Everyone has likely experienced (or at least heard about) some kind of coincidence throughout their lives. For some, these moments may have been so insignificant that they barely noticed or quickly forgot about them. For others, they were so shocking that they can't forget and are eager to share them. 

So, when a Reddit user asked about the most bizarre coincidences people have experienced or heard of, many didn't shy away from sharing the stories that left them astonished. This list is a collection of them, so be prepared – you might be surprised by what you read!

More info: Reddit


35 People Who Experienced Such Wild Coincidences That It Made Them Question Everything They Knew I dialed my mum on my mobile when I was on public transport and accidentally swapped two numbers around.

The person I called was on the same carriage.

MoFauxTofu , freepik Report

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Pedantic Panda
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2 hours ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Do people really dial regular numbers instead of just having them saved?

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35 People Who Experienced Such Wild Coincidences That It Made Them Question Everything They Knew The Jim Twins. Look it up. Two twins who were given up for adoption at birth, given the same first name by their adoptive parents, took family vacations to the same beach, married women with the same name, divorced, their second wives' names were off by one letter, both served as volunteer sheriffs, both were into carpentry, both smoked the same brand cigarettes and drank the same brand beer.

LunchCautious8781 , freepik Report

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35 People Who Experienced Such Wild Coincidences That It Made Them Question Everything They Knew The year JRR Tolkien died is the One Ring verse backwards.


3 rings for the elven kings.
7 for the dwarf lords.
9 for mortal men.
1 ring to rule them all.

I always thought this was bizarre lol.

anon , D A V I D S O N L U N A Report

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The most popular subreddit for questions and the second most popular of all is r/AskReddit. Currently, it has 49M members and this number doesn’t even account for people who visit and don’t join. Plenty of people ask questions on this subreddit daily, and while some don’t get that much attention, others pretty much go viral. 

Today we’re going to discuss one of these viral questions. It was asked on the platform some time ago by a user whose account is sadly suspended. Still, the question gathered quite a lot of attention – over 8K likes and over 2.5K responses. 


35 People Who Experienced Such Wild Coincidences That It Made Them Question Everything They Knew This guy I went to grade school and high school with, an acquaintance at best. I've seen him in 5 different locations in different countries throughout the last 15 years.

Disney World when I was a kid.

Some beach bar in Thailand.

The Bean in Chicago.

A pub in Budapest.

A library in San Jose, Costa Rica.

We've become friends due our love of traveling, but neither of us post on social media and neither of us communicated with each other our plans to travel. We never talked outside of the random meetings. Now if I see him, its like the world wants us to have a beer together. haha.

anon , freepik Report


35 People Who Experienced Such Wild Coincidences That It Made Them Question Everything They Knew My dad lives in a national park here in Australia. It's farmland that's grandfathered in. It's the remnants of a volcano that blew itself up very violently, so it's very hilly terrain.

One day we were sitting out on the deck, when we see a hang-glider come down halfway down the valley, and it didn't look like a nice landing. "S**t, we better see if he's alright, they don't land anywhere near here"

So we get in the car, drive for about 10 minutes to reach the spot. We head over to the guy who is standing by a very damaged glider. The pilot is staring at us incredulously, he stammers "F**k, Jack, is that you?".

My dad, who hasn't seen his childhood friend for 35 years shouts "F**k, Tim, is that you?".

They both grew up in Greymouth, NZ. Found each other randomly after a glider crash in NSW, Australia.

aalios , wirestock Report


35 People Who Experienced Such Wild Coincidences That It Made Them Question Everything They Knew Through a series of weird circumstances I had never met my best friend’s older sister’s best friend despite me also being very close to the sister and being at their house all the time. we finally met one night and we were all sitting around the kitchen table talking. she and I are both major cat people and we were talking about our past and current cats. I told her the crazy and horrible story of how my cat had been missing since the night of my senior prom (3 weeks prior). he was 13 and I was devastated. I showed her a picture of him and she said something along the lines of “I don’t want to get your hopes up but he looks a lot like this cat my dad started feeding in our backyard about 3 weeks ago. he didn’t have a collar so my dad thought he was a stray but he is pretty chonky.” it was like 11pm but my friend and I immediately jumped into my car and drove over to the girl’s house. as soon as I got out of the car and yelled his name he came running. he was missing a tooth from a previous adventure so I pried his mouth open to be 100% sure it was him. the friend lived about 3 miles from me. after we worked out what had happened and how huge of a coincidence it was, my mind was completely blown. the stars aligned so perfectly for me to get my baby boy back. I still get goosebumps when I think about it.

emilyjobot , Racool_studio Report

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Some of these answers were about coincidences people experienced themselves. For instance, meeting the same person over and over again, encountering the individual they were just talking about, and so on. 

Others talked about the coincidence phenomena they’re fascinated with. Like the Jim twins – two boys who were adopted by different families and years later reunited. Coincidentally, up until their reunion, the men lived nearly identical lives, which led to them having almost identical brain waves and personalities. 


35 People Who Experienced Such Wild Coincidences That It Made Them Question Everything They Knew I was playing hide and seek with my best friend at her house when a pipe burst in the basement. Her mom got the water turned off and went to call a plumber, but mistyped one digit and ended up calling my dad, who has the knowledge, skill and the tools for fixing and building just about everything. He came over and fixed it for free.

Adastra1018 , Curtis Adams Report

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35 People Who Experienced Such Wild Coincidences That It Made Them Question Everything They Knew One time, me and my dad were discussing his friend while out driving at night without many other cars on the road. As we were talking, we pulled up to a red light, and the car waiting in front was my dad's friend. He didn't even live close to there.

chooooooool , freepik Report


35 People Who Experienced Such Wild Coincidences That It Made Them Question Everything They Knew This isn't as crazy as other ones I read, but it's mine

We probably scared the s**t out of some poor old couple while on a road trip. We were going to my grandmother's, and we followed the SAME freaking car for over 4 hours, and eventually stopped at the same restaurant, and the same gas station, and only ever stopped when we pulled into my grandma's residential neighborhood.

youterrifyme137 , freepik Report

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Another phenomenon mentioned in this list is related to J. R. R. Tolkien. He died in 1973. When you reverse this number, you get 3791, which coincides with the One Ring verse (3 rings for the elven kings, 7 for the dwarf lords, 9 for men, and 1 ring to rule them all) from one of his books. Quite peculiar, isn’t it? 

Some quite famous coincidences weren’t even mentioned in this list. For example, the one about the writer Mark Twain and the comet. He was born on November 30, 1835, when Halley’s comet came the closest to Earth.

Likely because of this, the writer himself predicted that he would “go out with the comet” when it returned next, which ended up kind of happening. M. Twain died on April 21, 1910, a day after the same comet’s closest approach. 



35 People Who Experienced Such Wild Coincidences That It Made Them Question Everything They Knew A few years ago I was brushing my teeth thinking about how messed up designed obsolescence is. I had probably just watched a documentary about the pitfalls of capitalism or corporate personhood or something and thought to myself “good thing toothbrushes are pretty sturdy, yeah the bristles bend after a while but you can’t really work in an expiration date on something like this” when mid thought my toothbrush snaps clean in half. I’m left holding the handle in one hand and have the brush end sticking out of my mouth and I stare at my reflection in the mirror for a good 15 seconds completely baffled. “God, is that you?”.

ihearitbutturnitup , Andrea Piacquadio Report

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35 People Who Experienced Such Wild Coincidences That It Made Them Question Everything They Knew I was crossing the street after leaving a store and had the strangest feeling I was going to break my ankle, so carefully avoided a vehicle coming my way.That evening I went to pick up Thai food, fell leaving the restaurant on less than a 4 inch step, and shattered my ankle to the point of needing surgery and after a year haven't fully healed.

Ladycat1988 , freepik Report

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35 People Who Experienced Such Wild Coincidences That It Made Them Question Everything They Knew About 15 years ago or so I was playing Counter-Strike 1.6 and tried joining a password protected server with a few people in it. I typed in "yellow" for the password and it worked. First try. I'll never forget that.

fatality216 , Tima Miroshnichenko Report

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madeleine f
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2 hours ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I once played poker with my then boyfriend, I needed four-of-a-kind to win as I was way behind. When he dealt the cards before turning them over I said 'please give me 4 ace'. I got four ace. Guess my boyfriend was surprised, and a bad loser too. He threw the cards in my face and walked out. 😂

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And that’s just one example. As these Medium and articles show, there are plenty of other famous coincidences. 

Well, the Reddit post said that these coincidences were supposed to make people question the fabric of reality. We don’t know whether these incidents or phenomena made anyone feel so extreme, but a peculiar feeling was almost guaranteed. For those who experienced them themselves, they were shaken enough to remember them for some time and then share them online. 

Have you ever experienced any funny, odd, or even eerie coincidences? Share with us in the comments.


35 People Who Experienced Such Wild Coincidences That It Made Them Question Everything They Knew My wife and I were looking to hire a caterer for our wedding and when we met, my wife and her started talking about their lives a bit.

Turns out they had both literally grown up on the same street, in a city of 10 million people, on the other side of the world. Both had left the city around a decade before immigrating to our current country.

They knew the same people, had hung out at the same coffee place, attended the same church. They even used to grab mangoes off the same large tree that hung over the wall of one of the large houses in the neighbourhood.

But they had never met one another until meeting on almost the exact opposite side of the planet, in a small town of about 50,000 people.

kor_hookmaster , katemangostar Report

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detective miller's hat
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1 hour ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

A lady just moved in to the condo next to my mother in New Jersey. They both grew up in the same remote village in Ireland and were classmates at the same boarding school. They hadn't seen each other since mum left Ireland in the 60s.

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35 People Who Experienced Such Wild Coincidences That It Made Them Question Everything They Knew I passed out after receiving a flu shot when I was 28. The nurse who helped me up kept asking if I wanted my mom. It seemed like a really weird thing to offer an adult woman - the option to have her mother phoned and brought in - so I was really confused and getting progressively more annoyed at her repeatedly asking...

...until my mom walked up to me. She had the appointment after mine to get vaccinated. The nurses assumed we had come together, but neither of us knew about the other's appointment, and we lived an hour away from each other in different cities.

Leelluu , prostooleh Report

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35 People Who Experienced Such Wild Coincidences That It Made Them Question Everything They Knew I was hanging out with 4 buddies, and looked at my phone and said “huh, my phones at 69% charge, nice”
The other 3 looked at their cell phones and also had 69% charge! It was the weirdest coincidence and we all started laughing.
(Buddy #4 was at 80% tho, he could not join in on the fun).

Material-Subject-684 , Lum3n Report

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35 People Who Experienced Such Wild Coincidences That It Made Them Question Everything They Knew My friend and I were on a road trip a few years ago and needed a place to stay. We both told each other we had a friend in the city we were going through, so we figured we’d be able to crash with one of them. Turns out our two friends were roommates and had both been telling each other that they had a friend coming to town soon.

anon , freepik Report

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35 People Who Experienced Such Wild Coincidences That It Made Them Question Everything They Knew Not me, but a story I heard.

The guy telling the story was from the UK and on holiday in Greece. He went for a walk and passed a public phone, which started ringing. On a whim, he answers the phone... and it's his bank, calling him about some unusual activity on his account.

The bank starts asking him questions, but he's still taken aback by how his bank knew his location (this was in the early 90s), and asks them how they got this number. The bank tells him that it's the number they have on file. He tells them that can't be right, because he's in Greece, and this is a public phone box.


What are the odds of that happening? Like 3 to 1 at least.

Solarflair500 , Report


35 People Who Experienced Such Wild Coincidences That It Made Them Question Everything They Knew When my brother and I were little we went to my aunts Lakehouse for winter break. One of my aunts friends invited us over to dinner, it was my best friends family Who had family on the same lake and was vacationing at the same time.

AddictedNoob244 , Valentine Kulikov Report

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35 People Who Experienced Such Wild Coincidences That It Made Them Question Everything They Knew I had a dream that a friend of mine and I were living in a loft style apartment with exposed brick and told him about it at band practice. He enjoyed the term “exposed brick” and used it , metaphorically, in a song he was writing.
Fast Forward 7 years later, both of us living in separate areas than we grew up in all those years, multiple career changes for both, and by “coincidence” we both ended up back in the same (different than we grew up in) town.
A guy I went to college with showed me his apartment, of which he loved and had a vacancy in their building...but I needed a roommate to help foot the guessed it, that same guy I had the dream about was looking for a new place to rent...this place had exposed brick and was one of few in the area, at that time.

RedShadowIV , master1305 Report

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For years my pin number was the radio frequency of an old rock station that no longer exists. I used that pin for like 10 years, then one night, watching Futurama. Fry says the pin for his debit card, the price of a slice of pepperoni and a large coke or something like that, 10.77.....MF just blurts out MY SPECIAL PIN NUMBER THAT ONLY I KNEW!! Had to change it after that. The station btw was 107.7 The End, an old alternative rock station out of Seattle.

phatalphreak Report

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Nuku Nyara
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2 hours ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

107.7 The End was awesome ❤️. The Rock is nearly as good 🤩👍

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I lived in Wyoming, you know that s****y state state with around 600k people total. 2 of my friends and myself all joined the air force about a year apart from each other, and pretty much lost contact as we each departed. One was stationed in japan. One stationed in Hawaii. I was stationed in Georgia. One summer I took a month off to go home to Wyoming to see friends and family. My wife was kind of hungry so we went to Buffalo Wild Wings at like 10 at night. This is a lone Bdubs in a town of like 50k people at 10 pm in the middle of the week. I walk in and see one of my friends, the one stationed in Japan. So we sit and catch up. about the time our food order had arrived friend 2 walked in. Somehow all three of us ended up in the same job in the air force, decided to take vacation at the exact same time to go back to Wyoming and ended up at the same bdubs on the same night with no prior communication with each other.

Unlii Report

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Sunny Day
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4 hours ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Didn't your CO tell you Cheyenne is the crossroads of the universe? You should have e skipped Buffalo Wild Wings and gone to Wing Stop out by King Soopers.

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35 People Who Experienced Such Wild Coincidences That It Made Them Question Everything They Knew Last week I am at work doing a job, my coworker strikes up a conversation with the homeowner at the job site and mentions that his parents live across the street from him, he also asks how long he had lived there. Homeowner responds that it has only been a few months, he just moved to the city from *small town several hours away*.

Co-worker laughs and says he was born and raised in that town. Then asks "Do you know the mini-plex at the corner of X street and Y street? I lived right across from that."

Homeowner looks confused, "do you mean at 103 X street? That was my house"

They talked more, and discovered that my coworkers parents had sold their house to this Homeowner when they moved to the city. He lived there for 15 years, and then sold it to move to the same city, across the street from the previous owners. Small world.

smoffatt34920 , freepik Report

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35 People Who Experienced Such Wild Coincidences That It Made Them Question Everything They Knew When my older son was very young he’d talk about how he used to be “Burt Roberts” (last name changed to protect the innocent).

Burt had a twin brother named “Bern”. Burt’s wife was named Betty. Burt was from Idaho (location changed).

A lot of this was pretty obvious: my wife’s family is from Idaho. My wife’s name is Betty.

Later, for fun, I did a Google search.

There was a Burton Roberts from Boise, Idaho. He had a brother, Bernard (Bern). Burton was married to Betty. Burton died two weeks after my son was born; my son was born six weeks preterm.

Obviously just a coincidence, but man for a minute I was flabbergasted.

anon , Jen Theodore Report

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Luke Branwen
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2 hours ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Lil dude provided a rock-solid proof of reincarnation and the OP is still like "Obviously just a coincidence ¯\_(ツ)_/¯"

See Also on Bored Panda

35 People Who Experienced Such Wild Coincidences That It Made Them Question Everything They Knew Was working grocery store as a summer job while I finish up one of my remaining classes before I graduated college. Management was f*****g with my schedule and hours, didn’t respect the fact that I had class, and weren’t willing to work with me about cutting my hours down a little (working 20 instead of 25 hours a week). Was thinking about quitting and went to talk to my manager in her office where she said “I guess you will have to pick employment or your class, now go help up front.” Next customer came up line, didn’t know my manager and I just had this conversation, and said “you deserve more than this job. Tell them to f**k off.” So I turned off my light went back to manager and said “I pick my class. I quit.” Got that customers number now and tutor them with their classes, make more, and feel better.

Warm-Replacement-314 , freepik Report

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35 People Who Experienced Such Wild Coincidences That It Made Them Question Everything They Knew My mum and I were heading out for a morning shopping trip so I was in the shower pretty early, around 7.15am or so. My grandpa had been ill with a cold - which could be concerning as he only had one lung - but was recuperating at home and had seemed perfectly fine when we spoke to him on the phone the previous day. Chipper, even. Yet out of *nowhere*, my brain suddenly went: "We're not going shopping, he's died". I have intrusive thoughts every so often so I just told myself to shut up and get on with the shampoo.

Five minutes later mum bangs on the door to tell me my grandpa had passed away in his sleep and we need to head over to his house.

I don't believe in psychics or precognition or anything like that, and I've never even thought of myself as a particularly perceptive person either. Like, I'm as dense as a brick most times. Which is why this still has me spooked fourteen years later.

anon , Drazen Zigic Report

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Sunny Day
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4 hours ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I was no-contact with my parents. I had a dream that my dad was in the hospital with cancer. It was really vivid, and stuck with me the next day. Would I be upset if my dad died? I decided No. Too much water under that bridge for me to forgive him. The next day my brother called to tell me dad had cancer.

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35 People Who Experienced Such Wild Coincidences That It Made Them Question Everything They Knew Dreaming about someone i didn't see in years only to meet them by coïncidence a week later.

anon , Racool_studio Report

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35 People Who Experienced Such Wild Coincidences That It Made Them Question Everything They Knew When I was in year 7 I used to always giggle when a kids name got called over the loudspeaker to go to the office cause it was a name that sounded rude. I didn’t know this kid they were in a different year level to me never met them just remembered the name cause it was funny. Fast forward to now I’m in my 30’s with kids and it turns out that funny named kid is my daughters best friends Mum.

GlitterMermaid4 , Ivan Aleksic Report

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35 People Who Experienced Such Wild Coincidences That It Made Them Question Everything They Knew There’s a cafe in DC that I frequent when I’m in town. Every time I’ve gone to that cafe I’ve run into someone from different points in my life, neither of the people I’ve met live in DC. This has happened four times. The fourth time I had a friend from elementary school, high school, college and post college all in the same cafe. The crazy thing is that the cafe is called compass, which I associate with finding things.

apexprocastinator500 , Ehud Neuhaus Report

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35 People Who Experienced Such Wild Coincidences That It Made Them Question Everything They Knew My wife and I adopted twins from foster care. We found out that they had 3 siblings that also been adopted. We were able to find and connect with 2. Spent at least 5 years looking for the other sibling. Moved to a new house and found out that the kid across the street was the sibling we had been searching for.
Unfortunately, he had been adopted by Jehovah's Witnesses who refused any contact with us because my wife and I are lesbians. We never told the kids who he was - they were too little. But at least we know who and where he is.

spazzymcgee74 , frank mckenna Report

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I met my doppelganger in Iraq. I wish I had the pictures. I'm white, grew up in Canada, moved to the U.S. and went to Iraq with The Marines. He lived in Al-Rutbah. His complexion, build, face structure, everything was IDENTICAL. It was so uncanny it disturbed his mother greatly.

Sure, out of 7 billion we all have look alikes but this one was so close we even had the same moles...

IndifferentSkeptic Report

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I watched a (4 number) lottery on TV when I was a child. After the first number coincided with my home's address, I quickly said the other three out loud before they were pulled, those other 3 numbers came up one after the other.

My home address WAS the lottery numbers. I turned off the TV and went to bed after that.

zengalan07 Report

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Went on a night out, met a really cute girl and we hit it off. When she wrote her number in my phone, turned out I already had to saved. She also had mine.

We had no idea who each other were. Did we already get super drunk go on a date and forget?

zombierepubican Report

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35 People Who Experienced Such Wild Coincidences That It Made Them Question Everything They Knew Last week, I was driving my dog home from the vet. While turning onto my street, I noticed a woman sitting at the intersection while her collie sat in one place defiantly.

Twenty minutes after I got home, my mother asked if my dog should be having any kind of reaction to anything. I didn’t know, but after seeing my dog, I knew something was terribly wrong. I rushed her back to the vet where they stabilized her — she had gone into anaphylaxis as a result of a shot she received maybe half an hour earlier.

I called mom to tell her and she gasps, “We were out front earlier and a woman had to stop walking with her collie. She told us all about how her dog recently went into anaphylaxis.”.

anon , wirestock Report

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35 People Who Experienced Such Wild Coincidences That It Made Them Question Everything They Knew I had two chargers by my bed. One was plugged in while the other wasn’t. I grab one and plug in my iPad, seeing the green battery so I knew it was charging. A moment later I look down and realize I plugged in the wrong one, and then the iPad stopped charging. It was the weirdest thing!

Nirhren , Will Porada Report

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I was at the doctor a few years ago for a rudimentary blood test. I never normally care about that sir if thing but for whatever reason I felt a little queasy. I decided to get a snack from a nearby store but remembered then that I had forgotten my wallet rushing out the door earlier. I looked down and a gust of wind blew a 100kr (like 10 dollars?) Note out from under a car.

DangerDane57 Report

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