Bride Tells Cruel Mom She’s Not Welcome At Her Wedding After Being Shamed And Called “Used Goods”
You know the saying, “A wedding is the best excuse to go all-out to embarrass your relatives?” Okay, maybe that’s not a saying, but it should be! Weddings can magically transform perfectly normal families into reality TV stars. Everyone has an opinion, nobody holds back, and someone always ends up crying in the corner.
But when tradition clashes with modern love stories, things can get heated really fast. Throw in a few outdated rules and a couple of stubborn parents, and you’ve got a recipe for disaster. Just ask our Redditor—she learned this the hard way.
More info: Reddit
Trying to blend old-school values with new-school love is like trying to scroll through TikTok using a rotary phone—it’s just not going to work
Image credits: Garon Piceli / Pexels (not the actual photo)
One bride-to-be banned her mom from the wedding after she said her fiancé didn’t want to marry her, and told her she couldn’t wear a white dress as she was not “pure”
Image credits: RDNE Stock project / Pexels (not the actual photo)
The conservative mom calls her daughter “used goods” when she announces her pregnancy, saying she has to get married because of the child
Image credits: Emma Bauso / Pexels (not the actual photo)
The woman and her fiancé are not in rush to get married, but decide to make it official once their daughter turns 4
Image credits: EnvironmentalLegal78
The woman bans her mother from the wedding after she says her fiancé doesn’t really want to marry her and that she can’t wear white, since she’s not a virgin
The OP (original poster) is a 30-year-old bride-to-be, with a beautiful 4-year-old daughter and a life partner she’s been with for 7 years. She and her 33-year-old fiancé Joey have built a solid life together since their law school days, and now they’re ready to make it official with a small, intimate wedding. Sounds dreamy, right? Not if you ask her very religious and conservative parents.
When the OP shared the happy news with her folks, her mom dropped a double dose of judgment. First, she took a dig at Joey, saying he wasn’t “eager” to marry her since he waited years to propose. Ouch!
Then, mom added a guilt trip about how her daughter had ruined her dreams of a picture-perfect wedding, saying that their non-religious ceremony wasn’t a real commitment. Sure, because a wedding is all about the parents, right, mom?
And, if that wasn’t enough, she basically prohibited the OP from wearing a white dress because she’s not a virgin. Actually, her exact words were “used goods.” Yup, this mom called her own daughter “used goods.” Apparently, this lady is immune to decency.
The heartbroken OP started crying and uninvited her mom from the wedding, telling her she only wanted people who truly supported her and her fiancé, like her kind in-laws. Her dad added that he wouldn’t attend without his wife and her sister threatened to boycott the wedding, too. Because, you know, solidarity… or something.
I don’t know about you, but I think the whole “white dress equals purity” thing is as outdated as a rotary dial. The color of your wedding dress has nothing to do with your past decisions. It’s a personal choice, and the idea that it symbolizes purity is pretty old-fashioned.
Image credits: Vlada Karpovich / Pexels (not the actual photo)
You probably didn’t know this, but the trend of wearing white at weddings started with Queen Victoria in 1840. Before that, brides wore whatever color they fancied, often something practical they could re-wear. Queen V rocked a white gown to symbolize wealth and status, and because she was head-over-heels for Prince Albert. The “purity” association? That’s a later addition, and honestly, it’s way past its expiration date.
Besides, in many cultures, brides wear red instead of white. For example, in India and China, red symbolizes prosperity, luck, and happiness. So, the next time someone insists white is the only “proper” wedding color, feel free to drop some cultural knowledge on them.
Our bride has done everything right, from building a loving family to planning a wedding that feels authentically hers. But sometimes even that is not enough. Parents often have a vision of how they think their child’s life should unfold. Parental projection is usually rooted in their own dreams or societal pressures.
But when they start projecting those ideals onto their kids, it can create a lot of unnecessary conflict. In this case, the mom’s obsession with tradition and control is less about love and more about living vicariously through her daughter’s wedding.
Sure, family is important, but unconditional love and support are what make those ties meaningful. Toxic guilt trips and judgment? Not so much. Brides should wear whatever makes them feel beautiful, whether it’s a white dress, a blue pantsuit or a pink tutu. So, rock that white gown with pride, girl!
What do you think of this story? Are you on Team Bride or Team Mom? Drop your comments below!
Netizens side with the woman, saying she should be able to wear whatever she wants on her wedding day and she shouldn’t allow her mom to ruin it for her
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For one more time, wedding dresses are not white because of purity or religion, but because in 1840 the Queen Victoria wore white and started a trend. Before that, people wore the prettiest dress they had and that was it.
Crazy how religion, which should be based in love and acceptance, can completely turn you against your own family.
There's no hate like "Christian love". People like this make God look about as attractive as a yeast infection.
Load More Replies...Good riddance! Most (not all) Christians are so unlike Christ, this should count as heresy. Dude was besties with a prostitute ffs. I am happy for you that you have a great boyfriend and in-laws and all the best for your little family!
I do my best not to judge people (and fail miserably at it, too!) but I would never say anything against someone who is marrying after having a child. Not my child, not my wedding. If I'm invited, I'll come and enjoy the event and congratulate the couple on a lovely wedding. Weddings are about celebrating love and starting a new life together. Whether that new life also includes a baby is no one else's concern. The bride's parents and sisters should read their Bible again and realize that Jesus is the perfect one, not humans. Humans make mistakes all the time. All we can do is try our best. I'm happy for the couple and hope that their marriage is full of love and happiness and as few troubles as possible.
Load More Replies...I'm sorry, WTF is this woman doing letting her poor daughter be anywhere near her disgusting parents and their corrosive values. The ONLY right answer here is permanent no contact entirely. I'd tell my siblings they can go on the no contact list also if they have a problem with it. Life is too short to waste even a minute on scummy people like this. They don't deserve to see the grandchild. If I was the parent, they NEVER would again.
"Family is family" is the swan song of someone who is happy to have family mistreating each other, as long as they aren't the recipient. If someone in your life is treating you the way this woman's parents are treating her, don't waste your life accommodating their idiocy. It's just too short.
Her whole family appears thoroughly f****d up. If the sisters want to be tradwives, whatever. But the one sister saying that the mom has loved and supported OP doesn't seem to know what either of those words mean. Ngl though. If the dad had said that to me, not that I would ever "ask the father for permission," I would have napalmed that bridge. The fiance biting through his tongue for so long is impressive.
I'm so sick to death of this "family is family" b******t. It's really easy for the sister to stand up for mom since she's not the one being constantly shamed & ridiculed for her life choices. Family just means you share DNA. It obviously doesn't guarantee love, affection, support, and unconditional acceptance. And until it does, there's absolutely no reason whatsoever people should feel the need to put up with s****y family members any more than they would rude strangers. If they aren't providing you with anything except negativity and emotional baggage, toss them.
Load More Replies..."should I invite the most abusive and least supportive people I know to be a part of my wedding"? No. The answer is no.
Ugh…these old, outdated, oppressive ethics the “magic sky man” sheeple love to spout (but rarely adhere to privately) are so fücking exhausting. Stop it with the sexist “virginity” and “purity” tirades & calling out “sinners.” It’s gross and hypocritical. What does their ridiculous manual say? “Let he who casts the first stone…”? This archaic shame-throwing nonsense is pathetic.
OP’s parents are part of some kind of cult and her sisters are fully indoctrinated. I wouldn’t never low my daughter to be exposed to them, no matter how “sweet” they are with her, because you know damned well they’ll try to indoctrinate her too, even if just out of spite towards OP. Nope, she’s way better off without them, concentrating on her own little family, adopting her husband’s family, who sound like absolute angels (pun intended) as hers.
NTA but OP's family certainly are. Uninvited them all (including sis) from your wedding, and go no contact for the sake of your mental health and your child. These judgemental "Christians" will continue to make rude and cruel comments to her (probably in front of her child too) and you don't need that negativity in your life.
Children are not extensions of their parents. They are their own individuals who have the right to think and feel any way they want. Parental love should be unconditional. What horrible "parents." They only care about optics.
I often go to the wall to cut family slack. But in this case, F**K THEM. And the f**king sister. F**k all of them.
The gathering is a celebration of your union. Your mother has been consistently unequivocal that you're tainted, you've ruined your opportunity for a decent union (even if you got married now in a church, you'd be a tarnished disgrace) and this celebration does not meet her approval. So logically, what would she do at the gathering other than feel distress and feel obliged to repeatedly voice her disapproval? Point out to your sister that it would an active cruelty to lure your mother to a gathering where everyone is so hostile to her puritanical views.
See. . .this is what religious extremism and all that Evangelical mess can do to families.
So called virginity, purity and all that shite should have no bearing on who people want to share their life with
What happened to all the loving and accepting people of faith? All we have left are a******s, tell me you're heavily involved in the church and I'm pretty sure you're going to be a difficult, unpleasant person. The OP's parents behavior is the exact reason why you see so many elderly abandoned at nursing homes.
Someone tell the mom that Jesus said "Let he who is without sin throw the first stone" something tells me the mom isn't without sin, therefore has no grounds to criticize the daughter and call her not pure
"And sin, young man, is when you treat people like things. Including yourself. That's what sin is." "It's a lot more complicated than that--" "No. It ain't. When people say things are a lot more complicated than that, they means they're getting worried that they won't like the truth. People as things, that's where it starts." "Oh, I'm sure there are worse crimes--" "But they starts with thinking about people as things..." (Granny Weatherwax debating Mightily Oats in Carpe Jugulum - eloquently explaining why anyone should despise someone calling someone else "used goods")
I wish I could upvote this more, he had such compassion, rage and knowledge and I miss him. GNU STP
Load More Replies...This could be because as an addict in recovery, I see addiction in many many people when I start looking deeper. BUT this story has got me wondering if religion (or God) can be an addiction. The first step in addiction recovery is, "we admitted that we're powerless over (insert addiction); that our lives had become unmanageable." This story has got me thinking that the mom is trying to control what will happen to her and her family in the next life. In a sense, she's trying to control God by always doing the "right" thing. I think that's driven by fear of being sent to hell. If she can admit she's powerless over God and her life has become unmanageable, she has a chance at redemption. ---- I'm glad OP has a support system who acts based on love instead of fear. Hopefully they will give her the strength to cut ties with her family of origin.
I'd sever all contact and go out in a blaze of burnt bridges. They say I'm a disappointment? Time to spill every little dirty secret and every little lie. That would be a disappointment for sure. There is nothing so hypocritical as an overly religions zealot. How many Jesus Freaks have you seen that so enjoy, that so relish, the opportunity to tell someone unlike them that they are going to burn in hell? I would never raise my child around such filth. The stench never really wears off.
Can you imagine how much the mother would ruin the day? Keep her away - she can stay with the sister and b***h about it all day instead.
Some people really need to get calendars. I imagine these parents were around in the 60s or 70s - free love was all the rage then. I can't imagine how they'd have handled a gay child. Can anyone here make an argument that supports the parents?
In the same way op made her choices that mom doesn't have to like, mom did the same. It's a two way road, not a one way street.
The story I heard about Queen Victoria wearing white was that her future husband had seen her through some lace curtains and thought she looked beautiful in the white with the lace. However it happened, wear the white, enjoy the day and your new family.
I've learned over my 60 years that your "family" can be one you choose, not necessarily the one you are born to. Your mother appears to be rigidly judgmental, and for myself, I would be wondering if I wanted my child/children exposed to this. Life is too short to constantly listening to that kind of c**p. Get married in whatever color you choose, enjoy your husband and his awesome family (that will become your new family), shower your kids with love and acceptance.
It's possible to disagree with someone without being cruel. It's possible to disagree with someone and still be supportive. No one should ever expect to be invited to an occasion when they've been nothing but cruel and insulting the the host. The die is cast, the baby is born, absolutely NOTHING you say or do will change that. SO only reason to keep bringing up the past is to be cruel. And who wants to be around that? Who wants that at their wedding? "But she's your mother" ----- well then she might want to start ACTING like it.
Don't back down and let the parents go to that wedding. I didn't want my mother at either of my weddings! She was a judgmental narcissist that loved emotionally, mentally and verbally abusing me and hated all my life choices and boyfriends/fiances. Everything was about her. I eloped the first time and the second time I told her only a couple of people were going, and my husband's parents weren't going to it either.
There's nothing in the bible about premarital sex. Exodus 22:16-17. "If a man seduces a virgin who is not pledged to be married and sleeps with her, he must pay the bride-price, and she shall be his wife. If her father absolutely refuses to give her to him, he must still pay the bride-price for virgins." You can't make this xhit up.
If I believed such a thing, I’d say religion is the devils work. So much hatred and destruction carried out in the name of an imaginary friend! I absolutely understand why OP is so upset by her parents, but what I don’t understand is why her fiancé asked for her father’s permission. I’m old and retired now. When I was young I had intercourse before marriage and I would have been shocked if any man had asked for permission to marry me. As it was, my now husband (40+ years) told our parents we were getting married and they were all delighted.
Blasphemes who use religion to cover their own asses! Do you know that the religious marriage started only at the end of the medieval period? Before that at most you got a benediction from the local priest, if that, but the true marriage was a civil one
OP has a new family, and just like stepdads and stepmothers who take care of other peoples children that have abandoned their children, the stepparents become the true parents over the bioparents. Family is where the love is, even if they are not bloodrelated. Your mum and dad didn't show you the love and support that you deserve, that your spouse deserves, and your child. Your in-laws did. They are true family and they sound lovely! Enjoy your wedding in love and peace as it should be.
If white was ever a sign of purity, it would have been worn by virgins that were about to get sacrificed upon some altar. It had nothing to do with marriage. Like Ellinor stated, it became tradition some hundred(s) years ago and even then had nothing to do with purity. Maybe with new beginnings, yes. That still applies here.
Is OP American? I'd like to ask her pious, loving, God-fearing Goodwife mother what it was like on the Mayflower. Keep that little girl away from those lunatics, because the moment she hits puberty she's going to be shamed and blamed for Eve's foul sin of handing her husband a bit of fruit.
If i hear "family is forever" or some such bs, one more time.... Children do not ask to be put in this world, and owe parents and siblings NOTHING. parents owe the lives they bring into the world everything: care, gentleness, safety, the whole shebang. Elevating a relationship because DNA is the opposite of consensual. Pandas, you can choose to love your DNA family. You are NOT required to.
You have a family that loves you unconditionally! And treats you like their daughter! What a wonderful gift! One day your birth parents are going to want something, shut the door on them,like they did you.
LOL!!! Your mom was 100% suckin d**k and taking up the a*s from boyfriends before she was married. These s**t head evangelicals have loop holes. "If Im not taking c**k in my holy chamber, im stiil a virgin, so it doesnt count if I swallow 1000 loads or get pounded in my a*s.... I am still pure"
For one more time, wedding dresses are not white because of purity or religion, but because in 1840 the Queen Victoria wore white and started a trend. Before that, people wore the prettiest dress they had and that was it.
Crazy how religion, which should be based in love and acceptance, can completely turn you against your own family.
There's no hate like "Christian love". People like this make God look about as attractive as a yeast infection.
Load More Replies...Good riddance! Most (not all) Christians are so unlike Christ, this should count as heresy. Dude was besties with a prostitute ffs. I am happy for you that you have a great boyfriend and in-laws and all the best for your little family!
I do my best not to judge people (and fail miserably at it, too!) but I would never say anything against someone who is marrying after having a child. Not my child, not my wedding. If I'm invited, I'll come and enjoy the event and congratulate the couple on a lovely wedding. Weddings are about celebrating love and starting a new life together. Whether that new life also includes a baby is no one else's concern. The bride's parents and sisters should read their Bible again and realize that Jesus is the perfect one, not humans. Humans make mistakes all the time. All we can do is try our best. I'm happy for the couple and hope that their marriage is full of love and happiness and as few troubles as possible.
Load More Replies...I'm sorry, WTF is this woman doing letting her poor daughter be anywhere near her disgusting parents and their corrosive values. The ONLY right answer here is permanent no contact entirely. I'd tell my siblings they can go on the no contact list also if they have a problem with it. Life is too short to waste even a minute on scummy people like this. They don't deserve to see the grandchild. If I was the parent, they NEVER would again.
"Family is family" is the swan song of someone who is happy to have family mistreating each other, as long as they aren't the recipient. If someone in your life is treating you the way this woman's parents are treating her, don't waste your life accommodating their idiocy. It's just too short.
Her whole family appears thoroughly f****d up. If the sisters want to be tradwives, whatever. But the one sister saying that the mom has loved and supported OP doesn't seem to know what either of those words mean. Ngl though. If the dad had said that to me, not that I would ever "ask the father for permission," I would have napalmed that bridge. The fiance biting through his tongue for so long is impressive.
I'm so sick to death of this "family is family" b******t. It's really easy for the sister to stand up for mom since she's not the one being constantly shamed & ridiculed for her life choices. Family just means you share DNA. It obviously doesn't guarantee love, affection, support, and unconditional acceptance. And until it does, there's absolutely no reason whatsoever people should feel the need to put up with s****y family members any more than they would rude strangers. If they aren't providing you with anything except negativity and emotional baggage, toss them.
Load More Replies..."should I invite the most abusive and least supportive people I know to be a part of my wedding"? No. The answer is no.
Ugh…these old, outdated, oppressive ethics the “magic sky man” sheeple love to spout (but rarely adhere to privately) are so fücking exhausting. Stop it with the sexist “virginity” and “purity” tirades & calling out “sinners.” It’s gross and hypocritical. What does their ridiculous manual say? “Let he who casts the first stone…”? This archaic shame-throwing nonsense is pathetic.
OP’s parents are part of some kind of cult and her sisters are fully indoctrinated. I wouldn’t never low my daughter to be exposed to them, no matter how “sweet” they are with her, because you know damned well they’ll try to indoctrinate her too, even if just out of spite towards OP. Nope, she’s way better off without them, concentrating on her own little family, adopting her husband’s family, who sound like absolute angels (pun intended) as hers.
NTA but OP's family certainly are. Uninvited them all (including sis) from your wedding, and go no contact for the sake of your mental health and your child. These judgemental "Christians" will continue to make rude and cruel comments to her (probably in front of her child too) and you don't need that negativity in your life.
Children are not extensions of their parents. They are their own individuals who have the right to think and feel any way they want. Parental love should be unconditional. What horrible "parents." They only care about optics.
I often go to the wall to cut family slack. But in this case, F**K THEM. And the f**king sister. F**k all of them.
The gathering is a celebration of your union. Your mother has been consistently unequivocal that you're tainted, you've ruined your opportunity for a decent union (even if you got married now in a church, you'd be a tarnished disgrace) and this celebration does not meet her approval. So logically, what would she do at the gathering other than feel distress and feel obliged to repeatedly voice her disapproval? Point out to your sister that it would an active cruelty to lure your mother to a gathering where everyone is so hostile to her puritanical views.
See. . .this is what religious extremism and all that Evangelical mess can do to families.
So called virginity, purity and all that shite should have no bearing on who people want to share their life with
What happened to all the loving and accepting people of faith? All we have left are a******s, tell me you're heavily involved in the church and I'm pretty sure you're going to be a difficult, unpleasant person. The OP's parents behavior is the exact reason why you see so many elderly abandoned at nursing homes.
Someone tell the mom that Jesus said "Let he who is without sin throw the first stone" something tells me the mom isn't without sin, therefore has no grounds to criticize the daughter and call her not pure
"And sin, young man, is when you treat people like things. Including yourself. That's what sin is." "It's a lot more complicated than that--" "No. It ain't. When people say things are a lot more complicated than that, they means they're getting worried that they won't like the truth. People as things, that's where it starts." "Oh, I'm sure there are worse crimes--" "But they starts with thinking about people as things..." (Granny Weatherwax debating Mightily Oats in Carpe Jugulum - eloquently explaining why anyone should despise someone calling someone else "used goods")
I wish I could upvote this more, he had such compassion, rage and knowledge and I miss him. GNU STP
Load More Replies...This could be because as an addict in recovery, I see addiction in many many people when I start looking deeper. BUT this story has got me wondering if religion (or God) can be an addiction. The first step in addiction recovery is, "we admitted that we're powerless over (insert addiction); that our lives had become unmanageable." This story has got me thinking that the mom is trying to control what will happen to her and her family in the next life. In a sense, she's trying to control God by always doing the "right" thing. I think that's driven by fear of being sent to hell. If she can admit she's powerless over God and her life has become unmanageable, she has a chance at redemption. ---- I'm glad OP has a support system who acts based on love instead of fear. Hopefully they will give her the strength to cut ties with her family of origin.
I'd sever all contact and go out in a blaze of burnt bridges. They say I'm a disappointment? Time to spill every little dirty secret and every little lie. That would be a disappointment for sure. There is nothing so hypocritical as an overly religions zealot. How many Jesus Freaks have you seen that so enjoy, that so relish, the opportunity to tell someone unlike them that they are going to burn in hell? I would never raise my child around such filth. The stench never really wears off.
Can you imagine how much the mother would ruin the day? Keep her away - she can stay with the sister and b***h about it all day instead.
Some people really need to get calendars. I imagine these parents were around in the 60s or 70s - free love was all the rage then. I can't imagine how they'd have handled a gay child. Can anyone here make an argument that supports the parents?
In the same way op made her choices that mom doesn't have to like, mom did the same. It's a two way road, not a one way street.
The story I heard about Queen Victoria wearing white was that her future husband had seen her through some lace curtains and thought she looked beautiful in the white with the lace. However it happened, wear the white, enjoy the day and your new family.
I've learned over my 60 years that your "family" can be one you choose, not necessarily the one you are born to. Your mother appears to be rigidly judgmental, and for myself, I would be wondering if I wanted my child/children exposed to this. Life is too short to constantly listening to that kind of c**p. Get married in whatever color you choose, enjoy your husband and his awesome family (that will become your new family), shower your kids with love and acceptance.
It's possible to disagree with someone without being cruel. It's possible to disagree with someone and still be supportive. No one should ever expect to be invited to an occasion when they've been nothing but cruel and insulting the the host. The die is cast, the baby is born, absolutely NOTHING you say or do will change that. SO only reason to keep bringing up the past is to be cruel. And who wants to be around that? Who wants that at their wedding? "But she's your mother" ----- well then she might want to start ACTING like it.
Don't back down and let the parents go to that wedding. I didn't want my mother at either of my weddings! She was a judgmental narcissist that loved emotionally, mentally and verbally abusing me and hated all my life choices and boyfriends/fiances. Everything was about her. I eloped the first time and the second time I told her only a couple of people were going, and my husband's parents weren't going to it either.
There's nothing in the bible about premarital sex. Exodus 22:16-17. "If a man seduces a virgin who is not pledged to be married and sleeps with her, he must pay the bride-price, and she shall be his wife. If her father absolutely refuses to give her to him, he must still pay the bride-price for virgins." You can't make this xhit up.
If I believed such a thing, I’d say religion is the devils work. So much hatred and destruction carried out in the name of an imaginary friend! I absolutely understand why OP is so upset by her parents, but what I don’t understand is why her fiancé asked for her father’s permission. I’m old and retired now. When I was young I had intercourse before marriage and I would have been shocked if any man had asked for permission to marry me. As it was, my now husband (40+ years) told our parents we were getting married and they were all delighted.
Blasphemes who use religion to cover their own asses! Do you know that the religious marriage started only at the end of the medieval period? Before that at most you got a benediction from the local priest, if that, but the true marriage was a civil one
OP has a new family, and just like stepdads and stepmothers who take care of other peoples children that have abandoned their children, the stepparents become the true parents over the bioparents. Family is where the love is, even if they are not bloodrelated. Your mum and dad didn't show you the love and support that you deserve, that your spouse deserves, and your child. Your in-laws did. They are true family and they sound lovely! Enjoy your wedding in love and peace as it should be.
If white was ever a sign of purity, it would have been worn by virgins that were about to get sacrificed upon some altar. It had nothing to do with marriage. Like Ellinor stated, it became tradition some hundred(s) years ago and even then had nothing to do with purity. Maybe with new beginnings, yes. That still applies here.
Is OP American? I'd like to ask her pious, loving, God-fearing Goodwife mother what it was like on the Mayflower. Keep that little girl away from those lunatics, because the moment she hits puberty she's going to be shamed and blamed for Eve's foul sin of handing her husband a bit of fruit.
If i hear "family is forever" or some such bs, one more time.... Children do not ask to be put in this world, and owe parents and siblings NOTHING. parents owe the lives they bring into the world everything: care, gentleness, safety, the whole shebang. Elevating a relationship because DNA is the opposite of consensual. Pandas, you can choose to love your DNA family. You are NOT required to.
You have a family that loves you unconditionally! And treats you like their daughter! What a wonderful gift! One day your birth parents are going to want something, shut the door on them,like they did you.
LOL!!! Your mom was 100% suckin d**k and taking up the a*s from boyfriends before she was married. These s**t head evangelicals have loop holes. "If Im not taking c**k in my holy chamber, im stiil a virgin, so it doesnt count if I swallow 1000 loads or get pounded in my a*s.... I am still pure"