Recently, a story from a 24-year-old woman went viral on the AITA community, leaving people with split opinions. The author who goes by the handle Still-not-sure introduced herself as an aunt to her 1-year-old niece Ava, a child who found herself at the center of a family conflict.

“My sister and BIL live close to me so I babysit for them sometimes. They don’t pay me but I’m happy to do it anyway,” the author wrote. On one such Friday, Still-not-sure “provisionally agreed” to babysit Ava as her parents were having an anniversary.

Suddenly, the author’s plans changed when her old college friends told her they were stopping by her town on the same day. “I gave my sister 5 days notice that I could no longer babysit on Friday,” the author said and added that “she didn’t respond to the text, but she read it, so I assumed it was OK.”

Now the Friday arrived and the author’s plans went awry with Ava left on her doorstep. All confused and in a hurry, the author made a decision that felt reasonable in the given situation. Now, however, she wonders if she didn’t mess it up big time.


    Image credits: Karolina Grabowska (not the actual photo)

    Image credits: Timur Weber (not the actual photo)


    Image credits: still-not-sure

    Many people showed their support for the author in this situation


    Others, however, thought that everyone was to blame for leaving a toddler with a person she didn’t know