn't have a sticker yet. I called my sister to pick me up, never went back to that place. $250 to get my f*****g car and a waste of a day.

    AmeliaWalker18 , NomadSoul1 Report


    “I Started At Noon. Quit At 8:30 PM”: 30 People Who Didn’t Give Their New Job A Second Chance They didn't pay some of the workers their salary because of mismanagement (legit boss f****d up and decided that *he* wasn't gonna have his 6 figure salary deducted) and tried to make me sign a contract where my salary is less than what was agreed upon. BONUS: they also added two extra jobs in my position that I had to do and apparently I am to be on-call at all times.

    I was desperate but I wasn't stupid.

    You know it's bad when even before I could unpack at my new desk three co-workers came up and warned me to read my contract carefully AND told me it sucked to work here.

    I wasn't even there for 30 minutes.

    SufficentSherbert , AnnaStills Report


    “I Started At Noon. Quit At 8:30 PM”: 30 People Who Didn’t Give Their New Job A Second Chance I had a telemarketing job where I had to pay 75$ up front, and forgo commission for the first month. I said “F**k this s**t”, gave them all the finger as I walked out. A friend left 30 minutes later. It was some illegal call center in an apartment. The building still pisses me off walking by it.

    Graehaus , DC_Studio Report


    “I Started At Noon. Quit At 8:30 PM”: 30 People Who Didn’t Give Their New Job A Second Chance They sent me to a room to do a bunch of on-boarding paperwork and those incredibly dull orientation videos companies love so much. Less than 10 minutes into it the manager comes in and tells me they need to cover the sales floor immediately because I was the only person for the department that day.

    No training, no computer logins, no idea where anything in the building was or who any of the dozens of other people wandering around were or even what was really expected of me. Just go and solo a department that usually had between five and eight staff at any time.

    I gave it a shot for like 45 minutes, and realized the whole place was staffed by miserable entitled f***s who went out of their way to avoid work. I just walked out without saying anything.

    SlothOfDoom , Anna_Om Report


    “I Started At Noon. Quit At 8:30 PM”: 30 People Who Didn’t Give Their New Job A Second Chance Was supposed to be an office job, straight salary. Got there the first day and it turned out to be door to door sales, commission only. Not even people who had expressed interest; just literally cold calling but in person at their door instead of on the phone. Didn't even stay to hear the end of their explanation of how really if you think about it this *is* the job they advertised and interviewed me for, just *better* because (I don't know, some b******t, as I said, I had left by then).

    Zer0Summoner , halfpoint Report


    “I Started At Noon. Quit At 8:30 PM”: 30 People Who Didn’t Give Their New Job A Second Chance I was promised $17 an hour. I showed up for my first training day and started on paperwork. The onboarding documents said “$7.00 an hour plus average weekly tips equaling an average of $17 an hour”. Got up and walked out.

    fullmetaldoctor09 , YuriArcursPeopleimages Report

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    DennyS (denzoren)
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    This whole tipping culture is insane. Pay a decent salary! Tips should just be for good service and in addition to a good salary...not to get them to a good salary.

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    “I Started At Noon. Quit At 8:30 PM”: 30 People Who Didn’t Give Their New Job A Second Chance When I was in high school I got a job at an oil change place. I took the drug test and passed and got my start date. As I was getting ready to leave my house for my first day of work, I got a call from the local park maintenance director asking if I would be interested in joining their maintenance team for the summer. I already had a friend who worked there and already knew the maintenance director since she had helped me do my Eagle Scout project. I accepted that position and called up the oil change place and quit. The park job was guaranteed to be 40 hours a week during the summer and I worked there for 4 summers, making enough to sustain myself during the school year without a job. The work wasn’t bad either, clearing trails, mowing, spreading mulch, picking up trash. The oil change place was not happy but ended up hiring a friend of mine who eventually got into hard drugs after trying them with people who work there. I think I made the right choice.

    thedude386 , AZ-BLT Report

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    Toni Kay
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    What a great job for a student! Definitely made the right choice!

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    “I Started At Noon. Quit At 8:30 PM”: 30 People Who Didn’t Give Their New Job A Second Chance Slowly started changing the terms of employment during the day.
    Started off "10 hour days 5 days a week £8/hour"
    Shifted to "sometimes you have to work weekends too"
    Then "actually it's crunch season right now so we're going to expect you to work Saturday and Sunday this week"
    Then "actually we'll need you to stay Saturday and Sunday most weeks"
    Then "You'll be working Saturday and Sunday for the foreseeable future"
    Then "We'll need you to stay a few hours after work today"
    Then "Actually you'll be working 12-14 hours a day 7 days a week for the next 6 months"
    Yeah nope.

    NewRoundEre , drazenphoto Report

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    Fat Harry
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    And illegal in the UK (where this is, given the use of £). You are entitled to either 24 hours (contiguous) off every week, or 48 hours every fortnight, and at least 11 hours between work days. If you finish work at 8pm you cannot start the next day until 7am. There are some exceptions for certain professions.

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    “I Started At Noon. Quit At 8:30 PM”: 30 People Who Didn’t Give Their New Job A Second Chance Amazon fulfillment center. Had us lined up outside the building. There was a guy in line that was already losing his s**t because he had been scheduled two hours earlier but they wouldn't let him inside. Lined up like cattle. Then we go in and its the most impersonal experience of my life. Literally felt like cattle being ushered from one stop to the next. Then we went to see out work stations as "stowers" and it was the worst job Ive ever had. Repetitive and frustrating. Then we went to lunch and it was so goddamned bleak. This was peak Covid so the lunch tables were just single desks, six feet apart all facing forward. A few vending machines and thats it. My car was parked too far away to even go out and chill for a bit. Then back to work. Its all AI assisted so it is so f*****g frustrating. I go to the bathroom and hang out for a bit. Go back to my station and check out how my other newbie stowers are doing. Everyone looks pissed and miserable. I give a solidarity nod to the guy next me and then just walk out of the building never to be seen again.

    anon , AnnaStills Report


    “I Started At Noon. Quit At 8:30 PM”: 30 People Who Didn’t Give Their New Job A Second Chance I didn't even last a full shift.

    It was Pizza delivery. It was the early 90s; I was 20M. My first shift was in torrential rain, driving a 1967 VW Beetle (with a flat windscreen). Two orders required me to go back because the pizzas weren't the ones ordered.

    Then I arrived back to see that one of the other drivers had been shot in the leg with an air-rifle by Ricky the Shift-Manager.

    I started at noon. Quit at 8.30pm. Can't remember if I was ever paid; didn't care.

    EvilBosch , Rawpixel Report

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    Paula G
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    “Ricky the Shift Manager” is conjuring up all kind of visuals for me….LOL!

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    “I Started At Noon. Quit At 8:30 PM”: 30 People Who Didn’t Give Their New Job A Second Chance Showed up to a summer temp job making furniture. The foreman met us in a break room before we started and mentioned the jobs were full time. We were students - couldn't do a full-time gig. He goes, "Well, s**t. You're here. I'll pay you for a day if you want to work."

    So I did. It was great. Loved seeing how it all worked. Met a few guys I ended up playing hoops with on the weekends.

    copyboy1 Report

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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Good employer, hats off to him for understanding OP's predicament and giving him his due for a good day's work.

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    “I Started At Noon. Quit At 8:30 PM”: 30 People Who Didn’t Give Their New Job A Second Chance Wendy’s. There was an assistant manager whose only job seemed to be pacing around behind us during lunch rushes, repeating in a dull monotone, “c’mon, let’s make those burgers. C’mon, let’s go faster, make those burgers.” When I didn’t make burgers fast enough because my only training consisted of watching a 30-minute video, the manager sneered, “why don’t you just go wash dishes, then? You CAN wash dishes, can’t you?” That’s when I walked off the job.

    LanceGannon , ASphotostudio Report


    When I went to discuss salary they offered me a lower price than what they had promised in the phone interview. I told them that's not we we agreed on. They said well that's what it is. I told them, well if you're gonna screw me before I even begin then we have nothing to discuss, thanks anyway.

    zerbey Report

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    The Queen Of Upper Butt Crack
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    We were being brought out by another company and my company promised me we would be getting "the same or better". Owner of new company came in to discuss pay and benefits and it was not, dude tried to sell me on more in the future if we continued to do well. That's why you were buying is dude, because we did so well right. It was almost 30 years ago he was a 40+ man and I was a 20 + woman and he was telling me how it was going to be. I looked in in the eye and said " I usually get kissed before I get F%&*ed" . His eyes bugged out and his mouth dropped open for a couple of seconds before he stayed laughing. I got my money and we worked well together for almost 20 years.

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    “I Started At Noon. Quit At 8:30 PM”: 30 People Who Didn’t Give Their New Job A Second Chance I was hired to do Human Resources, I got there and orientation was basically them telling the new hires three straight hours of what they are going to do to make sure they get fired. I went to the plant manager at lunch and told them they needed to put together a better orientation, and asked how soon I could get to work on fixing their discipline program so the factory wasn't a literal meat grinder. He said, "discipline is the one area you can't touch."

    M**o I'm HR - discipline is the one area I should own entirely. I typed up a letter with an outline of a plan to improve employee relations, reduce turnover and make the place somewhere people actually want to work instead of being somewhere they have to work because there wasn't anything else... I also threw up some NLRB contacts and laws and pinned it to the bulletin board in the office along with my resignation letter and left mid afternoon.

    Shortly thereafter they went out of business because their turnover and hiring policy had reached the literal limit of people willing and able to get on there so they started going through the people who had been canned previously and some came back but it was the ones you wouldn't want to come back which then made anyone who actually do their job leave and so it became basically the laughing stock of the area. Good riddance.

    JeffreyGlen , Pressmaster Report

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    The Blue Spirit
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    On a side note, anyone else getting some creepy vibes from the photo?

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    “I Started At Noon. Quit At 8:30 PM”: 30 People Who Didn’t Give Their New Job A Second Chance I actually did this twice.

    The first time was because I was a college student and needed a job to pay rent. Got a job working in a new call center that had opened up in my home town. It was awful. The atmosphere was toxic, the boss was a horrific a*****e, and there were all sorts of s****y "metrics" and goals, etc. you had to reach. I just never went back after the first day. Called them the next morning and told them it wasn't for me.

    The second time was a deal where I interviewed for a job that I was pretty excited about where I was going to be leading a team dealing with advocating for some issues in international politics. I was super excited. The interviews I had were done in a cafe...they sent me the address of the office and I arrived for my first day and it was some decrepit, barely standing office with the most outdated computers and office equipment. The "team" I was going to be leading had been referred to as "a small team" in the job interviews. In reality it was one lady who didn't speak either of the languages I speak.

    mejok , Wavebreakmedia Report

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    “I Started At Noon. Quit At 8:30 PM”: 30 People Who Didn’t Give Their New Job A Second Chance They hired me for the wrong position, one which I was woefully unqualified for and not interested in faking it. The first day the "grunts" were training the "expert" on the most basic stuff and it became clear to everyone I had no business being there. After the shift I handed in my hard hat and told management to do their homework next time.

    yParticle , korneevamaha Report

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    Randall Clure
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Respect. You have to know your limitations, however temporary they may be.

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    “I Started At Noon. Quit At 8:30 PM”: 30 People Who Didn’t Give Their New Job A Second Chance my son lasted up to the afternoon break on a new job, when the supervisor asked him to work overtime to midnight. uh. no.

    forsennata , sofiiashunkina Report

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    DennyS (denzoren)
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I remember taking a job at a supermarket as the inventory clerk. My hours were 10am to 8pm. It was near Christmas and they began saying that I have to work until midnight to handle the rush and I was "lazy" for not wanting to work more...note, I wasn't being paid more and with a little more efficiency from management, everything could be done well before 8pm. I didn't stay very long and never worked past 8pm.

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    “I Started At Noon. Quit At 8:30 PM”: 30 People Who Didn’t Give Their New Job A Second Chance Hired as a banquet captain at a very prestigious (4 diamond) hotel. First solo shift after orientation. Had multiple banquet rooms. Mine was all set up 3 hours before the event started. The massive kitchen was cranking our food for 100 people. I grabbed a tray of food and ran it into the servers. The captain of that room asked me "what the f**k are you doing?" I said just trying to help clear the line. "Worry about your own dining room." I told them my dining room was all set and not seating until 5. This b***h says "then go stand against a f*****g wall until your event starts."

    So I decided to go outside and smoke. On my long as walk out of there I was trying to make sense of her attitude, but she was my superior. The chef couldn't plate food because the line was backed up. Nobody wants to stare at food dying. Got in my car and never looked back. They mailed me my check.

    rfsh101 , Rawpixel Report

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    “I Started At Noon. Quit At 8:30 PM”: 30 People Who Didn’t Give Their New Job A Second Chance I was a car mechanic fresh out of school, hit up a local shop that hired. Their working conditions were trash, I bailed after the first day.

    Second one wasn't much better, in fact it was far worse, but I saw more potential in the work and needed the experience. It was a privately owned bus company that needed a mechanic to service their s**t. It was the middle of winter and the garage had no heat, it was badly equipped, no car jacks so laying on the cold ground, etc. Also as it turned out, the fleet consisted brand new buses that had to be serviced at the dealership to maintain the warranty, so I had no work whatsoever. Instead the guy wanted me to do basic maintenance work around the HQ, mind you it was so cold outside that in 10 minutes I couldn't feel my fingers and if I went inside the main building to heat up, he complained that I wasn't working. Caught pneumonia after just 3 days, went back a week later when I was feeling better and quit.

    Third time was the charm.

    DangerousTrashCan , serhiibobyk Report

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    "Around here we go along to get along" said while in a small office in back of the restaurant as she stroked my shoulder.

    I'm a s**t and easy but I'm not going to be coerced for a min wage job

    MalkavianPrinceofJC Report

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    When I was in college I needed a job badly. I saw a posting on the bulletin board in the commons area for a sales job. I called the number, had a quick interview, and was told I was hired on the spot. The job involved selling kitchen equipment to people that had expressed an interest. I should have been suspicious, but I was a naive 17 year old.

    I showed up to work on the first day for orientation. They asked me if I had my checkbook on me. I did not, and asked why I needed it. I was then told I had to pay to be a member. At that point I realized this was an MLM, and I promptly left. I didn't even say "I quit". I just walked out.

    awesomecubed Report

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    Freya the Wanderer
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    You did the right thing! Those MLMs can be very sneaky. MLMs are just rebranded pyramid schemes

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    “I Started At Noon. Quit At 8:30 PM”: 30 People Who Didn’t Give Their New Job A Second Chance We hired someone to work at a freezer warehouse and he only showed up for one shift. He seemed ecstatic about the pay (20/hr for basic material handling, picklines, etc) but seemed to realize that humans hate being treated like machines and that's simply not worth it so we never saw him again.

    He was not the only one. My favorite time is when my manager hired 18 new people because he fully expected 80% of them to flake and not show the next day. Sure enough, only 3 even showed up.

    ASaltyBiscuit , imagesourcecurated Report

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    René Sauer
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    And what would he have done if all 18 people showed up and decided to stay?

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    Showing my age... but Radio Shack. I was a big geek at the time (Ham radio, computer programming, electronic breadboards) so I thought it would be a fun summer job. Came in for a "group interview".

    Nope, 100% commission. I expected Alec Baldwin to walk in any minute during the meeting and tell me coffee was for closers.

    So now you know why they pushed those batteries so hard. Gotta make quota.

    StuckInTheUpsideDown Report

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    Got hired by Sears. First day was spent watching videos about customer service (give ‘em the pickle, etc) with promises of actual training the second day. On the second day they trained a third of us while the other two thirds got to watch (on cash registers where the number keypads were upside down), then later told us we’d actually been hired just for the Christmas season and most us would be fired after Boxing Day. This meant I would lose my job around the same time as my unemployment would run out.

    My first day on the floor I was sent to hardware which I know nothing about. They promise I’d be shadowing someone but my new coworkers completely avoided me and left me with a lineup of people asking questions I didn’t have an answer to. After an hour I called the manager - the one who’d said we’d all be fired in a couple of months - and told him ‘thanks but no thanks’.

    Unfortunately they made us all fill out paperwork the first day so walking out killed my unemployment two months early. But by the time we were supposed to be fired I ended up in a different job that lasted ten years.

    tangcameo Report

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    Was 16. Got a job at McDonald's to spite the burger King I got fired from for jumping out of the drive thru window on a customer that threw a drink in my face. The store manager kept like hip bumping me and it was annoying but he was an older man so I was like eh he's just an old man being silly. Nah fam. He straight hip bumped me and grabbed my a*s. I looked at him I'm shock and he just did that eyebrow wiggle thing. I grabbed my free meal for the day and called my sister to come get me lmao

    queenofthings18 Report


    After a 1.5hr traffic jam fueled commute I quit on the phone from the carpark. Didn't make it in the door.

    delayedconfusion Report

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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I had flat viewing once, drove there after work. It was 5 mile journey, I though 20 mins tops. After an hour in traffic and making it less than half way I called them to cancel. No way was I willing commute that route daily.


    My husband asked me to be his “jumper” for a big brown delivery company over the Holidays a few years back.

    I lasted one day and he has been doing it for 30+ years. I love that man. Wow was that ten hours eye opening.

    anon Report

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    Shelly Provines Aû
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I worked preload for a UPS ground facility. The jumpers were, according to the drivers, between two extremes of lasting a day or two and not coming back or of coming back repeatedly season after season.

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    “I Started At Noon. Quit At 8:30 PM”: 30 People Who Didn’t Give Their New Job A Second Chance I worked as a Nissan quick lube tech for one day. I left because on day one they told me they would bump me from $12 hourly to a $14 flag hour. I did the math and on a busy day I would make not even enough to pay my bills. Never went back

    ThePolarNatureOfH2O , westend61 Report

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    Donkey boi
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    For those that don't know: Flag time, is the principle of paying someone for how long the task SHOULD take. If the company say it should only take 5 mins to say... flush a line, OP would have only been paid about $1.16, even if there was a problem and the job takes 2 hours. As the company set the time scales, they can easily undervalue the work for the employees, maximising profit. *I'm not a mechanic, my example was given to illustrate how it woks. I don't even know if flushing a line is a thing. I am aware of flag time from another industry where is was sometimes enforced*.

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    In the interview they said they had a robust system, management were on the same page - they just needed a boost from someone with expertise.

    When in fact they were using Excel spreadsheets, no social media, different employment contracts (counted 15+) and management were not on the same page.

    Wild-Philosopher-12 Report

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    Cyber Returns
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    As my dad once said about a place he worked, "Yeah. Same page, different book"


    Old Navy. I shopped there all the time and needed a part time job. The hiring and floor manager was really nice, but I wasn't expecting the clothing bombs and overall chaos. Plus they had these 2008 earpieces in an all I head was everyone talking at the same time.

    The68Guns Report

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    “I Started At Noon. Quit At 8:30 PM”: 30 People Who Didn’t Give Their New Job A Second Chance Everyone there was miserable and they provided no training. I walked out mid day lol

    apple_chai , gpointstudio Report

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    DennyS (denzoren)
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I once heard someone say "you have to look after your self interest" when training staff was brought it....ridiculous to say the least.


    It was at xentel, a call center that calls around for donations for unicef and other charities.

    I did the orientation, got put on my first call. I always hated being in offices, especially when they have cubicles.

    My flight response kicked in and I got up and ran out the door and went home.

    ShovelSally Report

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