Doesn’t matter if you went to high school thirty years ago or are a freshman, I wanna hear your thoughts! Is/was the food good? How are/were the teachers, and do/did you like the curriculum? I’m interested :)


8/10–pretty good. It was hard adjusting in the beginning especially when it came to sports because I did only gymnastics before then so I was basically completely new :/ I was also pretty introverted and everyone else was ultra sociable, so that was also not fun at the start. But otherwise, I liked it, I’m a pretty academically motivated person and I went to an academically motivated school, so it turned out good :)


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    I’m in it right now. I rate it a 6-7.5/10 maybe. Or just 8/10. Idk I’m Still a freshman sadly. Where’s my fellow freshmen at?


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    7/10. I did alot of skateboarding instead of going to school. It was alot easier to skip out 20 years ago.


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    0/10, I was bullied, I was outed as gay by a classmate, and he called me fat and disgusting and I got an eating disorder from his nasty comment. I suffered a lot, I’m in my senior year of high school, and all of the bullying has made me feel awful about myself, and I don’t want to be like this anymore, but I don’t have a choice, I just have to suffer, I don’t want to suffer, I’m done.


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    See Also on Bored Panda

    4/10 I prefer preschool


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