Origami artist and Cooper Union engineering student Uyen Nguyen (pronounced Win-Win) is curating an origami exhibition featuring over 120 works by 80 renowned artists from 5 continents.

To cover costs such as transporting and insuring the works, Uyen created an indiegogo campaign. As a thank you to donors, Uyen is folding original origami pieces with LED lights, among other gifts. I donated $30 for a full-color catalog of the artwork. Check out all of the perks up for grab at

The exhibition will be free and open to the public from June 19 – July 4, 2014.

More info:


    “Rabbit” by Ronald Koh, Folded by Ng Boon Choon

    “Aristo-Braque/Viszla” by Gachepapier

    “Asymmetry” by Erik and Martin Demaine

    “Constrained Bowl” by Linda Smith


    “Dreamer” by Giang Dinh

    “Event Horizon” by Byriah Loper

    “Flower Tessellation” by Evan Zodl


    “Kiwi” by Bernard Peyton

    “Shakti” by Joel Cooper

    “St. Michael – The Archangel” by Tran Trung Hieu