This Pole In A Walmart Parking Lot Causes So Many Car Accidents, There’s A Whole Facebook Page Dedicated To It (14 Pics)
InterviewCrashing your car is a horrible experience that can put you off from driving for a long, long time. But sometimes, there’s nobody to blame but yourself for not being careful enough and driving headlong into a bright yellow pole. You might have been distracted. You might have wanted to cut a corner. Or you might have fallen prey to one of the most infamous parking lot poles in the United States.
There’s a pole in the Osceola Walmart parking lot that is infamous for how people keep driving into it. It’s so well-known for causing accidents that someone actually took the time to create a satirical parody page dedicated to it on Facebook. Check out some of the best photos from the page below, upvote your fave ones as you scroll on down, and let us know if there are any legendary car-walloping objects in your local area, dear Pandas.
Bored Panda interviewed both the Osceola Walmart Pole, as well as the founder of the Facebook page dedicated to it. "I get knocked down but I get up again!" the pole told Bored Panda. Meanwhile, the founder of the page said that they created the account in the middle of the 2020 pandemic. "It was a way to lighten the mood and provide some humor in a trying time." Check out the full interview below.
Does this story sound familiar to you? Are you getting an odd sense of déjà vu? That’s because this isn’t the first time that Bored Panda’s written about an object that people keep crashing into. You can find our post about the W Maple Omaha Rock right here.
Image credits: walmartpoleThis post may include affiliate links.
5, 4, 3, 2, 1! We're Going On A Trip In Our Favorite Rocket Ship Zooming Through The Sky, Little Can’t Drive
#tbt Oof Right Down The Middle
My Cousin Is The Toughest Pole I Know. I'm Just Carrying On An Old Family Tradition
It's on the driver side! How do you miss it right in front of you?
The pole is located in Osceola, Arkansas, around 40 miles north of Memphis. If you're ever in the area, dear Pandas, be sure to send us a photo of the infamous pole or post it in the comment section!
The founder of the Osceola Walmart Pole page said that they never thought that the Walmart Pole would be an inspiration for those who are facing adversity in their lives right now. "So many turn to it as an example. It gets hit, it might lean or even fall, but it always gets back up, most of the time with some help, and it keeps doing its job. We could all learn something from the Pole."
They also revealed to Bored Panda that it's become a local joke how much the pole has been hit. "The pole has become a local celebrity and people love stopping by and seeing the pole and taking their picture with it," they said.
"People keep hitting the pole because they are distracted and not paying attention. They cut the corner too sharp. If they stayed in their lane, it wouldn’t happen. The pole is there to protect parked vehicles from turning vehicles and from coming out of the pharmacy drive-thru. It has accomplished its goal many times."
Thanks For Pointing It Out. There's One In Every Family. Two In Mine, Actually. And They Always Manage To Ruin Special Occasions.
This one is slightly understandable. The pole is the driver's blind spot.
Red Lights, Stop Signs I Still See Your Face In The White Cars, Front Yards Can't Drive Past The Places We Used To Go To 'Cause I Still Freaking Love You, Babe, Ooh
i kinda wanna know if they were listening to that song when they ran into it
"The Pole Strikes Again"
The Osceola Walmart Pole page was created in June 2020 and since then it’s grown to have over 4.7k followers. We’re pretty sure that the pole deserves a lot more attention. And, who knows, sharing info about it could actually make people driving around the Osceola Walmart parking lot keep an eye out and act more carefully behind the wheel.
According to the National Safety Council, America’s leading nonprofit safety advocate, driving safely in parking lots is harder than we realize because we can get distracted by a lot of things: from GPS systems and text messages to social media notifications and even… taking photos of ourselves while we’re behind the wheel.
Staying safe means staying alert. Focused. Aware of both pedestrians and other drivers. If you obey all of the signs and stay on-mission, there’s no reason why you should end up totaling your car because of a chonky yellow bad-boy parking lot pole.
I'm On A Roll, With All The Cars I Know- The Other Poles Don't Got To Know- I Know They Wanna Hit That! 7/20/2020
Some People Got Jokes But I’ve Got The Punchline. Just Wait Sir, Your Time Will Come And You Can Adjust That!
I think this one it's on purpose, just don't know why. Also, the driver smiles at the photographer.
I Like That Boom Boom Pow
Just when you thought things couldn’t get wilder, you realize that the Facebook page admin even posted a poem about the pole:
When the bones are good, the rest don't matter
Yeah, the paint could peel, the glass could shatter
Let it rain 'cause you and I remain the same
When there ain't a crack in the foundation
Baby, I know any storm we're facing
Will blow right over while we stay put
The pole don't fall when the bones are good
Beautiful? Beautiful. You can bet that we’ll be taking a selfie near the pole when we’re in the area. Do let us know in the comments if you’ve been to see the mythical Walmart pole yourselves, dear Readers.
How is this possible? This pole is higher than the car, it's yellow, the visibility isn't that bad ...
Rollin With My Homies. 5-8-2020
How fast are these people driving (in a parking lot!) that it damages their car that badly?
Fly High 02/12/2020
Uh, Social Distancing, Ma'am. Rip 6/2/2020 Cause Of Death: Covid-19
Hit so hard the boot popped open, but the pole did not budge an inch! It is getting stronger by the minute!
Tapped That 02/19/2020
Not to mention bright yellow and made intentionally to avoid lol XD
Load More Replies...It takes a lot of effort to not notice these poles. Are all the visitors of Osceola Walmart visually impaired and if so, why are they all still driving cars?
And it's not like they just touch it, they full-on crash against it! How do you even have that much speed on a carpark that you manage to get up on that thing? I don't think I'd feel safe on that parking-lot
Load More Replies...Not to mention bright yellow and made intentionally to avoid lol XD
Load More Replies...It takes a lot of effort to not notice these poles. Are all the visitors of Osceola Walmart visually impaired and if so, why are they all still driving cars?
And it's not like they just touch it, they full-on crash against it! How do you even have that much speed on a carpark that you manage to get up on that thing? I don't think I'd feel safe on that parking-lot
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