Recently, an employee of a small, unnamed moving company shared an incident he had while on duty with the Malicious Compliance community on Reddit.

“We got a call about moving a large load of bookshelves to a rather large industrial building. We loaded up two 18-foot box trucks full of shelves and were ready to move,” the Redditor who goes by Pickles_McWaffle_1 recounted.

When the workers arrived at the building, they began offloading the shelves. The author asked for building security to open the door and wrote that “They handed me a door stop and told me I could prop the door open since we have a large load.”

All of a sudden, a man appeared running towards them and screaming at the top of his lungs. Turns out, it was the building maintenance manager, who went into a breakdown because the movers propped the door open.


    A moving company worker shared a story of how a stubborn building manager didn’t let him prop open the door to move in a heavy load, so he maliciously complied

    Image credits: Wise Move SA (not the actual photo)


    Image credits: Andrea Piacquadio (not the actual photo)


    Image credits: Pickles_McWaffle_1

    And this is what people had to say about the incident