Share your favourite video game(s) and why you enjoy them so much :)


Apex legends! I could go on and on about why it’s my favorite game, I’m just gonna sum it up on, there’s a-lot of LGBTQ+ Representation in it, it’s a hero shooter (sorta like Overwatch) but as a Battle royal, however it has downfalls, the developers don’t listen, the SBMM sucks, EA treats it like a money grab, (when do they don’t?) but apart from all the cons, it’s still one helluva game!



    Two of my faves are Grim Fandango and the Costume Quest series. Grim Fandango because I love the story and it's a puzzle solving game, and Costume Quest for the same reasons. I love Zelda BOTW and Fable 3 too; it's hard to narrow it down!



    Far cry 4, the story, the weapons, the characters, the wildlife, the gameplay, everything is perfect!



    Probably Five Nights at Freddy’s, I love horror games, and the lore is awesome.
