Depending on the circumstances, it can be incredibly difficult or extremely easy to end a romantic relationship. And while we can have virtually endless discussions about the first category, this time let's focus on the second one.

Recently, Reddit user DonutNoLikey asked other platform users, "What was your 'OH, HELL NAH' moment in a relationship that made you leave?" and people have shared plenty of personal stories that provide interesting insight into what pushes us to our breaking points.

Of course, these reasons are often just the tip of the iceberg, but sometimes we need an obvious sign to notice broader, more nuanced problems.


50 People Reveal The “Oh, Hell No” Moment That Made Them End Their Relationship She got really upset at me at a party (nothing I did) and started a huge verbal argument. Then I demanded that we leave because it was inappropriate to do this as guests in someone’s home. On the way to our place, she hit me a bunch of times demanding “answers” for someone that I slept with before we even met.

She got even more angry and physically violent once we got home, to the point where I had to restrain her before she hurt me or herself for that matter. She screamed to let me go and that if I didn’t she would scream for the police — she looked me in the eye then said “who are they going to believe..?”

For context, we’re both roughly 5’11” but I’ve got about 80 pounds on her. I’m a black man, she’s a white woman. I have never been more afraid of being shot by the police than that night.

lordbyronxiv , Keira Burton Report

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René Studer
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

And this exactly illustrates the problem people have with the phrase „believe ALL woman“.

María Hermida
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I hate it. I always say I treat everybody with respect and I assume everybody is telling the truth. But I never take sides until I have evidence and people prove what they claim. I'm sorry, but I've seen lives ruined by lies, and I know lying is part of the human condition. Men are no angels, but neither are women.

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Katie Lutesinger
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Holy hell, that is one of THE most evil, screwed up things I ever heard. I hope he got away from that disgusting woman. Far, far away.

Zoe's Mom
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I hope the trail of Depp and Heard will change this for men.

María Hermida
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

The only problem is most people don't have the time, the energy and especially the money to defend their rights in Court. If Depp weren't famous nobody would have taken him seriously and he would have ended up homeless and despised for being a wife batterer.

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Shannon Nelson
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I drilled this into my son's head. "I don't care how tiny she is, I don't care if it didn't hurt. I promise you if a woman will hit you in anger, YOU will go to jail for assault sooner or later, whether you did it or not. NO second chances on physical violence." (My son never needed a lecture about being an abuser, He understands "real" men protect, they don't bully.)

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Id row
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Oh, yeah, she needed to be dumped like a hot bag of garbage. Yikes.

Anne Davis
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Oh, man. This makes my heart hurt. Maybe you love her, but you really need to leave her. Those words will be in your head forever, and you will always be afraid that she will carry through on a threat. For your own safety and mental health, get away.

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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I'm glad he got out of that relationship. She sounds evil.

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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

She did what?? That's domestic violence and OP was thinking how he could be the one shot by the Police! That's messed up!

Mrs C
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

What a disgusting human being. She is what is wrong with the world. I'm so upset for the guy - no one should go through this.

Jo Davies
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

This behaviour has to stop. I say this as a woman who has been a victim. False words can do more harm than physical violence. Shame on you.

Elizabeth Sundby
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

what a b***h. hope she rots in prison for the rest of her miserable life

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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Look out! That's the same girl who accused the other guy of being a demon! (This won't make sense once BP inevitably changes the thumbnail, but oh, well.)

Nicholi Âû
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

This seems like a near miss! This woman is obviously toxic, and you are better off alone...or to wait for a healthier partner.

Keley Babs
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I'm sorry, OP. You deserve better than a woman who wants to play that card!!

Mark Faby
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2 years ago

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Kyle D
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I would certainly hope “who are they going to believe..?” was the thing spoken between them because he walked out and never saw her again.

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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Very happy JD won his trial: that's a message men could be treated equally; yes, woman are usually the victim but why not just help all victim without discrimination?!?

Lillian Swaim
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2 years ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

The whole "Restraining her for her "safety" thing is total GARBAGE. He could just LEAVE THE ROOM but he has to assert himself and risk harm instead. Why? Why do they do this? If it's a mental health crisis this shouldn't happen. Is this is a domestic dispute this shouldn't happen. How in the hell do so many people get it in their thick heads that the correct move is to physically hold and restrain someone who is actively lashing out at them. How is this EVER the right move???

Adam Eve
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Mate, that's haunting. Men can be capable of terrible things, I am often ashamed of being male, but for a female to use those unrelated things as a weapon is sickening. This may be the most abusive, racist, passive aggressive thing I EVER heard.

Janet Graham
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I hope you either walked out that night or packed absolutely everything and left the next day. If it was your place, I would have put all of her stuff in a rental storage unit the next day and had the locks changed. Besides being a nut case, she obviously has no respect for you. Wow!

Katrina Wysocki
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Damn Amber Heard! I’m so sorry that you had to go through that but glad you got away from it.

Sinead Kenny
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Shocking and sickening at the same time. She didn't star in Aquaman by any chance? Ahem 🤭😋

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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

My ex-sister-in-law was like this. Plus she was a raving alcoholic. I had to pick up my brother's stepdaughter & daughter from the house more than once when she was on a tear & called the cops on him AFTER she tore up their house & physically attacked him.

Nikki Hilton
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Please tell us the end of this horrific story. Tell us you moved out immediately.

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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

But we don't have privilege, right? This angers me so much. Makes all white Women look horrible.

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2 years ago

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debrina blackmoon
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2 years ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017


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2 years ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I’m sorry - what? No, I don’t believe I can agree to the strange notion that “most” women are violent, abusive and manipulative psychopaths.

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2 years ago

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And again where did I read that women are harassed. Hmmmm....

Liu Woods
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

This doesn’t change that women are frequently harassed... bad things are allowed to happen to multiple people

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    50 People Reveal The “Oh, Hell No” Moment That Made Them End Their Relationship We were hanging out at his house and he kept pressuring me to have sex. I was still a young, naive virgin so I refused. We started watching a movie instead. I went to the bathroom and he stole my car keys. Once I was back on the couch he started trying to take off my clothes. I was scared so I grabbed my purse to leave. That's when he jingles my keys. He said I could have them back once I slept with him. I just ran outside and called my dad. My dad showed up and threatened to beat his a*s if my keys weren't returned. Got my keys and got the f**k out. He continued to stalk me for the next 7 years.

    UnicornQueefsGlitter , Gustavo Fring Report

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    Elliot Fowler
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I am so so happy she decided to call her dad as soon as the guy started doing this sh*t.

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    50 People Reveal The “Oh, Hell No” Moment That Made Them End Their Relationship First Mother’s Day as a mum, and just got my first period after a brutal emergency c section. I was so sick I could only crawl to the toilet. Should have been hospitalised, but too mentally incoherent to know. Ex ignored the special occasion, ignored my need for help, and ignored our newborn who I was too unwell to feed or hold so he could go out with his mates. When I called him beginning him to come home in tears he made it sound like he was doing me a favour. Kicked him to the curb as soon as I was strong enough. No regrets.

    Separate-Ad-9481 , Sarah Chai Report


    50 People Reveal The “Oh, Hell No” Moment That Made Them End Their Relationship I was dating this girl for 3 years ( broken up now) it was coming to the end of the relationship. We were arguing constantly at one point eventually I just started to agree with her to get her to shut up, so one morning we're awake in bed and she says "we should have a kid" I say yes knowing if I don't it'll just lead to another argument. She tears up and gives me a hug, I hug her and I say well it's gonna take some time because you gotta get off your birth control and she says, with the straightest face in the world "I stopped a month ago" we had been having sex 3 to 4 times a week and I never pulled out any of those times. At that moment right there I decided no more sex and I was gonna end the relationship. You absolutely do not make a life changing decision for your partner without consulting with them first.

    sayziell , Rhema Report

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    Victoria G.
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    2 years ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I was gonna say you're the as*hole here, telling the person what they want to hear (lying to them), just because you don't have courage to end the dead-end relationship. But this changed quickly. Glad you're out of it.

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    50 People Reveal The “Oh, Hell No” Moment That Made Them End Their Relationship My best friend is female we have been friends for 18 years, was out with a new gf and ran into NY friend at the mall. Friend hugged me and I introduced her and I though all was well until we got home. She freaked out and said she broke "girl code" and I wasn't allowed to talk to her anymore... side note she had male friends that I didn't freak out over, I pointed that out and she said "it's different, you're a guy" to which I said she has issues and this wasn't going to work out and I never looked back.

    I'm not throwing away a life long friend to appease a jealous girlfriend.

    KorinTor , Stanley Morales Report


    50 People Reveal The “Oh, Hell No” Moment That Made Them End Their Relationship I had a dream where everyone in my life treated me like she treats me every day and in my dream it made me kill myself, I woke up in tears and realized truly just how abusive she is.

    Upstairs_Ad_7450 , Christian Erfurt Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    It's so incredibly sad that men are rarely believed when victims of abuse by women.

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    50 People Reveal The “Oh, Hell No” Moment That Made Them End Their Relationship Never introduced me to his friends. Would actively avoid being seen with me by people he knew. I pretty quickly asked him what was his problem. His answer was that I needed to change my appearance because he didn't want people seeing him date a weird goth chick. Dumped him right then.

    weirdest_wallflower Report


    50 People Reveal The “Oh, Hell No” Moment That Made Them End Their Relationship Ex wife started an argument with me one morning when I was headed to the funeral of a childhood friend. I asked if she could not do this right now. Her response was “ohhhh, poor you.” That was the beginning of the end.

    Slydermv , Ekrulila Report


    50 People Reveal The “Oh, Hell No” Moment That Made Them End Their Relationship She had been abusive the whole relationship and had successfully isolated me from all my friends. Except one.

    This guy stuck with me through it all, and put up with horrendous amounts of s**t that I should never have let happen.

    She tried everything. She bullied him, called him a pedo, told me she can’t be with someone who has him as a friend, called him racist, everything she could drive him away or pull me away. I didn’t understand what was happening but he did. I thought I was just unlucky enough that the two people I loved most couldn’t understand each other.

    Then she gave me an ultimatum. Either she is going to be at our wedding or he is.

    I picked him.

    HassanOfTheStory , Timur Weber Report


    50 People Reveal The “Oh, Hell No” Moment That Made Them End Their Relationship I had just found out my dog had a tumor and he needed surgery to remove it. About 2-3 hours after finding out the news and telling my ex she thought it was a great time to try and pressure me into making vacation plans for her spring break a few months out because we were running out of time to make them. I had no clue how much the surgery was going to cost or if there would be other treatments besides surgery at that point. Since she was in grad school the expectation was I’d pay for the majority of said vacation due to the difference in our income too… There was a very big OH HELL NAH moment where I lost my s**t and let me know I didn’t give a f**k about her spring break and the only thing that mattered was my dogs health and safety. She’s now gone, my dogs healthy, and I’m the happiest I’ve been in a long time!

    bynienar , Alice Castro Report


    50 People Reveal The “Oh, Hell No” Moment That Made Them End Their Relationship I was sitting on the couch feeling like I was going to die after a medical procedure when she decided it would be the perfect time to try and punch me in the head because I wasn't paying enough attention to her. I picked her dumb a*s up, carried her down six flights of stairs while getting kicked, bit, punched in the head etc and dumped her outside of the building. Went back up to the garage and drove myself straight to the hospital.

    I was dying from sepsis as it turned out. I was in the ICU for a week, needed six surgeries and two years to recover. I have permanent kidney damage.

    _John_Dillinger , Timur Weber Report

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    Katie Lutesinger
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    That's horrible but I have to admit I do like the mental image of this guy just picking the shithead up and dumping her on the curb like a garbage bin.

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    50 People Reveal The “Oh, Hell No” Moment That Made Them End Their Relationship When I had been the sole breadwinner for fifteen months (then-husband was physically and mentally healthy), deeply in debt, house was always filthy, hadn't hung out with my friends in a year, and hadn't been intimate for a few months.

    I was standing on a chair tying a noose to an I-beam in the basement when it occurred to me that I was basically letting this guy kill me. So I walked instead.

    Anxious_Cap51 , Claudia Wolff Report


    50 People Reveal The “Oh, Hell No” Moment That Made Them End Their Relationship I was in a 5 yr relationship with this guy that was psychologically abusive. One year, my sister in law was having pregnancy complications so my family all decided to go to their house for Christmas so she didn't have to travel the 5 hrs to get to us. I told my bf and he said "well obvious you're not going". Turns out not getting to see my family on Christmas was just the push I needed.

    luarne , Tima Miroshnichenko Report


    50 People Reveal The “Oh, Hell No” Moment That Made Them End Their Relationship Found a stack of papers sort of stashed in my ex's stuff. It was every email from my gmail account printed out so she could read them at work or something I guess. I dunno, it was weird. It didn't work out.

    c3p0u812 , Niklas Bildhauer Report

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    El Dee
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    It IS weird but then so is going through someone's stuff and reading it..

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    50 People Reveal The “Oh, Hell No” Moment That Made Them End Their Relationship I was on a trip out of town with him and we were out to dinner with one of his friends. I can’t remember what we were talking about, but he said something and I corrected him because what he said was factually wrong. When he tried to argue his friend backed me up and also pointed out that he was wrong. This enraged him, though at the time I didn’t know it.

    He waited until his friend went to the bathroom and then grabbed a fistful of my hair and pulled my head down so forcefully it hit the seat of the booth. He’d been a raging a*****e for most of the relationship and I was pretty much over the relationship at this point due to his constant temper tantrums but this crossed such a line that I was completely stunned. Even more stunned that no one in a crowded restaurant seemed to notice or care. I’ve never been so scared.

    I knew in that moment that if I stayed and left that restaurant with him there was a very likely chance he was going to hurt me. It took me a few minutes to process/gather myself, but I realized this s**t was beyond f****d and I had to gtfo now. I excused myself to the bathroom, called an Uber, and went straight to the airport which was only a few minutes away. I told the agent I needed the soonest flight to my home city— there was one leaving in 15 minutes. I had none of my stuff, the airport was empty and I think she could sense my urgency so she called the gate and I made on the plane. By the time my phone began ringing from him realizing I was gone I was buckling my seat.

    Found him lurking near my house a few times after that but made it real clear I would go to the police full force if it continued, which luckily scared him off. It took me a long time to process everything and I still get spooked when I see vehicles like his, but I’m super grateful I made it out when I did.

    EatsHerVeggies , MART PRODUCTION Report


    50 People Reveal The “Oh, Hell No” Moment That Made Them End Their Relationship It was already heading down that way, but what got me was one day when he invited his friend to my house (without telling me, while I was at work), and when I came home, they started talking about my cat who they thought should put down because she was 'feral' and given the chance they would do so.

    They claimed she was 'feral' simply because she spent the first weeks of her life outside before she had her leg amputated and found her way to me. Ex didn't like her because 1. I'd gotten her when I was with a previous ex, and 2. she was mean to him because she didn't like the way he handled her and never listened to her warnings to leave her alone.

    Mrs0Murder , Mossan Cat Report


    50 People Reveal The “Oh, Hell No” Moment That Made Them End Their Relationship He owed me about $3500, most of which I owed to my parents because he used to manipulate me into asking them for money so we could buy weed. After over two and a half years of paying for every good time we ever had, constantly stressing over money and getting nothing in return, I was close to giving up on him anyway. Then we went out after work for drinks and he won $100 on the pokies. I had been buying his beers all night so I asked him to shout me ONE back. He said no.

    Got home, started cooking us dinner as I always did. I got halfway through chopping the garlic and thought, why the f**k am I still doing this for him!? Put my knife down, looked him dead in the eyes and told him to get the f**k outta my house. Almost three years by that point and it took me less than 5 minutes to end it.

    Madragun , MART PRODUCTION Report

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    Larissa Smith
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    More people need to stop and ask themselves why they're catering to an abuser. Good for you!

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    50 People Reveal The “Oh, Hell No” Moment That Made Them End Their Relationship There was a lot of c**p but this was the final straw.

    I locked the door before going to bed one night when he was out late with friends. He had lost his house key and never bothered to mention it, which was somehow my fault.

    He woke me up by banging on the window and when I let him in began screaming and throwing things at me. Telling me to pack up my s**t and leave and locked me out of our bedroom. I slept on the couch.

    Next morning he acted completely normal, like nothing had happened. I was gone that day because I no longer felt safe.

    swiftsafflina , Andrea Piacquadio Report


    50 People Reveal The “Oh, Hell No” Moment That Made Them End Their Relationship I had just been medically discharged from the navy (honorable, and not relative to back story other than to set mood).

    I started dating a girl I met around 2 weeks after returning home and 6months into the relationship she developed a tumor (cancer) and I had to drive her to radiation therapy and doctors appointments 2-3 times a week.

    We lived around an hour apart but we made it work and I’d drive to her after I got out of college classes and drop her off at her appointments, go back to another class and then come pick her up and take her home.

    Fast forward a year later into the relationship her younger sister informed me that she had been lying to me the entire time and that she in fact did not have cancer but was using me to drop her off to her side piece who worked at the hospital. To make it worse, both of her parents knew about it and neither felt it was necessary to inform me.

    Never saw her again, never even really “ended” it, just never f*****g went back her way and have been better for it ever since.

    Edit : Answering a few questions.

    1. I verified by visiting the hospital AFTER her sister had informed me, that was when I learned that her parents had known because I was informed that they sometimes picked her up with her side piece (I guess he didn’t have a car either?) and that the hospital staff just thought I was her brother…

    Sub-edit to #1 for clarification : I asked the front desk clerk/nurse on a day that I would have normally dropped my Ex off if she had been in that day for her appointment, that’s when she informed me that she didn’t have any appointments and wasn’t a patient, yes, the nurse violated HIPAA by providing that information.

    2. Physical symptoms, she had issues with hair falling out and patchy areas and she was exhausted what seemed like 24/7.

    TrueEggo , Andrea Piacquadio Report


    50 People Reveal The “Oh, Hell No” Moment That Made Them End Their Relationship He admitted he and his family belonged to a hate group and said the Holocaust was a Jewish media myth. I’m not Jewish but my dad was helping smuggle Jews out of Warsaw and got caught and sent to a camp. He had a tattoo just like the Jewish victims. Don’t try to tell me it was a lie.

    Banglapolska , Alena Darmel Report

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    Madeleine Flowers
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    WTF?! Who the hell says that about the Holocaust?! Your dad is an amazing person for doing that, but your ex is a grade-a assaholic.

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    50 People Reveal The “Oh, Hell No” Moment That Made Them End Their Relationship I woke up at 3am to my partner of 11 years muttering at me when he thought I was asleep.
    His tone was so dark and disturbing I felt that if I hadn't woken up to hear him I may not have woken up at all.

    He wasnt loud so maybe it was the way he was speaking that made me wake up like I did but my brain was immediately on high alert. I snapped awake and alert in an instant and just knew that I should just stay still and quiet and not let him know I was awake.

    What came out of him where all sorts of wild accusatory delusions spat at me with so much venom that 6 years later I still clearly remember the feeling of dread that washed over me. My whole body was weighed down with it.

    Our relationship wasn't a great one by any means but it was the first time I genuinely felt afraid of what he would do. I was afraid to speak up but also afraid that if I stayed quiet and let him keep on his rambling that it could progress into something worse and if it came to it I could never have fought him off.

    That's when it really clicked to me how seriously he needed professional intervention and that I was not only unable to help him but also that I needed to get out from under the same roof as him as soon as possible.

    Paranoid schizophrenia is a b***h and the available mental health care in our area is a joke.

    Wonkeynut , Kampus Production Report

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    Milan Chleborád
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I'm paranoid schizophrenic, it is really a b***h, luckily I got professional help at relatively early age. But yes, he definitely could have hurt her.

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    50 People Reveal The “Oh, Hell No” Moment That Made Them End Their Relationship She went on vacation to have a spiritual awakening by doing drugs in the jungle and came home accusing me of being a demon.

    Modifiedpoutine , Keira Burton Report


    50 People Reveal The “Oh, Hell No” Moment That Made Them End Their Relationship He told me that a few years before we met, he and his friends secretly filmed a girl that I knew (but I didn’t like her so I guess he felt safe telling me for some stupid reason) while she was in the shower. He even went through certain things that she did, like slipping (they were at senior week and “she was SO DRUNK”, like that makes it okay- oh and THEY WERE ALL DRUNK TOO so make it make sense). He was obviously super proud of himself and thought it was hilarious. I was so disgusted with him and his shi**y friends. And yes, I told her about it.

    G_Ram3 , Armin Rimoldi Report


    50 People Reveal The “Oh, Hell No” Moment That Made Them End Their Relationship My fiancee cheated on me and got pregnant, then told me "You never did anything to prove you really love me"

    She asked me to prove my love for her by accepting the baby she got from cheating on me.

    I asked her to leave - this was my home, my name only was on the lease. She refused to go.

    So I gave my notice to the landlords, moved out and told her she had two weeks left.

    "But what am I supposed to do? I don't have a job!" she wailed.

    Not my problem.

    She's a single mum now.

    TheDevilsAdvokaat , Cleyder Duque Report


    50 People Reveal The “Oh, Hell No” Moment That Made Them End Their Relationship He got physically aggressive with my eldest daughter. I left the next day with both of my kids.

    Caprine_Iconoclast , cottonbro Report

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    El Dee
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    This one's a must. I've seen two ignore it and once fatally..

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    50 People Reveal The “Oh, Hell No” Moment That Made Them End Their Relationship I got married young, basically military pushed us into it

    It was ending anyway but we moved home and since I was around my support people and back in a place I was comfortable I thought maybe we would work on it

    Went to his house once to see him, our dog who was so well behaved he would pout if he did something he shouldn't was in a crate. His bed was heavy it was so full of pee.

    I opened the crate, put the dog in the car, told the husband to f**k off.

    My dog turns 12 this year. He isn't doing too well, I'm glad we spent the last 11 years without that moron.

    mimthebaker , Ryan Stone Report


    50 People Reveal The “Oh, Hell No” Moment That Made Them End Their Relationship When i started talking/texting her less cuz i had university exams coming up so she said that i was prioritising my studies/future over her
    U bet ur sweet a*s im doing just that

    Anikimos , Tim Gouw Report


    50 People Reveal The “Oh, Hell No” Moment That Made Them End Their Relationship I dated a guy long enough to become close with his family, and one day we were having dinner at his house and his mom asks me (at the table with the family) how I liked this new restaurant in the area as if I’d been there. When I said I hadn’t been there yet, she said “oh I thought that’s where you two went last weekend?” We had not gone out that weekend, and that’s how I found out he was dating other girls and telling his mother he was going out with me.

    The “hell nah” part was that he could lie so easily to his mom and that she believed him - if a guy treats his mom like s**t he’s not going to respect his wife either.

    kayemdubs , RODNAE Productions Report


    50 People Reveal The “Oh, Hell No” Moment That Made Them End Their Relationship She crawled through my doggie door at 1:30 am, went through my phone, and then asked me why I was talking to another woman.

    Oh, I forgot to mention that I broke up with her a month earlier. We were not in a relationship when she pulled that stunt.

    OLPopsAdelphia , Alex Green Report


    50 People Reveal The “Oh, Hell No” Moment That Made Them End Their Relationship Came home from work. She was in the kitchen happily making us dinner. Went to bathroom. Was in the middle of washing my hands when I thought of something I had to tell her (untreated adhd) as I come around the corner I juuuust barely see her drop something into my bowl. Like her hand was cupped over it and she slipped something in it. And it just looked sketchy as f**k. She didn’t see me see her so I just walked back into the bathroom. Finished washing my hands. Told her thank you so much for making me dinner but I just wasn’t hungry. Then I spent most of the night awake thinking what the f**k did I just see her trying to do? Around three AM I’m convincing myself I imagined it and that I just need to get up, and go pee, and get some sleep. And then my very next thought was, man my penis really itches.

    I went up to the clinic the very next day, got tested for STDs just to confirm what I already suspected. Positive for chlamydia. It was the antibiotic. That’s what she put into the soup she made me.

    Called my sister. Told her I needed to stay with her for a few weeks. Went home. Packed up 1 backpack full of the absolute essentials and a trash bag for all my clothes. Threw both in the car. Went back in and said “I know you cheated on me and there is no sense in denying it. When we started getting serious I told you that I could compromise on just about everything. But cheating was something I could never under any circumstances get past. That if you cheated on me, there would be no discussion, no explanations, no working it out. I wouldn’t leave angry, but I’d just leave. Because the relationship is now over. So goodbye, tell your kids whatever you want to.” (She had two kids from a previous marriage.)

    Blocked all her communication on my way to my sisters. Told her what happened when I got there and we stayed up all night drinking and crying and laughing at the ridiculousness of it all. She cheated on me, infected me, then tried to cure me so I’d never know! which crazily enough probably would have worked except I just happened to see her do it. Something that never should have happened because what kind of lunatic just leaves the bathroom in the middle of washing their hands to tell someone they live with something. 😂. I was weeks from proposing to this woman. And then… Sometimes people talk about moments that define their lives. Or days that they will never forget. The most important days of their lives. How about seconds? *one second.* that’s about how long of a window I had to watch her put the antibiotic into my food and slink backward into the bathroom without her seeing me. On either side of that one second window my life would possibly be very different… it’s just so crazy to think about.

    paw_inspector , Nik Shuliahin 💛💙 Report


    We were watching t.v. and I was laying on my stomach beside her on my bed. She poked my butt and I asked her not to. I tickle easily. A few moments later she did it again but poked my butthole. I jerked and grabbed her arm. It was involuntary and a reflex... You know... How people react when tickled or poked in a sensitive area without warning.

    I was frustrated and when she realized I was not enjoying the ordeal she began to accuse me of hitting her. We were 19. I decided I should just take her home since the mood was kind of off and I wasn't sure what to make of her accusation. As I'm driving her home we are discussing everything and she says she's going to tell her dad I hit her.

    I slammed my brakes and told her that hitting her was the furthest thing from the truth and that we both know it. Told her to get the f**k out. She quickly apologized after seeing I wasn't about to play the game. I drove her home for the last time.

    When your partner starts making stuff up that can affect your life... OH HELL NAH

    hardnuck Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Well done! Facing the consequences of her actions for the first time no doubt. I hope she’s a better person now.

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    Straw that broke the camel’s back was when I grabbed an Oreo out of the package and he said, “Do you *really* think you need that?”

    CaimansGalore Report


    She f****d multiple other people and when confronted she physically assaulted me. I walked out the door with her following and smacking me in the back of the head.
    Best thing that ever happened to me. Taught me how to appreciate decent people and to not compromise my own comfort to excuse others sh**ty behavior.
    The relationship that followed that one has lasted 24 happy years.

    KharrizzRVA Report


    I dated a guy who’s ex left him randomly one morning, kissed her goodbye for work and came back and her s**t was gone. Changed her number, and moved back home. He never talked to her again, I thought it was super sad and messed up for what she did. He use to wake up in the morning crying over her, I pathetically just comforted him. But one day I woke up to him emailing his ex girlfriends mother saying he was going to come down to Seattle and kill them all! It wasn’t much later I found out he was served a restraining order from the family. Now I see why she left without saying goodbye.

    Tay14073 Report


    50 People Reveal The “Oh, Hell No” Moment That Made Them End Their Relationship I’ve talked about this before but I had a real Karen of an ex who was easily the meanest person I’ve ever met. The turning point for me in the relationship was when she made me rehome one of my dogs when I lived with her, she claimed after four months of me living with her that her lease wouldn’t allow it. So I tearfully rehomed my German Shepard chow mix and got called a little bit for bawling like a baby when I did it by my ex. The next week I’m chilling in the house when In walks my ex with a basset hound. I asked her about her lease and she straight up told me she lied about that because she hated my big dog, the same one both of her kids loved. At the time an apartment was out of the question due to my horrible credit so I bought a camper and moved it onto my parents property shortly after. Im now in an amazing relationship with someone just as goofy as me and we’re currently house hunting!

    360Entertainment , Adam Kontor Report

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    Nikki Sevven
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    WTF?! How TF could you do that to your fur baby?! Why wasn't that the line for you?

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    I was in a car accident with a friend. When I called to tell my SO that we had been in an accident, the car was totaled, and I had just been released from the ER…he LAUGHED because my friend’s car wasn’t even paid off yet and “sucks to be him”.

    Nah. Just nah.

    UsernameObscured Report

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    Mrs. Jan Glass
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    For those of you who seem to lack empathy, the correct first response when your SO says "I was in a car accident, the car was totalled, I'm at ER" is "Are you all right, what happened, is there anything you need that I can do?" I can't believe we have to explain this.

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    50 People Reveal The “Oh, Hell No” Moment That Made Them End Their Relationship I caught her banging the guy she picked to be my best man on the preacher's desk on our wedding day.

    Kholoblicin , Снежана Report


    50 People Reveal The “Oh, Hell No” Moment That Made Them End Their Relationship When I was 16/17, I dated a guy who was in town for the summer. He was so cool (I thought) and I had a car so I would drive us on dates and junk. He really made my heart flutter. If I said no to him, he'd get upset a bit, but it didn't seem to be a huge issue. Like, if he wanted me to drive him somewhere to drop him off to hang with his friends, normally I would but a few times, it was like a 30min drive and I said no.

    Then he hit me once. We were in the car and he wanted me to drop him off at a girl's house and I asked why. He wouldn't really answer and then admitted that he was using me for my drug connections and my car. I was surprised and said no. I'd drop him off where he was staying and then we were done. He hit me. I pulled over and kicked him out of my car and drove away.

    danetrain05 , KoolShooters Report


    50 People Reveal The “Oh, Hell No” Moment That Made Them End Their Relationship My ex boyfriend was angry his mom woke him up at 10 in the morning via phone call, so after the call, he punched a hole in his door, threw his phone at the window, woke me up forcefully, and yelled at me to buy a new door so his parents wouldn’t kick him out.

    listenandhearme , Croquetto Report


    50 People Reveal The “Oh, Hell No” Moment That Made Them End Their Relationship He refused to use soap. Yes, this includes hand soap. He believed that water and scrubbing was enough to keep yourself clean and it was important not to strip your body of its natural oils. I must admit, he did have really nice hair and skin but he always smelled bad and I could not get over the fact that he didn’t even use soap after using the bathroom. I have no clue what he does if his hands get sticky or really dirty, I didn’t stick around long enough to find out. Thankfully we never got physical or made it official, but we “talked” and went on dates for a month and I still get the ick when I think about him.

    bluemorphine , Polina Zimmerman Report


    50 People Reveal The “Oh, Hell No” Moment That Made Them End Their Relationship When he was polyamorous (literally dating other people) but got super upset and jealous when I would hug my friends.

    Mango_Toes__ , RODNAE Productions Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I had a friend tell me once he didn't believe in monogamy. Told him he shouldn't have married a woman who did, and thought he did too. Yes, he was trying to justify his cheating.

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    I was 2 weeks away from getting married and then my fiance dropped a bombshell on me. We had talked at length about future plans, career ideas, her wanting to leave her current job and return to working as a nurse, etc.. but then she suddenly announced that she had handed in her 2-week notice and was done working for good. Her exact reasoning was that, well, eventually she would have to take time off anyway if/when we had kids. So for now, she was going to play housewife, not work at all, and just do the cooking/laundry for me that I've already gladly done for myself for years.

    There were a lot of one-sided mental health issues and emotional abuse in that relationship, especially from the day we got engaged. I foolishly kept hoping that things might get better after the marriage, nothing permanent/un-fixable had happened. But quitting work and openly admitting to denying all our plans for the future? She did me a favour then.

    Castle_of_Aaaaaaargh Report

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    Lady Goldberry
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    And yet we are still apparently unable to acknowledge that men are abused too...all these long op eds about how the jury made the wrong decision with Depp V Heard are ignoring the fact that she assaulted him.

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    50 People Reveal The “Oh, Hell No” Moment That Made Them End Their Relationship Found out she was lying about having cancer.

    NintendoCapri5un , SHVETS production Report


    50 People Reveal The “Oh, Hell No” Moment That Made Them End Their Relationship In a gay situationship.

    He wanted me to start taking estrogen/transgender drugs to "have a more feminine physique" and become a femboy.

    ElegantRaise3 , Ketut Subiyanto Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Um, that's a pretty big life decision that you really need to be interested in doing. No thank you.

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    I didn't think I would ever be stupid enough to be love bombed and gaslit until it happened to me. Had a whirlwind relationship with a guy who manipulated me so quickly that I was lying about spending time with my own friends and family b/c I knew he'd be upset that I wasn't spending it with him. It was finally like a lightbulb clicked on in my brain that I realized he was nuts and I was an idiot for putting myself through his chaos and I blocked him on everything, wrote him a break up letter/email, and never heard from him again. He tried to contact my sister on Instagram and she blocked him too. Luckily I was in the process of moving as well so he couldn't find me and murder me or anything.

    Kikabennet Report


    50 People Reveal The “Oh, Hell No” Moment That Made Them End Their Relationship She stole my car, drove it from Washington to Las Vegas, and married a guy she met on Xbox Live so he could get residence.

    Reverend179 Report


    (For clarification, this was a strictly online relationship). This one’s weird. He described a fantasy of his to me in which I was his daughter, once he impregnated me, he would impregnate that child when they got their period, and so on and so forth. Took me 2 months to finally leave, but that was the point where I became scared of him.

    Did I mention I was 14 and he was 30

    No-Philosopher-2882 Report


    50 People Reveal The “Oh, Hell No” Moment That Made Them End Their Relationship When he made new female friends that I wasn’t allowed to meet/talk to.

    Good_nuff , Vera Arsic Report


    She cut herself in front of me to see if I’d cry about it.

    OkMorning6362 Report

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    LeighAnne Brown-Pedersen
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Women can be gaslighting manipulators. If Amber Heard taught us anything, it’s that women can be abusers too.

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    I noticed I was always trying to be asleep by the time she got back from drinking and that was cause she would regularly black out and get mean (not in a sexy way) with me.

    illproblydeletethiz Report

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    Dated a Catholic girl, we could have sex but were not allowed to use protection - because of God.

    She also wanted me to finish inside her every time. This was also because of God.

    She assured me that this was all safe because she knew her natural cycle and would only have sex on days that she could not get pregnant on.

    We were in our second year of university. The sex was good and I liked her a lot but I couldn’t stand the stress of worrying about pregnancy.

    I asked her if we could stop having sex and just do other things instead, she said no way. She wanted to keep having sex on a regular basis.

    I noped out of there before I got her pregnant.

    Barabarabbit Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Let's be clear that "because of God" does not mean her Catholic faith. It's an excuse for her being in control.

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    When I asked my wife who she texting in the living room at 4am. She responded with "my boyfriend".

    0nelittleindian Report


    He got mad at me while he was almost blackout drunk. He told me he had people coming to beat my a*s. We were in a long distance relationship. He was stupid enough to continue making these claims over text. Well, I called the PD in his town and they showed up at his home. All he had to say about the entire incident was, “you called the cops. Well played.” That was the end of him in my life. Although it should have ended much sooner.

    5hrs4hrs3hrs2hrs1mor Report


    Having a squatty potty thrown at my head because I didn't poop correctly. True story.

    There was obviously a *lot* of f****d up things before that happened, but that was the moment that finally made me realize "Oh she really is crazy"

    SquareVehicle Report

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    She bloodied my nose and busted my lip in a restaurant....

    MaelstromFL Report


    He would rant about how his mom was "sh**ty with her money" and how much he hated everything she did because she would buy household things and couldnt pay his back child support to keep him out of jail

    He was 33, living in her spare bedroom, highschool drop out, never learned to drive, refused to work longer than 2 weeks. She also cleaned, worked full time and cooked his meals every single day. Pissed me the f**k off. Told him he should appreciate her not letting him sit in jail for the kid he wont get off his a*s and pay for

    PwrtopUltimate Report


    Got up at 5am to go to school, Job 1, and Job 3 in that order, came home, hopped into bed with gf, asked when she worked in the morning and she said she quit her job weeks ago.

    Just rolled over, slept, and prepared the exit.

    h3mip3nultim4te Report

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    50 People Reveal The “Oh, Hell No” Moment That Made Them End Their Relationship My dad died. My friends were all halfway across the country. So I got into discord/videogames for a while to be with friends. My gf felt neglected. She started a fight, felt threatened (I've never laid a hand on anyone), and got a knife.

    Here's the kicker: 1 week prior one of her best friends from middle school went to jail for stabbing her husband in a fight.

    I was intentionally really calm for 3 days, and moved out in about 30 minutes.

    Edit: There was about 2 weeks between the death and this incident. If it had been months, i could understand the anger. But I had hardly unpacked from the flight.

    ExplosiveDisassembly , Timur Weber Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    That is illegal and scary I hope that you are ok now, I am sorry for the loss of your dad ❤️

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    In 1999, My third gf and I had standing plans to hang out on weekends... Well one weekend I went over to her place to find that no one was home. I tried calling the following day, no answer, so I tried later in the day, no answer, next day same thing, left a message, same thing each day for a week. At first I was just concerned something had happened to her, but by a week later with no response I was pretty sure she'd ghosted (though ghosting wasn't a term back then) me. So I gave up... Well two days later I get a call from her, it turned out her and her family had gone on a trip to Chicago and she didn't think it might be a good idea to let me know. When I asked her why she didn't let me know, her response was something to the effect of she didn't owe it to me to inform me. My basic response was that if she cared about me she would have let me know, so I wouldn't worry about her just disappearing for over a week. I dumped her and refused to take her back....

    Xen0phage101380 Report

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    Trying to make me stop talk to my friends.

    super_mep Report

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    50 People Reveal The “Oh, Hell No” Moment That Made Them End Their Relationship She posted s**t on social media every single time we fight. At first always something indirectly about she was feeling blue, then it escalated into mentioning me several times. There was this one time when she decided to insult me on her facebook post when we were fighting, and I decided that was it.

    One of the best decision of me life lol.

    hungnv123 , mikoto.raw Photographer Report

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    El Dee
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    If you find your arguments are being replayed to others then you don't have a marriage - get out..


    She went for a "drive" after a night out with her "coworker". She came back home and told me about it. She had told me a week prior that she was up all night on the phone with said coworker lol. I told her to leave and pack her s**t.

    That, coupled with the fact that she was a narcissistic person made it very easy to call it quits. She was the first person EVER to spit in my face and say I wouldn't amount to anything in life. I did not spend the last 4-5 years of my life, prior to meeting her, trying to build myself up into the best version of myself that I could be, just so she could tear that s**t down.

    F**k you, Becca.

    ChongNotCheech Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    If someone spit in my face, I'd have trouble not ending them then and there. Wouldn't even matter what else they did; I'm out.

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    This was after a few dates: This guy farted in his cupped hand and put it over my mouth while we were watching a movie. Caught me completely off guard. I left his dorm immediately and I never spoke to him again.

    XXLCrunchWrapSupreme Report


    Was in a relationship with a girl for a while, and she used to always mock my taste in music and other various choices. Kinda mundane things, but like personality reflective things. TV shows I liked, artists I like, etc. We went on a driving trip. (definitely the best way to see if a relationship will work, let's be honest.) I just kinda had this epiphany that I was in an abusive relationship, but I didn't have a low self esteem so it wasn't really affecting me. For the most part I would just think it was weird, or think, "what's she on about this time?" I broke up with her about 2 weeks later.

    prim3y Report

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    Larissa Smith
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I don't like everything my husband likes, but I sure as hell respect that he likes those things!

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    When it finally hit me that I couldn’t fix a broken person.

    Patricio_Guapo Report

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    Larissa Smith
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    2 years ago

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    Broken people need SOMEONE who cares, when everyone else turns their backs on them.

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    My ex refused to train his dog. The dog was small and cute, and thus was allowed to be a tiny terror and was actively allowed to attack members of my ex's household, ruining his relationship with his family. I put up with being nipped and bit for months. I trained my own dog using skills and exercises taught to me by a behaviourist who worked on movie sets; no matter how many tools I shared with my ex, he refused to use them with his own dog, even though he regularly saw how well my dog behaves.

    When I'd had enough, I voiced concerns because his dog had tried to bite my face multiple times. He then twisted things and accused me of suggesting his dog "should be killed." Not once did I even allude to putting the dog down. When I asked what he would do if his dog succeeded in biting my face, his response was "what, are you going to sue me?" He then launched on a massive entitled tirade about how the world had wronged him. He berated me until I cried.

    I broke up with him the next day.

    The dark irony? This happened on our way back from an engagement party.

    thespoopytardis Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    That’s not dark irony, it’s coincidence. And I can’t abide people too lazy to train their dogs, minor behavioural issues have exploded as a problem for rescuers/rehomers for at least the last 10 years.

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    5 year relationship and a house and kid together, she left at 3am after we had some drinks and was with some guy driving around until 5am. Panicked when I woke up and she wasn’t there. Called her, was rude to me, hung up then wouldn’t answer at all after. I got scared since this never happened before and she had some drinks. We shared location on our phones and she was out on a dirt road miles away where we usually go off-roading. She was hanging with some guy because apparently she needed someone to talk to and it wasn’t me.. this really broke my trust with her, and after that things just declined and I became more distanced. Broke my heart.

    iRambes Report

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    Diphylleia Grayi
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    She could have told him. My guess she only cared for her nor her kid and partner.

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    Waking up to her hitting me. I got up and started packing my thing's while she was screaming at me not to. She has issues

    smackin12 Report


    My ex would lie about s**t and make me question my own reality. F**k you bruh.

    Suwaveh Report

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    Katie Lutesinger
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I hate gaslighters. A friend did that to me and when I realised it I dropped him like a hot brick and never spoke to him again. I'm still angry about it.

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    When my ex deleted my W.O.W. account since I wouldn't have sex with him earlier that day. Yes! I'm dead serious! We were in our early 20's, both of us played & only original World of Warcraft existed. I had the acct long before him & busted my a*s trying to build it up. So nope told him to gtfo then deleted his acct while he was grabbing his stuff. 😈

    m0rt4lfury Report


    Not even an ex, but a woman whom at the most Id be fwb with and was very vocal about such. I love all women and body types, but overall I just wasn’t that attracted to her physically or sexually. Told her I didn’t want a relationship because she’s unstable. She stayed on her Moms couch b/c she got evicted, car got repossessed, dead end job and also had a special needs kid. She was nice enough (I thought) but really just an opportunist and a leech.

    Begged to stay with me (kid at her Moms since I’m renting in a 3 bdrm..I genuinely thought she wouldn’t get too comfortable or like being away from her kid that often, smh) I accepted because I have a savior complex and needed a distraction from myself. Still very vocal about not wanting a relationship because I have a lot of goals before I want to settle down. ( Also already had a 5 year beautiful relationship end and have been single enjoying dating for 3 years) Once moved in she then decided we were actually in love, and harassed me and wouldn’t leave for months. Kept threatening to harass my landlord enough that if I kick her out we’ll both have to leave. After enough blackmailing and abuse I finally was able to get her removed.

    She contacted my unit and told them I physically assaulted her, stole her sons ADHD medicine, owe her thousands in rent backpay, am an alcoholic and so drugs. A month later she was genuinely upset and confused on why I didn’t get her a Christmas gift.

    ZealousidealLaw9364 Report


    He got mad over something very trivial at my apartment, stormed out, went back home, and told me that he punched a wall in his apartment…

    moscowmulesplz Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    This is a good point to leave. Uncontrollable behaviour, especially anger, never leads to a good place!

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    When they started stalking me, following me to outings I was invited to. Yea. No thank you.

    Slaiks Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    So I had the opposite, she refused to ever go with me. I mean... why are you with me then?

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    When I realised I was being stalked to 'make sure I wasn't cheating ' yeah OK, bye.

    LeavemyLeafAlone Report


    I got very tired of him making promises and then backing out. Felt like I couldn't depend on him for anything because he'd always cancel. After I spent a summer away, trying to keep my 5 year old dog from dying of lymphoma, he insisted on taking me on a trip to Mexico. I told him I didn't want to go, that I just wanted to be at home and he lost the plot on me. Instead of having a conversation about it, he tried to use anything vulnerable I'd ever told him against me and then blocked me on everything before I could even reply. A guess the garbage took himself out that day.

    MizElaneous Report


    When I left for bootcamp, my bf at the time was joking about how he was going to be my dependa (for anybody who doesn't know: your dependent is either a spouse or a child who is entitled to benefits through the sponsor's service, and married members or members with children get extra money to provide for their dependents) to my mom without me knowing. Basically he wanted to get married to me so he could continue to mooch off me. Of course she told me.

    Dude was already on thin ice from previous attempts to cheat on me and not holding down a stable job, but the thought of being married to someone who acted like that... oh hell nah.

    kuhnigget Report


    After a full year of dating, I spent a few hours after work making a nice meal that she requested, all from scratch. She slept the whole time and only woke up when I brought her the food in bed. She ate it all without speaking to me or thanking me and then went back to sleep. I told her the next day how much it hurt me and she said she had a bad day but she wouldn’t talk about it. She then told me that I couldn’t make her talk about stuff that bothered her and that I just had to accept that she wouldn’t open up to me. I asked if we could work at it slowly since it had been a year without her ever opening up to me but she said she wasn’t ready and couldn’t guarantee if she’d ever be ready. I knew at that point that the dynamics in the relationship were uneven and I had to break it off.

    aaronbennay Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Good thing you got out. I was married when I realized my SO didn't want to 'talk' about anything and he sure didn't Want to listen. I learned to self soothe and yes, self medicate. 20 years later, he decides he's ready to talk. I no longer had any need or desire to discuss emotions or feelings with him. It's sad and pathetic.

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    I went to hang out with some friends who I hadn't seen in a while because I was spending all of my time with my bf. He legit called me while I was out with them and tried to force me to sit on the phone with him. When I told him I was hanging up he threw such a fit that we ended up breaking up the next time that I saw him.

    ctw1271 Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Had a girlfriend like this. Refused to go anywhere with me, but if there were people there she'd be all whiny and offended if I didn't sit on the phone with her the entire time.


    We were in our early 20s and looking back now, had a pretty volatile relationship. Wed always go from hot to cold, I thought the fighting meant we were passionate. We worked together and he would stay at my apartment for a few days out of the week. One night I realized he was doing harder drugs than i was comfortable with. He wasnt working but he kept texting me to ask if he could stay with me because his roommate kicked him out. (Turns out he took her drugs, which she had to distribute, or shed be stuck with the repayment). I didnt answer because and 2. I was trying to wrap my head around the situation. He showed up at closing time higher than id ever seen him and so much angrier than id ever seen him.

    As my friend and I exited out the back door, he came out from behind the trash can and grabbed me very hard demanding to know why i was ignoring him. My friend tried to intervene and my bf pulled a knife on him. I didnt want anyone to get hurt so I said Please let Neil leave and we can walk home. We walked through a park at 10pm where he started shaking me and grabbing on to me, begging me to not leave him and to let him live with me. I was so scared. He yelled and any time i when I tried to run he tackled me. I started crying and thinking he was going to do something worse. At this time its about 3am and hes still screaming. I just cried and wished for daylight. Finally he fell asleep and I ran home. I called off for a few days and he would come by to apologize but I ultimately told him I couldnt be with him anymore. He quit shortly after and i never saw him again.

    throwaway1939s2 Report

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    2 years ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Can someone explain how "Neil" didn't immediatley call the police and follow them at a save distance?? Had that happened to my coworker I'd have called the police the second the two of them were a bit further away!

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    My girlfriend threatened to cheat on me with one of our close friends... in front of all of our friends... over something stupid. I think she wanted me to say something in an accent, and when I didn't, she told me she would go out with this other friend. I broke up with her right then and I'm not ashamed to say I cried a little, but I guess it was for the better. (Oh and she's trying to get back with me me rn...)

    Ivy8574 Report


    When she told me my best friend was her soul mate the same night she met him lol

    Magnificent_Sock Report

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    When she self-harmed, showed her family the cuts then said "look what he made me do" at a birthday party where I met her family for the first time.

    Took a few of them with me before I went down.

    BettySwollocks45 Report


    My last straw was, shortly after an abortion (I wouldn’t have been able to carry to term), and while watching his mother’s 4 y/o step daughter, he told me he would never love any girls he has as much as any male children he had. He thought little girls were “annoying, snotty drama queens. And I’ll leave them up to you and take the boys.”

    Also when he refused to kiss me and only wanted rough, 2 min. sex and would make fun of me for trying to initiate or ask him to slow down for me or let me get off.

    He was my first love, high school sweetheart from 14-19, and I cried for days when I realized we weren’t compatible anymore and he was leaving for the coast guard. He also wouldn’t tell me he’d miss me while he was gone.

    Typical_Blonde_Witch Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Lots red flag ignoring going on there. I hope it makes others realise they may need to stop ignoring the truth.

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    So I was in a relationship where I just wanted to be in one. We had no chemistry or anything in common.

    After a year and a half of dating, I asked him why don’t we cuddle or him tell me I’m pretty or something. He said “I have!” And then goes through his phone and says “here! Last November!!”

    Oh geeze, thank you. That relationship lasted a few more months cause I didn’t wanna be alone but being in a relationship that reminded of my parents made me leave

    Bkbee Report


    When he cheated on me, lied to me about it EXTENSIVELY, even showing me physical proof then a year later when I tried to leave him because he called me a whore for making him ‘scream at me and wake his parents up’ he told me yeah I cheated on you and you didn’t leave me then so why now? (He also called me 2 days after we broke up and begged me to f**k and when I said no he said ‘why we already did it once why can’t we do it again it makes no difference to you just lie there’)

    throwawayacc9q7 Report


    she didn't mention me to a guy she went out with, when he asked who I was, she said, "A guy who's into me"

    she thought she wasn't wrong because she wasn't technically lying

    SolderonSenoz Report

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    When she shat in my bed just for laughs.

    The100thIdiot Report


    Texting another man “what do you want me to do to you” and saying it didn’t mean anything.

    ben_od1 Report

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    My ex boyfriend and I were mid fight over text about him texting his ex and hiding it from me (Probably should of left him for that), but in this very serious conversation he continuously called me “dawg.”

    alleyy420 Report


    She told me that her ex moved back to town and was asking around about her, and mentioned that he had bought a gun. I just noped out of her life completely. Next time I heard from her was when the same guy sent me a photo of them hooking up from her account

    kingofsurvivors Report


    She threw a can of Sour Apple Four Loko at me. After all the abuse, it just pissed me off that I had to smell like that garbage a*s flavor. Bounced out the house while she was chasing me, begging me to come back.

    Hit my skateboard, went to the homies and got super high.

    W4steofSpace Report