I continue to tell you about life in the frontline city of Dnipro, Ukraine. This time, I’m talking about the exhibition “Arboretum” by artist Galina Shevtsova.

The artist is a bright representative of the creative dynasty. In her family, in different generations, there were sculptors, icon painters, artists, and folk artists.

The paintings you see in the photo were created in different periods of the artist’s life.

Given that the exhibition was held in a frontline city of Ukraine, the paintings had to bring special reflections to the audience. Together with the artist, we discussed how an artist can psychologically help people relieve themselves of the stresses they have experienced.

The city of Dnipro is often subject to rocket attacks. Most often, we are bombed at night, during curfews, when it is forbidden to walk the streets. Rockets are often aimed at multi-storey residential buildings, hospitals, energy facilities, and gas stations. There is no guaranteed safety anywhere. At the same time, the city lives its own special surreal life. People go to work and repair the damage caused by the Russians. It is a difficult time for all of us.

You may be wondering why it is necessary to create exhibitions in times of war, especially with a positive attitude. I notice that most people endure a lot of stress and strain during the day and need to be somewhere psychologically to dream about peaceful times, to relax a little and get into another reality, at least mentally.


At a time when there is almost no reason to be happy, people need to see with their own eyes something beautiful that exists. To take an example not from grief and suffering, but to be filled with strength to survive.

I believe that the paintings of the artist Halyna Shevtsova are the most relevant for the environment. Her personal example of life and continuing creativity inspires others.

Each time during the exhibitions, viewers come up and share their personal reflections. They are open to communication, just like the artist. I would like to inform you that if you like a particular painting, you can write to her personally at If you want to have her painting in your home or office, I would like to inform you that the postal service works and it is really possible.

You can also contact me by e-mail: and I will provide information about the chosen painting.

I want to note that the vast majority of Ukrainian artists continue to create paintings and are self-sufficient. We do not have any help from the state, but we are interested in continuing our creative practices. Given this, we sometimes paint on pieces of paper and with the means we have. Sometimes these are the remnants of paints from peacetime, which we value above all else.


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