Life is full of temptations. But when we know there will be negative consequences, we can learn to resist. Eating that entire cake in one sitting will inevitably lead to a tummy ache, and staying up until 3am will leave you feeling drained tomorrow. And if you send your ex an embarrassing message, it just might end up online.
Bored Panda has scoured the internet to find screenshots of the cringiest and most bizarre messages people have received from their former partners, so we've gathered our favorites down below. Enjoy scrolling through and feeling thankful that you weren’t a part of these interactions, and keep reading to find conversations with Master Certified Relationship Coach, Amie Leadingham, and Dating and Relationship Coach Rachel New!
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My Ex Texted Me At Work Asking For "Pics" Thinking I Was Someone Else, And Now I Pray For Whoever Alice Is
There’s nothing more beautiful than being in love. The world is a little bit brighter when you have someone to cuddle up with each night, and knowing that you always have someone ready to provide support and laughter is a wonderful feeling. But when what was once a “perfect” relationship crumbles, it can be challenging knowing how to pick up the pieces and move on.
No matter how many times we remind ourselves not to make that phone call, send that text message or respond to our ex’s Instagram story, it seems that many of us can’t resist. In fact, research has found that 40-50% of people have reunited with a former love to rekindle their relationship. But that doesn’t mean this is a good idea, as people in these on-again relationships tend to report lower satisfaction, feeling less validation, less love, lower sexual satisfaction and less fulfillment of their needs.
Girl From High School Got Engaged. Her Ex Commented On Her Fiancé’s Picture
So why do we reach out to our exes anyway? Isn’t trying the same thing and expecting different results insanity? According to Master Certified Relationship Coach Amie Leadingham, relationships end for a reason. "However, there are some circumstances where exes might reach out to each other," she told Bored Panda. "Maybe a partner realizes they were wrong about the breakup and wants to rekindle the relationship, or they know they are better off as friends than partners."
So if you're going to reach out to your ex, Amie says to be sensitive. "Ask yourself, what is the purpose of me trying to connect again? Is it to build a friendship or more? Lower your expectations of the outcome as well," the expert shared. "Your ex has the right not to be on the same page as you. If your ex has told you they no longer want you to reach out. You must respect their boundaries."
Messages A Friend Got From Their Ex
While it's not the case for most relationships, Amie says she has seen some exes get back together after a long breakup. "They both did their own journey of healing, developed themselves and got back together as a healthier version of their relationship," she explained.
But if you're struggling with an ex who won't stop contacting you, Amie says it is essential to have your boundaries respected. "Let your ex know you no longer want any more communication. Be direct and clear with your communication."
My Ex Cheated On Me And She Has The Audacity To Say I Should Apologize That I Didn't Give Her Enough Attention
Next possibly response should go: And you still haven't apologized for cheating. So, *Dean Ambrose-style* NOPE!
"If your ex will not stop contacting you, then you must create those boundaries yourself," Amie continued. "Blocking their number could be a good start. If you fear for your safety, it's important to contact local authorities to help create stronger boundaries and learn ways to protect yourself."
If you'd like to hear more words of wisdom from Amie the Dating Coach, be sure to visit her website!
That’s Actually Hilarious
I had to laugh a little because I like this kind of creativity. Of course not these circumstances!
This Is My Ex From A Few Years Ago. He Claims That He Loves Me And Then Does This
We were also lucky enough to get in touch with UK-based Dating and Relationship Coach Rachel New to hear her thoughts on the topic. “After breaking up with someone, it’s a good idea to take time to process the emotions and the thoughts. We might feel grief, sadness, anger, fear, depression, anxiety as well as relief, excitement, exhilaration and hope,” the expert told Bored Panda.
“There will be all the reasons why we broke up, but there will also be other voices in our head saying, ‘Now I’m all alone’ and ‘What is wrong with me?’ and ‘Maybe I should’ve tried harder to make it work.’ Getting in touch with our ex often happens when we’re feeling despondent, alone or just miss them,” Rachel explained. “But that’s not a good time to do it. We are just trying to give ourselves instant relief from the negative emotions, instead of letting ourselves sit with and process them. It’s very painful but essential.”
Ex Continued To Text Me After Over A Year Had Passed And Finally Threw A Hail Mary
Somehow, I am not convinced this will be the end of it. I hope OP stays alert. Sounds like more r/nicegirls material here -_-
My Ex Texted Me After I Found Out He Cheated. This Was Over A Year Ago
Alongside the grieving and processing, Rachel recommends that people fresh out of relationships make a list of what they want for their life and what kind of partner will support that journey. “Who will bring out the best in us and allow us to be ourselves? What kind of shared journey could we have together? Then when you start thinking about getting in touch or getting back together, use this list to help you decide whether your ex fits with your values, dreams and aspirations,” the coach shared. “Only make decisions about contacting them when you’re feeling good and with evidence from your list!”
Rachel says we also need to be honest with ourselves about the reasons why we want to get back in touch. “Is it because you miss them and need quick relief from that, or is it because you are serious about exploring getting back together and need to have some purposeful conversations about how things would need to be different if you did?”
My Ex Threatened Me On My Birthday, This Was What Happened Afterwards
If you can do that on someone's birthday and so close to a time of grieving, r/nicegirls is OP being kind -_-
Ex-Boyfriend Trying To Talk To His Ex-Girlfriend Through Cash App
If you just want relief because you’re feeling lonely, Rachel says it’s probably not the best time to reach out. “The need for a warm connection with your ex is like an addiction and you’re going [to have to quit] cold turkey,” she explained. “Instead of getting a hit from your drug, you need some strategies to meet your emotional needs in other ways, such as cuddling a teddy bear, seeing a good friend, starting a new hobby, or walking a dog.”
But if you are actually serious about getting back together, Rachel says you’ll need to plan what to discuss, what your needs are, what you’d like to change, and what other information you’ll need from them. “This decision shouldn’t be a spontaneous one, but something considered and well-thought out,” she noted.
Psycho Ex Who Knocked 2 Of My Teeth Out, Threatened Me With A Broken Beer Bottle, And Pulled A Gun On Me Tryna Pull The "Nice Guy's" Card
Using A Cash App To Beg Your Ex To Unblock You
Australian banks have banned particular words, phrases and putting special characters in place of letters in the description line to try to help combat this type of DV.
You also might want to contact an ex for more information about why you broke up, to help you process it and learn from it. “This is often used as a cover for the first reason – to get quick relief from the pain or grief or desire to be close – so think carefully about your motives,” Rachel pointed out.
And sometimes it’s necessary to communicate with our exes, for example, if you have children together. “You’ll need to find a way to communicate, perhaps with the help of a coach or mediator, that is productive and focused on practical tasks and solutions,” Rachel says. “You could agree on boundaries such as only discussing the children in your messages, only using one platform to communicate, and using language that is business-like and respectful, as if you are work colleagues.”
My Ex Found Me On Twitter. We Broke Up 7 Years Ago
The only reason for sharing that was to try and retain some power over her. Someone needs to grow up before it's too late.
"Nice Guy" Ex Tries To Make Me Jealous By Claiming He Had Sex Once And Got Drunk And Ended Up Having A Child Out Of Wedlock. These Messages Will Surely Entertain You
Faker dude can't even remember the name of his fictional kid! Leon, Lion, Leone, why not just jump the trigger and go to Leonidas? "THIS IS SPARTA!", and now kick the liar into the darkest pit!
I Updated My Relationship Stuff On Social Media Accounts, Ex Decides To Text Me After A Year Of Ghosting
I don't use Twitter I don't know what she's talking about. Not a month or two. The last time we were together was in 2015.
“If you are going to contact your ex, make it clear why you are getting in touch and what you want,” Rachel told Bored Panda. “Otherwise it’s not fair on them while they are trying to process and move forward. Think about the language you’re using so that you’re creating a new way of interacting, rather than just going back to how things were.”
“And it might be best to ask if it’s okay to get in touch, given a specific reason,” the dating expert continued. “You could say, ‘How would you feel about occasionally messaging each other, so we can stay updated about each other’s families?’ or ‘Would you be open to meeting up to talk about why we broke up, to help me make sense of it?’ If they say no, respect that.”
My Ex's Extra Suave One-Liner
Telling me that you classify asses by race tells me too much about you.
Ex Cheated On Me On My Birthday. This Is The Exchange We Had Today, I Was Expecting An Apology And Maybe Some Maturity But I Guess That's Too Much To Ask
That's why in cases like this, it's good riddance to pathetic scum -_-
Not Sure What My Ex Is Trying To Accomplish
While Rachel says that it’s possible to break up several times and then eventually become happily married for decades, often getting back together is done for purely emotional reasons and the underlying challenges are not dealt with. “Both parties need to feel their needs are being heard and that their partner is willing to explore ways to meet them," Rachel shared.
“Some people have a pattern of breaking up and getting back together many times. The make-up sex can be amazing, but there are many other reasons for getting back together, such as fear of losing someone they’re meant to be with, fear of abandonment or rejection or being alone, or an inability to tolerate negative emotions,” the expert explained. “I work with lots of people going through break-ups and talking it through and making sense of it really helps. It can be a lonely time and we crave that closeness with someone we’ve shared a lot of experiences with, someone that gets us and knows us.”
Woman Fakes A Wedding To Get Ex’s Attention
And you posted it online so everyone can see how batshit nuts you are. Well done
Sister's Ex Tried To Make Her Jealous, Ended Up Calling Her Crying
New fone, who dis? Omggg relationships nowadays are just a literal ledger of regret
When You Block Your Ex So He Makes Fake Instagram Accounts To Contact You
Think it should be frighteningly enlightening.
Load More Replies...This is obsessive behaviour and needs to be monitored as it can quickly escalate. It's concerning
Rachel also says it can be very distressing if an ex won’t stop contacting you. “The quickest way to get over each other is not to have any contact for about six months. It’s very hard, but it works,” she told Bored Panda. “Not having contact via social media is an essential part of this. You are going cold turkey, so you don’t want any new data from them at all. Don’t give yourself the opportunity to see any photos of them via other people’s social media either. You will both need to agree and understand the reasons why this works. If your ex doesn’t stick to it, try communicating again why this approach works and why you need their help to do it.”
It’s Been Over A Year Since I Broke Up With Her, She Finally Reached Out To Apologize. Ladies And Gentlemen, I Present My Ex
How does one misinterpret his message and its meaning and turn it into what she did? That’s delusional
My Girlfriend's Ex Asks Her This Every Couple Of Months
Happy Valentine's Day To My Cheating, Stealing, Lying, Emotionally Manipulative Ex
“If you are inconsistent with an ex who keeps contacting you – sometimes encouraging them by replying, even just to tell them not to contact you – they are less likely to stop,” Rachel continued. “Communicate one last time, firmly and calmly, that you are quite sure that you don’t want to be in touch. After that, not responding at all usually works but may take time. Next, you can block them. Remember, being consistent is important: if you block them on Whatsapp but not on Instagram it won’t work. And you can block them from a place of empowerment and in a healthy way: it doesn’t have to be done from anger or fear.”
My High School Ex-Girlfriend Drops By My Social Media Every So Often To Deliver Some Tacky Comments About How Great She's Doing. I Dumped Her 25 Years Ago
My Now Ex-Boyfriend Has Been Sending Me Texts Non-Stop. I Sent Him A Message Saying Me Moving Out And Us Breaking Up Is For The Best, And This Was His Response
And she just wants you to leave her alone. Is that too much to ask for?
My Cheating Ex Is Desperate
The context for the third slide: we do not have a son, that’s just what she wanted to name him if we ever had a son.
“Breaking up is very painful and brings up all our vulnerabilities and deepest longings. Take care of yourself and show compassion and kindness towards yourself,” Rachel says. “Endings are an inevitable part of life and can be healthy – don’t try to minimize or escape from the grieving process. Try to visualize yourself in a year’s time, free from your attachment: will you be happy you moved on and gave yourself the chance to meet someone who’s a better fit?”
If you’d like to hear more dating advice from Rachel, be sure to visit her website or purchase her dating workbook!
My Ex-Girlfriend "Checks Up" On Me After Changing Her Relationship Status
Sure, My Ex Totally Didn't Mean To Send Me A Selfie With Her Marriage Certificate
Are you rethinking sending that risky text to your ex after reading through these pics, pandas? There’s nothing wrong with wanting to reach out, but remember to choose your words wisely and carefully. And it might be best to keep them to yourself altogether! Keep upvoting the pics you find particularly amusing, and then if you’re interested in reading even more cringey interactions between former lovers, check out this Bored Panda article next!
My Ex Found Out That I Moved On And Still Asked Me To Date Him
I Broke Up With My Ex-Girlfriend, She Thinks Jealousy Will Get Me Back
My Ex-Wife's Attempt At Making Me Jealous
My Friend Dumped Her Ex-Boyfriend Almost Four Months Ago. Last Night He Decided To Leave A Message In Her Driveway With Pumpkins
On the plus side, you can cut the faces into where the writing is and make a family of pumpkins going trick or treating
My Ex Tries To Guilt Me Into Talking To Him, Makes Himself The Victim, Then Tries To Tell Me About His Snake?
Used To Hook Up With This Guy A Year Ago, He Messages Me Out Of Nowhere Asking To Hook Up Again And This Happens
It Was A Social Experiment
Ladies And Gentlemen, I Present To You: My Ex
My Ex Of 5 Years. I Have Him Blocked On All Social Media (Including Linkedin). Opened Yelp Today And Found He Has Sent Me Yet Another Message
I hope you are documenting everything for when it's time to call the police.
I Blocked My Ex On Everything And Now He’s Sending Me A Dollar On The Cash App Just To Leave Me Messages
Keep 'em coming and treat yourself to a nice diner with some guy
An Ex Of Mine Contacted Me Out Of Nowhere
My Friend Had Dinner With An Ex And Regrets It
My Ex
My Ex, Who Regularly Cheats On His Current Girlfriend. Self-Proclaimed "Nice Guy"
Yeah, on behalf of the male population, I apologize that this miserable joke of "nice guy" exists and continues to give the rest of us a bad name... -_-
My Cousin's Ex Asked Her For Money For The Second Time Since They Broke Up. His Response To Her Calling Him Out Is Golden
Of all the things to bug your ex about: gas money... And here I thought humanity couldn't sink any further... -_-
More Astrology Breakups
Not Over His Ex
Ironically, probably the only person in the universe she wants to hear from less than you is a life insurance salesman.
"Nice Guy" Ex Snaps After Being Ignored
Yes please. Do not try and make any woman happy ever again. Please promise.
My Ex’s Futile Attempts To Reach Me After Dumping Him And Blocking Him On Everything
My Ex-Boyfriend Continuously Contacts Me From Alt Accounts. Would Always Describe Himself As "A Kind Gentleman". It's Been 3-4 Years. He's In His Late 20's
My Ex Has Been Relentless In Trying To Contact Me In Every Possible Way She Can. On This Occasion, Two Different Numbers Texted Me To Harass Me Some More
Simona Kinderyte - most of your posts and your profile are broken links for app users.
I can speak to any of my ex-partners apart from one, she cheated on me whilst I worked abroad trying to raise money for our first house, so she’s kinda off my Christmas card list 😂 but all the others I still cross paths with or have contact via social media, no drama, no jealousy, always wished the best for them in their lives, why would I want to trash their new relationships? We split up for very good reasons, that’s the end of it. They know that, I know that. They are happy now, so am I, my life is good and I hope theirs is too.
A looooong time ago, my sister won a prize and it was announced on the radio. My ex heard, then found out where I worked, called me at work, and asked me to help him out. I'm like, "I didn't win anything, my sister did; and you still owe me money." "Well, ask her for money so I can do this investment thing and then I can pay you back." I hung up on him, and again when he called right back. Turns out it costs precisely $1750 to lose 210 lbs.
The last text my ex sent was “glad you’re having fun at camp and I told you, the classics are always in style.” This was after I sent him an audio recording of me and all my friends singing along in the van to Frank Sinatra at like 11:30 at night. Glad to still be friends with him, because these posts…
I think a lot of people communicate with their exes because they treat break-ups like it's PART of the relationship and not the END of one. Like it's a little game they're playing, or a temporary solution to a problem. So when one party moves on from the other there's genuine confusion on the part of the person who was playing the game. Other times it's obviously just because some people get hung up and have a real hard time letting go, or are mentally unwell. But I see way too many examples of people who break up every other week because their relationship is so overly dramatic and doesn't have a good I think that plays in to this kind of showcase a bit.
Ye gods some of these remind me of a couple of my exes. If any of them contacted me I’d ask how they found me, and would they like a trip to the nearest jail cell if they tried to come anywhere near me or my family.
Simona Kinderyte - most of your posts and your profile are broken links for app users.
I can speak to any of my ex-partners apart from one, she cheated on me whilst I worked abroad trying to raise money for our first house, so she’s kinda off my Christmas card list 😂 but all the others I still cross paths with or have contact via social media, no drama, no jealousy, always wished the best for them in their lives, why would I want to trash their new relationships? We split up for very good reasons, that’s the end of it. They know that, I know that. They are happy now, so am I, my life is good and I hope theirs is too.
A looooong time ago, my sister won a prize and it was announced on the radio. My ex heard, then found out where I worked, called me at work, and asked me to help him out. I'm like, "I didn't win anything, my sister did; and you still owe me money." "Well, ask her for money so I can do this investment thing and then I can pay you back." I hung up on him, and again when he called right back. Turns out it costs precisely $1750 to lose 210 lbs.
The last text my ex sent was “glad you’re having fun at camp and I told you, the classics are always in style.” This was after I sent him an audio recording of me and all my friends singing along in the van to Frank Sinatra at like 11:30 at night. Glad to still be friends with him, because these posts…
I think a lot of people communicate with their exes because they treat break-ups like it's PART of the relationship and not the END of one. Like it's a little game they're playing, or a temporary solution to a problem. So when one party moves on from the other there's genuine confusion on the part of the person who was playing the game. Other times it's obviously just because some people get hung up and have a real hard time letting go, or are mentally unwell. But I see way too many examples of people who break up every other week because their relationship is so overly dramatic and doesn't have a good I think that plays in to this kind of showcase a bit.
Ye gods some of these remind me of a couple of my exes. If any of them contacted me I’d ask how they found me, and would they like a trip to the nearest jail cell if they tried to come anywhere near me or my family.