US Olympic Skier Gus Kenworthy Rescued 90 Dogs From Korean Dog Meat Farm
Gus Kenworthy, 26, is an American freestyle skier from Colorado who recently made headlines after rescuing 90 dogs from a dog meat farm in South Korea while participating in 2018 Winter Olympics.
In 2014, during the Sochi Winter Olympics, Gus found two stray puppies near the Olympic Village and had to go through a long process to get them to America with him and now he took upon himself to save even more dogs.
“This morning Matt and I had a heart-wrenching visit to one of the 17,000 dog farms here in South Korea,” he wrote on Instagram. “Across the country, there are 2.5 million dogs being raised for food in some of the most disturbing conditions imaginable. Yes, there is an argument to be made that eating dogs is a part of Korean culture. And, while don’t personally agree with it, I do agree that it’s not my place to impose western ideals on the people here. The way these animals are being treated, however, is completely inhumane and culture should never be a scapegoat for cruelty. Despite the beliefs of some, these dogs are no different from the ones we call pets back home.”
Together with his boyfriend Matt, Gus decided to take one of the dogs home. “I adopted the sweet baby in the first pic (we named her Beemo) and she’ll be coming to the US to live with me as soon as she’s through with her vaccinations in a short couple of weeks. I cannot wait to give her the best life possible!” 90 other dogs from the farm are taken from the facility to the United States and Canada for adoption with the help of Humane Society International.
Even though there are many more pups in bad conditions, every little attempt to help counts and it’s so great that there are some amazing people, like Gus, who use their platform to spread awareness and help.
More info: Instagram
Gus Kenworthy, 26, is an American freestyle skier from Colorado
He recently made headlines after rescuing 90 dogs from a dog meat farm in South Korea while participating in 2018 Winter Olympics
“This morning Matt and I had a heart-wrenching visit to one of the 17,000 dog farms here in South Korea,” he wrote on Instagram
“Across the country, there are 2.5 million dogs being raised for food in some of the most disturbing conditions imaginable”
“Yes, there is an argument to be made that eating dogs is a part of Korean culture”
“And, while don’t personally agree with it, I do agree that it’s not my place to impose western ideals on the people here”
“The way these animals are being treated, however, is completely inhumane and culture should never be a scapegoat for cruelty”
“Despite the beliefs of some, these dogs are no different from the ones we call pets back home”
Together with his boyfriend Matt, Gus decided to take one of the dogs home and named her Beemo
“She’ll be coming to the US to live with me as soon as she’s through with her vaccinations in a short couple of weeks”
“I cannot wait to give her the best life possible!”
90 other dogs from the farm are taken from the facility to the United States and Canada for adoption with the help of Humane Society International
It’s so great that there are some amazing people, like Gus, who use their platform to spread awareness and help
We need more people like Gus in this world!
Share on FacebookDon't forget that almost every single piece of meat we eat comes from animals treated in the most terrible and disgusting way before being killed. The main difference to most of us: If it's a cow or a pig or a chicken nobody really cares.
I agree. This is why my family and I have made a choice to abstain from eating meat.
Load More Replies...So dogs in Korea are raised in cruelty. Which is the difference of USA chicken, European turkey or other animal that are raisen in other countries?
Laws.You'll find a pig raised in the US and a pig raised in the EU are covered b different sets of laws. In the EU, it is much much more humane, in the US it is disgusting.
Load More Replies...I think the point of the article is that the conditions the dogs were kept in is animal cruelty. Given that it also says he didn't want to impose western culture on them, so the idea o eating dog was ew to him, but he didn't say to them that eating dog is cruelty.
Load More Replies...There are thousands of dogs chained outside in these same conditions in the US. How about helping 90 dogs here at home?
You know what dont start that kind of s**t. This man is a Godsend. Tell u what, he is going to be a bit busy with the Olympics and the rescued dogs so why dont you rescue 90 dogs here at home? Make it an even 100. I'll help you if you decide to di it. If you arent going to do it, then maybe you should just zip it.
Load More Replies...I was prepared to get irritated with this story but I'm not at all. This guy said he doesn't want to impose his views on them etc, so he has a good head about him. The sad part is that if we're being honest, this helps nothing because that just means he gave business for 90 dogs, and 90 more will replace them. He actually kinda contributed to the problem in a weird way. Asians overall definitely have a different view on animals. Go to any Chinatown and see what's being sold. Not the same as your local supermarket, and the amount of animals horribly abused in nuts. Rhino horns, Tiger gallbladders etc, how often do you hear they're for traditional Chinese medicine? How about we eat some beans and lentils and quinoa instead of cows, dogs and goats?
He may not have changed the world, but he changed thoses dogs world.
Load More Replies...And back home he'll just go to McDonald's and he'll have a burger made from the meat of an animal raised in terrible conditions, whose baby as been taken away, leaving both mum and son, crying for weeks so we can steal their milk for our cheese, our milkshake and our breakfast. And he won't give a f**k about the suffering he's contributing to. I'm not sure whether this is about the summit of Hypocrisy or the deepest ignorance. But hey, keep saving cute puppies. And don't forget to post it with a dozen pictures so we can all admire you!!
yet again....someone adding their own narrative to an article. This wasn't there in the story at all. You don't know if this man is vegan do you? You don't know anything about him....or do you? I mean he's an olympic athlete so McDonalds probably isn't a big factor in his life. Hell it's NEVER a part of MY life so why do you just make assumptions. What's in your soul that you think this is a negative about him rather than trying to educate people?
Load More Replies...I really appreciated this post! I'm South Korean, and I've never eaten dog before but I still get irritated when Westerners try to impose their own ideas of what they think is culturally right or wrong onto my country. But Gus made it clear that he was focusing on animal cruelty, not necessarily the practice of eating dogs itself. I agree with Gus; I think that animals should be treated humanely even if they will eventually be butchered. It's not just dogs, too. The way farms treat chickens and cows is so, so, so much worse. Hopefully, that'll change in the future!
From what I've heard (being around Korean) is that it's a very limited industry, mostly limited to an older generation of people. It's still ethically wrong - but it feels more so because we view dogs as loving pets. In India they view cows as sacred - in the US alone 300 cows per minute are slaughtered for food. As human beings we survive and thrive on the suffering of animals for food, labour, medicine and so forth... My own personal journey i'm trying to limit the amount of meat I eat, I'm not trying to impress this view on anyone because that's not how it works. I just wanted to say I've been healthier as a result, and feel good about it.
one of the few comments here that isn't arguing over animal treatments
Load More Replies...I agree with the premise of this article, but I really wish people can stop generalizing this to the entirety of the Korean people. I'm a Korean myself, and although I don't eat, and don't condone the consumption of dog meat, a lot of the Westerners I have met have automatically regarded me as a cruel dog-killer. Seriously. What this article, and many Western articles, fail to mention is that this is a highly limited industry. In fact, dog meat restaurants are very rare in South Korea, basically non-existent in major cities and limited to remote, rural areas. Point is, most Koreans don't eat dogs. I've read through the comments, and most seem to have this stereotype. 'Eating dogs(i.e. animal cruelty) is part of Korean culture, and that we shouldn't impose Western ideals?' This shows how much Korean culture is misunderstood. Animal cruelty is not a part of the entirety of Korean culture, but part of some people's beliefs. I hope people can understand this and have a wider perspective.
These dog meat farms are horrible! I cannot believe someone would be as cruel as to touch a dog, nevertheless kill it! Bless this man's heart for saving those poor dogs from the horrible fate that they would have had if they had been forced to stay there!
Isn't that farm just going to get more dogs now to replenish their supply? :(
Why many people talk animal cruelty. If farm animal like cow, chicken, no problems to be eaten cause its normal. Just because you're vegan, doesn't mean you must forced you're ideology to other people. Normal farm animal is different than pet animals. This article about dogs, dogs is not supposed to be eaten. Because not only they're friendly animal, dogs sometime have many viruses that can get sickness to human body if to be eaten for meat.
Who is the one to judge wether an animal can or can't be eaten? Americans used to eat horses too you's a cultural difference and while I'm not against people eating dogs, I'm against it if they're being treated cruelly and inhumanly, WHICH IS THE ENTIRE POINT OF THIS ARTICLE
Load More Replies...I will always against people eating dogs,cats,rare animal,and not farm animal. Farm animal always cow, chicken, goat. Its always like that because its normal. Another farm animal than that is not normal to eat. Basically its same law that been approved for many amount years and people. Its simple is that...people eating dogs, its not normal in front of many people who are not vegan, it will always say. .is chicken ,cow or goat, pigs are extinct ...thats why they eat dogs...
WTF. I'm raging. Kiba (my pup, my best friend) is laying at my feet and I can't imagine meeting a person that can do this. I don't think I'd be able to keep my cool. F**k you 17000 dog farmers of any part of Korea. And F**k anybody that eats a dog. Come find me @dwergmation
Just waiting for a Indian Olympian to one day try and liberate cows here in America.
sure, save dogs from a country where people eat them, but also save cows, pigs, chicken and other animal that you eat at home! what the hell is this separation between pets and animal that you consume? f***ing hypocrites... either you eat all (don't advise to do so) or none. :) there is much more violence making cows pregnant and then stealing away their babies to get milk... Tho don't get me wrong, im happy for those doggos to be safe and alive.
Pigs are more intelligent and more sensitive than dogs, it is a known fact. But in our occidental culture we have no problem to kill them and transform them in sausages… Different cultures, different uses
Bwahahah...! In what world is that a "known fact"..? It's b******t. Go read a book or two... (But yes, pigs are intelligent and sensitive.)
Load More Replies...The picture at the end where he is holding as many puppies as he possibly can is aeesime
No one said here before that eating any other animal is not cruel. Guys, you are amazing people!!!!!!! Gus, good luck on the olimpics :)
And back home he'll have a burger at McDonald's and he won't give a f**k about all those poor animals raised in terrible conditions, whose babies are stolen and both mum and baby cry for weeks, so we can steal their milk for our cheese, our breakfast and our ice-creams. Not sure whether he this is about the peak of hypocrisy or the deepest ignorance. But hey, keep saving animals dude. And don't forget to post it with a dozen pictures!!
Aww, what a sweet story. It would have been possible for them to avoid the whole subject but they decided to act and that's great.
God bless you and your dogs...this korean country is disgusting...BANNED ALL KOREAN DRAMAS AND KPOP IDOLS...THhEY ARE DAMN MORONS ANYWAY!!!
And this place is not dog meat breeding farm but it is 'Abandoned dog care center'.
i'm korean. China, Vietnam, Africa and many races of southeast Asia is eating dog meat. Korean people, who eat dog meat, are trend that decrease. Do you believe news that is still reported the 1980 in 2020?
i'm korean .(I do not eat dog meat.) That place is not dog meat breeding farm. It is an abandoned dog care center.And people, which eat dog meat in Korea, are decrescent. Many tribes of China, Vietnam, Africa and southeast Asia are eating dog meat.
awesome story BUT what about the cows, pigs, chickens ...ETC ETC that we eat in the "western modern world" same BS but nobody cares
Good man!!! Hopefully such actions will lead South Korea to end this archaic practice. On the other hand, many people here raise a good point. What about other animals? Pigs are supposedly just as intelligent as dogs, yet most of us have no qualms about eating them. It's easy to say just stop eating meat but in reality can this really happen? Humans are technically not vegetarians or vegans. We're omnivores. Is it even possible to sustain the world's population by feeding everyone through only fruits and vegetables? Can you even imagine the amount of farmland that would require? Our natural resources are already stretched. What about the health aspect of it on a global scale. It's easy to think that by stopping eating animal protein all the problems will be solved. But maybe it will actually create more issues than we think. This is definitely a difficult and controversial subject. No easy solution here. Just my two cents...
then what about, beef, turkey. goose?? just because we are more affectionate about dogs, we are thinking about it.. that is actually selfish motive
Given the fact that I live here in Korea and have had some experience with these dog farms, this story makes me suspicious. Those are not the typical "breeds" used for their dog. I'm not going to say this is an outright lie of a story, but it does seem inconsistent with what I've seen from dog farms here in Korea.
Will he go to American farms and rescue cows, pigs, and chickens too?! 🤔🤔🤔
I hope people understand that despite what many Western outlets seems to believe, most Koreans don't actually eat dog meat. I'm a Korean myself, and although I have never eaten, and never plan to eat, dog meat, alot of the Westerners I meet automatically thinks that I'm a cruel dog-killer. Seriously, that really is an offensive stereotype. It's actually really difficult to find actual dog meat restaurants, basically non-existent in major cities and mostly in remote, rural areas. I've read through the comments, and a lot of them seem to generalize the Korean population as a whole, and saying that treating animals cruelly are just part of Korean 'culture', and that we should just 'accept it as culture' or something. No, animal cruelty is not our culture, something that should be 'understood'! Although I do agree with the premise of this article, I really hope that Westerners can try not to generalize a limited culture into a stereotype.
Look at all you f***s justifying this. You can't keep the same relationship with a chicken.come on. Listen to yourselves. It's the same as eating a dolphin because you eat hake or kingklip. Get the he'll out a here
Wow- I have no idea why my comment was added in response to EVERY single comment here. :( I had one comment; that's all.
I disagree with the author. Who cares if monstrous torture of the innocent is a "tradition"??? This is insanity and barbarism at its most grotesque, and these "humans" need to called out on their monstrosity. They should all be in prison for their horrific crimes against the innocent.
The U.S. slaughters over nine billion land animals a year. Yet Americans largely ignore this cruelty just as the Asian public largely ignores the dog meat trade. Asian supporters of dog meat see Western outrage as hypocrisy and a relic of colonialism. As a dog meat vendor put it, Indian culture holds cows sacred and Americans revere dogs. If killing dogs is no different from killing chickens, why do Americans recoil from dog meat and relish barbequed chicken? In a psychological process which Stanford professors call "moral credentialing," we Americans often use the barbarism of dog farmers to enhance our sense of moral superiority, insulating our own barbaric practices from scrutiny. This hypocrisy undermines attempts by Asian-American people, like me, to build common cause with animal activists overseas. The result is that animals suffer.
It's pure ignorance to think that other societies eat the same things we eat and respect animals the same way you might respect them. Some think we're disgusting for eating beef and pork. Of course the nut bags at PETA think all meat should be banned. People in other places eat maggots, rats, and many other things American's can't understand. Don't be a Libtard. Allow your mind to grow. People raise and kill duck, geese, pigs, cows, horses, gator, deer, and many other animals. Why not dogs? Boo hoo.
Why not? Eating cows, goats, chickens and pigs is okay but if you eat a dog you're a monster?
Load More Replies...I live in Colorado I will take one bring another one home with you I will come pick it up.
I'm fine with meat in general, but this is too far for me. I'm considering having no-meat-Mondays from now on.
The point here should be not to adopt one of THESE but to adopt any homeless animal. Do you not get that? There are about 670,000 dogs and 890,000 cats killed EVERY year in shelters. Just don't buy and adopt one of them.
Load More Replies...I was stationed in Korea when i was in the US Army. its weird as most south Koreans had dogs as pets but they also ate dog or better known as Gaegogi which was/is a delicacy there.
Well we dont hate our cows/sheep/chickens and whatever else animals we use for meat in europe. Traditionally at least. Nowadays we are for the great majority totally distanced from it all
Load More Replies...LOL western hypocrisy, how do you guys treat millions of cows and pigs day after day?
Read the article and found out he was a homosexual. Would now rather skin and burn him.
The reason people get more emotional about dogs being eaten than cows or chickens is that, over the last 30,000 years, dogs have been bred to have an understanding of human behaviour. There's a reason they are called "Man's best friend", they can read human signals without being trained to do so and form unbreakable bonds with their human companions. So the people who don't see the difference in dog meat and other animal meat have obviously never loved a dog.
Good on him! Everyone knows Porkbutts and Taters tastes better than any Dog related dish anyhow!!!
Daniel has a good point. You can't just say "oh I hate this country because they eat dogs". That's like if an Indian refused to go to countries where beef is eaten. You saying that just shouts "I HATE TRYING TO ACCEPT CULTURAL DIFFERENCES"
Load More Replies...The Humane Society gives money to the people running these farms so hey could start up another business that has nothing to do with harming animals. Sometimes they start grain/fruit/vegetable farms
Load More Replies...go talk about that somewhere else, no one here wants to hear that
Load More Replies...Don't forget that almost every single piece of meat we eat comes from animals treated in the most terrible and disgusting way before being killed. The main difference to most of us: If it's a cow or a pig or a chicken nobody really cares.
I agree. This is why my family and I have made a choice to abstain from eating meat.
Load More Replies...So dogs in Korea are raised in cruelty. Which is the difference of USA chicken, European turkey or other animal that are raisen in other countries?
Laws.You'll find a pig raised in the US and a pig raised in the EU are covered b different sets of laws. In the EU, it is much much more humane, in the US it is disgusting.
Load More Replies...I think the point of the article is that the conditions the dogs were kept in is animal cruelty. Given that it also says he didn't want to impose western culture on them, so the idea o eating dog was ew to him, but he didn't say to them that eating dog is cruelty.
Load More Replies...There are thousands of dogs chained outside in these same conditions in the US. How about helping 90 dogs here at home?
You know what dont start that kind of s**t. This man is a Godsend. Tell u what, he is going to be a bit busy with the Olympics and the rescued dogs so why dont you rescue 90 dogs here at home? Make it an even 100. I'll help you if you decide to di it. If you arent going to do it, then maybe you should just zip it.
Load More Replies...I was prepared to get irritated with this story but I'm not at all. This guy said he doesn't want to impose his views on them etc, so he has a good head about him. The sad part is that if we're being honest, this helps nothing because that just means he gave business for 90 dogs, and 90 more will replace them. He actually kinda contributed to the problem in a weird way. Asians overall definitely have a different view on animals. Go to any Chinatown and see what's being sold. Not the same as your local supermarket, and the amount of animals horribly abused in nuts. Rhino horns, Tiger gallbladders etc, how often do you hear they're for traditional Chinese medicine? How about we eat some beans and lentils and quinoa instead of cows, dogs and goats?
He may not have changed the world, but he changed thoses dogs world.
Load More Replies...And back home he'll just go to McDonald's and he'll have a burger made from the meat of an animal raised in terrible conditions, whose baby as been taken away, leaving both mum and son, crying for weeks so we can steal their milk for our cheese, our milkshake and our breakfast. And he won't give a f**k about the suffering he's contributing to. I'm not sure whether this is about the summit of Hypocrisy or the deepest ignorance. But hey, keep saving cute puppies. And don't forget to post it with a dozen pictures so we can all admire you!!
yet again....someone adding their own narrative to an article. This wasn't there in the story at all. You don't know if this man is vegan do you? You don't know anything about him....or do you? I mean he's an olympic athlete so McDonalds probably isn't a big factor in his life. Hell it's NEVER a part of MY life so why do you just make assumptions. What's in your soul that you think this is a negative about him rather than trying to educate people?
Load More Replies...I really appreciated this post! I'm South Korean, and I've never eaten dog before but I still get irritated when Westerners try to impose their own ideas of what they think is culturally right or wrong onto my country. But Gus made it clear that he was focusing on animal cruelty, not necessarily the practice of eating dogs itself. I agree with Gus; I think that animals should be treated humanely even if they will eventually be butchered. It's not just dogs, too. The way farms treat chickens and cows is so, so, so much worse. Hopefully, that'll change in the future!
From what I've heard (being around Korean) is that it's a very limited industry, mostly limited to an older generation of people. It's still ethically wrong - but it feels more so because we view dogs as loving pets. In India they view cows as sacred - in the US alone 300 cows per minute are slaughtered for food. As human beings we survive and thrive on the suffering of animals for food, labour, medicine and so forth... My own personal journey i'm trying to limit the amount of meat I eat, I'm not trying to impress this view on anyone because that's not how it works. I just wanted to say I've been healthier as a result, and feel good about it.
one of the few comments here that isn't arguing over animal treatments
Load More Replies...I agree with the premise of this article, but I really wish people can stop generalizing this to the entirety of the Korean people. I'm a Korean myself, and although I don't eat, and don't condone the consumption of dog meat, a lot of the Westerners I have met have automatically regarded me as a cruel dog-killer. Seriously. What this article, and many Western articles, fail to mention is that this is a highly limited industry. In fact, dog meat restaurants are very rare in South Korea, basically non-existent in major cities and limited to remote, rural areas. Point is, most Koreans don't eat dogs. I've read through the comments, and most seem to have this stereotype. 'Eating dogs(i.e. animal cruelty) is part of Korean culture, and that we shouldn't impose Western ideals?' This shows how much Korean culture is misunderstood. Animal cruelty is not a part of the entirety of Korean culture, but part of some people's beliefs. I hope people can understand this and have a wider perspective.
These dog meat farms are horrible! I cannot believe someone would be as cruel as to touch a dog, nevertheless kill it! Bless this man's heart for saving those poor dogs from the horrible fate that they would have had if they had been forced to stay there!
Isn't that farm just going to get more dogs now to replenish their supply? :(
Why many people talk animal cruelty. If farm animal like cow, chicken, no problems to be eaten cause its normal. Just because you're vegan, doesn't mean you must forced you're ideology to other people. Normal farm animal is different than pet animals. This article about dogs, dogs is not supposed to be eaten. Because not only they're friendly animal, dogs sometime have many viruses that can get sickness to human body if to be eaten for meat.
Who is the one to judge wether an animal can or can't be eaten? Americans used to eat horses too you's a cultural difference and while I'm not against people eating dogs, I'm against it if they're being treated cruelly and inhumanly, WHICH IS THE ENTIRE POINT OF THIS ARTICLE
Load More Replies...I will always against people eating dogs,cats,rare animal,and not farm animal. Farm animal always cow, chicken, goat. Its always like that because its normal. Another farm animal than that is not normal to eat. Basically its same law that been approved for many amount years and people. Its simple is that...people eating dogs, its not normal in front of many people who are not vegan, it will always say. .is chicken ,cow or goat, pigs are extinct ...thats why they eat dogs...
WTF. I'm raging. Kiba (my pup, my best friend) is laying at my feet and I can't imagine meeting a person that can do this. I don't think I'd be able to keep my cool. F**k you 17000 dog farmers of any part of Korea. And F**k anybody that eats a dog. Come find me @dwergmation
Just waiting for a Indian Olympian to one day try and liberate cows here in America.
sure, save dogs from a country where people eat them, but also save cows, pigs, chicken and other animal that you eat at home! what the hell is this separation between pets and animal that you consume? f***ing hypocrites... either you eat all (don't advise to do so) or none. :) there is much more violence making cows pregnant and then stealing away their babies to get milk... Tho don't get me wrong, im happy for those doggos to be safe and alive.
Pigs are more intelligent and more sensitive than dogs, it is a known fact. But in our occidental culture we have no problem to kill them and transform them in sausages… Different cultures, different uses
Bwahahah...! In what world is that a "known fact"..? It's b******t. Go read a book or two... (But yes, pigs are intelligent and sensitive.)
Load More Replies...The picture at the end where he is holding as many puppies as he possibly can is aeesime
No one said here before that eating any other animal is not cruel. Guys, you are amazing people!!!!!!! Gus, good luck on the olimpics :)
And back home he'll have a burger at McDonald's and he won't give a f**k about all those poor animals raised in terrible conditions, whose babies are stolen and both mum and baby cry for weeks, so we can steal their milk for our cheese, our breakfast and our ice-creams. Not sure whether he this is about the peak of hypocrisy or the deepest ignorance. But hey, keep saving animals dude. And don't forget to post it with a dozen pictures!!
Aww, what a sweet story. It would have been possible for them to avoid the whole subject but they decided to act and that's great.
God bless you and your dogs...this korean country is disgusting...BANNED ALL KOREAN DRAMAS AND KPOP IDOLS...THhEY ARE DAMN MORONS ANYWAY!!!
And this place is not dog meat breeding farm but it is 'Abandoned dog care center'.
i'm korean. China, Vietnam, Africa and many races of southeast Asia is eating dog meat. Korean people, who eat dog meat, are trend that decrease. Do you believe news that is still reported the 1980 in 2020?
i'm korean .(I do not eat dog meat.) That place is not dog meat breeding farm. It is an abandoned dog care center.And people, which eat dog meat in Korea, are decrescent. Many tribes of China, Vietnam, Africa and southeast Asia are eating dog meat.
awesome story BUT what about the cows, pigs, chickens ...ETC ETC that we eat in the "western modern world" same BS but nobody cares
Good man!!! Hopefully such actions will lead South Korea to end this archaic practice. On the other hand, many people here raise a good point. What about other animals? Pigs are supposedly just as intelligent as dogs, yet most of us have no qualms about eating them. It's easy to say just stop eating meat but in reality can this really happen? Humans are technically not vegetarians or vegans. We're omnivores. Is it even possible to sustain the world's population by feeding everyone through only fruits and vegetables? Can you even imagine the amount of farmland that would require? Our natural resources are already stretched. What about the health aspect of it on a global scale. It's easy to think that by stopping eating animal protein all the problems will be solved. But maybe it will actually create more issues than we think. This is definitely a difficult and controversial subject. No easy solution here. Just my two cents...
then what about, beef, turkey. goose?? just because we are more affectionate about dogs, we are thinking about it.. that is actually selfish motive
Given the fact that I live here in Korea and have had some experience with these dog farms, this story makes me suspicious. Those are not the typical "breeds" used for their dog. I'm not going to say this is an outright lie of a story, but it does seem inconsistent with what I've seen from dog farms here in Korea.
Will he go to American farms and rescue cows, pigs, and chickens too?! 🤔🤔🤔
I hope people understand that despite what many Western outlets seems to believe, most Koreans don't actually eat dog meat. I'm a Korean myself, and although I have never eaten, and never plan to eat, dog meat, alot of the Westerners I meet automatically thinks that I'm a cruel dog-killer. Seriously, that really is an offensive stereotype. It's actually really difficult to find actual dog meat restaurants, basically non-existent in major cities and mostly in remote, rural areas. I've read through the comments, and a lot of them seem to generalize the Korean population as a whole, and saying that treating animals cruelly are just part of Korean 'culture', and that we should just 'accept it as culture' or something. No, animal cruelty is not our culture, something that should be 'understood'! Although I do agree with the premise of this article, I really hope that Westerners can try not to generalize a limited culture into a stereotype.
Look at all you f***s justifying this. You can't keep the same relationship with a chicken.come on. Listen to yourselves. It's the same as eating a dolphin because you eat hake or kingklip. Get the he'll out a here
Wow- I have no idea why my comment was added in response to EVERY single comment here. :( I had one comment; that's all.
I disagree with the author. Who cares if monstrous torture of the innocent is a "tradition"??? This is insanity and barbarism at its most grotesque, and these "humans" need to called out on their monstrosity. They should all be in prison for their horrific crimes against the innocent.
The U.S. slaughters over nine billion land animals a year. Yet Americans largely ignore this cruelty just as the Asian public largely ignores the dog meat trade. Asian supporters of dog meat see Western outrage as hypocrisy and a relic of colonialism. As a dog meat vendor put it, Indian culture holds cows sacred and Americans revere dogs. If killing dogs is no different from killing chickens, why do Americans recoil from dog meat and relish barbequed chicken? In a psychological process which Stanford professors call "moral credentialing," we Americans often use the barbarism of dog farmers to enhance our sense of moral superiority, insulating our own barbaric practices from scrutiny. This hypocrisy undermines attempts by Asian-American people, like me, to build common cause with animal activists overseas. The result is that animals suffer.
It's pure ignorance to think that other societies eat the same things we eat and respect animals the same way you might respect them. Some think we're disgusting for eating beef and pork. Of course the nut bags at PETA think all meat should be banned. People in other places eat maggots, rats, and many other things American's can't understand. Don't be a Libtard. Allow your mind to grow. People raise and kill duck, geese, pigs, cows, horses, gator, deer, and many other animals. Why not dogs? Boo hoo.
Why not? Eating cows, goats, chickens and pigs is okay but if you eat a dog you're a monster?
Load More Replies...I live in Colorado I will take one bring another one home with you I will come pick it up.
I'm fine with meat in general, but this is too far for me. I'm considering having no-meat-Mondays from now on.
The point here should be not to adopt one of THESE but to adopt any homeless animal. Do you not get that? There are about 670,000 dogs and 890,000 cats killed EVERY year in shelters. Just don't buy and adopt one of them.
Load More Replies...I was stationed in Korea when i was in the US Army. its weird as most south Koreans had dogs as pets but they also ate dog or better known as Gaegogi which was/is a delicacy there.
Well we dont hate our cows/sheep/chickens and whatever else animals we use for meat in europe. Traditionally at least. Nowadays we are for the great majority totally distanced from it all
Load More Replies...LOL western hypocrisy, how do you guys treat millions of cows and pigs day after day?
Read the article and found out he was a homosexual. Would now rather skin and burn him.
The reason people get more emotional about dogs being eaten than cows or chickens is that, over the last 30,000 years, dogs have been bred to have an understanding of human behaviour. There's a reason they are called "Man's best friend", they can read human signals without being trained to do so and form unbreakable bonds with their human companions. So the people who don't see the difference in dog meat and other animal meat have obviously never loved a dog.
Good on him! Everyone knows Porkbutts and Taters tastes better than any Dog related dish anyhow!!!
Daniel has a good point. You can't just say "oh I hate this country because they eat dogs". That's like if an Indian refused to go to countries where beef is eaten. You saying that just shouts "I HATE TRYING TO ACCEPT CULTURAL DIFFERENCES"
Load More Replies...The Humane Society gives money to the people running these farms so hey could start up another business that has nothing to do with harming animals. Sometimes they start grain/fruit/vegetable farms
Load More Replies...go talk about that somewhere else, no one here wants to hear that
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