If you don’t have anything nice to say, it might be best not to say anything at all. But that doesn’t mean you’re not allowed to think judgmental things about other people. If you witness someone litter, yell at their dog or plow through a crosswalk without even checking for pedestrians, you might start giving an aggressive side-eye without even realizing.
Reddit users have recently been sharing all of the things strangers do in public that cause them to immediately cast judgment, so we’ve gathered some of their most popular responses below. Some might annoy you and others might pleasantly surprise you (as judgment doesn’t always have to be bad), so enjoy scrolling through and be sure to upvote the replies you agree with!
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Take out their phone to film while someone is in a bad situation, instead of trying to help / call for help
Giving minimum wage employees an unnecessarily hard time. Lady, the cashier didn't pick out the f*****g prices for your vanilla iced latte. Just pay for your s**t or admit you're broke and leave.
Take something out of the supermarket freezer (or fridge), put it in your trolley/basket/whatever. Then later decide you don’t want it so you take it out and put it on a random shelf, to thaw and spoil before somebody notices
Not too crazy bout people leaving s**t random spots at the shops but it happens, I get it . However leaving something on a shelf when it should be refrigerated/frozen is just a d**k move. Put it back where ya got it or give it to a supermarket employee (I mean it’s a bit lazy/rude but better than nothing), don’t just leave it somewhere to go to waste
I once discovered a busted glass bottle of pop in one of the freezers 😕
Watch a video on full blast, without headphones where it is very clearly inappropriate.
Or scream at their kids, in front of a bunch of strangers. I think it’s absolutely humiliating for a child and it is very telling of how they are to the child all the time.
I was at the bus stop and this woman was screaming swearwords at her toddler. Right before I got on the bus I looked her in the eye and said "You are a horrible person." Someone who got on the bus with me gave me this look like "FINALLY someone said it".
Touch/Destroy public art or etch their name/disrespect a cultural(historical) space.
Not use their indicators when turning.
I will assume they are in fact a morlock visiting the surface, and unfamiliar that we live in a society!
I don't trust them when they do use a turn signal as so many forget they have them on.
Bring their kid or their pet to an inappropriate event. Your child is three, they don’t need to be at an outdoor beer festival.
Drop litter. Not pick up their dog's s**t.
Ugh! This reminds me of when my neighbor kept letting their dog poo in my yard without cleaning it up. I warned her to take care of the mess and was ignored right up until after I smeared the most recent pile across her front door with a note stuck to it that simply stated, "you forgot this".
Vape on public transport, especially on the underground. I'm a vaper myself but there's something so disrespectful about making everyone in the carriage breathe your clouds of flavoured nicotine.
How they treat people in customer service, like store clerks or waiters.
Chill man, he's going to refill your drinks. Give him a second.
Saw a person unloading their groceries just push their cart into the next parking space and drive off. The next parking space was occupied by someone who was there, about to back out, who now had to deal with the cart behind them.
*All the judgement.*
There is a theory: People who are innately “good” will return the cart to its resting place, and those who aren't won't.
Parents who prank their kids. UGH. They are truly the worst. Parents who use their children to make money in general. Videos, acting, pageants. They are not your money makers. It will have long lasting effects
I came across this sick challenge where a child's reaction is filmed when a parent breaks a raw egg on the child's head. I'm wondering what the correct order is if the video was filmed in my country. Screenshots and report to the police and child protection or first notification of inappropriate content and then report to the authorities. Such behavior must not go unpunished. I don't find scaring animals funny either. One more cat scare video with a cucumber and I'm really close to wanting to push that cucumber somewhere sideways.
Have no awareness of their surroundings. Slow in the fast line, come to a dead halt in the entrance of a building, etc.
Let their children run freely in a crowded parking lot. I am probably one of the most non-judgmental people you will ever meet, but if my brakes get tested because you are not paying attention and your kid runs in front of my car, my inner Karen will come out. You have been warned.
Toddlers running loose near the deep end of the swimming pool with no parent nearby.
For me, it's being on your phone while driving. Instant rage. Full disclosure: I was T-boned by one of those a-holes
Spitting on the ground where other people are walking. At least make the effort to go spit on a bush or something...even though the bush is innocent in all of this
You’d judge almost everyone in India. It’s even worse if someone is either having paan or tobacco
Play music on their phone without headphones
Park their grocery cart in the middle of the aisle and stay there while they look at every item on the shelf, even when it's clear there are people waiting to get by.
Spit or flick a cigarette butt on the ground
I make sure it's out with the ground & my Shoe & then I find a trash can at least to dispose it...I have to carry wipes bc its a little bit gross picking it back up and all but I'm not gonna litter or accidentally set a trash can on fire either. I smoked it, I'm responsible to dispose of it
Removing their shoes in public spaces. Caught so many people resting their nasty bare feet on a seat across them.
Open mouth chewing. Just gross table manners in general.
I saw a woman buy an ice cream cone, smile while taking a selfie of her and the ice cream, and then toss it right in the trash without ever tasting it
During peak COVID, my coworker and I witnessed someone pull their mask down, sneeze, and then put the mask back on
It annoyed me so much when people had their masks under their nose or even under their chin. Just why?
Smoke while they're pregnant
Drinking alcohol while pregnant leads to long term detriments for your child too. Remember, whatever you ingest or breathe, your baby does it too.
Try to force their child to ride a rollercoaster(or other ride) when the kid is crying and yelling no.
I spent four summers working as a ride operator at an amusement park in Oh*o. The way some of those parents seemed to get off on their kids' fear always got to me.
I had an autistic child using alternate access with his family once(brother and parents) and as soon as he got into the seat he started to melt down. We are trained to ask the child, and only the child, if they want to ride. I asked him if he wanted to and he gave me an immediate and clear no - which is fair because it's a 300'+ rollercoaster. I had restraints unlocked within seconds as I wanted to keep trains moving to let him off.
This mother f*****g a*****e piece of s**t father starts screaming at me while his kid is shaking and sobbing, and gets within an inch of my face telling me how I've ruined his day before I even get the chance to give them a pass to walk onto the ride at a later time if the boy changes his mind and decides he wants to ride later(he won't). At this time I'm a 6' college age female and this man starts to pull his arm back like he's going to punch me. Had another guest almost jump over the exit gate to stop him from decking me - all because he wanted to force his kid to ride a rollercoaster. I got closer to him and told him to get off my platform, which to be fair I had been doing, and he finally f****d off after about ten minutes of screaming. I even let his wife and other son stay on the ride.
They went to guest services and complained about me to my roommate who just happened to be at the desk. She basically told him to kick rocks and that I did my job.
I've always been terrified of roller coasters and most rides. My parents let me sit on a nearby bench to wait.
I'm certain the ride operator of the tilt-a-whirl judged me. I took my daughter on it when she was about 7. She cried the whole time, poor kid. That was the first and last ride I made her go on. But she was fine with the kiddie roller coaster.
I get motion sickness pretty badly. I had a handicap friend guilt trip me into riding one. Not cool.
I would try to talk my kids out of it! I don't want to ride that with you, why can't we just get ice cream?
My friend in elementary school came to school telling me about the CT state fair and her parents forcing her on all the terrifying rides. We were in 2nd grade. I was horrified.
I once witnessed such a father in Tivoli (Copenhagen). The boy was obviously scared but in the end he gave in and the took the ride with his dad. I couldnt help laughing out when they got off and the boy asked his greenhued father if there was something wrong. Karma is wonderful to behold.
There were probably different rules for an autistic child using the accessibility options.
Load More Replies...Drivers that have a go at people with disability blue badges because "you're not really disabled!"
You never know what someone suffers from. What about Michael J. Fox in back to the future trilogy? By end of 3rd movie his tremors were already bad but he would let us see that. By screaming such things to ppl bc they don't look disabled likely causes unnecessary stress, embarrassment & shame to someone with an illness they don't want to disclose or show
Many years ago I was in a department store and there was this guy and wife or girlfriend and they had a kid with them. I'm assuming the kid was his mother's son and the guy was his stepdad. It was probably near back to school time because I guess they were going to be buying his school supplies.
In any case I overheard the stepdad several times over yelling at the kid, kept telling him to put stuff back, saying something like his mom's child support checks have to buy his beer and cigarettes first, they didn't have any money left over for everything the kid wanted.
That was the height of trashiness, I wish I was closer to get a look and get an idea who he was so I could have turned him in. It made me sick for the kid in that his stepdad was making him go without to fund his own wants, with especially what was supposed to be his money
I had a young (teenage) patient come in with several teeth that were painfully decayed to the point of being broken/needing root canals. He hadn't been to the dentist in years- because "his mom's teeth came first". I was horrified that his mother had been getting care all along and putting herself before her kids well-being- the antithesis of every other parent I've ever met.
Not return their grocery cart. Tucking it into the bushes or the space next to them like they don’t care someone is gonna have to clean up behind them. ‘It’s their job.’
When I was old enough to go with my Mom to the grocery store, she'd always find a cart that was left in the corner of the lot, and get me to push it in, saying "If it's good enough to get this far, it must be good cart." And I grew up with this habit, every time I push a cart back in to a Wal-Mart or Loblaws, etc., I think of my Mom and how smart she was.
I saw a guy at the cinema restroom leave without washing his hands, go into the same theater as me, sit down, and take a handful of popcorn from a shared bucket with his lady friend
People staring at their phones the whole time while they're out to eat with someone. Won't even notice that I'm looking because they're too focused on their phone.
I was lunching with a girl I was just getting to know (she was dating my son).She couldn't stay off her phone. I got up and left.
Start yelling. At kids, wife, husband, dog, cat, cop. Don't matter. Yelling in public, it sets the wrong impression from the start.
I was put on steroids for a week for back pain and it caused a major meltdown at my daughter. Outside a church. It was the most embarrassing day of my life to lose my temper.
Stop at the bottom of an escalator to think about where they want to go.
Now, I would stop, because I'd need to put my brave girl panties on. I'm afraid of escalators.
Smoke around their children (sorry not sorry, I don't care if you smoke but don't do it around your kids). Not offer up a seat on public transportation for someone else who needs it more. Litter.
I smoke at work on break & when I get home wait until kid goes to bed - at which point, I am literally the wife in 'this is 40' who puts on thick layex gloves & sits out on curb behind my car like im.sneaking a joint. I need to quit but I can't let my bad habit give her 2nd hand either
Adults throwing a fit in store/ fast food/airport, because someone forgot your pickles, etc. Those people need to leave this planet.
Get in peoples’ way to film a TikTok
Was once asked to get off a bench in the park because they needed it for some influencer shots. Almost led to fisticuffs.
I was walking my kids to the park tonight and a stranger asked me what school they went to.
Groping their companion. It is just such bad taste. I don't mean an affectionate arm drape, or a hug, but the hands all over the place. It's just gross.
I guess this is meant, 'in public'. (like in a theatre where 'Beetlejuice' is playing....)
Yelling angrily at their doggo/ kid.
I understand frustrations exist, but because of my own life history, both of those situations immediately set off my UhOh radar.
Ask me to talk with them about God.
I enjoy using logic with religious zealots as they are so easily confused.
Have a conversation during a concert. If you hold a conversation during a concert you are an a*****e. STFU and let the people around you that paid good money to attend the concert enjoy it.
Take up more than half of a two-way sidewalk
Or the parking lot rodeo clowns who have no idea what those little white lines are for.......and no they don't mark centerline for your car.
Preach. Bonus points for the fire and brimstone stuff. Extra bonus points if I can fluster them by knowing scripture better than them.
Being loud and unruly.
Electric scooters. People don't even know the basics of traffic rules and they drive them carelessly and leave them in the middle of the sidewalk, under the stairs or in general there are too many dangerous situations. I'm waiting for the day when they are banned here too. The idea of electric scooters is good, but it doesn't work because people behave like people.
Performing certain acts on your partner in a theatre is something no one should be doing.
Riding bicycles on a windy two-lane road with no shoulders. Trying to wave me around them right before a truck came around a blind curve. Now a line of cars is stuck doing 8 miles an hour behind two dipsh*ts who have never heard of a park.
My big one is when people drive down the middle of a two-lane driveway or parking lot. I mean really? Share the freaking road you jerks...
Anyone being mean to children or animals. Inexcusable to take out whatever issues you have on defenseless and completely innocent beings.
Grown adults running in front of my car. No really, as I was leaving the apartment fir work, I had three different grown men run in front of my car as I was driving. They're lucky I follow the parking lot speed limit. The kids where I live are smarter than that! So these guys must be copying the pigeons.
people driving who dont pay attention. speed limits, traffic conditions etc. Pay attention.
Or those who creep along on a two-lane highway, but floor it when you get a chance to pass. There should be a special place in Hell for them.
Load More Replies...Was the title of this article always "What not to do in public?" I'm a little confused by how many people put gave positive answers
No. The original was: What can a stranger do in public that will immediately make you judge them? Edit: the "not in public" was added by BP 🤦🏻♀️
Load More Replies...Electric scooters. People don't even know the basics of traffic rules and they drive them carelessly and leave them in the middle of the sidewalk, under the stairs or in general there are too many dangerous situations. I'm waiting for the day when they are banned here too. The idea of electric scooters is good, but it doesn't work because people behave like people.
Performing certain acts on your partner in a theatre is something no one should be doing.
Riding bicycles on a windy two-lane road with no shoulders. Trying to wave me around them right before a truck came around a blind curve. Now a line of cars is stuck doing 8 miles an hour behind two dipsh*ts who have never heard of a park.
My big one is when people drive down the middle of a two-lane driveway or parking lot. I mean really? Share the freaking road you jerks...
Anyone being mean to children or animals. Inexcusable to take out whatever issues you have on defenseless and completely innocent beings.
Grown adults running in front of my car. No really, as I was leaving the apartment fir work, I had three different grown men run in front of my car as I was driving. They're lucky I follow the parking lot speed limit. The kids where I live are smarter than that! So these guys must be copying the pigeons.
people driving who dont pay attention. speed limits, traffic conditions etc. Pay attention.
Or those who creep along on a two-lane highway, but floor it when you get a chance to pass. There should be a special place in Hell for them.
Load More Replies...Was the title of this article always "What not to do in public?" I'm a little confused by how many people put gave positive answers
No. The original was: What can a stranger do in public that will immediately make you judge them? Edit: the "not in public" was added by BP 🤦🏻♀️
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