Colleagues and roommates aren't the only ones who use passive aggressive language to send a message to those that annoy them. Bored Panda has compiled a list of the most brilliant ways people told their neighbors they were being a**holes, and they will definitely give you some ideas on handling residential disputes.
I mean, you can only live next to a wannabe-drummer or a pile of garbage for so long, right? From asking the neighbors to quit dropping cigarette butts on the ground to reminding them that your yard isn't a dog toilet, the people behind these messages would probably graduate from Anger Management University with an A+ in all of their curricula. Scroll down to check them out and upvote your favorites.
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Neighbor Feud Takes An Amusing Turn
Our New Neighbors Are Bigots. Since Regular Aggression Leads To Assault Charges, I Went With Passive-Aggression. 10,000 Lights Later
Please Stop, He Needs To Quit
The HOA In My Friend’s Neighborhood Recently Threatened Her Neighbors With A Fine If They Didn’t Hide Their Trash Cans, Even Though They’ve Been In The Same Spot For Over A Decade. This Is Their Solution
Note From Angry Neighbor (Above) And Appropriate Army Vet Response (Below)
This angers me so much, as it happens sooooo often. I have several disabled friends who can all tell stories about something similar happening to them. One of them uses a wheelchair, but also drives a sports car and regularly has people stop, ready to harangue him while he parks his car, only to scamper off embarrassed when he gets his chair out.
My Neighbors Complained That It's Too Cold For My Dog To Be Outside All Day During The Winter. I Sent Them This
An Open Letter To My Garbage Neighbors
And Here You Thought Your Neighbors Were A**holes For Dumping Your Dry Laundry On A Table
Decided To Use Reverse Psychology On The New Neighbors
Left My Printer Without A Passcode. My Neighbors Sent Me A Message
Our Elderly Neighbors Have This Sign Posted On The Bike Path In Their Backyard
I need this sign in my neighborhood. And that couple's grandson! I have a couple of people that seem to think their small dog's c**p will vanish when it hits the lawn or sidewalk. I put up a camera in the front of the house, but I think I might have to steal this idea and add "I'll send my boxer dog to poop on your porch!"
Can't Beat A Bit Of Passive-Aggressive Wi-Fi Naming
My Sister And Her Husband Live In A Small Town, They Came Home To This Note On Their Door
When You Receive A Complaint From Your Neighbors, It's Important That You Do Your Best To Resolve It
One Of My Neighbors Put This Sign Up. Bravo!
Look, Bob
Ye my neighbours tell us to paint our fence. When they paint it, paint drips over ours. I could now say to them 'It has paint on it'
My Neighbor Got His Reindeer Decorations Stolen So They Put Out Grinch Ones Instead
Google Maps Level Neighbor Feud
It’s My Spot And I’ll Park What I Want To
Reminds me of me and my golf cart. I cannot drive a vehicle due to poor eyesight, but I DO have a gas powered Yamaha golf cart that I CAN drive, and I bet the people HATE me when I nab the primo spot at the store with it!! Hey, I have rights too!! AND my golf cart IS street legal, with turning signals, brake lights, front lights, and a really loud horn!
There Are Some Indications Of Animosity Between Two Of My Neighbours
One Man Dog Band
Max, Apt 3F
My Friend Just Moved Into A New Apartment And Left This Note On Her Neighbor's Doorstep
Trash Trompe-L'œil - Neighbor Anonymously Reported Us To The City Because Our Trash Cans Were Not Behind A Barrier. Now They Are
Passive-Aggressive Neighbors At Their Finest
The Sign Posted In Our Yard In The Fight Against Unwanted Dog Poop
My Friend's Neighbor Knows When To Accept Defeat
How My Dad Deals With His Asshole Neighbor Who Checks With The City Whenever Anyone Does Any Work On Their Property
Does Your Cat Have A Death Wish?
Think This Will Solve The Problem?
The Pooper Stooper
Signed, Patient Neighbor Who Is No Longer Patient
So the neighbor is not just leaving the poo out, but also contaminating the woods by tossing the plastic bags everywhere! Despicable!
Some regularly threw dirty nappies over the fence to the flats where my mum lived, she was with a friend when they saw one fly over the fence, said friend picked it up and threw it back getting a direct hit on culprit.
That's so ridiculous that the people do that. If you're gonna have a dog, poop and disposal of it in the proper way is what you do.
Actually, if he was flinging the poo (without the bags) into random woods and it wasn't anyone's property, it would have been fine. C**p is great fertilizer!
Nope, dog poo is terrible fertilizer, because of their diet. It's herbivore manure is what makes good fertilizer.
Load More Replies...I just love the lazy c**ts who can't carry a big ziplock baggie for their DIAPERS...
People who fling the poo into the forest in a neighborhood should be shot.
In my neighborhood, just about everyone pays for pooper scooper people. I always clean up after my dogs, but if I forget a bag, I don't worry about it.
Not only throw them back into the neighbour's yard, but stick a firecracker in there for good measure!
Hey Neighbour, Happy New Year!
My Neighbour's Kid Is Always Playing In My Yard And Leaving His Toys. When He Left Two Broomsticks, I Left This In His Yard As A Warning. And Yes, It Is Still Winter In Canada
My Neighbors Are Always Sticking Their Butts Where They Don’t Belong
That'll Teach Me To Park In My Neighbor's Parking Spot
Your Ultra Charmin Neighbor
So My Neighbors Had A Dispute
Wait...they called the police on your lawn? What crime could your lawn possibly commit that would warrant the cops?
Our Neighbor Likes To Turn On Flood Lights That Beam Through Our Windows At Night. My Dad Hates Him So Much That He's Installing One Way Mirrors Facing His House So They Bounce It Back, And Retain The Darkness Inside Our House
I work at a window tinting company. This wouldn't work unless they used actual mirrors.
Saw This On A Neighbors Door Coming Home At Midnight
I Mowed My Elderly Neighbors Lawn. The People On The Left Of Her Mowed A Day After. I Guess I Didnt Mow Right To The Property Line. I Officially Hate These People Now
Been Excited About This New Guy I'm Dating, But My Neighbor, Not So Much
Fyi From Your Neighbors Across The Way
A Note From Our Dorm Room Neighbors
Neighbors Too Loud? The Police Can Handle It
This Was On My Neighbour's Door
Now I imagine someone paying 1K for a closet under the stairs in New York...
A Friend Of Mine Has Received This Note From The Guy Next Door
Out: Pink Flamingos. In: Headstones?
Message Received
My Friend Parked Like A D-Bag. The Neighbor Kids Left Him A Message
Our Neighbours Very Precisely Only Cleaned Their Part Of The Wall
I don't think this is petty. They probably bought paint with their own money, & invested a lot of time in just doing their own side. That thing looks like a b***h to clean. They could have even paid someone to do it for them.
Saw This On My Neighbor's Door This Morning
The Neighbors Need To Stop
This Was Posted On My Neighbor's Door This Morning
Something similar happened to my mom. The downstairs neighbor left her an outright agressive note on the door accusing her of moving furniture every morning between 6 and 7 am and threatening to call the cops. My mom is 62 years old and tiny and has no intention of moving furniture around for sport. The ones moving c**p around were the neighbors above HER apartment!
To The People Who Kept Us Up All Night
That happens to me every other night in summer (that my neighbors are loud, not that I get those messages). But I have neither the energy nor the humor to do something like that. I'm just frustrated and physically ill from not getting enough sleep.
My Neighbour's Wifi Name Was Bugging Me For Ages
Dinosaur Neighbor Haiku
Someone Left A Passive-Aggressive Note On My Windshield, I Responded In Kind
Roommates Write Letter To Noisy Guys That Live Above Them. They Reply
My Cousins Passive-Aggressive Neighbour
My Neighbour's An A**hole. I Figured This Note Was Appropriate
Remember those people who covered the College goers's cars with a few feet of snow in that other post?
Well That's Sh*tty
A Little Less “Deck The Halls,” A Little More “Silent Night”?
And Yes. I Did Collect All The Dog Poo, And Yes. I Did Empty It Right Outside Of His Front Door. Respect Shared Outdoor Spaces Yo. It's Called Being A Basic Human Being. Thy Neighbor
Somebody In My Apartment Complex Posted This At Our Mailboxes
This Used To Be A Pretty Doormat
The Unfinished Story Of The Unhappy Door
An Anonymous Neighbor Called Code Enforcement On A Friend Of Mine For Not Cutting His Grass. Here's His Response
Bitter Man Buys The House Next Door To His Ex-Wife And Installs An Interesting Sculpture
The man gives too many f***s about his ex-wife to go to the extent to buying a house next to her ...
Whenever A Ball Goes Into My Neighbors Yard, He Puts Them In His Tree So No One Can Get Them Back
Hey I Just Met You...
*singing* before you came into my life I could park my car, i could park my car, withou the frustration!
The Apartment Below Us Is Constantly Blaring The Bass, Regardless Of How Many Times Everyone In The Building Asks Them To Turn It Down. We Made These Passive-Aggressive Notes To Give To Them
My Neighbor Is Clearly Not Pleased With Someone
To My Noisy Neighbors
Sign On My Neighbor's Porch
I didn't find it passive-aggressive. More like positive reinforcement/ bribery
Fed Up People
Shouldn't write letters, just go there when they are a loudest and ring their bell till they answer.
Neighbor Love, Passive-Aggressive Style
I've been in both situations... where nosy kids interrupt my rest and where MY kid interrupt other's, and frankly, it's life... some times my 1YO kid wakes up too early crying his lungs out and there's nothing I can do to avoid it, just try to calm him down as soon as possible (cause I want to go back to sleep aswell). I understand my neighbors get annoyed by this but, there are two options, move out or understand that these things happen. Once, one lady neighbor even knocked my door offering her help and asking if everything was fine with my kid, that was a nice gesture from her and, I think, one of the best ways to approach this kind of situations.
My Friend Was Kept Up By Neighbours Last Night
A Message To My Neighbors
Clean up the dog poo.... but don't worry about this dumped mattress here....
Another Passive-Aggressive Wi-Fi Name
It Appears That My Neighbors Do In Fact Give A F**k
His Neighbor Didn't Like Seeing His Boat Everyday. The City Got Involved
Someone Left This On My Neighbor's Car
Upstairs Neighbour Was Powerwashing The Driveway. Came Home To Discover He Kindly Powerwashed Outside Our Suite Too
The Taking Tree
(Cat) Lady Of The Night
So My Neighbors Decorated Their House For The Holidays
Soooo. That's One Way To Talk To The Neighbors
I wonder what was in the yard that got the other neighbor so aggravated?
Someone Doesn't Like Their Neighbor
A Letter From A Passive-Aggressive Neighbour Dropped In Every Mailbox In My Apartment Building
You’re Saying You Have More Than An Eighth-Grade Education?
i wonder how long it was there before the note... thew blanket doesn't look like it's been there more than a day.
Tomato Thief
My Neighbor Owed Me $288.66 For My Vet Bills After His Great Dane Attacked My Golden. This Is How He Paid Me, One Day Before I Was Going To Take Him To Small Claims Court
My Friends Dad Got Sick Of His Neighbors Not Cleaning Up Their Dog Poop
Classy Response
I Think My Neighbor Wins 2014's Passive Agressive Award
Passive Aggression Level: Angry Neighbor, Or, What Happens When You Ignore Your Downstairs Neighbors Request To Pick Up Cigarette Butts That He Says Are Yours
Neighbors Got Into A Fight. F Your Driveway, It's My Property
Just Moved Into A New Place - I Love My New Neighbour
Um... this isn't the American system. Took me quite a minute to figure out what they were even talking about. Sounded at first like you oout trash in an empty trash can, put the trash in bags purchased at the store, and then the bin man took it. We put our trash bags in the dumpsters.
Well, That's Passive Aggressive!
A Sign That My Neighbour Has Posted
Point (Not) Taken
So Close, And Yet…
Good-Time Neighbours
No one will likely see this comment but... I once had a neighbor that did something like this and I put my speakers in the window facing their house (I have massive JBLs - much bigger than their 'boom box') and played music for a good 2 hours very loudly. They never did it again and profusely apologized. :D
Someone Is Unhappy With Their Neighbour
Please Take Me At My Word That I’ve Been Working Out Lately
My Neighbor Peels Out Daily, So I Wrote Him A Nice Poem
My Neighbors
Looks Like My Neighbours Are Getting A Bit Sick Of The Bin Chute Being Blocked. This Note Was Left In Our Lift
Thanks In Advance, Random Neighbor
This Was Found Outside My Neighbors Door
A Friend Got A Tad Tired Of The Neighbor Parking In His Spot. Note With Diagram
Clap Your Hands Say Nah
The Passive-Aggressiveness Is Real In My New Apartment Complex
I Have An Electronic Drum-Kit In My Apartment. I Think One Of My Neighbours May Know
My Passive Aggressive Message To My Neighbor
After Being Subjected To Ridiculously Loud Sex Noises Morning, Noon, And Night For The Last Two Weeks, I Left This Friendly Reminder On My Upstairs Neighbor's Car Today
In Order Of Increasing Importance
Before You Came Into My Life I Used To Sleep In. I Used To Sleep In
Neighbors Are Tired Of Your Dog's Shit
Things That Go Bump In The Night
Won’t Someone Think Of The Children?
If you were so "well read", you should have the basic decency of not taking what isn't yours.
Biggest C***s Award Goes To
A Friend Of Mine Just Posted This On Facebook. Apparently Her Neighbors Don't Like Her Very Much
The second note seems very mean spirited, Anna rather sweetly and nicely invited. She would also have turned down the music had they asked. So there was no reason to be a jack a*s.
A Holiday Wish
The Neighbourhood Reacts To Idiot's Poop Bag
City Living Perk #236 - Watching Your Neighbors Passive-Aggresively Communicate Via Wifi Network Names
The Not-So-Laid-Back Part Of Portland
Passive Aggressive Neighbor
Butterfly Is A Nice Touch
Shut The Front Door!
Now You’re Just Bringing It On Yourself, Don’t You Think?
This Ain’t Tweeter Or Bookface!
Please Clean All Your Feathers
Visual Aids Always Help
Do you keep your shoes on, and are recommended to use slippers instead? I would have thought socks were more quiet and more indoor friendly...?
My neighbors always bang the wall even small sounds occurs. I have two toddlers. Just imagine the banging. Watched a movie last Friday. She called cops. Finally fedup with her we decided to move. Meet with our landlord to give notice. Long story to short , my neighbors are moving now.
There seem to be 2 types of a-hole neighbors. The first is those who are inconsiderate of their surrounding like making excessively loud noise or letting their dogs s**t everywhere. Another one is those who unreasonably expect the next door toddlers to be as quiet as a ninja cat 24/7.
Load More Replies...I don't understand some of those 'neighbors' who were served those 'neighborly' notes and can still say "I wish they could knock my door and talked to me directly". If you're being an inconsiderate prick how do you expect other people to come and talk to you about it? I'm not sure how it is in the US (or UK) but in my country most people would just serve those notes because talking to those inconsiderate neighbors carries a risk of being confronted and being told "MIND YOUR OWN BUSINESS!".
Yeah, that's pretty much how it goes in the US. They're just as rude in person. Sometimes the unruly neighbors use physical violence. Notes are better, not as unpredictable.
Load More Replies...I swear one of my neighbors was dismembering a body the other morning at 6:24. Loud sawing, the shower/tub being turned on and off, lots of banging. No screaming so either the poor person was already dead or they gagged them. No large black trash bags in the garbage. They must have moved the body.
Only bad neighbors I can think of is the couple that thought it was a grand idea to have sex in the garden, which have no bushes or fence to hide them, in the freaking open among houses with children during summerbreak and only a thin blanket for cover. I saw this while hangin out some carpets. I whistle as loud as I could and ducked down. I can hear the scramble and then I hear a woman screaming. Another neighbor had walked by and seen the couples in all their glory. I was laughing so hard I couldn't breath in my parents bedroom. They moved away a week later.
This makes me feel bad about how, as a kid, I used to run around and generally stomp :/ sorry, downstairs guy <3
Often people are simply oblivious, and an offended neighbor trying to gently point out the problem is effective.
I'm guessing none of these people are going through what I have to put up with when living above a village shop that every night around 9pm they slam the fire exit door to the bin yard outside causing my whole room to shake.
In communal living, people often forget they are not alone in the building, this is better than yelling at them to cease&disist!
Seems a lot of people here have issues with neighbors who are having sex (loud sex) and others who are letting their dogs take a s**t everywhere.
My neighbors always bang the wall even small sounds occurs. I have two toddlers. Just imagine the banging. Watched a movie last Friday. She called cops. Finally fedup with her we decided to move. Meet with our landlord to give notice. Long story to short , my neighbors are moving now.
There seem to be 2 types of a-hole neighbors. The first is those who are inconsiderate of their surrounding like making excessively loud noise or letting their dogs s**t everywhere. Another one is those who unreasonably expect the next door toddlers to be as quiet as a ninja cat 24/7.
Load More Replies...I don't understand some of those 'neighbors' who were served those 'neighborly' notes and can still say "I wish they could knock my door and talked to me directly". If you're being an inconsiderate prick how do you expect other people to come and talk to you about it? I'm not sure how it is in the US (or UK) but in my country most people would just serve those notes because talking to those inconsiderate neighbors carries a risk of being confronted and being told "MIND YOUR OWN BUSINESS!".
Yeah, that's pretty much how it goes in the US. They're just as rude in person. Sometimes the unruly neighbors use physical violence. Notes are better, not as unpredictable.
Load More Replies...I swear one of my neighbors was dismembering a body the other morning at 6:24. Loud sawing, the shower/tub being turned on and off, lots of banging. No screaming so either the poor person was already dead or they gagged them. No large black trash bags in the garbage. They must have moved the body.
Only bad neighbors I can think of is the couple that thought it was a grand idea to have sex in the garden, which have no bushes or fence to hide them, in the freaking open among houses with children during summerbreak and only a thin blanket for cover. I saw this while hangin out some carpets. I whistle as loud as I could and ducked down. I can hear the scramble and then I hear a woman screaming. Another neighbor had walked by and seen the couples in all their glory. I was laughing so hard I couldn't breath in my parents bedroom. They moved away a week later.
This makes me feel bad about how, as a kid, I used to run around and generally stomp :/ sorry, downstairs guy <3
Often people are simply oblivious, and an offended neighbor trying to gently point out the problem is effective.
I'm guessing none of these people are going through what I have to put up with when living above a village shop that every night around 9pm they slam the fire exit door to the bin yard outside causing my whole room to shake.
In communal living, people often forget they are not alone in the building, this is better than yelling at them to cease&disist!
Seems a lot of people here have issues with neighbors who are having sex (loud sex) and others who are letting their dogs take a s**t everywhere.