Tell me anything that annoys you!
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When I finally get all comfortable, lying in the perfect position in bed, about to fall asleep, slipping into a nice dream and then BOOM! I need to pee. And people who chew with their mouth open, making those revolting smacking sounds.
People who humblebrag
I hate it when people force religion and disguise it as morals. I also don't like mansplaining when they don't even make an attempt to acknowledge you may have experience in that topic.
People who decry racism/sexism/homophobia/transphobia and then turn around and be racist/sexist/homophobic/straight-phobic/ transphobic to someone else.
Orrr on the flip side, someone who claims to be completely fine with other people's opinions but then when someone disagrees they want to attack that person.
when someone ask a question that was literally just answered
Per Drax the Destroyer: "I wasn't listening; I was thinking of something else."
People using their cellphones while trying to drive. They should pull over to use their phone. They shouldn't drive like they're on a sight-seeing tour when traffic is behind them. They should pay attention to the road and to others and be courteous while driving.
Should add - People who throw trash out of their car window.
Slow internet.
I'm impatient.
People married to their ideas to a point where they can't change it no matter the arguments. Close-mindedness, in short.
Chewing sounds, lip-smacking
People who talk loud enough for the whole room (or train or bus) to hear. Especially when I am in a nice restaurant and can't here my companion over their conversation.
Ignorant uneducated people
Two legged traffic jams. They get of the escalator and stop. Have to have a conversation standing still on the stairs, in front of a door, or on the narrowest part of the train platform. Take a slow stroll down the side wallk with 3 or 4 of their friends side by side.
When you are talking to someone and they are pretending to listen and they just yeah or cool or something
People who block the whole aisle in the grocery store. Cart on one side, then stand in the middle while staring at vapidly at stuff and don't bother to move. Or leave their cart in front of what you're trying to get to wander down the aisle looking at something else.
People staring at their phones all the time. Walk into you, ignore companions during dinner, etc.
Influencers and their entitled BS.
People who take credit for your work.
1. ads from march 2020 to today saying "were all in this together and we can blah blah blah"
2. gacha kids
3. when you try to screenshot but it turns off your phone instead
4. rasicists , sexists, homophobes.
5. the term pet peeve . peeve sounds like s**t in a jar . also wtf did those pets do to the person who made this term. leave them tf alone they didn't know.
6. cancel culture
7. first graders or people uneducated on a topic explaining something to you even though you know damn well they got their daily dose of fake news this morning
8. weird next level stans
9. pokimane
10. hypocrites
11.humble braggers
12. people who think their som smart and a cut above the rest
13. karens
14. idiots on twitter who love to make scenes
15. three year olds in beauty padgents
16. little kids who act 20
17. tiktok, tiktok trends, tiktokers, tiktok compliations.
18. slow internet
Forgive me if I'm misunderstanding, but I agree with all of these except 16. Kids replicate the behaviors and mannerisms of their parents/guardians or older siblings so it's really just them trying to learn, that or their just really mature for their age which shouldn't be labelled as a bad thing. I grew up in a place where everyone undermined my maturity and intelligence because of my age, and it's extremely degrading. All I have to say is that kids will essentially fall to their parent/guardian's expectations and standards, if they genuinely believe that their child is only meant for the bare minimum, then the child WILL fall to that bare minimum. However, if the opposite happens, the child can and will accomplish great things, regardless of age. I apologize in advance if my perception of your statement was incorrect.
The saying boys will be boys
smacking, chewing with their mouth open, and for some strange reason, I hate it when I'm by myself purposely and someone comes along and starts a conversation... I know they just wanna be nice but it's really annoying for me because I don't want to seem rude and ingore them. and so we talk and I hope for that to never happen.. i know I seem very rude :(
People who fish for compliments on social media by saying that they are ugly just so that everyone will tell them that they are beautiful.
i say stuff like that but i dont do that im just not mentally stable
The term “pet peeve”.
People who say "The craziest happened yesterday" and you ask "what happened" and they say "I cant really tell you" just pisses me off so much
My mom and I were just talking about pet peeves a few days ago! Anyways, scratching on a plate with a fork is a big NO. Those women who comment on BP asking to watch their ''videos''(if you know what I'm talking about), just irks me for some reason. One of my biggest pet peeves is when little girls (aged like 8,9, or 10) act like they're 25 years old with all the makeup, the clothes, the social media, it just makes me feel disappointed.
I mean, 10 year olds are just starting to mature. There is nothing wrong with them maybe feeling a bit self conscious, and if they want to change up their clothing style, there's nothing wrong with that (unless they're wearing tube tops or something like that). When I was 10 a had a little bit of makeup, and my mom would let me where it around the house, but not outside. And as for social media, it's all about how the parents want to, well, parent their kids. But I do agree with your first two pet peeves.
Grammar mistakes (in any context but especially in a good, funny meme. It just ruins the whole meme for me and I have to make my own grammatically correct version LOL. I don't correct people though cuz I'm too shy) And irregular formatting! My teachers give us these google docs to work with that are NOT formatted neatly or consistently and I seriously have to go through the whole document and fix it before I do the assignment because it bothers me so much.
I know what you mean! My father taught English, and he is a real grammar-fascist. That is why I am very picky about grammar.
Hypocrites, annoying people, sexists... lots of things
I fkn hate hypocrites. I have a few in work. They talk about the managers but when it comes to them socializing with them they suck ass!
When you hold a door open for someone and the don't say 'thank you'. When you're struggling with something trying to get through a door and the person in front of you lets it slam in your face because they can't look away from their phone for 2 seconds.
People who get to the top or bottom of an escalator in a store and just stop dead and gawp about - what are the people behind them supposed to do? The escalator doesn't stop just cos you got off...
People listening to their music on headphones REALLY LOUDLY on trains/buses. I always wished I had a pair if scissors so I could snip their cables ;0)
People eating with their mouths open. People who have no table manners. People who have no manners at all.
Entitled millennials.
People who don't acknowledge you when you smile at them as a greeting, they just glare at you like you have 2 heads and are trying to kill their children.
I'll stop now before I explode.
Haven't seen this one, but when you say something, and nobody hears you, so somebody repeats it louder, and gets the credit.
When you start a story and everybody slowly ignores you.
When you are mad at something that somebody is doing, but it's not wrong, so you feel bad bringing it up.
When people turn around and change what happened in a fight/argument to make them seem like the better person.
And lastly, a simple one, when people don't push in their chairs. Don't ask me why, I just can't haha.
I have a variation on one of those - people who tell stories but take ages to get to the point and keep pointlessly sidetracking. I want to shake them and say “Please just get to the end. I’m losing the will to live!”
People who say that they are leaving and then proceed to run frantically in the whole house for a solid 30 minutes. Why do they take so long? Why can't they do anything quietly? Why do they feel like they need to rush, if the only consequence of it is that they forget half of their things and have to come back home to get them? I hate it, the whole house is just a vibrant mess where you can't focus on anything while they're "leaving".
Being ignored.
Tell me about it! All too often, when I am in a conversation with several people, I try to say something but everybody interrupts me, and I can't get a syllable in edgewise with a crowbar! Sometimes I am so frustrated that I want to jump up and down in the middle of the table and SCREAM!!!
Dripping taps and when people just throw their dirty washing up in the sink for someone else to wash and even then the sink has to be emptied to wash their dishes! People talking loudly on the phone!
i have a nabor that talks soooooo loud on his phone i can hear him in my house
I have many...Trumpers, rude or entitled people, influencers, people who pay food apps to deliver them a big mac for $20 and then complain they're broke, bad tippers, people who don't know the difference between 'your' and 'you're', people who say 'nucular', 'ax' (instead of ask), 'excape' or 'expresso', bad drivers, people who are constantly late, people are are mean to animals, anti-vaxxers, flat earthers, meth heads, vegans who can't stop talking about it, people who come in to a restaurant 5 minutes before closing and say, 'Oh, good, you're still open!', people who talk loudly on the phone in public, people who challenge people with handicapped plates who park in disabled spots because they don't 'look disabled', busy bodies, bigots, racists, misogynists, mean people, cheapskates who conveniently 'forget' their wallet, for profit health care, all of the Kardashians, bible thumpers, people who loudly hiss 'ahhhhhh!' after each sip of coffee or loudly slurp their soup, people who refuse to wear a mask, leaf blowers and hypocrites. I think that's it for now.
When a hair gets caught in the hinge of my glasses and sunglasses. Ouch!
When the screws on my glasses need tightening, but I need my glasses to see to tighten them.
2.Sexism, racism, homophobia, transphobia
4.IT'S F****** YOU'RE
When people victimize themselves in obvious want of sympathy, then start fake-apologizing and saying things like "it's my fault". If you don't think it's your fault, then say so?
Tailgating. In any lane.
Especially if I’m already going at least 5 over the speed limit and I couldn’t get over even if I wanted to due to traffic. Back off! We all have places to go and want to get there as quickly as possible. Being a tool isn’t going to make traffic move any faster!
A tip: when being tailgated, tap your breaks (DON'T slam on them!) to make the pest back off. This usually works for me on the first or second try. On a multi-lane road, go more slowly till the jerk passes you. Tailgaters make me passive-aggressive!
I love to clean and I hate it when ppl do not contribute to keeping things clean and organized. I’m doing most of the work. The least you can do is not mess up what has been cleaned!! I do not believe in annoying others with my pet peeves. They are mine and I have no right to force you to please me just because something annoys
me. That’s just plain immaturity.
When I'm at Target with my Mom and this other girl my age sees me and then loudly says, "Thanks for the toy, Mom!" To her Mom, as to make me jealous or something that she got a TOY.
I hate it when people stand in doorways when you’re trying to get in somewhere and when they’re standing close to the entrance smoking. That’s just a start.
Raid Shadow Legends
mm i see ads for that then turn off my laptop and turn it back on for a different ad
When people use their religion as an excuse to be a sh*tty human being or impose their religious views on others.
When people ask someone who is quite obviously not ok 'are you ok?' If they have blood pouring down their face, what do YOU think the answer is, 'nice person'?!
When people draw Pokémon wrong i HATE IT
When something is being dragged on carpet. I HATE it sooooooo much.
Bathroom doors being left open.
You have the same surname as me. I agree with the bathroom door if someone has dropped the bomb.
I get really bothered when people make a big deal about such small inconveniences.
Yep. I get that one. Twice i have had disciplinary over petty things.
People asking about my pet peeves because i have so many and when someone asks me about them they're like, "Nah bro imma just cease to exist in your braincells" and then i can't remember any of them.
Christians and sex!! I really, sort of like the christian religion ..but what the EFF is all that obsession with sexuality?? Christian lore condemns violence and selfishness ..yet many of the super-duper-holier-than-thou believers are not bothered about guns at all. Homeless people evidently deserve their misfortune, poor people are stupid, abused children are some one else's problem. But anything to do with sex - teens getting educated, same-sex marriage... all that. All bad. I just can not get it!
“Christians” who think like that aren’t really Christians. I’ve always said “I love Jesus, but can’t stand his fan club” 🤣
People who chew loudly with their mouths open
Anyone calling me Liz. My name is Elizabeth. It's rude to assume I go by that nickname.
I get this. I hate nicknames. My family calls me a shorter version of my name and I tolerate it. If anyone else does.... prepare to get corrected
With me it's orthography and grammar. It's not that difficult to use their ("belonging to them"), there ("not here") and they're ("they are") correctly. Also the possessive pronoun for "it" is "its", not "it's" (as in "My dog hid its bone"). I have a hard time taking peoples' opinions seriously when I can't concentrate on reading them due to my eyes going all twitchy.
(God - I hope I didn't put in a spelling error)
People who are driving slower than me and change lanes so they are right in front of me.
All bad driving in general - I live in a place where we get a lot of visitors/tourists IE: summer fun seekers, winter sports enthusiasts, and nature lovers; and a lot of people moving here from all over the globe for 3-5 years from other places; IE: military, college, senior citizens, retirees. They bring their driving styles with them, and they are all different. This causes a lot of accidents, road rage, and other mayhem on the streets. Then, my place of residence gets a bad rap as having a bunch of bad drivers. — If you’re going to move to a new place, learn the local traffic rules and abide by them - yes, You, newbies, you know who you are and your driving is really pissing us locals off!! — And whomever punctured my sedan’s rear fender with your high profile vehicle door at the mall and didn’t leave a note —YOU’RE THE WORST KIND OF DRIVER THERE IS, [except for people who drink and drive]. — Have a nice day.
Posts with a religious figure with the caption "Only people who like (said figure) will share this post or type "Amen".
There's a lot of posts with a picture of Jesus. I'm Christian, but if I don't like or share the post, then I don't love Jesus. I NEVER LIKE OR SHARE THOSE POSTS.
Also those "chain mail" type post - share this within 3 minutes and your life will change forever.
I usually end up blocking those people that put up posts like that.
Wasting and throwing away food. In general we have a wasteful society (and the producers rely on this to maintain revenue) but it's a lot easier to throw away some used appliance that nobody will want, rather than any amount of food. I can't help but think that there's probably someone desperately hungry within 2 miles of any food being thrown away. Not to mention the resources we use to produce the food.
When someone comes into your room and just asks for stuff. Like, if there's something I wanted to give to you I would've given it to you already.
People who sniffle and refuse to blow their nose. It’s like nails on a chalkboard
Arguing for the sake of arguing; plain and obvious maliciousness; careless, inconsideration; unwillingness to consider another opinion or to just back off and accept they feel that way without trying insist they change.
When I ask someone for help with something urgent like I'm carrying something really heavy or delicate, and they say they can't help because they're showing this new app to they're freind that changes you into a dog or something. Obviously if you are actually physically incapable of helping me or your busy then it's fine.
People who use the word “orientate.” It’s not a real word! Orientation is real, orientate isn’t. “I got orientated at work on Monday.” What? You went to Orientation. You were oriented to the new environment. Orientate isn’t a word!
Oh, also, it’s and its. “It’s” has one meaning, just one: It is. “The game’s on Saturday. I think it’s at 3.” (Read the sentence as without the contraction and the meaning is still there: The game is on Saturday, I think it is at 3.)
Just a couple of mine.
People who block an entire aisle in the store to have a conversation. Also, people who just leave their carts in parking spaces, instead of pushing them to the corrals nearby.
1. People who tailgate, especially when I'm stuck behind a slow driver. What do you expect me to do, push the line?
2. Parents that allow their child to absolutely scream "GIVE IT TO ME" while in a store, then give them the thing their child is demanding. Not only are the screams hard on others, especially people who are triggered (and I mean triggered into crying, as in other children or those with special needs) by sudden loud noises, all you're doing is enforcing the 'if I yell I get what I want' idea that caused the demand in the first place.
3. Doors or drawers left just a little bit open. It just bugs me and gives my cats an idea that they must dig out what ever their little paws can reach.
4. My own perception/spatial awareness issues. I'm constantly smooshing my fingers and knuckles on counters, breaking dishes or cups, and poking my own eyes trying to itch my nose.
5. Litter in generally but it really irks me when people leave a bunch of trash in their shopping cart after parking it in those corrals, all of which have a trash can next to them.
stereotypes especially the obviously stupid ones but somehow people still believe them.
when you try to peel a boiled egg and half the egg stays stuck to the shell!!
When your computer is running updates and it is super slow when you are trying to work
People who insist on using their phones on speaker so the whole world is forced to hear their conversations or music
1. Presumptuous hugging. If I want a hug, I’ll let you know. Don’t assume!
2. Nicknames. I hate them and refuse to use them. I don’t care that you are a muffin in high school and it was hilarious. You’re 25 and I’m not calling you “muffin” what’s you’re real name?
3. People who don’t put their carts back in the corral. Pure laziness.
4. As a Christian, it REALLY bothers me when other Christians hold non Christians to Christian standards/beliefs. Like why? I don’t want to be held to any other religious beliefs. Why do some feel it’s okay to hold others to ours. It’s completely insane.
When straps, loops, or handles of things I’m wearing or carrying get caught on door handles, gear shift levers, bushes - or anywhere.
When my long hair gets caught under shoulder straps, in zippers, or sticks to my chapstick and lipstick.
Roommates who steal my food - dry goods and out of the fridge. Any theft, any where, any time, of any thing.
Roommates who clean the dryer lint screen, but leave bits of lint, paper, and fuzz on the floor in front of the dryer. They also drip laundry soap down the sides of the machine, onto the carpet, and never clean it up. — Eventually, it makes a real mess -it leaves dark spots in the carpet when people walk on those spots that never come totally out of the carpet. — Thanks a lot, you guys.
people who put their dog poop in the bag but them LEAVE IT, or even worse... Put it next to the Frickn trash can!!
I hate it when people degrade you just because your opinions differ from theirs. Not nice at all.
people who are anti-LGBTQ+, people who boast constantly and people who never admit theyre wrong and never apologise
When people mispronounce Pokemon names or just say completely wrong information about Pokemon. Also, I've had people tell me something completely wrong about Pokemon, and when I tell them the correct answer, they just ignore it and say that they were right all along. I'm a hard-core Pokemon fan, so this makes me really annoyed.
About mispronouncing Pokémon names, I had a German friend who would always say /'po.kə.mɔn/ (i.e. more or less "PO-kuh-mone"). That's not /'po.kə.mɔn/ that's /po'ke.mɔn/ ("pow-KAY-mone") I mean they even put a m*therfugging acute on the E so that people pronounce it correctly.
People asking whats wrong with me... It takes so long to explain (/sarcasm)
lol for whatever reason, grapefruit scented dish soap.
Well, there is Mr George Peeve, his wife Laney Peeve, his son Henry Peeve, and his daughter Cassie Peeve.
Resteraunt crayons and dry markers.
Dropping "lol" in posts where laughing out loud would be unlikely or inappropriate: "I just killed my dog when I accidentally dropped a frozen turkey on him LOL".
Bored Panda is riddled with these. Is your pseudobulbar palsy such that it bleeds into your typing?
People judging other generations. It makes me so mad!!! Who cares when you were born or what you can or can't do? I hate people saying, "Your generation doesn't have to do blah blah blah, or you can't do blah, I had to do this and this..." It's just so annoying. Each generation has their differences, I don't see the need to make a big deal out of that.
it's like "i didn't have tv when i was your age" and i'm just like "and with the little time you have left you better squeeze in those hours of fishing shows huh?"
People who call you short or weak when they are literally much shorter and weaker than you
Blind generalizations. i.e., If you call yourself this, than they assume you're this, this, and this.
When people call Sanrio "Hello Kitty" or "Hello Kitty and friends" that's not what it's freaking called. Just because Hello Kitty happens to be the most popular character doesn't mean it's all about her, my favorite Sanrio character is Pom Pom Purin and people never talk about him! So basically don't call it anything but Sanrio.
I know this isn't as annoying, or bad, as other things people do that could be considered a pet peeve, but bear with me. (Sorry for any spelling or grammatical mistakes).
When people act like a pile of sh*t the moment they go in a bad mood. Like, we get it. No need to broadcast your anger to the world.
When someone gives me something and then immediately ask for it back. B*tch i can't beg for pencils in each class.
When BP removes/censors my posts.
when someone tells me how I feel. Not like 'how are you feeling?' but they say 'you look mad.' This is mostly cause my focused face makes me look like I wanna punch someone.
i usually look extremely upset and any one who i talk to ask if im good and usually i say im good and then they say are you sure then i say yes and then they say i dont believe you then thats when i storm off upset
When it just snowed and it looks so perfect and then someone just walks straight through it and ruins the perfectness. But then it's so satisfying to do it.
I've got one single main one: NAILS. On. A. CHALKBOARD. Or anything like it. Also, I really don't like the way one side, especially in politics, just hates the other side and THAT'S IT. Like they just hate people for their opinion.
Ooh, one more: political posts on BP. Yeah I could go on and on probably but I'll stop now.
People who don't realise that good movies and music were made before they were born, too. I mean, there's so much more to cinema than MCU and similar blockbusters + the stuff you rewatch on Christmas on TV.
People with zero concern or empathy for others, who only think something is an issue when it affects them personally.
how much time do ya'll have? my list is massive.
1. Stupid people.
2. tRump and his stupid supporters.
3. anti-maskers
4. anti-vaccers (spelling?)
5.people who call others for following the advice from the professionals sheeple.
6. Q Annon.
so maybe my list isn't really that long. they all fit #1 perfectly :)
Whistling, humming, beatboxing, popping noises with your lips, anything that has to do with a noise coming out of your mouth that isn't talking... heck, talking too.
When people spell things out to you with an example for each letter as if you are in kindergarden
I admit that I did that with my married name, FOGA. F as in fruit, O as in orange, G as in grape and A as in apple. It was kind of cute.
1 Karen
2 people who act like they're the boss of everyone
3 boys who say to me you can't be the king your girl so you're the queen
4 people who say oh I hate people who judge by the cover of their book and then they turn around and do it to someone else
5 people who try to one-up you like if you say hey I just got a holographic Pokemon card and then they say oh you just got one I have like 17 at home
6 people who act like they're all that and a bag of chips
7 people who say you're weird and then as soon as you say it back to them they say oh I'm going to tell on you or act offended
8 people who hurt you emotionally and then as soon as you say something back or do something they act like you just killed them
9 people who act like they know everything I own everything and are everything
10 people who say they love all animals and then as soon as they see an animal that they think is ugly or weird they say ewwwwwwwww
11 people who say they're the prettiest person in the world and then if you compliment them they say no I'm just ugly
12 people who assume gender or race
13 humble braggers
14 grills the ones that go on your teeth why would you want to pay for braces if you've already had braces
15 people who when they see that you have like a men's body wash on they are like why are you using that that's for men
People saying 'Want to know something?' and then going on to tell their story before you've had the chance to answer 'no, not really'.
Or people that use the phrase 'I'm going to tell you something' a lot...then being insulted when you reply 'do I even want to hear it?'' as a joke. Haha
1. Beeping sounds
2. People who honk just as the light turns red.
3. When people continue to suck on a straw even though the cup is empty.
4. People who order food for delivery and take forever to open the door (work related pet peeve).
5.Waiting a long time at the doctor's office.
6. When people say "no offense" and then say something offensive.
I think some people say 'no offense' when they speak before thinking and are trying to soften what they just realized is a blow.
When you ask someone who was clearly just doing something what they were doing and they say “nothing.” Especially when it is a child or teenage and the thing they were doing is usually something mundane. Like, dude, I’m not trying to trap you. Just say you were watching YouTube while you clean your room, I don’t care. Just don’t say “nothing” because we both know that is a lie.
I sometimes with my munchkins would use the 'nothing' rather than being TOO honest. I've asked my son what he was doing in the bedroom (he was taking a while to find his plush bunny). He replied with a 'I gotta fart and it's stuck'.
Chalk, people talking w/ mouths full of food/smacking, people, when people yell at me for no reason (which makes me mad and yell back), screeching, bad singing, muttering, and lots more than that, trust me...
when I try to do stuff on the laptop that my mother bought me then installed a blocking software onto it so I cant do ANYTHING unless she approves it first. Edit: I'm not trying to sound bratty or anything but I hate trying to go onto a site for school then having to ask for permission then going back. Edit: my mother is not bad. she's just a little protective. she did delete it tho.
I think I have it even worse; on my phone, my mother has blocked LOADS of websites. She has also added some screen-time thing, so my phone switches off after I’ve used it for a hour-
When the back rest cushion of my chair rolls onto the floor - Every . Time . I . Stand . Up.
Tamper proof seals and plastic packaging that are so extremely difficult to open, I don’t want to ever buy that product again. — Then, I finally get it open and am happy with the product, so I do buy it again. - meh, whatcha gonna do?
when somebody tells me to be quiet.
I have been told to be quiet too much throughout my whole life.
people, don't be quiet anymore.
EVERYONE who uses Facebook
well, im annoyed easily, but one of them is radom people barging in on my conversation. happened today. annoying af
me. I hate my self sometimes.
LYING .... is definitely #1.
2. My dream: I wander around the parking lot, looking for my bright red elite sports car for hours, to no avail. I do not own a sports car.
3. People who abuse other people, in any form.
People that don’t use their indicators. They’re not just for decoration. For the love of God people, signal!!
When my parents wake me up saying we have to leave in 20 minutes. Or when my parents say they're leaving and im coming with but they're ready to go b4 they mention it to me. Homophobia ppl. Racest ppl. People who arent what they say they are. AND MANY others.....
People who put the toilet paper roll on the wrong way!
Paper goes over not under!
Someone saying. They know what I’m going through when they have absolutely no f*****g idea what I’m going through
People saying names wrong
When I’m not in on a joke.
Small perforated holes in material (this is more of a phobia)
Employers who see/use employees as pawns
People littering! Get with the times
Generational trauma
People becoming parents without forethought and with unrealistic expectations
People who don’t put their dirty dishes in the clean dishwasher at work... because it is full and they dont know how to unload it.
People being too lazy to get up and come talk to me but would rather scream repeatedly for me to walk over to them to talk. Get off your a**e and come here if you wish to speak to me.
When people want more privileged people than themselves to pay attention to their problems, but they don't pay attention to the problems of people (or sentient animals) who are less privileged than them. They often argue (unsuccessfully) that it's not the same thing, missing the point that more privileged people also do mental gymnastics not to pay attention to other's problems.
While commenting on these entries I found a peeve. When you're on your mobile and try to place the cursor to correct a typo, and it goes a letter or two away from the mistake, and no matter how you rub the screen the cursor won't budge - then when it does, it jumps several letters or even a whole word away or to another line.
Those who judge whether or not I can accomplish something; "that's too heavy for you!"
While commenting on these entries I found a peeve. When you're on your mobile and try to place the cursor to correct a typo, and it goes a letter or two away from the mistake, and no matter how you rub the screen the cursor won't budge - then when it does, it jumps several letters or even a whole word away or to another line.
Those who judge whether or not I can accomplish something; "that's too heavy for you!"