Pandas, What Household Item Do You Use Specifically Against The Recommended Directions?
Sometimes we use a product against the manufacturers recommendations like say, a q-tip (cotton buds). It states not to stick it in your ear canal, well I can only think of a couple things that feel better than sticking one in my ear canal after a shower. Tell us what you use in a manner not recommended by the manufacturer.
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Sleeping with the hairdryer on under the sheets. It’s so warming, and the white noise just lulls me to sleep. Just kidding, I’m not an idiot.
I use a spoon as a buttering knife. Don't ask, just let me have my thing.
I use plastic cups as a speaker for my phone. I've been meaning to buy a Bluetooth speaker, but my cups are just easier to access.
Get a large cardboard tube and cut a slit down the middle of it big enough to stick your phone in. Simulated stereo!
My shampoo. Every bottle says “DO NOT GET IN EYES” or something and I always do. It’s so much fun! 💀
Using an old toothbrush to get the gunk off anything, especially around crevices. Grime around a faucet, caked on grease, dull jewelry, you name it. But the emphasis is on OLD here people. Don't recommend using your current toothbrush, unless you're into that sort of thing.
Q-Tips. I know you're not supposed to use them to clean your ears, but sometime it's necessary when ear wax builds up. I've never gotten a Q-Tip stuck and I don't go that far in. I'm not that careless.
This is what I have always done. Just curious, what are you supposed to do with it?
Not exactly dangerous, but I eat apple pie filling as a snack. Just grab a spoon and I eat it straight out of the can.
Using Bleach - neat. Sometimes it had to be done! On the floor where the cat has been … or the toilet…
Weird as it seems, I will use a fork to dig out ice cream from the container. Drives my husband nuts!
I like to use lemon juice to get nasty stickers off things or just as a general cleaning product. It's brilliant to get nastiness off console controllers or heatsinks or anything really.
I often stir my tea with a knife or fork.
I just grab the first obling piece of metal that comes along instead of looking for a spoon first...
Mouth irrigator. This is basically a miniature pressure washer you can use to clean stuff like your shaver etc.