We've all heard the saying, 'Old is gold,' but let's be honest—not everything from the past is worth holding onto. From outdated mindsets at work to cringe-worthy beauty hacks, some old habits need to fade away. Especially the ones that create havoc in our modern-day lives.Sparked by a discussion from u/Soren-J, the r/AskReddit community shared their opinions on the most damaging trends from our past. Pandas, let’s take an eye-opening dive into those stubborn trends that might just have you rethinking a few of your own habits!


59 Old Trends That Are Doing A Lot Of Damage But Many People Don't Realize It Excessive plastic packaging, any plastic packaging.

ConcentrateInner6086 , yusuf habibi/pexels Report

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davidlong_1 avatar
Manana Man
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49 minutes ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Plastic packaging has prevented massive amounts of food waste. It also has vastly improved medical safety. Don't just ban things, find alternatives.

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59 Old Trends That Are Doing A Lot Of Damage But Many People Don't Realize It Irresponsibly selective breeding dogs. People want their cute petite dog or their “hard” looking pits while completely disregarding how their genetic deformities gives them a s**t quality of life. A lot of these animals die relatively young and if they miraculously do make it to old age, end up suffering horrendously as their issues become magnified. So much so that most of the a******s that want to have/ breed these animals end up abandoning them or just neglecting them until they’re incapable of powering through their struggles and die.

SnooDoggos7432 , Maria Rosenberg/pexels Report

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sk_1988 avatar
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2 hours ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Our rough collie's breeders are both vets and went for breeding healthy dogs with bombshell characteristics. When we first visited they explained why exactly they breed the American version, how and why they chose the parents, they showed us all genetic tests and would want to know and treat their puppies (for free the first year), if anything occured. We also can't just give the dog away, as they have to agree on the dog being given away to a certain person. They'd also take him back any time. They were open about anything, chose the suitable puppy for every interested potential owner and encouraged us to visit every week, until the pup was old enough to move out. Needless to say, our collie is perfectly healthy, well socialised, great with children, other dogs and other animals and he is not just bombproof but fight jet proof (I live close to an airbase and even when he just moved in, he was totally cool with low flying jets and helicopters). Thoughtful breeding can be done. It's just not cheep and you will have to wait for a puppy a while longer.

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Nostalgia is a very strong feeling. It can make us yearn for “the good old days” when life appeared simpler and trends carried a certain charm. However, just because something was popular decades ago doesn’t mean it’s beneficial—or even safe—today.

We find it easy to romanticize the past, especially when we’re bombarded with images of iconic fashion, vintage cars, and classic films. But beneath the surface of these seemingly idyllic times lie trends and behaviors that are better left behind.


59 Old Trends That Are Doing A Lot Of Damage But Many People Don't Realize It Gender reveal parties. One even started a f*****g forest fire but people still think it's cute.

greenthegreen , Alex Hussein/pexels Report

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kb0569 avatar
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1 hour ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Completely cringeworthy. To the best of my knowledge this hasn’t taken off in the UK yet but, as every country has its morons, it’s only a matter of time.

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59 Old Trends That Are Doing A Lot Of Damage But Many People Don't Realize It Giving children (and adults, for that matter) open access to social media. It's utter brain rot at this point.

McNuggetballs , chiến bá /pexels Report

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trent-m-perry avatar
Lost Panda
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2 hours ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

It was only good in the beginning when we were still hopeful for the global community it could create. Now it is a cess pool.

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Smoking is a prime example. In the mid-20th century, smoking was not only widespread but also seen as something glamorous. In films, actors puffed away on-screen, and cigarette ads promised things like sophistication and health benefits.

Today, we know better: smoking is a leading cause of preventable death worldwide.


59 Old Trends That Are Doing A Lot Of Damage But Many People Don't Realize It I live in Appalachia:

People who are all “zen” and natural and at one with nature will hike to any of our rivers and balance a bunch of rocks which will, I dunno, increase their vibrations or something.

Know what it does? It takes nature and turns it into a big sign that says, “humans were here.” Which defeats the purpose of nature.

Plus, we have critically endangered stream life around here that depends on some of those rocks for their habitat. Rooting around trying to find that perfect flat rock to make your chakra more whatever it needs to be harms the creatures that need the most protection.

Stop balancing rocks into a pile on other rocks in the middle of a river! All it does is make YOU think how amazing and cool and different you are.

ilikemrrogers , Tranmautritam/pexels Report

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2 hours ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

It’s the equivalent of tagging a wall with spray paint. Knock those stacked rocks down whenever you encounter them.

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59 Old Trends That Are Doing A Lot Of Damage But Many People Don't Realize It Diamonds. Diamond engagement rings only became a thing in the 1920s due to aggressive marketing by the DeBeers diamond cartel. Diamond mining is often done under horrendous conditions, then most of them are locked away to keep the prices high. That $1000 diamond ring is a lie. Diamonds are not actually that rare.

LordLaz1985 , papatya films/pexels Report

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popapach avatar
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2 hours ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

If I ever get proposed to, I want it to be done with a bouquet of kittens!

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Another example is workplace safety—or the lack thereof. There was a time when workers in factories and construction sites operated without protective gear.

Helmets, gloves, and respiratory masks were seen as mere options by many people. This resulted in numerous injuries that led to chronic ailments and loss of life, which could otherwise have been avoided.


59 Old Trends That Are Doing A Lot Of Damage But Many People Don't Realize It More of a job specific thing, but literally any tradesman that will argue that modern PPE is unnecessary. I don’t care if your grandpappy used to use a paint sprayer without a respirator, I’m trying to not destroy my lungs. Work smarter, putting yourself into an early grave to make shareholders/your boss happy is moronic.

CossaKl95 , Ron Lach/pexels Report


59 Old Trends That Are Doing A Lot Of Damage But Many People Don't Realize It An 8-hr a day, 5 day a week work schedule still being the minimum, expected standard for employees. That’s supposed to be the maximum, as set forth by all the labor laws and guidelines from decades ago, not the bare minimum. COVID reminded and demonstrated just how unnecessary it is, and how detrimental it is to society and worker health overall. Most people can complete their tasks/duties with an adjusted schedule that allowed more time at home, but alas, we cling heavily to tradition and old practices in this area:P.

Square-Raspberry560 , Yan Krukau/pexels Report

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2 hours ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Also work from home. It became a thing during covid but now (in Greece at least) they're trying to minimize it and go back to the old ways.

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59 Old Trends That Are Doing A Lot Of Damage But Many People Don't Realize It Only getting 2 days for the weekend per week. It never feels long enough. I think 3-day weekends should become the norm. The work week should be Monday through Thursday.

4-day weekends are probably too long though. I won't go that far. They should be reserved for occasions.

Cat-guy64 , Ron Lach/pexels Report

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eyelessonex avatar
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2 hours ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

There was once a time when a 6-day work week was the norm... if this could go away, perhaps the 5-day week would go away some day as well.

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Today’s emphasis on safety gear and regulations isn’t just bureaucratic red tape but an important development that shields workers from harm. Yet, some still cling to the outdated notion that "toughness" is more important than safety.


Sending your kids to school sick. 🤢

Going to work sick. 🤢.

Defiant_Network_3069 Report

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59 Old Trends That Are Doing A Lot Of Damage But Many People Don't Realize It Giant green lawns that are nothing but non-native turf grass covered in chemical treatments. This year World Migratory Bird Day had the tagline [“No Insects, No Birds”](,migratory%20birds%20across%20vast%20distances) because so many bird populations are declining due to insect population collapse. There’s many reasons behind this, but on a micro level, monoculture lawns are causing whole areas to be basically devoid of insect life. Especially when you pair that with municipal mosquito spraying (kills all the bugs, not just mosquitos) and the lack of native plants anywhere that plants are allowed to exist, like landscaping and parks. The old trend was to have giant lawns to show you were so rich didn’t need to grow food, and now we’ve just had this idea so embedded in our culture that it’s incredibly hard to break out of it.

remembering_things , Max Vakhtbovycn/pexels Report

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janinesmith avatar
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1 hour ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Anything to do with removing Actual Nature to replace it with something similar that is fake because it works/looks better just boils my blood 😤

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59 Old Trends That Are Doing A Lot Of Damage But Many People Don't Realize It Giving cats milk. They're lactose intolerant. If you're going to give them milk, make sure it's milk specifically for cats.

TeaWithNosferatu , veeru edits/pexels Report

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acey-ace16 avatar
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1 hour ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Not all cats are in fact lactose intolerant. Symptoms if they are will be upset stomach and diarrhoea , so if your cat doesn't get these after drinking it then it's not actually harmful.

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During the 1950s and 1960s, extreme dieting was often presented as the path to beauty. As a result, women felt compelled to starve themselves to fit into tiny waists. This led to a rise in eating disorders, a problem that continues to affect many people today.

While modern movements toward body acceptance are helping to combat these harmful ideals, the ghosts of past beauty standards still linger.


Prison industrial complex

People think locking up criminals makes you safer. But more than half of prisoners have untreated trauma and mental illness that is not being addressed in prison and is often made worse. Long term we need a restorative system not punitive if people actually want to be safer. Instead people prefer the illusion of safety, using criminality as a scapegoat. 

Meanwhile, solve rates for violent crimes remains exceedingly low.

BakedBrie26 Report

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davidlong_1 avatar
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20 minutes ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Approx. one percent of males and a smaller percentage of females are psychopaths. Many end up in prison. The rest of the prison population has hope of reform.

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59 Old Trends That Are Doing A Lot Of Damage But Many People Don't Realize It That working out while sick makes you sweat out your sickness but in reality you're prolonging your recovery and potentially getting others sick at the gym too.

Lilli_Puff , Kampus Production/pexels Report


59 Old Trends That Are Doing A Lot Of Damage But Many People Don't Realize It Literally anything that categorizes body types into “trends”.

anon , Mizuno K/pexels Report

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Alexandra Nara
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1 hour ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

but how can you sell capitalism if you don't create new shopping trends for body and skintypes. Can't just kill greed with being happy as you are😬😬😬

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59 Old Trends That Are Doing A Lot Of Damage But Many People Don't Realize It Smoking.

Going to the office 5 days a week.

Working half a day on Saturdays.

Marius_Sulla_Pompey , cottonbro studio /pexels Report

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a-rocamora avatar
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2 hours ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

If smoking was to be introduced nowadays it would not get past authorities.

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59 Old Trends That Are Doing A Lot Of Damage But Many People Don't Realize It Sun tanning.

Tans are a persistent fad, but the damage is far more lasting than any fad.

People of all colours should wear sunscreen everyday, thank me in 30 years.

Aggravating_Sense183 , KoolShooters /pexels Report

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eyelessonex avatar
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1 hour ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

UV radiation is the #1 cause for wrinkles and accelerated skin aging.

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59 Old Trends That Are Doing A Lot Of Damage But Many People Don't Realize It People thinking that their vote doesn't matter. Too many people.

SyntheticOne , cottonbro studio /pexels Report


Not all trends from the past are bad, of course. Some, like sustainable living practices, have made a much-needed comeback. In the past, people reused items, conserved resources, and lived more in harmony with nature.

Today, as we face environmental crises, these old practices are proving invaluable. The popularity of farmers’ markets show that not everything from the past should be discarded—sometimes, the old ways are the best ways.



xx6xx1 Report

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Feeling like we need to be someone we're not in order to find a partner.

projectchango Report


59 Old Trends That Are Doing A Lot Of Damage But Many People Don't Realize It I once had a job with what was called a 'no fault' policy. If you were late or absent 7 days in a year without prior notice you were fired. Prior notice was a week's warning. If you were sick two days in a row, that's two 'points' against you.

If you were late because of an accident ahead of you on the highway, that was a point. If there was a blizzard and they closed the road, one point.

I never got more than 3, but one lady whose kids were sick and in hospital racked up 3 points in a week.

No fault meant not the company's fault you got fired.


darkest_irish_lass , Ketut Subiyanto/pexels Report

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janinesmith avatar
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1 hour ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

WTF! I hope this company gets what's coming to it!


Another positive trend is community living. Decades ago, it was common for neighborhoods to be close-knit, with people relying on one another for support. In recent years, we’ve seen a revival of this sense of community, whether through online groups or local initiatives.


Social media use and the effect on mental health.

bld5145 Report


Going broke to have an extravagant marriage and spending said money on things that ultimately dont really matter during your wedding.
Im at an age now where people around me start marrying and my bf and I are actively keeping a list of things we missed or need to avoid for our own eventual marriage.

ElysianForestWitch Report

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kb0569 avatar
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1 hour ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I’ve been to a lot of weddings in my life and, of all of the couples involved, those who had stupidly expensive ceremonies are much more likely to be divorced 10 years down the line - money worries and arguments about the same being a primary cause.

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Demonizing certain foods (i.e. carbs, fats, sugar, etc). Moderation seems to be a rarity.

anonymousrex_ Report


As we look back on the past, it’s important to recognize that not all trends are worth reviving. By understanding the impact of past trends, we can make informed choices about which ones to bring into the future—and which ones to leave behind.

For instance, these posts should definitely be left in the past. What do you think? Is there any trend from the past you don’t particularly like?


Being blind followers of any political, religious sect.

Wood_to_dust Report


Men and boys being told boys don't cry, to man up, to suppress their emotions.

Legitimate-Wheel-507 Report

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emilycockroft avatar
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28 minutes ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I hate it and j hate rhe obvious damage thats been done to my male friends :(


59 Old Trends That Are Doing A Lot Of Damage But Many People Don't Realize It Clinging to differences and using differences to define rather than similarities. Differences between people that you use to justify hate, treating people as less than, or just never seeing them as people.

We all have more in common than whwt separates us, so why are we not working together?

forsuresies , Yan Krukau/pexels Report

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59 Old Trends That Are Doing A Lot Of Damage But Many People Don't Realize It Men that show emotions and aren't in control are weak.

curlyquinn02 , RDNE Stock project/pexels Report

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greynook76 avatar
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1 hour ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

so my HR calls me the most emotional man but surprisingly, am in control and strong straight forward man🤔

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The war on d***s. In my country, you can still be jailed "for your own good" if you use the wrong substance.

munnharpe Report

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acey-ace16 avatar
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1 hour ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Not "for your own good". It's never been about individual harm, but the effects on society as a whole, especially the criminal activities it gives rise to. Decriminalisation has sadly not been effective so far in countries like Canada where it's been tried.

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Buying pets online/through non-certified breeders.

CuriousLavender Report


Washing your raw chicken with water before cooking it. Not necessary, and is an unsafe food prep practice.

toastyourbagel1111 Report


59 Old Trends That Are Doing A Lot Of Damage But Many People Don't Realize It I have never understood how you can limit people's sick time, or give it in advance, you may get poorly 3 times only in one year. We have sickness policies in the UK to stop people taking the p**s, and as a non NHS nurse I don't get sick pay, but if I'm sick, I'm sick, and I'm going to be off for however long I need to be off. The US system is so bizarre.

Melodic-Professor183 , Polina Tankilevitch/pexels Report

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Louisa johnson
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2 hours ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I have read this week that labour is implementing more workers rights one of which is that if your off sick then you will be getting paid from the first day of sickness. A lot of the papers are up in arms over this saying businesses owners will suffer but workers deserve decency and respect to not be penalised for being sick. I think it's great that workers rights are being protected, especially as the OP said they were a nurse, if anyone deserves to not stress about losing money for illness it's the nurses, teachers frontline workers. They are literally out there holding up society just to be unpaid for the first 4 days off work for sickness.

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Trying to find reasons to condemn other people and feel morally superior to them just because you're not superior to them in any other way and that scares your low-self-esteem-having a*s.

DryEyes4096 Report


59 Old Trends That Are Doing A Lot Of Damage But Many People Don't Realize It I'm in real estate. I see a new generation of realtors still saying "You are wasting your money on rent" all while trying to sell houses to people who cant afford them. Yes, your mortgage will be roughly about what you are paying in rent, but you havent taken into account that owning a house costs money and taxes. I have pulled more than a few aside and told them what they are doing is immoral.

For those who dont know, the slogan "You are wasting your money on rent" was created by the National Association of Realtors in the 80s to get renters to get into the housing market. Its a completely made up statement that doesnt apply to everyone across the board. Sometimes it makes sense to rent, and some people are better off renting given their lifestyle choices.

kegman83 , Antoni Shkraba/pexels Report

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1 hour ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

While this is true, owning your home still has great benefits that cannot be denied. BTW, there is a bit of a cultural element involved too - in the west, renting is more normalized, whereas in the Slavic-dominated SE Europe, renting is often seen as a sign someone is being more "unambitious" or even "lazy", or that they are going through a rough patch, i.e. they're not putting enough effort into their life and are just "going with the flow." Buying one's own home is, in some ways, a rite of passage.

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Private health insurance. We (the United States) pay more for our insurance (like, _double_) for worse outcomes and lowered life expectancies.

vbfronkis Report

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acey-ace16 avatar
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1 hour ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Nothing wrong with private health insurance per se. Here in Switzerland it is mandatory for everyone, but properly regulated to ensure that everyone can afford it, nobody can be denied it and pre-existing conditions are covered and not penalised. The healthcare system here is one of the best in the world, and cost per capita is pretty much in line with other European countries like France and the UK with more socialised systems.

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59 Old Trends That Are Doing A Lot Of Damage But Many People Don't Realize It Fitness and fad diets.

Weights and resistance is great for any age. Kids especially, there's no evidence whatsoever of growth plate damage or abnormalities. Post menopause it's even more beneficial as it can help reduce the issues of osteoporosis, by stimulating appositional growth and bone mineral density.

The whole problem is down to such poor quality and misinformation from supposedly reputable sources. Fitness influencers are terrible, but even many doctors weigh in on it when it's outside of their specialism and abuse the respect they should rightly hold for what they're are qualified to do. I work with lots of doctors in my particular field, GPs know f**k all about exercise, and should absolutely not be prescribing any form of exercise plans or advice, and should be signposting to specialists or qualified professionals. It's a different specialism, like most things in medicine, with its own very specific knowledge base.

The whole industry is so poorly regulated, it's a s**t show, and the general public are then bombarded with snake oil by grifters, and don't know where to turn.

Asylumstrength , Pavel Danilyuk/pexels Report

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59 Old Trends That Are Doing A Lot Of Damage But Many People Don't Realize It Choosing college over trade schools because of the prestige factor.

DreyfusBlue , Keira Burton /pexels Report

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igor914624 avatar
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1 hour ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

College graduates looking down on the people in trades. You are not superior to me because you have a degree, you just have a different knowledge base and experience.

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Spanking children.

CartographerKey7322 Report

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1 hour ago

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I disagree with this. Spanking children is not abuse. The human body has a built in mechanism, fine tuned over millennia to tell us not to do things that are harmful to us. You learned not to touch the hot pot on the stove because it hurt. If a parent swats a child on the butt because they tried to run into the street, the child will remember the mild pain of the swat on the butt and not do it when the car is coming down the street.

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5 day work weeks. It’s b******t really. And greed. The world would be a much happier place is 4 days was normalised.

Repulsive_Explorer_8 Report

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j-vagabond avatar
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1 hour ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

In the US, anything less than 40 hours, 5 days would benefit the workers. Any increase in productivity belongs to business owners, shareholders, and CEOs. - Chicago School of Economics and Ronald Reagan.


“tough love” .

CuriousLavender Report

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Beary Nice
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8 minutes ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

oh please,we need this more than ever,you know you can give tough love and not be abusive about it? we have far too many entitled victim mentality like people who can't handle very normal things that happen in life without having something close to a break down or just making life miserable for anyone they come into contact with...don't be an enabler...

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59 Old Trends That Are Doing A Lot Of Damage But Many People Don't Realize It Clear your plate young man...

batch1972 , Mizuno K/pexels Report

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2 hours ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Serve smaller portions then, and try to avoid food waste. Apparently we could feed the entire world with the food that is thrown out but a few countries.

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You need to work overtime because your boss is working overtime even if you've already done with your workload. .

Ok_Database6084 Report

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1 hour ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Exactly, but wait a minute does my Boss not get paid more than me and get extra perks Cause they are the F@#% Boss!?!

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Minor one but sagging your pants. I’ve seen many kids who did this now have hip issues as young adults because they changed their gait to walk with their pants sagged.

Thebigdeac2 Report

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59 Old Trends That Are Doing A Lot Of Damage But Many People Don't Realize It How much labor a human is expected to be accountable for in any given day.

GeebusNZ , olia danilevich/pexels Report

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1 hour ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

And God for bid you get sick, have a mental illness And try to function by making use of your sick days, mental health days so that you can cope.....


59 Old Trends That Are Doing A Lot Of Damage But Many People Don't Realize It Using Draino or Liquid Plumber on potentially older pipes.

CuriousLavender , NotSmart007/reddit Report

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The “30 minutes or it’s free” pizza delivery trend ended in the 90’s and so many people still think that it applies to EVERY RESTAURANT
I hate having to explain that it doesn’t.

abandonedxearth Report

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Driving everywhere.

Cute_Positive_4493 Report

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The way we treat kids like they're idiots.

Kids needs people they love and trust to help them understand the world. Talking to an older kid like they're babies, or saying "no" all the time arbitrarily with zero explanation? Is that really helping? I remember feeling furious all the time at adults when I was a kid, and it's only when I learned the word "patronizing" that I understood why I was so angry.

You're not raising kids, your providing life-long guidance and support to the adults they will become.

*edit b/c typo.

Background_End2503 Report

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Vera Diblikova
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1 hour ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Never heard such nonsense. Patronizing children? How will you prepare them to be an adult? Behave to them like adults? It is not a preparation, it is a bad concept of education. Children are NOT adults. They must be learnt to.

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59 Old Trends That Are Doing A Lot Of Damage But Many People Don't Realize It Mulch volcanoes around trees, instead can I interest you in a mulch doughnut.

Best-Research4022 , Alfo Medeiros/pexels Report

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Letting pet cats outdoors unsupervised .

CuriousLavender Report

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Robert Cosgrove
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50 minutes ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

First we need to solve the problem of letting humans outside unsupervised

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Voting Republican.

Arkvoodle42 Report

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Lost Panda
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2 hours ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I am affiliated with neither party, but statements like this for either party is the equivalent of "Sit down and shut up" and that is not what you should do.

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Drinking every weekend.

SergioRMeza Report

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