When it rains, it pours. If I oversleep one day, it will definitely be when I have something extremely important that morning. I’ll also hop in the shower to find that there’s no hot water. Then, while I’m running through a storm to catch a bus, I’ll most certainly get splashed by a car driving through a huge, muddy puddle. That’s just how life works sometimes!
But I’ve learned that even when I’m having a terrible day, it can always get worse. To prove this point, Bored Panda has scoured the internet to find photos from people who are probably having a much worse day than you. So enjoy scrolling through these photos that are so unfortunate you can’t help but laugh, and be sure to upvote the situations that make you thankful for your own luck today!
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I Guess I'll Move Out And Just Let Him Live Here
This Guy Stole My Bread. While I Was Going To The Bathroom He Comes In And Shows Me His Prize
My dog did this with a freshly baked loaf of bread! Same thing, I was in the bathroom, I heard his toenails click on the counter, figured he's too short to reach, and next thing I know, I'm pulling up my pants and chasing him around the back yard. He stole the bread and my dignity that day.
Sunlight Through This Glass Doorknob Started A Housefire
We all know how it feels to have a bad day. In fact, one survey found that most Americans would consider about 60 days out of the year to be “bad ones,” CBS News reports. It’s pretty unfortunate to hear that one sixth of the year is made up of terrible days, but one of the easiest ways to fix this would be to find a job that you love.
Apparently, about fourth fifths of those polled admitted that work-related stress was a significant factor in many of their bad days. But two thirds also noted that not getting enough sleep always sets them up for a bad day. Other factors that might turn a good day upside down are feeling sick, worrying about money, having plans cancelled or watching your favorite sports team lose.
Got My Nieces (3) This Tent For Christmas. One Ran Away And One Started To Cry. My Sister-In-Law Was Like, "We Have One Of Those, It's The Time-Out Tent"
Ripped My Shorts Out Walking And Of Course It Had To Be On A Day I Wore Cartoonish Underwear
Goats... Really?
If you realize things just aren’t going your way one day, it can be tempting to throw the whole day away and start fresh tomorrow. Some days are past the point of redemption! But if you haven’t completely given up yet, it might still be possible to turn the day, or at the very least the evening, around.
If you want to stop the entire day from being cursed, HuffPost recommends first just taking a breath and calming down for a moment. It’s easy to become stressed or overwhelmed when things aren’t going according to plan. But if you take a moment to relax and think about your situation, you might be able to approach the rest of the day with a more level head.
I Booked My Flight Online And Chose The "Vegetarian Oriental" Meal. This Is What I Got
Husband Went Into The Attic To Fix A Leak. Lost His Footing And Fell Through. He’s Ok. The Whole Floor Level Of Our Home Is Not
Even Worse Than 52 Card Pickup
Next, HuffPost suggests taking stock of your situation. Sure, some things might not have worked out today. But could it have been worse? If you still have your health, your loved ones around and/or something to look forward to later on in the week, all hope is not lost!
It also helps to be realistic. If you’re not actually experiencing the worst case scenario, you still have something to be thankful for. Some of the best advice I ever read when I was in a “Why me?” mood while mourning a tragedy was: Why not you? Bad things happen every single day, and unfortunately, none of us are immune to them. No, they aren’t fun to experience, but they are inevitable.
RIP Washing Machine
Amazon Said This Photo Is Proof That A $1093, 150-Pound Generator Was Delivered To My House
My Neighbor Is Going To Have A Harsh Morning Getting To Work
When you’re having a terrible day, your first impulse might be to find someone or something to blame. But sometimes, it’s best not to point the finger. Many things in life are completely out of our control, and we have no way of knowing what would have happened if things had just gone our way. Something else could have gone wrong, perhaps something worse! Try not to be angry or bitter, and accept that the day was simply out of your control.
Well This Is Sad. Mom Dropped Her Phone On The Train Tracks Obliterating The Thing And Damaged Her Only Photos Of Her Deceased Grandparents
I Just Wanted A Beer After A Long Day Of Work. First, Tab Broke Off. I Used A Spoon To Open It Only To Find Another Tab. Opening It Shotgun Style, I Guess
Washing Machine In The Apartment Above Me Was Pouring Water For Days, And No One Noticed Until It Started Pouring Out Of My Circuit Breaker
When it comes to not blaming anyone for your bad luck, that includes letting yourself off the hook. Even if you made a mistake that got you here, you’re human. We’re all fallible! Be kind to yourself and have compassion. Perhaps you weren’t feeling well, which caused you to be off your game. Or maybe your mind was elsewhere when working because of issues going on in your personal life. We’re all complex creatures who can’t be expected to be 100% our best all the time.
Guest's 8-Year-Old Child Damaged An Already-Fragile Copy Of Homer's Iliad From 1872
Thought It Would Be Fun To Invite My Friends Over For Lunch On My Dog’s Birthday Just For Fun. Everyone Canceled After I Put The Delivery Order In
I hope your dog had a great time with his favourite person (you) anyway.
Gloves Broke At The Seam On Both Hands For Both Colors. My Hands Didn’t Even Completely Fill Up The Glove So I Don’t Know What Happened. My Work Buddies Are Gonna Find This Hilarious
Now, once you’ve accepted that a day simply wasn’t for you, it’s time to do something that will turn your frown upside down. Go for a walk and get some fresh air to clear your head, call up a family member to chat with to take your mind off of things, stop by your favorite bakery and grab a pastry, or spend the evening watching a feel-good film. Anything that will get you smiling or feeling grateful again is a great move!
Forgot To Let The Faucet Drip
Neighbor's Kid Decided To Decorate My Car With A Rock To Make It Look "Cute"
Someone’s Lost Bag At The Toronto Airport. I Lost Count Of How Many Vehicles Have Driven Around It Since I Sat Down For Lunch
You might also want to try something completely new with your bad day. Have you ever meditated? Have you ever baked bread from scratch? Even if things flop, you’ve got nothing to lose today! It might be the perfect time to branch out and try something you’ve never done before. You might even surprise yourself and really enjoy it!
This Was A Tesla
Great Way To Start A Friday
Someone Got Their Croc Stuck In The Escalator
My kindergarten teacher’s daughter had something similar happen. She fell and ended up needing stitches. I’ve hated escalators ever since
Finally, HuffPost recommends looking forward when you’re experiencing terrible luck one day. Usually, it’s important to try to be present, but if the only thing that can get you through a bad day is the fact that you’re looking forward to tomorrow, or even next weekend, it’s worth it. Think about how great it will be to celebrate your upcoming birthday or to see your parents when they come to visit. If this day is a lost cause, don’t worry. The next one won’t be!
Daughter Left The Garden Hose Running Outside All Night And It Managed To Flood My Basement
Bonus points for the poop litter that spilled and the 4 hours of tinkering with my sump pump to pull this all out.
I Stayed At A BnB With Bed Bugs And Had A Huge Allergic Reaction
That's not an allergic reaction, that's sadly just how you look after a bed bug encounter....
Just Because It "Fits" Doesn't Mean You Put It In The Locker
Corkscrew through the mid point of the near side of the box, and heave.
We hope you’re enjoying these photos of comically bad luck that people have experienced, pandas. Keep upvoting the pics you find particularly sad, and let us know in the comments below how you like to turn a bad day around. Then, if you’re looking for another Bored Panda piece featuring similar pics, you can find even more right here!
Guess Who Found A Worm In Their Can Of Peaches After They Already Ate Most Of The Can?
Opened The Cupboard Door And A 1k Candle Fell Out
Was Just About To Leave For Work. Ceiling Fell Right On The Gaming Setup
Tar Splattered On The Back Of My Car. We Are Figuring Out The Mystery, But It May Be That The Transformer On The Pole I Park My Car Next To At My House Might Be Overheating And Leaking
I didn't even know they could do that, unbelievable. I just went to the car wash recently, too.
My Upstairs Neighbor Dropped A Quart Of Milk And It's Dripping Into My Apartment
Washed My Lenses
My Car And House Keys Fell Out Of My Pocket While Playing With My Dogs And Now They’re Buried In Snow
Grandparents' House Caught Fire While They Were Away For Thanksgiving
At least they were away. I have similar from my parents and my mom didn't make it out.
Guess The Chicken Had Paprika On It
Someone Tried And Failed To Break Into My Car Last Night
My Bathroom Scale Randomly Shattered. No Sound, Nothing Around It That Could've Hit It
Only Had A Few More Passes To Go
Opened Up My Fireproof Safe To Find My Passport Growing Mold On Top Of All Of My Important Documents
Weekly Plasma Donation And I Got This Lovely Complimentary Bruise
Fiancée Forgot She Was Wearing Slippers To The Airport Before A Week-Long Vacation
Pipe Burst In The Attic And The Ceiling Caved In
Accidentally Stepped On My Glasses And They Broke In Half. I Don't Have Money For New Ones
I always keep my old prescription glasses as backup in case I break or lose the new ones. Better wearing outdated glasses then being blind (I'm really shortsighted)
Bought 2 Days Ago, Receipt Is Gone Of Course
ATM Chomped Up My Christmas Shopping Budget As A Treat
Trying To Move My CD Collection, I Should Just Give Up At This Point
Bought These Ice Breakers At The Airport For $6
Some Women Don't Take Rejection Very Well Apparently
I Got Food Poisoning After Ordering Cheap Tilapia Online. I Should've Known That 45 Cents Per Filet Was Going To Cause Me Trouble, But No, I Just Had To
When I was depressed my mom would often say that people have it worse than me. The realization that it can get worse does not help.
And that’s a terrible thing to say to someone with depression.
Load More Replies...What I think is? While I've had extremely "rough days"? At least I'm still alive 🙂
do you wanna have a bad time? quote sans.undertale pixilart-d...e71d94.png
I understand that part. I'm curious as to why it looks warped. Almost like a trapezoid. Not quite a square or rectangle. Or is it the angle that makes it look distorted? Thanks.
When I was depressed my mom would often say that people have it worse than me. The realization that it can get worse does not help.
And that’s a terrible thing to say to someone with depression.
Load More Replies...What I think is? While I've had extremely "rough days"? At least I'm still alive 🙂
do you wanna have a bad time? quote sans.undertale pixilart-d...e71d94.png
I understand that part. I'm curious as to why it looks warped. Almost like a trapezoid. Not quite a square or rectangle. Or is it the angle that makes it look distorted? Thanks.