Finding a roommate is hard enough, but actually living with one is even harder. They often have no idea you need to replace an empty toilet paper roll or clean the dishes in a somewhat timely manner. However, these and other annoying co-living problems are often the results of the lack of communication. For some reason, our tongues find it almost impossible to tell our housemate in an adult manner that something is bothering us, instead choosing to say it in a very passive-aggressive way. Bored Panda has put together a list of hilariously funny messages roommates have ever left, showing that you can only avoid addressing an issue for so long. Scroll down to check out how creative we get when we're pissed off, and upvote your favorite passive-aggressive roommate! Also, if you want more funny examples of how to make "subtle" comments, fire up these funny notes from office coworkers.
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