Really, who does not love a good fairy tale? As a child, I can remember dreaming about being a princess or living in a magical land. My imagination would take me places that were by far nothing like I had ever seen in real life. Now, as a mother, I want to take my daughter to those very places in real life. Make some of her dreams come true.

My daughter has been my inspiration to become a photographer. I have been amazed by her since she was born and I want to capture the things that I see with my eyes. I want to document her life and our adventures. Now, my son has come along and it has added to the fun. My children inspire me every single day. I think that I forgot how to use my imagination for a long time, but they have reminded me.

In this fairy tale, we had a participant that matched perfectly with our story. Meet sweet Maggie. She played her part perfectly and my daughter was more than happy to have her along as we plotted out our story.

I hope that these images can take you to a magical place. Maybe relive or reignite some of those childhood memories.

More info: Facebook


    Once upon a time…….











    The end…..