35 Posts From People Who Can’t Stand ‘Live Love Laugh’ Design, As Shared On “The People Against MoDErN fArMhOuSe” Facebook Group
InterviewWith the direction that some modern interior and product design styles have taken, when people ask you if you were raised in a barn, you can actually tell them, ‘Why, yes. Yes, I was!’ Welcome to the wonderfully weird and often soulless world of modern farmhouse, a style that is supposed to be cozy, comfy, and charming, but often ends up being commercial, generic, and ridiculously basic.
‘The People Against MoDErN fArMhOuSe’ is a fun and snarky Facebook group whose members do exactly what’s written on the tin: they gently poke fun at the whole modern farmhouse aesthetic by sharing some of the most egregious examples of this style. Scroll down for some of their best pics. Anyone who wants a unique home instead of a mass-produced one might want to look away!
Bored Panda reached out to the team running TPAMF, and the founder of the Facebook group, Katie, was kind enough to answer our questions. She explained how the group is about ‘punching up’ at a style that is, essentially, conformist and dystopian. Read on for our full interview with her.
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The Bowl
We were very interested to hear about the history of ‘The People Against MoDErN fArMhOuSe,’ and the founder of the page was happy to walk us through it. The beginning of the story lies in January 2021 when she and her husband bought their first home together.
“As a millennial who had been a renter for well over a decade, I had never really given interior renovation/decor much thought; everywhere I lived up until then had been a transient space that wasn’t really mine. So, I did what every other excited new homeowner does and started binging on HGTV, filling Pinterest boards with home inspo, and, you guessed it—joining DIY Facebook groups,” Katie told Bored Panda.
“After at least a month of interior design and decor content-consuming, I started noticing some really prevalent, nauseatingly repetitive trends: Everyone had white shaker cabinets in their white kitchens.” However, white shaker cabinets and white kitchens were just the tip of the Iceberg of Tastelessness.
This Is At My Sister’s Mfh And She Doesn’t Understand Why I Laugh Every Time I Come Over And Use The Bathroom
Time For Bed, Kids!! Get In Your Crates!!
“You were nobody if you didn’t have white quartz countertops. Get a white farmhouse sink, they’re so ‘unique and charming.’ Brown anything be damned; gray all the way. Why not tear out your historic wood floors and put in some gray luxury vinyl plank? Make sure your bathroom is covered in white (and only white) subway tile, or you’re doing it all wrong,” the founder of ‘The People Against MoDErN fArMhOuSe’ revealed what the trends were like at the time.
“When you’re done with all of that, be sure to choose from about 3 of the same matte black light fixtures from your local Home Depot. And sprinkle the place with cheugy word signs commanding you to ‘EAT,’ a boatload of white Rae Dunn word pottery, and maybe ruin a good piece of historic wood furniture by chalk painting it to make it look ‘rustic.’ And while you’re at it, go ahead and paint your brick fireplace. Boom—you’re a farmhouse influencer now, whether you live on an actual farm or not. Your home’s history has no place in the dystopian universe that is Modern Farmhouse.”
This Was At The Top Of My Feed Today; I Love That People Are Speaking The Truth!
Went To An “Antique” Store Today. You Know The Kind I Mean. Everything Was Upcycled. Everything Was Whitewashed. And I Do Mean *everything*
It Took My Brain Entirely Too Long To See That I Was Looking At A Table And Chairs Rather Than Some Weird Things Scattered On The Floor
All of this really started to make the woman aggravated and she started asking the real, tough questions. “Where was the color? The antiques and heirlooms, the personality? Was there any originality at all whatsoever present in DIY groups? No, there really wasn’t.” That’s what inspired her to start ‘The People Against MoDErN fArMhOuSe,’ as a joke. She explained to Bored Panda that the upper and lowercase letter alterations were “ an homage to the illegible cursive lettering seen on everything basic over the last 5- 10 years.”
Katie made the group in just 5 minutes, and she started posting about it in some of the largest DIY groups on social media that she was in. “I wrote something like, ‘Tired of everything generic? Join the revolution: The People Against MoDErN fArMhOuSe.’ I got booted out of some of the groups pretty quickly, but not before a handful of members came along for the ride. The group became a space to hate on Modern Farmhouse decor and all things basic and cheugy, but also to celebrate and define styles that are MfH’s polar opposites. Over a handful of months, the group gained traction, and eventually, we had over 160,000 fiery and passionate members worldwide.”
Tiny Fibers Are Now Stuck In My Lipgloss, But It Matches The Esthetic So I'll Drink Wine Out Of Anything
And The Marketplace Gods Just Keep On Giving
The Listing: "Home's Rustic Country Interior Design Is Magazine Worthy And The Pictures Speak For Themselves" The Pictures:
Meanwhile, we were curious as to why the content shared on the group resonates with so many people around the globe.
“There are more people than I expected who are tired of all things bland. MfH is so basic. It’s regressive, lacking creativity, mass-produced, and it’s conformist,” the founder shared with Bored Panda.
“There’s also something to be said about the white, middle-class women who were mean girls in high school flocking to that decor style. You know the type I’m talking about. The Venn diagram between MfH lovers and women who call themselves ‘Boy Mom’ is a circle,” she quipped.
“In this group, members are all about ‘punching up,’ meaning we poke fun at the oppressive majority. That’s not to say we don’t also roast one another, though. It’s all in good fun.”
Found This In The Wild. Is There A Single Mfh Thing Missing? I Hate It
A Friend Got Me A Mfh Sign That Said "In This Kitchen, We Lick The Spoon". In Two Different Fonts Of Course
My boss got a Cricut for some branding at our office and put me in charge of learning how to use it. One of the first things I did was repaint over that sign and make a new quote for it. It's from the movie The Witch in one of the final scenes the devil is asking the girl "Wouldst thou like the taste of butter? A pretty new dress? Wouldst thou like to live deliciously?"
So I think this is a better kitchen sign.
Found In The Wild Of My Local Marketplace, It Says Boho But I Have A Feeling Someone Is Going To Get This To Match Their Highland Cow Ottoman
According to the founder of ‘The People Against MoDErN fArMhOuSe,’ the society we live in has “long operated with a herd mentality.” Social media really hasn’t helped any of that!
“Now, more than ever, it seems that fitting in and belonging matters a whole lot to folks. Influencers and HGTV stylists could start decorating homes to literally look like the Shrine Circus and I guarantee that the same people who love Modern Farmhouse would be totally on board,” she explained.
“Over the last decade or so, mass appeal decor has had a narrow space to diversify with these particular trends in place, so much so, that people are just riffing on the same lame themes over, and over again. This is why we end up with tacky word signs with only slight variations of the same ‘gather’ and ‘live laugh love’ sentiments at art fairs now. There’s no place for real art in MfH; that would be far too expressive.”
Elegant Af
I'm not sure how someone can be that terrible with a circular saw and not have blood stains everywhere.
Do Not Ask Me If This Is Still Available. If You See It, It's Available
One Day, This Was Nailed Between The Bathroom And Pantry. I Asked My Husband Why He Did That. He Said “I Dunno.” So Here’s My I Dunno Mfh Spoon
In the group founder’s opinion, people have to actively say ‘no’ to the modern farmhouse aesthetic. “It dominates retail; it’s easy, accessible, and in your face, whether you like it or not. Anyone who has set foot in a HomeGoods or Target knows this all too well.”
Katie opened up to Bored Panda that she never expected the Facebook group to become what it is today. “The People Against MoDErN fArMhOuSe, despite being huge, has become a super tight-knit international internet family of hilarious weirdos. I have an incredible admin team across the U.S. who I’ve become so close with, despite having never met in person before,” she shared.
“The memes and inside jokes that have come out of the group’s digital time together have made the last couple of years much more bearable. Lots of our humor has made its way to a merch line designed by a handful of us. We launched the shop last year, and proceeds were donated to the Architects Foundation Diversity Advancement Scholarship. We’re excited to find foundations with similar missions to support this year to help diversify design.”
Anyone who wants to donate to the Foundation can do so over here.
Living In Missouri Provides Me With A Lot Of These Gems
Obsessed With This Anti-Mfh Amethyst Covered Fireplace At My Bfs Grandparents House
Modern Farmhouse Taxidermy?
The best way to instantly 'get' what the modern farmhouse style of home decor is all about is to think about the phrase ‘live laugh love.’ Your imagination should do all the work for you!
‘The People Against MoDErN fArMhOuSe’ Facebook group was founded a couple of years ago, in late March of 2021. In that time, it’s grown considerably and now houses 162.4k interior and snarky product design critics who love to gently poke fun at the latest modern farmhouse trends. Why? “Because the world would be more original with less living, laughing, and loving,” that’s why.
Despite the fact that the entire point of the Facebook group is to be snarky and critical of the design style, there’s absolutely no room for personal attacks or degrading comments. Yes, you’ll see some members shaming interiors, cushions, dishes, and more, but it’s all done within the boundaries of decency.
The team running the page also asks its members to try and be as original as possible and avoid posting what's already been shared time and again. Original content is king, and that won’t change anytime soon!
Are You Kidding Me!?
This would be gorgeous in a kitchen and without the boys will be boys lettering
I Have No Words. For Sale On My Local Marketplace (I Live In North Florida, If That Helps It Make Sense )
Modern farmhouse is (at least in theory) all about creating a sense of comfort and coziness while mixing tradition with modernity. ‘The Spruce’ points out that the style was mostly a response to the minimalist trend that was popular back in the ‘90s and early 2000s. Instead of austerity, you have quaint charm and warmth that’s supposed to make you want to relax and stay a while with your feet up.
That’s a lovely atmosphere to evoke. However, in recent years, some people feel like the style has become incredibly cheesy and overdone to the point of ridiculousness.
Now, there’s nothing objectively wrong with modern farmhouse style in and of itself, from a purely design-focused perspective. However, it’s become widespread and overused to the point that it makes some design and architecture lovers roll their eyes. There's also a very obvious commercial and low-effort element to all of it.
If you, your neighbors, and all of your friends are living in identical homes filled with cushions with cheesy phrases and giant spoons nailed to the walls (which, of course, are made of reclaimed wood), what actually makes your life unique? And it's not just interior design that's falling prey to this trend of spreading generic designs: you can see it pretty much everywhere.
I'm Going To Quit My Job And Go Sell Blocks Of Pine For $500 A Pop
Found This One… I Can’t Stop Looking At The Ceiling
It’s Not Just The Cabinets, But The Butthole On The Countertop That Does It For Me
The cabinets aren't to my taste but the b******e thing on the counter just looks like one of those felt doohickeys you put between pans when you're stacking them so they don't f**k up the non stick.
Some people find joy in having so much in common with everyone else living in their local area. And that’s perfectly fine. However, many others don’t want to live in generic, mass-produced interiors. It’s normal to want to stand out and impress others.
It’s far harder to leave a lasting impression on your guests when your kitchen and living room look almost identical to theirs. Who knows, you might have bought all of your knick-knacks from the same home decor store!
Modern farmhouse is all about bringing rustic and vintage interior decisions to the 21st century. There’s a focus on neutral color schemes, smooth lines, and adding contemporary touches to what could otherwise be considered a traditional approach to design. It’s about finding a balance between coziness without over-cluttering your home.
Or, in less flowy terms, you make your home look like a chic barn that’s soft, gentle, and makes you want to invite your neighbors over for a slice of warm apple pie… just like practically every other home in your neighborhood!
According to ‘The Spruce,’ some of the most common elements of the modern farmhouse style include reclaimed wood, barnboard details, big comfortable and/or pine furniture, wide plank floors, wrought iron accents, and vintage accessories. Individually, these are all aspects that we enjoy quite a bit. However, we’re not sure if this is how we’d personally want to decorate the entirety of our homes.
Accent Wall Found On Zillow
No Thanks, Pinterest
This Was Just Posted On A Home Remodeling Group I'm In. Apparently, The Home Owner Has Slight Regrets On Their Bathroom Tile Choice Now That It Has Been Installed And Is Seeking Suggestions On How To "Tone It Down."
There’s a certain sense of beauty and wholesomeness when all the separate elements of your home match. At the same time, there’s a feeling of sterility and fakeness that comes with that, too: your home is where you actually live. It might not feel like that if everything’s ‘perfect,’ matching, and orderly. Then again, it really depends on what you personally value the most. Some people enjoy a bit of light chaos. Others want everything to be neat, tidy, and covered in neutral colors.
As we’ve written earlier here on Bored Panda, your main focus as the owner of your house is to make sure that you’re happy with your living space. For example, if you think that creating an atmosphere of comfort is the most important thing, then the modern farmhouse style might actually be for you (though many people would think that you deserve better). Meanwhile, if you place a lot of importance on creating a home for yourself that is unlike any other, then focus on that, instead of buying what everyone else is.
This Is A Framed Doormat. Of Course It Isn’t Exciting To You
My Eyes Hurt
However, don’t for a minute assume that you’ll wow absolutely everyone with your sense of aesthetics. There will always be someone who has an issue with your interior and knick-knacks, no matter how carefully you’ve selected everything. That’s why it’s important to know for a fact that you love where you live. Otherwise, if you aim to please everyone, you might end up disappointed if your giant wall spoons and wrought metal accents (bought on sale, probably) don’t make them as happy as you wanted them to be.
If you're in the mood for some more ridiculous modern farmhouse ideas, check out Bored Panda's earlier article right over here.
“Dear Haters:” Nooooooooooooo. That Poor Doggie Has To Walk On This Actually Garbage
Now to spend the weekend putting a million layers of polyurethane on. I absolutely love it!!!!!! Spike just wants me to be done and snuggle.
(Dear haters: when you spend 100 plus hours on a hall floor you can decide to do whatever you want to your 130 year old home. I do almost everything DIY and learn as I go. I stop when I love it.... Nothing is perfect in this house.)
Just Joined This Group And I Thought I’d Share The Coozie From A Family Members Wedding. The Ceremony Was In A Barn In 90 Degree Weather And The “Seats” Were Hay Bales
Lol… What?
Cobra Throne
Can we stop s******g on the way people decorate their homes? It's not hurting anyone and it makes them happy, that is a good thing! We all don't have to love the same things! Post like these are just mean
Agree. One point of connection though: some of those images were definitely overpriced garbage. $500 for a block of wood? $70 for dried flowers and a deer leg? $10 for a hacked up "water holder."? Kinda wild. I'd read more about people trying to sell junk.
Load More Replies...Though the modern farmhouse look isn’t my favorite, almost none of these photos actually showed that design aesthetic. These all showed things that fell more under rustic, shabby chic, or steam punk. I had to say it.
There is no steampunk in these pictures even the "steampunk" vanity isn't anywhere near steampunk .(shortened list)
Load More Replies...Can we stop s******g on the way people decorate their homes? It's not hurting anyone and it makes them happy, that is a good thing! We all don't have to love the same things! Post like these are just mean
Agree. One point of connection though: some of those images were definitely overpriced garbage. $500 for a block of wood? $70 for dried flowers and a deer leg? $10 for a hacked up "water holder."? Kinda wild. I'd read more about people trying to sell junk.
Load More Replies...Though the modern farmhouse look isn’t my favorite, almost none of these photos actually showed that design aesthetic. These all showed things that fell more under rustic, shabby chic, or steam punk. I had to say it.
There is no steampunk in these pictures even the "steampunk" vanity isn't anywhere near steampunk .(shortened list)
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