People Ask Me How It Is To Have 3 Little Kids. My Pictures Sum It Up Pretty Well
I'm a stay at home mom to a 5 year old and 2 year old twins. Life is what all parents will say, "hectic."
These pictures sum up parenting without really needing a title. Someone is usually crying or making a mess. Every once in a while, everyone is even happy.
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Cuddle Time (Yes, In The Crib)
No Pockets? No Problem!
I Leave The Kitchen For One Second...
But they're trying to put back the grape into the box! Mine would have smashed them laughing! :)
Yup. That's Poo
Thanks For "Helping" Mommy Clean... With An Entire Package Of Wipes
"Co-Sleeping Is The Best" Said No Parent Ever!
"Pick Me Up!!!"
"Diapers? I Don't See Any Diapers"
At least they didn't "open them". As long as they stay that flat you can put them away. My little one did the same thing but did even unfold them...
Can't Get A Good Selfie With The Kids
3 Sick Kids. Not Fun
Just 1 Family Selfie. That's All I Ask
Oh, Thank You For Taking Off Your Diaper. Is That Poo Behind You?
My pediatrician had a great solution! Cut the feet off of footie sleepers and put them on backwards so the zipper is in the back. Then the kiddo can't get the sleeper off to get to their diaper.
Oh The Sweet Sound Of Silence Times 2
Potty Training 1 Is Hard. Potty Training Twins Is Exhausting!
Just Sit On The Stairs And I'll Take Your Picture. Not So Simple
The Cool Kid
This Is Not What I Had In Mind When We Decided To Have A Playroom
OMG, we had one of those racks with the cloth bins. Our 3yo destroyed it. I mean he literally pulled it apart to bits to where it was totally unsalvageable. I hope this one is more heavy duty!
Just A Half Of A Cupcake. Can't Be Too Messy. Ugh
Never A Clean House
It's Always Fun When Your Kid Wakes Up Covered In Blood
It takes a person who has never had to children to say that. This is a realistic look at how it is to be a stay at home mom, a job that in today's world is underappreciated and looked down upon as not being a full-time job. It may be stressful and at times you just want to sit in a room and cry but thats part of being a mom. No mother has a home that is perfection, no mother has never had poop on her hand or gum in her hair or a child that has marker or food or throw up on them. I'm sure even your mom when you were growing up went through the same thing. But the rewards of being a parent far out way all of the gross chaotic moments along the way. Do not judge someone that has given us a look into their daily lives, if people didn't let us see how things trully are, people like you would just keep having the unrealistic view of how it is to be a parent.