Is it possible to say something offensive, but in a nice way? The question would be perplexing and probably without answers if not for this Instagram account.
Welcome to “Tastefully Offensive,” the page dedicated to sharing the most blunt and direct, sarcastic and funny tweets shared on the internet. They reflect what we all have been thinking lately: from hopes that 2022 is a precedented situation to someone pointing out how Leonardo DiCaprio owes his whole career to the iceberg that sank the Titanic, there’s a lot to digest.
And decide whether the tweets below are offensive or aren’t. Upvote your favorites as you go!
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"Tastefully Offensive originally started as a website for sharing funny and viral content in June 2010 when the Internet was a much different place," Christian Baker, the founder and curator of Tastefully Offensive told Bored Panda.
"It started as a fun side project while I was working as a marketing manager for a wine company. After about a year the website became popular enough to become my full-time job, which continued for around 7 years. During that time, the website branched into several social media platforms including Facebook, Tumblr, and Instagram."
I wish I could upvote this twice. I've started just using random things I see while driving or watching a movie.
Okay, thats actually a bloody good idea but id add a voice that asks "Did you FORGET something"
Today, Christian is a full-time bartender which he calls his main passion in California’s Napa Valley. "But my love for Internet humor has never gone away," he said. "While the site still exists and is a great source of funny content, my main involvement with Tastefully Offensive is curating the Instagram page. I mainly share content (memes) that I find funny, which mostly get sourced from Twitter, Instagram or get shared with me by other IG users."
Absolutely! And forgo gooey cheese sauce that turns the chips into soggy mush - use grated cheese!
Was actually thinking about this just today--men are screwed. They will always be found for that reason.
Christian says that his Instagram page Tastefully Offensive "basically feels like a place where he shares things he finds funny with 230k friends." He added that he loves when followers of the IG page add witty comments on posts and said that they are often funnier than the posts themselves.
When asked what the name Tastefully Offensive refers to, Christian said: "it refers to my sense of humor, which is sometimes on the offensive side but usually still comfortably sharable with parents and grandparents."
So many people responding angrily to a twitter joke here like the original poster would even see it
This reminds me of when I was at a McDonald's and there was a little kid refusing to leave the playground at 7pm. The mum said, "Thats fine, you can stay. The monsters come out soon". The kid beat her to the car.
Aaawww that's just mean. Wish I had thought of it when our boys were toddlers
As a seventeen year old who’s still scared of stuff in the dark (not the dark, there’s a difference), my preferred technique is make ungodly sounds to intimidate the demons before they kill me.
She was planning on making a sign pointing to where the really good stuff was under your covers. Like a fine aged cheddar or scotch. The glow in the dark path was going to painted tomorrow.
I have to have nightlights all over the house as I get up at night and walk into walls....when I don't wear my glasses
That isn't ok. I have manage to teach my 3YO there is noting to be afraid in the dark. My kids sleep in the dark since birth. There are no monsters in the dark, there are no monsters under the bed. Animals are good, but can be dangerous for us. There are no evil or bad kids, but adults can be bad or evil. Teach your kids the truth within their resoning abilities.
I still wonder if that tall, shadow figure got closer to me when I managed to turn over, pull the covers over my head and shut my eyes back to sleep. That s**t was the scariest thing I've witnessed.
exactly! everyone would be so much more healthier and hygienic if you washed your bloomin hands
I recently learned that acorns also sort of pop. I know it's not really a food, but it's fun to watch them explode out of a fire and zip around like burning hot missiles.
The irony is that a lot of academic subjects work that way. Advanced academia is the ultimate pyramid scheme where they try and pull in lots of hopefuls to expensive levels of study to perpetuate their own purpose of teaching and finding replacements along the way. It's the biggest jerk circle on the planet.
And then keep standing just at the door occasionally knocking again or trying the handle, even after the person inside has said "Occupied". Bonus points for having others with you and having the conversation "Did someone answer? I'm not sure anyone is in there. The light is on though. Did you try knocking? Maybe try the door again" >.< So helpful
This little piglet didn't go to market to shop there! ;_; (as I just had to learn today).
these people just censored the word died i am now sad for future humanity
Voice: What do you do for fun? Me: Work and Church. I don't have time for anything else, so I make the best of it.
these people just censored the word died i am now sad for future humanity
Voice: What do you do for fun? Me: Work and Church. I don't have time for anything else, so I make the best of it.